Angle on Scoliosis

Scoliosis is Like a Cloud

Marc Moramarco, DC Season 1 Episode 2

Dr. Marc Moramarco of Scoliosis 3DC, near Boston, interviews his long-time patient, Deanna Wilbourn, a sixteen-year-old with scoliosis, from Mississippi. 

Deanna discusses how she felt when she was first diagnosed with scoliosis, her experience with the Boston Brace, and how she ended up in Boston from Mississippi for scoliosis treatment. She likens scoliosis to a cloud and emphasizes the importance of being proactive when it comes to scoliosis treatment. 

Deanna reviews how she has stayed faithful to the Schroth Best Practice scoliosis exercise routine she learned at Scoliosis 3DC and how it’s been wearing the Cheneau Gensingen back brace and the improvements to her spine as a result. When it comes to her scoliosis braces, she’s tried to make the best of the experience. Regarding her Gensingen brace, Deanna tells listeners, “The scoliosis brace is not that difficult to wear, my back brace has gone everywhere with me and it has not stopped me from doing the activities I love!”

She also shares her tips for the best type of clothes to wear with a scoliosis brace. Deanna created a website to raise scoliosis awareness for kids with scoliosis starting out with a back brace. 

Deanna’s website:

Scoliosis 3DC in Woburn, Massachusetts: