Shine at Work®

22 | Finding Your Next Role Internally at Your Current Company

Karen D. Weeks Season 1 Episode 22

In my conversation with Brooke last week, she shared how she was able to make her career change by staying with her company at the time and changing departments.  In this mini-episode, I share some tips on how to think about if you want to find a new role in your current company and how to have that conversation with your manager!

By the way, for our final mini-episodes I am going to answer questions submitted from the audience.  So if you have a question you want me to include (anonymously of course), email me directly at

Follow this conversation and more in our Facebook Group: Career Changers!  And don't forget listeners to the podcast get a discount on my Teachable course with the code "HAMSTER".  The training is full of exercises like the worksheet about about how to get unstuck in your current role and find fulfillment in a new career.  There is also a coaching package that you can add on as well. You can register at

Welcome to the Shine at Work Podcast! On this show, your co-hosts Karen and Dan will shine a light on your job search so you can land a role that lets you flex your strengths and progress your career in an environment you actually look forward to working in each day. From creating a stand-out resume, to confidently negotiating your salary, to finding your footing as a new manager, you can expect to hear actionable advice to help you shine your brightest in your role.

Karen D. Weeks is the CEO and Chief Career Coach of Shine at Work Coaching. She has over twenty years of HR experience, including as CPO at Ordergroove.

Dan Carr is a Shine at Work Career Coach with over a decade of recruiting experience helping high-growth startups expand with top talent.

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