Enjoy the Journey with Arron Chambers

ETJ 21: A Conversation with Counselor, Stephen Street on Mental Health Issues Including Depression, Anxiety, & Suicide

May 14, 2020 Arron Chambers Season 1 Episode 21

In this episode of Enjoy the Journey, I interview Licensed Professional Counselor, Stephen Street about mental health issues--in light of the Coronavirus pandemic, the sheltering, social distancing, etc. The Coronavirus pandemic--and all that has come with it--has brought with it an increase in depression, anxiety, fear, and suicidal thoughts. This interview is packed with practical wisdom, insights, and guidance for anyone who lives with--or loves someones who lives with--mental health issues.

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You can also watch this podcast on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_hnmTSglFM

If you’d like to contact me, you can reach me at arron@arronchambers.com. 

My website is www.arronchambers.com. 

If you’d like to check out the church where I serve or watch one of my messages, go to: www.journeychristian.org/media. 

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