BEing Blunt

Let's Talk (Being Blunt Style)

Sean B. Season 3 Episode 3

Are you tired of being sick and tired?  Mass shootings? Covid? Inflation?

How much more can we take.  Sometimes, we just need to talk it out and get it off our chest.

Don't worry Being Blunt gotcha as I want to unload my opinions too.  Come join me real quick and let's talk about  Covid-19; the Slap; Mid-Terms Elections; and Angry Americans.  I won't keep  you long.  I just need 5 minutes (truthfully, its 10 minutes) but who's counting.   

Reference Material
With variant on the rise, experts warn U.S. could face a Covid resurgence (

5 Ways the Trump Administration’s Policies Have Harmed Children - Center for American Progress

Americans are living in a big ‘anger incubator.’ Experts have tips for regulating our rage. - The Washington Post

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