Tell Me

Tell Me Episode #2 Erin Lawler Patterson The Goodness Chick

Lisa Graham Season 1 Episode 2

Walk with Erin Lawler Patterson, The Goodness Chick, and I as she shares her journey, heart and wisdom with us. She is a podcaster, blogger, author, international speaker and counselor.  Her mission is empowering people of all ages to live life with an overflowing cup rather than an empty one.  Erin looks at mental health, wellness, addiction, relationships and self care in using challenges to fuel us and fill us rather than consume us.  On this episode, we learn of Erin's journey, beginning with her role as Substance Abuse Counselor at Seneca High School, and extending through her travels across the world as she creates moments that matter for people of all ages by sharing her goodness.

Erin can be reached at

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