Life Over Pain

Life Over Pain - Rendy Kowal - Doing What Makes Her Happy

June 22, 2018 Patti Freeman Evans
Rendy Kowal swerved to hit a tree on a slippery night more than 20 years ago. Rendy had a brain injury but nobody knew it until she realized, "I wasn't me." It wasn't until years later, and some personal tragedy, that Rendy was introduced to the brain injury program at Mount Sinai. Their Emotional Regulation Group was just the therapy she needed to adapt to her new life. Now, Rendy only does things that make her happy. She takes art classes and is a member of Achilles International where she exercises every week and has made life-long friends. Rendy is an incredible example of resilience and of someone who has come out the other side of trauma with an extraordinarily inspiring attitude.