Lockdown Dads

Ady Griffiths - The Mindful Dad

James Millar & Ian Dinwiddy Season 1 Episode 23

Ady Griffiths, author of Mindful Thoughts for Fathers joins James and Ian to explain how mediation and mindfulness have helped him to cope with 3 core aspects of fatherhood - worrying about becoming a dad, being a stressed dad and relating to his own father. 

It's a powerful episode that explores the reality of being a dad, coping with lockdown and grief, plus surviving the  80s rave scene. As James so eloquently surmised Ady's book - "it's not some hippy sh1t"

02:30 James finds Lockdown v2 harder this time
04:00 Ian got away to Center Parcs
05:30 England v Scotland in football – James picks England (more reading below)
07:00 Ady’s path
 The stress of nearly becoming a dad at age 17. 
 Discovering a book on mediation while cleaning the religious studies room 
 Looking into the Hare Krishnas
10:30 The late 80s Rave scene, mediation as a route to avoiding too much collateral damage!
 Buddhist mindfulness – love and kindness.
 Anger issues with his dad
13:30 Catch yourself – Stop. Pause. Breathe. Be aware
 Change state = kinder human being
15:15 4 skilful efforts in Buddhism
16:30 We practice good posture
18:45 James the sceptic - but no - it's a book rooted in a relatable reality
20:00 Lockdown 1 was tense - tricky especially for Ady's daughter's mental health.. 
 Importance of wildness. 
24:30 Worn out - facing the loss and grief following the death of a close friend. 
 None of us know when we're going to go.
29:30 Tips - get stuff in the calendar, the benefits of an Apple watch and the importance of making time for you.

Ady Griffiths


More reading from James


About Lockdown Dads

James Millar and Ian Dinwiddy are recording a weekly ‘show’ exploring the impact of lockdown, self-isolation and social distancing on working dads. We’ll share tips, thoughts and stories with special guests, discuss our hopes for the future and the opportunities that all this represents, especially for dads who want to be more active and involved fathers but who until now have struggled with the expectations of what it means to be a man in the workplace.

We hope you enjoy watching and listening!

To get in touch, submit your tips and learn about us click here:
