Tom's Podcast

Tom's Podcast #35: Bien Manger Pour Bien Vivre

Tom Neuhaus Season 2 Episode 35

In 1968, I was lent a copy of "Bien Manger Pour Bien Vivre" with the stipulation that I would get academic credit for translating it.  I did not do that.  Instead, as you know from podcast #34, I elected to cook 5 meals inspired by Julia Child's book, "The Cooking of Provincial France."  I have had that book for 56 years.  It has sat on my shelf wrapped in waxed paper because it is disintegrating into brown flakes.

This podcast and at least a dozen future ones I will finally make good on my promise--to translate from the French a book written by France's primary writer of food science at a time when the world was changing so rapidly.  This is an annotated translation, meaning that after I translate a section I then annotate it and make a podcast from it.

I hope you will find this interesting, as the author, Edouard de Pomiane was chief of laboratory at the world-renowned Institute Pasteur in Paris and wrote many articles in French newspapers as well as doing radio shows to popularise a scientific knowledge of food.  In a sense, he's France's Carl Sagan of the culinary world--starting in the 1930's and continuing to his death in the early 60's.

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"See" you next week.  And enjoy! Tom Neuhaus

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