Snyder’s Return

Meddlers, Monsters and Madmen - 18 - He Went Squeesh! - City of Mist TTRPG

Snyder's Return / Run the Adventure Season 4 Episode 20

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Meddlers, Monsters and Madmen is a Bi-Weekly/Fortnightly City of Mist Actual Play Podcast that pits and conflicted Crew against the Evils in the City, the eponymous Mist and, each other!

The Crew finish dealing with the welcoming local and set their sights on their surroundings! Episode includes the Geek Out After the Credits.

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Snyder's Return is working with Content Creators from multiple different Podcasts from multiple different Tabletop Roleplay Game (TTRPG) systems to share our work, love of the hobby and grow the community together.

This Trailer is from Run the Adventure, a podcast about getting the most out of published modules for your tabletop roleplaying game.

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Yours Sincerely,

Adam 'Cosy' Powell



MC: Adam Powell

The Crew:
Chris - Dr. Henry Edwards - Rift of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Ivory - Iona Starling - Rift of a Shadow Dragon
Martin - Rafail Hasapis - Rift of the Minotaur of Ancient Greece

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Intro/Outro: Chloe Elliot -
Epidemic Sound -

Cover Art: Jess Lo -
Character Art:

Roscoe's Chimkin:
Created by Adam Powell, James Dorman and Ryan Dawkins


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Iona Starling:

My name is Irene. I play I own a starling. And he has a riff of the Shadow Dragon from dungeons of dragons.


All right. My name is Martin and I will be playing Rafa. And he has the mythos of the meno terrorists from the Greek mythology.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

My name is Chris and I play Dr. Henry Edwards, Arif of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Snyder’s Return:

Hello, my name is Adam. I'm your MC and welcome to meddlers monsters a madman. disaster has struck for one local family this week, as the teenage daughter has left fighting for her life in a local hospital following an incident at the city's junkyard. Police are still conducting their preliminary investigations into the accident. doctors have told us the teenagers in a critical condition, we will report more on the story when we have it. Thank you. It doesn't seem to be any sort of fixed source of where this malign force is coming from it just seems to be everywhere. And the only place that seems to be shielded from this appears to be a church just just up towards the the end of Main Street past where Mr. Hyde and the SWAT team are. Okay.


And with that Rafa will have another realisation because he, with him seen all this devastation, and there's this twisted image, he understand that he's not feeling hungry, he is mourning. He thinks of all the people that he knows and all the people that are dear to him on his everyday life. And that is kind of what hunger same is the wish of having them. Well, and the first thing that I that he thought about was, well, his morning routine. Okay, what a mess?

Iona Starling:

Does does he say this out loud?


He will actually say that what a mess. Is the as the church on the far side somehow intact? Or is it? Is it sketchy or is it normal, functioning church

Snyder’s Return:

looks to be more functional. Obviously, there aren't many people in the streets and you've met one live than habits and yet so that the church looks to be very much in a sense of well up kept. Not necessarily Well, you've frequented I should say,


Okay. I think time will start flowing again. If there was a slow moment of realisation and I will I will look at both of you and I'll have the X in my hand being like wow, what a mess.

Iona Starling:

Read Look at this. Look what he managed to do to me.


What? What, what what how deepest is the one again?

Iona Starling:

Not that bad. Okay, I'll have to be careful with it but it should be fine soon.


Okay, anyway.

Iona Starling:

And she knows the what what's left of his body. What was up with this guy?


Well what I can say is first of all, he's not connected to the Black Plague. That is somehow werewolf. Well That's kind of what I saw. If I could at least make one suggestion. The place we are in is somehow twisted. We are I don't know if you're feeling as unwell as I am, but the church over there seems like a blur since safe How do you know the missed?

Iona Starling:

You looked at it again? I do if I turned back human Do you think you could take a look at this? And she shows him the scratches


also doctor what the fuck

Dr. Henry Edwards:

we'll get you fixed up later for now we have work to do. And he uses his massively muscled and oversized arm to wave hides T men


like I said I would suggest that we assemble in the church you can look at the Mr. yourself if you don't believe me, but this place seems desolate

Iona Starling:

it? Is it dangerous? Are there more of these things?


I have not seen anyone else only that this place probably did this to him. Like I said, I don't know if you're feeling as unwell as I am. Yeah. Well, we are probably not going to turn into a werewolf that for sure. But I mean, I wouldn't like you to what is your mind while in a dragon form?

Iona Starling:

She She bears she bears her teeth. I'm thinking I'm going to be hungry next.


And Rafa will kind of open his bag, take out a protein bar and be like, I don't know. Well, you

Iona Starling:

rolls her eyes. And she shifts back to human firm, and then begins trying to take he begins trying to take off for tie so she can try and tie it around the wounds.

Snyder’s Return:

So as you revert to form, and Dr. Edwards your suit in order to hide in the team, the appear to be sort of checking their gear and sort of getting ready to go wherever it is you give us further instructions. So where are you going next? You're going to the church or you can go in elsewhere.


I will kind of insist that we go over there. I believe that like I said, this place is haunted in a way and if we don't go probably the man are going to freak out first, hide

Dr. Henry Edwards:

grins at the other two and says allow me to provide us with a little distraction. And he launches himself up onto the roof of the church with the loudest thud he possibly can when he lands.

Snyder’s Return:

What's the purpose of your distraction?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

To give the negative status distracted

Iona Starling:

why the What Why are you trying to distract them? I don't get it.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Trying to distract whoever's in the church.

Iona Starling:

We're not distracting anyone in the church where we're trying to get into the church or are there people in the church? Hold up Why don't you fucking think of that I'm just sitting here thinking

Dr. Henry Edwards:

there's something spooky going on with the church so


no, I said I said that it's it's the only plays that are the it's a place that seems not to be surrounded by this evil.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Oh, you literally just want to use it as like Yeah. Okay. Used


and now it's like I was I was describing of what I saw with in the midst. That's telling I was telling Iona and probably you

Dr. Henry Edwards:

win in that case. Dr. Edwards turns to the other two and instead of saying and doing the thing did I said previously. He says, Let me get a better vantage point and he launches himself up to the highest point on the church to get a A bird's eye view and I would like to investigate

Snyder’s Return:


Dr. Henry Edwards:

So researcher this isn't actually going to go super well. I guess. Transformative he will use the dose of the serum to give himself sharper eyesight. Recall imbibe the serum personal transformation he'll take another hit of the serum for repeated use.

Snyder’s Return:

I would like you therefore to have TV addicted

Dr. Henry Edwards:

yep, I figured and I think that's everything on my end. Did you want to hit another?

Snyder’s Return:

I would say go hungry is still

Dr. Henry Edwards:

prevalent. So if I'm taking addicted that gives me another attention and investigates three clues

Snyder’s Return:

clues. So I was always well three clues because you got three power.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Okay. What is the deal with the cemetery?

Snyder’s Return:

You don't you see a cemetery cemetery at the back of the church a small one. But without seeing through the mist. That was the only way that Rafa was able to see the cemetery the entire landscape looking like what you see as you sort of scan around is death and desolation of property.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Okay so where are the infected

Snyder’s Return:

affected are less than half a mile from where your Mr. Hyde and the rest of the team apart they're just often have a couple of side streets over from where you are on the top of the church revenue over its it it's easily sort of accessible

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Are there any are there any other unexpected threats in the area?

Snyder’s Return:

Spoilers behind where what's his face? Rafa and Iona are looking back towards them stood there just in in the alleyway. Pretty much the same alleyway from from where that bisected individual came from. There seems to be a form humanoids but not solid, more of a form of an apparition. Other than that, that's in the immediate area. Hold on, you're on team.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

So from the top of the church, he is going to wave in the direction of the infected location and then launch himself back to the rest of the group.


He wasn't on top of the church right? Did he feel anything? Did he like lose his hunger or

Snyder’s Return:

not on the church? No. Okay. I will say I will put it that way. Not on the church.


Fair enough. I own Are you fine?

Iona Starling:

Yes. Okay. Still trying to tie around her arm


I will go to you and signalled it I would have

Iona Starling:

to do not to do this stuff. I was kind of hoping the doctor would shift back and give it to me. Oh my god freezing

Dr. Henry Edwards:

that stays in


at least go into in the blooper reel.

Snyder’s Return:

That's Patreon only content

Dr. Henry Edwards:

you drop a bomb like that you best believe that staying for entertainment purposes.

Iona Starling:

I want to say how I don't even okay.


Yeah, I didn't. I also didn't really understand where you were going with that but the okay So I signalled that I

Iona Starling:

yeah, let's just let rewind a couple minutes


I come to you to help you.

Iona Starling:

Okay. I'm not gonna say anything. I'm not even gonna try and repeat a sentence.


It's only kind of making I'm not threat.

Iona Starling:

I don't I don't know it's it's attempting to stem the blood flow.


Are you bleeding back? I mean, it stopped

Iona Starling:

to I'm assuming there's blood coming out. She doesn't know much but she knows that it's always unconstitutionally blood flow that gets you and then infection sucks later.


And we really wouldn't want an infection right now.

Iona Starling:

Says you.


I'll help you make a lot of firm. Not with the wherever you're tying it?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

I will. Let me think. Yeah, that this is useful. I'm going to use a help point as a juice to give I own a specifically the status positive reinforcement from Dr. Edwards speech.

Iona Starling:

Okay, what does that do for my crossbow?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Oh, nothing.

Snyder’s Return:

To counteract something, should something come up?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

It gives you a warm fuzzy feeling on the inside. And it captures your hunger. So

Iona Starling:

does it? It's reinforcement.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

It's a positive status that one which will zero out your negative status one. Oh, okay.

Iona Starling:

So I'll just get rid of both, I guess.

Snyder’s Return:

In theory, because statuses aren't technically positive or negative. Yes, it certainly has a more positive bent to it.

Iona Starling:

Okay. All right. All right.

Snyder’s Return:

So, while this is all happening, behind you, in the alley, doctor, as you have noticed, there seems to be this this sort of blue outlined a person in wearing a fedora and like a raincoat. attire, white shirt caught a smart looking individual, relatively smart looking individual, with one notable exception, just by their chest, or where their chest should be. On the left hand side there seems to just be a bloody absence. It's almost as if you can see into the back of their ribcage as they stand there surveying the scene

Dr. Henry Edwards:

that's an OG


do we see them or just only Edward?

Snyder’s Return:

Well, Edie was was aware that somebody was there. So if he makes this known to you

Dr. Henry Edwards:

before Dr. Edwards says anything, I would like to investigate this figure. And I am going to use the good doctors helix lab connections. So researcher helix resources.

Snyder’s Return:

What is it about helix resources you're using?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

He's using the information that has been gathered about the mist and mist related shenanigans by the r&d department or double helix researchers. r&d and I don't think top of the food chain works here. I assume you want to hit me with the serum.

Snyder’s Return:

Yes. And again, you are still hungry. If

Iona Starling:

not. You just keep getting hit with that zero man.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

That's cuz I'm always using it. It's also because that's how you level up so

Iona Starling:

I need to pull up my stuff more. I want to use my weaknesses.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

My goal when writing weaknesses just is to have them be as relevant as possible as often as possible. So investigate man. Something is wrong with the dice roller for this.


Yeah, no, it's lucky to Lucky man rolling really? Well. I have

Dr. Henry Edwards:

built a thing this entire time I failed anything.


I failed last session I

Snyder’s Return:

think we yes once I think we will celebrate


three screen freeze dangerous.

Dr. Henry Edwards:


Snyder’s Return:

yeah, so great success result return power of two. What would you like to know?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

What does helix labs r&d? Or does helix labs r&d have a information about people matching this description?

Snyder’s Return:

No, not this particular description. Okay. Question two

Dr. Henry Edwards:

This isn't my investigation question I just want to know character is Dr. Edwards aware of what gatekeepers are at this point? Ah, you

Snyder’s Return:

potentially would have had some some interaction with gatekeepers. So you would have an outline knowledge.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

So is this individual a gatekeeper

Snyder’s Return:

this individual to you while there is everyone seems to wear a Fedora is in the city anyway. trench coats this spectrum, and the spectral looking individual with this chest wound appears to be a dime a dozen gumshoe detective type or some sort of private investigator is not as to your and Unix Labs is understanding as presentable or even alive as the gatekeepers you are referring to?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

boring and lame. Let's see. No. Dr. Edwards will turn to his allies and say it seems that we have company some sort of ghost


Oh shit. Well, do we notice him? Yep,

Snyder’s Return:

you do. And nothing beyond them. At first sight that the alleyway seems just like any other of this abandoned neighbourhood it has the same looking trash dumpster, the same scattered boxes and sort of a flickering streetlight somewhere further down. But even now the three of you are looking, looking down it through technically past this apparition that stands in front of you. Something doesn't feel right, even shifting your own feet moving and every footstep within the alleyway itself seems to echo every breath every whisper since a spread through its stone walls, and interview separate to how this isn't a status. This is just a statement. But the each of you have this weird sort of eerie feeling that this alleyway has seen something terrible seems to remember. And that is where we will end. It's your MC Adam here just taking a break from the case momentarily to let you know about our great friends in the tabletop role playing game community and the TTRPG family. So the following us is short trailer for one of our many friends. Go and check them out. Follow the links in the description below to go and give the show. Listen, engage with them and engage with us. We'd love to have you back as the cases continue to progress. Speaking of which, let's get back to the action.


Hi, I'm Sid Razvi, the host of run the adventure, a podcast dedicated to getting the most out of published modules for your tabletop role playing game. Every episode I take a look at a module to show you where the fun is, and how you might want to tweak it to suit your game. I hope even if you decide not to play a particular adventure, you will get some interesting ideas out of it. I cover modules for Dungeons and Dragons Call of Cthulhu traveller and soon a bunch of other systems including alien RPG Achtung Cthulhu and Vampire the Masquerade Rate. I've been running games for over 30 years now, but my aim with every episode is to put myself in the shoes of a new GM. As well as breaking down the scenario and how it plays. I peppered the discussion with useful advice for the relatively new GM who has to try to run the adventure for their group. I try to make sure the discussion is also interesting for veteran GMs who are looking for ideas for their own games. If that sounds like your cup of tea, then you can find the latest episode on run the adventure all one or wherever you get your podcasts I hope you check it out and until then may your adventures run fantastic oh


wow oh my god catagen

Iona Starling:

loves love crushing someone. I'm a nice person in my other game so just felt good to kill someone

Snyder’s Return:

wanted to hurt someone.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Can we talk for a moment about how hilarious it How hilarious it is that we don't have a talker on the team?

Snyder’s Return:

Yes, this first person there's no

Dr. Henry Edwards:

we have a technical person. We have our research person. And we have three people who beat face


I tried to ask him what what was going on but he just kind of growled at me. So

Snyder’s Return:

how old are you and then you got crushed? I'm just I'm angry.

Iona Starling:

I didn't try to be he was hungry for some croissants. You know, we've all been there


I'm sorry. We

Dr. Henry Edwards:

wanted some kabobs and Rafa just happened to resemble that remark.

Iona Starling:

Exactly. It was about you know, saying with


well, like like I said Rafa has has some some straight priorities.

Snyder’s Return:

Demonstrators. So we will learn more about the ghost that you are confronted with next time. Okay, that was that last? Was that last?

Iona Starling:

We have never, I've never done I want to do a downtime. I've never I've never done

Dr. Henry Edwards:

anything good during the credits.

Iona Starling:

I've never done that. I'm clicking it. Yay.

Snyder’s Return:

Anyway, moving on. Okay, so come to the end of the session, and we are going to geek out during the credits. I only since you seem excited by the prospect, please tell us how. Also, one of the questions or one or more of the questions.

Iona Starling:

I'm gonna I'm gonna say something crazy. I'm gonna say that I'm going to give my very first help point to the doctor. He so so he you're gonna get one. Because, you know, last time we had a conversation and now we're having another nice conversation. So I was kind of like warming up and you did come and help with different reinforcement draughtsman she's actually kind of low He's surprised about that. So you're gonna you're gonna get a whole point. You know, that's, I can't believe this is happening. But here we are.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

He's not a complete shit. He'll just mostly a shit he'll,

Iona Starling:

yeah, yeah, you know, you get you get one help. And one hurt, which I feel like pretty much sums up their relationship think any of my? I'm not sure. I don't think any of my themes are under strain. But I do feel like she's becoming increasingly aware about the dangers of what she's doing. Playing the balancing game. It's not something that comes without a price.

Snyder’s Return:

All that price is coming. Yeah. And you

Iona Starling:

know what? You know what I feel like, this is the first time we have fought together as a group, literally is we came together as a group and we took down one guy. It took all three of us, but we took down a guy.


It's something

Dr. Henry Edwards:

I mean, he was a resistant guy. Otherwise I'd have pulled him in half.

Iona Starling:

Yeah, I know. Actually, really. Um, he got he got through scales, which can't be easy. Um, so I want to like, you know, we had a moment where they both we came together and then and we decided to team up for the first time and we fought and we had a moment and that had to be the first time we've done something like that. Which is incredible. We're getting there. We're getting there we are.


Again that means we have an have an attention to her.

Iona Starling:

Yay. Attention.


How many attentions do I have? Kind of?

Iona Starling:

I have one I have one attention to my mission and one intention to the crew theme, but I'm going to try and get more I want more.

Snyder’s Return:

Just to clarify you are marking attention against the crew theme you're not recovering the bird tag.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

We have two bird tags and two more people to go so yes. And as the keeper of the crew theme, we are apt to attention nice

Snyder’s Return:

okay. I was that you I will open the floor to Rafa or Dr. Edwards.


Okay. I will get Rafa is kind of a bit nervous. He's a bit bit he's a bit overwhelmed with with everything that's going on. He is sure is happy that the doctor joins them but more out of extreme curiosity to see what he's actually got. And he was not expecting that. So he's he's a bit baffled. He Yeah. I don't know how much he would think that he has grown. I think we have an ally that we can count on but he sees that the doctor can be really dangerous, specially with that attitude of us. So I will actually give him a hurt point. Oh, because he is a bit like sums Yeah, it's a bit unhinged and Rafa kind of likes a bit more of a team player someone who could chat and talk and maybe sometimes have had a laugh but

Dr. Henry Edwards:

came to the wrong party.


Yeah. Afraid Rafa is genuinely a bit afraid retina of what both of them are know from you. He's He's more like concerned.

Iona Starling:

Haha kids will be kids, you know.


He's a bit concerned. But he does know that you have your heart and the right place. Yes, his right now he's not so sure about the doctor, especially with kind of putting all the pieces together from what he will from their conversations and so on. It's like I don't know what this guy's capable of

Dr. Henry Edwards:

worse that the person he killed was on purpose.


I mean, it wouldn't really be a problem but that was brutal do like it just went

Iona Starling:

away. Hold up. I'm sorry. He went through a guy and then I want to proceed depression between her claws. I mean, wasn't exactly a merciful death.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Just because he ran off with the werewolves leg.

Iona Starling:

Yeah, yeah, exactly. He just ran off with his leg. You know, he dismembered him. I crushed his intestines out of his body. You know, it's standard stuff.


Ya know, like I said, it's, it's not it's not a problem of killing the guy. But the problem is like, I have a now I have a bit of an expectation what I can from you. I know what you're capable of. And I wasn't expecting that from the doctor. So he was a bit bamboozled of what the fuck is going on even here? Who is this guy that I am trusting with my life? My mission? Probably,

Dr. Henry Edwards:

the foot isn't the other shoe.

Iona Starling:

Yeah, I should probably know that. Whatever happens in her dragon form, it matches her human form. So like, the cuts are relative to human size. Right. So yeah,

Snyder’s Return:

I'm missing because it was like, quantify

Iona Starling:

exactly, and it's the same with the blood. I'd stain so she's like now covered in blood. It's more like just the her arm and enter her hand or like dripping miniature inerts


how to crew has grown, I think, rough, at least now that the doctor is a very, very powerful ally. And I would like to unburn moral ambiguous especially because of this this sensation this that he has right now because yeah, he's harmful but a bit dangerous. And yeah, strain ah, it's it's really situational again, I have used my strength today, but I didn't. Didn't really neglect any other theme of mine because of that.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

When was the last time you did an altruistic hacker things?

Snyder’s Return:

Yeah, I was gonna say you've not done much in.


Yeah, there was nothing to hack. Right? You

Snyder’s Return:

are the sounds of it?


Take I'll take a crack just fair enough.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Just wanted to ask them a question.


I can I do can use hacktivist because I could have used my information network more. Yeah, I guess I guess that is Yeah,

Dr. Henry Edwards:

boy. Man, we're on fire today.


It's a really good, good session today.

Snyder’s Return:

Following round out with the good doctor.


Yeah, I'll take a crack with hacktivist. Okay.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

So did you mark attention or unburned a tag?


Burns morally ambiguous. Okay.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

So I think the crew has grown in that. One, it's the first time they've ever actually done something has as a whole crew instead of splitting off into disparate parts, which I still think is the more effective way for them to do things in general. But it's good to see teamwork.

Iona Starling:

Scooby gang

Snyder’s Return:

will go off and do their own thing. And it all comes together in the end.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

So do do we want to unburn agents and associates or get that last attention to get an improvement? Oh, my God.

Snyder’s Return:

I decisions decisions.

Iona Starling:

Decisions, that would be our first it's very it's still we're still pretty early in the game. Maybe you could save that improvement.


Well, I don't know what why agents on a shoot associates would be burned right now.

Iona Starling:

Because it's I guess it's because the agents and Associates talks about our various connections right? Not necessarily our connections to each other right.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Oh, sorry. Our second improvement we already have black sheep

Snyder’s Return:

which need to pay for next time.


Yeah, black sheep is changed from

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Black Sheep prevents the crucial the crew theme from cracking when the black sheep of the group does something negative

Iona Starling:

right. I think we decided Rafa was that right? Because out of what we decided was the black sheep was

Dr. Henry Edwards:

we can pick we can pick a person every one now. Right? Okay. Okay, so who is the current black sheep? We decide every session

Snyder’s Return:

apart from


its Rafa poking around.

Iona Starling:

Yeah, we haven't fun and you were out here trying to be diplomatic about it was just


yeah, I'll gladly take the black sheep this session.

Iona Starling:

Okay, good. A black sheep.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Okay, so, the question stands, do we want to get a third attention or unburned agents and Associates?


Do we want to take I would personally vote for attention. If this were I'm gonna flip a coin that take democratic.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

I mean, I kind of like attention, but I don't want to do it unilaterally. So

Iona Starling:

I'm gonna I'm gonna flip a coin. I didn't really decide what side that was. Okay. Yeah. Heads, attention, Tails.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Not attention.

Iona Starling:

Yeah, no attention. Not attention.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Okay, so unburn


agents and Associates,

Dr. Henry Edwards:

which character had the most meaningful interaction with your character this session? I don't know, was a bit of a petulant child. But at least she was a productive petulant child. That is a help point. As far as Edwards is concerned, so he has back up to one help one hurt with I don't know. I don't think any of his themes was under strain this session. So yeah, I think that's everything for Edwards.

Snyder’s Return:

If we have touched everything, black sheep of the group of the crew included, then I thank you for joining me again. Always.


This session was was insane.

Iona Starling:

That was fun. I liked her. We just bullied you for about like five minutes about the crystal.


I stand by it. It's it's a croissant.

Iona Starling:

You shouldn't you shouldn't.

Snyder’s Return:

Thanks for listening. You can find out more about the show, including our interview episodes via linktree or at our website at www dot Snyder’s please consider leaving us a review. City of mist is a TTRPG by Sun evoke. You can find out more about city Mist by going to www dot city of music and sound effects for this episode from epidemic The intro and outro music were composed by Chloe Elliot. You can find her on Twitter at Khloe underscore with the flow. The logo was designed by Jessie Lowe you can find her artwork on Twitter at Akon Nomi underscore part. We're going to use our help points and be ready to investigate next time on MEDLARS monsters and madmen

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