Business with Universal Love

Ensuring Private Equity Deal Fruition with Bill Militello

January 06, 2021 Michael Sipe Season 2

Need a little money or need BIG money? 

We’ve all had limits about generating funds. There is a WAY to boost return on investment and create even bigger opportunities for financing.  But we need those funds first and many a great idea has failed due to lack of financing!

 Wouldn’t it be great to have an expert equity fundraiser who knows not only a thing or two about equity deals but also leverages the power of the Universe to create and fulfill that project vision? Bill Militello has a proven track record of creating opportunity through consistently raising capital.

We explore the mindset shift from using just proforma metrics for deal evaluation to enhancing with spiritual energetics and vital human qualities. 

-          Hear a classic equity project manifesting demonstration

-          Why just establishing a vision is only half of the solution

-          How to hold belief for the desired outcome despite diversions and setbacks

-          How the speed of manifestation is directly related to elevated emotions

-          Why a state of wonder awakens an awareness and creativity

-          Why betting on the jockey vice the horse for the deal makes sense

-          How to use energy to find a lost valued item

-          Lessons from losing money the hard way

-          How qualities like integrity and trust are built from appreciating human relationships 

-          Why linking investment to Service Academy grads and vets is a promising opportunity

You can reach Bill at OR


Are your employees responding to you the way you want as a leader? It takes a special kind of energy to be truly impactful in a positive way. Take the short energy impact quiz to see where you stand on the energy scale.

You can reach Michael via his website or LinkedIn  at

Michael’s best-selling book Out of Dad’s Box: How to Break Free From Parental Control and Transform your Life at Any Age