Nextra Presents...!
An in-depth look into Canada’s landscape and snow removal industry. Hosted by Grant Harrison, a 30-year veteran who has taken his vast knowledge and experience and built a successful coaching business in Nextra Consulting. Featuring one-on-one interviews with business owners, industry giants, national suppliers, innovators and support organizations. Learn business management lessons and strategies from some of the most professional companies in Canada.
Nextra Presents...!
Episode 49 - Trevor Lively (Blue Jay Irrigation)
Trevor Lively is the second-generation business owner of Blue Jay Irrigation, whose head office is in London. In this episode, he talks to Grant about the transition in leadership from his father to him, the things he’s learned, as well as the way he’s expanded the business.
Episode Links:
Episode Sponsor: Jim Pattison Lease
Wendy Ladd
Blue Jay Irrigation
Connect with Trevor
Trevor’s Bookshelf
Traction by Gino Wickman
Visioneering by Andy Stanley
Connect with Grant
Nextra Consulting