Angle on Scoliosis

Reframing the Scoliosis Treatment Paradigm

April 30, 2020 Marc Moramarco, DC Season 1 Episode 1

Angle on Scoliosis: Episode #1: Reframing the Scoliosis Treatment Paradigm

When he diagnosed his daughter with scoliosis, Dr. Marc Moramarco was dismayed that non-surgical treatment options, other than bracing, were non-existent. A year-long search for alternatives to scoliosis surgery led him to Germany and Schroth Method scoliosis exercises. After seeing the positive impact on her spine, he knew in his heart that other families needed to know. In this episode, he shares his story and describes the treatment program he established at Scoliosis 3DC near Boston, Massachusetts with the goal of helping other families who prefer non-surgical alternatives for scoliosis treatment.

All studies cited are available through the link below. Please scroll to Asymmetric Spinal Loading.

Evidence for Schroth Best Practice scoliosis exercise protocols can be found here as well.

About Dr. Marc Moramarco: Angle on Scoliosis host, Dr. Marc Moramarco, is an internationally recognized Schroth Method expert. He’s a lecturer and co-author of two books on the Schroth Method including Schroth Therapy and Schroth’s Textbook on Scoliosis and Other Spinal Deformities. In the US, he is the senior instructor of Schroth Best Practice for professionals and also the North American instructor and the distributor of the Cheneau - Gensingen Scoliosis Brace. His true passion is in educating and empowering patients to manage scoliosis independently, for life. 

Dr. Moramarco can be reached at