Being Yoga with Michael Daly

The Yoga Sutras – An Ancient Path for a Modern World. Dan Alder

Michael Daly Season 1 Episode 28

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In this episode I speak with Dan Alder about the ancient yoga text known as the Yoga Sutras.  We talk about the nature of the human condition and why this really hasn’t changed in the 2000 years since this book was written.  We talk about the deeper human thirst to find peace and calm and just how to do this in a busy modern world.  We also take a slightly deeper dive into some of the inner philosophies of this text that speak about why we suffer and how we can overcome this.  

We discuss meditation as well as the famous astanga eight fold path of yoga that most people are most familiar with in the Yoga Sutras.  

Dan has been translating this text from its original Sanskrit and making it accessible and relevant for the modern world. He has published the first chapter called Samadhi Pada and is releasing the second chapter in early 2021.  

You can get yourself a copy of this directly from Dan on his website below.  



Facebook:  dan.alder.94

Twitter: @the­_sutras


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