Thriving Language - Early Years

Supervision - What's it all about? An easy guide

Becky and Rebecca

Here the Beckies discuss supervision, which is  actually one of their specialities (believe if or not). We all know we have to have supervisions in Early Years and many other professions but what actually is it? Discover an easy way to understand why it is so helpful and important to helping the Early Years Professional, come on the journey and develop your ideas, it will be ten minutes of your time very well spent. 
Head over to our website or email the Beckies at for a brilliant free easy to use Thriving language Supervision template.

Head to to discover more with The Beckies.
Training for educators, key note speakers and workshops, one to one sessions for speech language and communication play sessions for children and families.
Publications Routledge:
Speech Language and Communication in the Early Years
Speech Language and Communication for Healthy Little Minds
Thank you for listening and being part of this awesome Thriving community who empower all children to be understood.
Love The Beckies