In Kind

10. Expert Hour, Holistic Healer Kacey DeGuardia Leads Us In a Metta-Meditation

Julie Krohner

How often do you look yourself in the eyes and really see who you are? For most of us, it’s rarely-to-never. Kacey is an incredibly gifted healing force, and today she’s leading us through a reflective practice called metta-meditation. When the goal is self/other empathy, I can’t think of a better way to practice loving kindness than to actually look in the mirror. It’s intense and yes, a bit uncomfortable, but worth every second. I did the practice in her in-person class, first looking at myself, then seated in front of another class member (that I didn’t know), holding their gaze for what seemed like forever. It was extraordinary what came up and I knew I wanted to bring it to you. I hope you flag this one and return to it often. It’s like a double dose of growth. Enjoy!

Show Notes:

Find Kacey
What is Metta-Meditation