Centrally Speaking

Entertaining Angels Unaware: A Discussion about Refugees

January 29, 2022 Ministerial Staff at Central Schwenkfelder Church

The number of refugees continues to rise in the world. Currently, the United Nations  estimates that over 82.4 million people were displaced in 2020. With so many displaced people, how should we respond? In this podcast, we speak with Dr. Phil Gottschalk from Eastern Mennonite Missions. He has worked with refugees in the Former Yugoslavia during the Kosovo War, the Netherlands, and the USA. Most recently, he served refugees on the island of Lesvos in Greece. Phil Gottschalk has a doctorate in philosophy from KU-Leuven in Belgium. Phil and Linda have been career missionaries for over 38 years. He has just written a book entitled: Entertaining Angels Unaware: Welcoming the Immigrant Other (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2021).

We welcome you to a dessert evening at Central Schwenkfelder Church in Lansdale, PA (website: www.cscfamily.org) on February 11 from 7:00-9:00 pm where you can hear Dr. Gottschalk share with us. The program will be offered in person and by Zoom. Call the church office at (610) 584-4480 for the Zoom link.

#refugees #LesvosGreece  #Entertainingangels #Kosovowar #BosnianWar

Centrally Speaking is a ministry of Central Schwenkfelder Church in Lansdale, PA USA. Website: www.cscfamily.org