Coaching Kids Curling
The goal of this podcast is to help those who are involved with youth curling programs, including coaches, volunteers, program organizers and parents.
Our primary focus will be on "U12" or "Little Rocks" curling, but this podcast will occasionally touch on topics of interest to U15/U18/U21 coaches and organizers. Coach Glenn Gabriel will offer advice, share resources and give you the occasional pick-me-up when you need it.
To contact Coach Glenn, e-mail: coachingkidscurling@gmail.com
Our Web site is: coachingkidscurling.com
Coaching Kids Curling
All Heart Junior Curler Awards With Karsten Sturmay
In the Spring of 2022, Curling Canada introduced the “All Heart Junior Curler Award.” Young people are encouraged to create curling programs that focus on diversity and inclusivity. The 8 winners will receive a monetary award that is split between themselves and their club.
In this episode, I have a conversation with Karsten Sturmay of Edmonton, Alberta. We talk about how he got involved with the creation of this award, how it differs from the "For The Love of Curling" scholarships, and what his curling plans are for next season.
Some of the topics we discuss:
* A Diversity & Inclusivity Program Plan is part of the application for this award (2:51)
* What type of "diversity" are they seeking? (8:17)
* How it differs from the "For The Love Of Curling" Scholarships (12:30)
* What can applicants to do increase their odds? (16:01)
* Why are the awards called the "All Heart" awards? (18:24)
* Karsten's involvement with Kidsport Alberta (24:07)
* Curling programs are eligible for Kidsport funding! (27:27)
* What Team Karsten Sturmay will look like in 2022-23 (28:40)
* What Karsten likes to do in the curling off-season (31:42)
Links to the resources mentioned in this episode:
All Heart Junior Curlers Awards (Curling Canada Web site)
Kidsport Canada
Karsten's Social Media
TW & IG: @k_sturmay
Team Karsten Sturmay
FB: @TeamKarstenSturmay
TW & IG: @ Team_Sturmay
Follow our podcast on Twitter: @kidscurling
Glenn Gabriel is an NCCP-certified curling coach who lives in Pickering, Ontario, Canada. He has been the coordinator of the Little Rocks (U12) program at East York Curling Club in Toronto since 2011. If you have a question or feedback on the podcast, send us an e-mail at coachingkidscurling@gmail.com
The intro and outro music is "Golden Sunrise (Instrumental Version)"
By Josh Woodward
Licensed under CC BY 3.0