Being Yoga with Michael Daly

How Yoga Nidra Healed My Brain Injury with Danielle Matthews.

November 14, 2023 Michael Daly Season 3 Episode 51
Being Yoga with Michael Daly
How Yoga Nidra Healed My Brain Injury with Danielle Matthews.
Show Notes Transcript

Yoga Nidra is an incredible practice with so many benefits to your health and spiritual growth. Danielle Matthews details her incredible healing journey from traumatic brain injury to deep healing through Yoga Nidra.

We discuss her many insights along the way including finding support and growth through health challenges, learning to appreciate life by experiencing contrast, practicing forgiveness, the nature of the ego and attachment and taking ownership of our condition,

Danielle also shares her discovery of a compound called Redox Signalling, which comes in the form of a liquid and can have profound benefits for healing.  She shared her personal experience of seeing noticeable improvements in her health after using the product for three months. She also expressed her belief that this product could help people on a spiritual path by replenishing their life force. She ended by highlighting the importance of keeping our bodies detoxed to maintain good health.

Find out more about Danielle and Redox Signalling here:
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Danielle's Yoga Journey & Pandemic Adaptation
Michael interviewed Danielle, who has a background in yoga and a compelling life story. They discussed her involvement with the Amrit Yoga Institute in Florida and how she became interested in Yoga Nidra, a practice she embraced and later became a free training participant at the Amrit Yoga Institute. There, she had a spiritual awakening and has continued to grow and learn from her experiences and teachings. Michael and Danielle discussed the unpredictability and potential of life experiences, agreeing that saying yes to new experiences can lead to unexpected outcomes and changes in life trajectory. They also discussed the practice of Yoga Nidra, with Michael expressing his excitement about it being a part of their level one Yoga teaching training. Michael invited Danielle to share more about her personal journey, suggesting that despite its fascinating elements, she might be tired of discussing it.

Surviving a Car Accident: Danielle's Transformation
Danielle shared her personal experience of surviving a car accident that resulted in a mild traumatic brain injury. She detailed her struggle to adapt to the aftermath of the accident, including physical and mental health issues, loss of her teaching position, and the need to move back in with her parents. Despite the setbacks, Danielle described her ongoing efforts to regain her health and adjust to her new reality. She emphasized the role of inner transformations in shifting her vibration, which she believes helped attract solutions to her physical issues. One such solution came from a biotech product that stimulates cellular repair, which Danielle began using and noticed significant improvements in her health. She concluded her story by acknowledging the profound lessons her soul had sought to learn quickly in this life.

Finding Support and Growth in Health Challenges
Michael and Danielle discussed the challenges of finding support when facing health issues. Danielle shared her belief in the power of internal exploration and post-traumatic growth, emphasizing that difficult times can lead to personal growth and a deeper appreciation of positive moments. They also spoke about the importance of gratitude, acknowledging both positive and challenging experiences as opportunities for learning and growth.

Empowerment Through Personal Choice and NLP
Danielle discussed the concept of internal response to external circumstances, emphasizing the role of personal choice in shaping one's reality. She argued against a victim mentality, emphasizing the importance of taking ownership and finding empowerment through difficult situations. Michael shared his perspective on the principle of cause and effect in Nlp, encouraging individuals to consider their role in their life situations and relationships. Both speakers emphasized the need for personal growth and empowerment in navigating life's challenges.

Embracing Life's Ups and Downs
Danielle and Michael discussed the concept of experiencing life's ups and downs. Danielle emphasized the importance of accepting and embracing both the good and the bad as part of a unified experience, rather than choosing between them and creating duality. Michael shared his personal experience of a difficult period of insomnia, but trusting that it would eventually become a powerful time in his life. Both agreed on the potential of finding new strength and resilience in challenging times.

Appreciating Life Through Contrast and Forgetfulness
Michael and Danielle discuss the concept of contrast and how it is necessary for appreciating the good things in life. Michael shares his experience of living in London, where the dreary weather is appreciated more than the sunny days in Australia. Danielle explains a Yoga teaching called the Kleshas, which represents the journey of life. It is drawn as a stage with an actor playing a role, with the actor seeking to experience all aspects of life. However, the actor has forgotten that they are a part of a greater source and this forgetfulness leads to troubles. The Kleshas include ignorance, forgetfulness, ego, and suffering. Danielle emphasizes that despite the troubles, the experience of life is appreciated more when one is aware of their source.

Ego and Attachment: A Conversation on Letting Go
Danielle shared her experience of identifying too closely with her ego and her body, which led her to cling to life and her accomplishments. She explained that realizing the core truth that we are more than our ego and our mind can help solve the problems it creates. Michael added to this by referencing the balance between desire and attachment, noting that while our drive to innovate and expand has its benefits, it often leads us to run in circles without actually progressing. Both agreed on the importance of experiencing this realization through practices like Yoga Nidra.

Ego's Role in Personal Transformation
Michael and Danielle discussed the role of the ego in personal transformation and spiritual growth. Michael emphasized that the ego is not something to be eliminated but rather a part of the human journey that leads to a higher understanding of oneself. Danielle further elaborated that the ego is necessary for experiencing the full range of human emotions and that the key is to learn to manage and control it. They also explored the idea that the mind, though trickier to manage, is a necessary tool for spiritual awakening and personal growth. Danielle shared her belief that we must learn from the challenges and triggers we face in life and see them as opportunities for growth. The discussion ended with Michael expressing his uncertainty about the concept of a final enlightened state, indicating his preference for continuous personal evolution.

Lying Meditation: Benefits and Challenges
Michael and Danielle discussed the benefits of Yoga Nidra, a practice that involves lying down and being guided into a meditative state. Danielle explained the physiological benefits of this practice, such as increases in relaxing hormones and decreases in stress hormones. She also highlighted the cognitive benefits of meditation, including thickening of the prefrontal cortex responsible for decision-making and emotional regulation. Both agreed on the transformative power of Yoga Nidra and its potential to help individuals reconnect with themselves, despite its challenge to convince people to practice it. Michael shared anecdotes of individuals who found improvements in their energy and life force through the practice, while Danielle shared her experience with a young woman struggling with her constant thoughts.

Redox Signaling Molecule Discovery for Health Enhancement
Danielle discussed a biotech discovery, a liquid that is consumed and supposed to enhance the body's ability to heal itself. This liquid is made of redox signaling molecules, which are made in our mitochondria and help the body communicate and repair itself. As we age, our body produces fewer of these molecules, leading to slower healing and increased susceptibility to health issues. The product Danielle uses has been stabilized so it can replenish the system. She shared her personal experience of noticeable improvements in her health after using the product for three months. She also expressed her belief that this product could help people on a spiritual path by replenishing their life force. She ended by highlighting the importance of keeping our bodies detoxed to maintain good health.