Enjoy the Journey with Arron Chambers

ETJ 34: A Conversation with Covid Survivor, Errol Schroeder, and his wife, Darlene

February 01, 2021 Arron Chambers Season 1 Episode 34

In this emotional episode of Enjoy the Journey, I talk with Covid Survivor, Errol Schroeder, and his wife, Darlene.

Errol was in the hospital for 3 months--most of that time in a coma--and in a rehab facility for another month. He was clinically dead for about 6 minutes--and would be dead now, if not for the unyielding devotion of his wife and the miraculous power of God. Doctors, doing what they thought was best, marked Errol as "DNR--Do not resuscitate" without Darlene's permission--leading her to legally fight for his life.

His testimony is powerful, inspirational, and shows the power of prayer, a devoted wife, and an all-powerful God.

Here's a video of Errol, leading Journey's Children's Ministry, just days before he was placed on a ventilator. 

Here's the song that Darlene sang, prayed, and worshipped with during Errol's long stay in the hospital: Way Maker by Leeland

If you'd prefer to listen to watch this podcast, you can go here: https://youtu.be/Vtg9k8xdZoc

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