One Day You'll Thank Me

42 - How To Get Your Kid To Do Some Chores

Dr. Tara Egan Season 3 Episode 2

Dr. Tara Egan, host
Anna, teen co-host

Tara and Anna host a great solo episode today about a question that Tara receives all the time from her clients--How do I get my kid to do their chores?

Whether it's just not remembering to do them, or flat out saying "No, I am not going to do them,"  the topic of kids and chores can be a struggle in many homes.

Tune in to hear Tara and Anna share how chores are handled in their home, Anna's take from a teenager's perspective --what she feels is "nagging"  and that she may have thought showering was a chore. :) Tara's reveals to Anna and all the teens listening, that parents actually do NOT actually enjoy telling their kids to do their chores.

We discuss:
Chores should not be some sort of burden.
Food doesn't magically appear and get cleaned up by itself.
How everyone pitching in and fostering a team mentality from the onset is best.
Having too much "stuff" can be an issue for kids.
Setting an example as parents is important
Create a home environment that is conducive to the ages of the members.

-go with the flow, everyone chips in and more flexible
-more structured with possibly chore charts or lists, boundaries
Allowances --the positive and negatives.
Are reminders helpful?

As always if you need any extra support click the links below for more information.

 To learn more about Dr. Tara Egan's child & adolescent therapy services, visit
To join our private FB group for parents of high schoolers and soon-to-be high schoolers, visit
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To learn more about Dr. Egan's online mini-course called "Managing Your Family's Technology and Social Media", created to help parents eliminate power struggles, keep your family safe from internet misuse, and reconnect with your family, go

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