Lockdown Dads

Nadia Nagamootoo - Coach, Consultant and Psychologist

James Millar & Ian Dinwiddy Season 1 Episode 24

Nadia Nagamootoo, founder & CEO of Avenir Consulting Services, speaker, chartered psychologist, coach and expectant mum joins Lockdown Dads to talk about her path to "complete inclusion" and how her own experiences of shared parental leave and equal parenting led to seeking greater understanding of the organisational limits to men's access to flexible working and extended leave.

We discuss the challenges and disappointments of men's lack of access to maternity services in 2020 and reflect on whether Covid is a moment in time or a fundamental culture shift for working dads. Plus strong tips on what steps men can take to get involved in the change they want to see - aka being an active and involved father.


00:45 2 weeks away from giving birth!
01:30 Some amazing things have happened, baby is the icing on the cake.
02:00 Nadia's husband faced a lack of empathy for family circumstances during lockdown v1 - 6 year old daughter at home.  
04:30 We discuss issues about dad's access to maternity services.
Practicing interchangeable parenting - 1 long weekend a month for the MBA
Judgement of Nadia and questioning about whether he could 'cope'.
05:30 It's sad for him not to hear the heart beat and see the scan. 
08:00 Ian talks about International Men's Day and ranting on LinkedIn 
09:45 James is bored of lockdown v2, but looking forward to a socially distanced man date with Ian
11:30 Nadia's path - very personal. Her career path wasn't D&I focused - instead organisational culture change.
Winning a 30% Club scholarship to study an MBA at Henley Business School.
Given the importance of her husband's Shared Parental Leave (SPL), Nadia MBA thesis was all about understanding the organisational limits to men's access to flexible working and extended leave.
17:20 Impact of Covid. Have we fundamentally changed the system? Or is Covid just a moment in time?
19:30 8/10 dads on workingdads.co.uk survey wanted more flexible working.
20:30 Talking about barriers for men 
> Senior male leadership role model.
> Fear of the impact on their job.
> Local culture - line managers and team members define what is possible.
24:30 Men need own what they want and speak up, but also dads as a route to gender equality.
26:30 Tips - Listen to Barack Obama interview on Radio 4,  Read James' piece on planning on the working dads website. Nadia's tip - what small things can you do - adjustments or requests that allows to you access some of the lockdown magic. Challenge yourself!

Nadia Nagamootoo


Barack Obama - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m000q50g
James' plan https://www.workingdads.co.uk/working-dads-build-back-better/

About Lockdown Dads

James Millar and Ian Dinwiddy are recording a weekly ‘show’ exploring the impact of lockdown, self-isolation and social distancing on working dads. We’ll share tips, thoughts and stories with special guests, discuss our hopes for the future and the opportunities that all this represents, especially for dads who want to be more active and involved fathers but who until now have struggled with the expectations of what it means to be a man in the workplace.

We hope you enjoy watching and listening!

To get in touch, submit your tips and learn about us click here:
