Snyder’s Return

Meddlers, Monsters and Madmen - 19 - Take me to Church - City of Mist TTRPG

Snyder's Return / Season 4 Episode 21

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Meddlers, Monsters and Madmen is a Bi-Weekly/Fortnightly City of Mist Actual Play Podcast that pits and conflicted Crew against the Evils in the City, the eponymous Mist and, each other!

The Crew investigate the local church and meet with the faith leader inside where Dr. Edwards is on top form!

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Snyder's Return is working with Content Creators from multiple different Podcasts from multiple different Tabletop Roleplay Game (TTRPG) systems to share our work, love of the hobby and grow the community together.

This Trailer is from Crimson Gold Agonies, a podcast using the Sentinels RPG system exploring an alternate 1970s.

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Adam 'Cosy' Powell



MC: Adam Powell

The Crew:
Chris - Dr. Henry Edwards - Rift of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Ivory - Iona Starling - Rift of a Shadow Dragon
Martin - Rafail Hasapis - Rift of the Minotaur of Ancient Greece

Newsroom: Brianna Jean - Psuedonym Social Podcast

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Intro/Outro: Chloe Elliot -
Epidemic Sound -

Cover Art: Jess Lo -
Character Art:

Roscoe's Chimkin:
Created by Adam Powell, James Dorman and Ryan Dawkins


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Iona Starling:

My name is Irene. I play I own a starling and she has a riff of the Shadow Dragon from Dungeons and Dragons.

Snyder’s Return:

After recent explosions in the blue collar district and one of the city's water treatment plants and the underground drug problem our streets, citizens are turning their attention to our political leaders for reassurance this week that we are safe in the city. Brianna Jean has this special report.

Brianna Jean:

When the question Am I safe to leave the house becomes the first thing on your mind each morning. It's time to start questioning those who are supposed to be keeping a safe local governance from district to district show worrying and consistency which begs the real question. Is the mayor just a member of the football star crew? Or is he part of multi playing fantasy with our politics? Beyond threads is the DA actually delivering results? As social unrest continues to build we wait to see if there's a political Alchemist ready to turn this into their golden opportunity. Or we'll be all end up in the furnace, Brianna Jean of cedar and M social reporting.

Snyder’s Return:

So what dogtra was saw in the alleyway was like a blue apparition a sort of figure of a an A ethereal blue colour appeared in the alleyway just so we say south of your new and refers position. Okay. What else what else? What else?

Iona Starling:

So Chris is on fire we're in a church I on us got a stab wound. I remember that. We crushed a guy they're looking at the house. And there's a ghost Pretty much yeah, yeah. Okay, fantastic. So a lot lot to deal with.


We are we are seeing the ghost right.

Snyder’s Return:

Chris you hadn't seen it at that point.

Iona Starling:

You are in the trash right? So

Snyder’s Return:

you've never went in the church in the end you you were out we didn't know Oh, bro. Okay. You would literally you I think you killed the werewolf by becoming a dragon. So you come out you crushed it. That was fun.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

She sets

Snyder’s Return:

so you to route on the road next to a dead man effectively. Dr. Edwards was up on the roof of the church up on the spire and noticed this apparition in the alleyway behind you the helix leg team or the helix operatives are further up the road past the church closer to the house in question. That's effectively where everybody is.

Iona Starling:

Okay. Okay, okay.


Okay Did you get it? Well,


if Rafa didn't notice the ghost I would still be stressing to go into the church because that was the safe zone that I kind of saw when looking see optimist?

Snyder’s Return:

Yes, it wants

Iona Starling:

me Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I want as human right now. She tried to bandage her arm the thing right I don't think that did anything. Everyone differently I'm not sure. I don't I don't remember I did we did we manage anything with that? No.

Snyder’s Return:

I believe you would just tending to it, but

Iona Starling:

yeah. No, no, she wouldn't have anyway. Um, yeah, she did that and as Rafa like insists going into that she kind of gives him like a like a side look like. What? What now you're scared? What we we killed a werewolf. And now you're scared This is the moment


it's it's not like I'm scared. It's when looking through or beyond the mist. All displace is a graveyard that church isn't and I don't know if you noticed, but people tend to feel an act bit strange around here and I kind of nudge into the direction of the rest of the guy or let's kind of left so


down the road

Snyder’s Return:

he's kind of in a few places but yeah

Dr. Henry Edwards:

the doctor has taken his legs up the church spire

Iona Starling:

um, I'm like, do you mean, like a graveyard as in you see, tombstones or, or,


if I remember, correctly, it was it was tombstones and the surrounding itself was twisted, old, repressed, a very, very horror movie asking scenario.

Snyder’s Return:

It was sort of a graveyard, there were lifeless black tree trunks there was everywhere you looked, but nowhere where you sort of concentrated on. But as you're sort of caught in your periphery, you saw shadows of sort of a some sort of creature and antlers that just kept stepping beyond your sort of vision and moving around. And then sort of horrible sense of deprivation that sort of hung around your a, an oppressive sense of despair and hunger.


For a lack of better explanation, I would say that this place is as cursed as it gets. So I will just at least go to the church and recollect over there.

Iona Starling:

All right, well, what church is a lead, I suppose? Yeah. All right. Come on. Do you want some help? I'm fine. It's on my legs.

Snyder’s Return:

Alright, so as you to begin to cross the road and head towards the church. Dr. Edwards, you saw the sort of apparition beyond them in an alleyway. But they are now sort of crossing away from the scene of a devastation of a singular person and also a car and a few other bits and pieces in the local area as they cross the street towards you. What are you doing up on the church?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

I think Dr. Edwards is just waiting for the rest of the group to catch up at this point.

Snyder’s Return:

Right. So as you wait and they cross the road, you daughter was definitely don't have that strange feeling of of, of gnawing hunger. That was there was there before Iona and Rafa as you cross the street and start ascending the steps into this church, that sensation starts to start to wane. A weight almost lifted from your from your core from your soul. If you should have such a thing. Are you heading into the church? I guess. Yeah. Yeah. I

Iona Starling:

mean, if the feeling is waning, Iona probably recognises that it's a safe spot at least for now.

Snyder’s Return:

So with Dr was still on the roof because he has declared and not otherwise you to as you enter the church and as you start to head in sort of the plaque the sign above the door the sign that welcomes you in says the Church of the sacred spirit. And


before I believe that if we come closer and we kind of see Dr. Edwards on the on the tower, I would at least Wave at him and kind of signal that we're heading towards the entrance.

Snyder’s Return:

Now it's signal received as far as I'm aware, unless stock to you choose to ignore it.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Yeah, sigma received.

Iona Starling:

Have to consider their

Snyder’s Return:

Bluetick do I care about them that much to watch what they're up to? So as ghosting, uh, yeah.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

You may just be attempting to wishbone the bottom half of this werewolf.

Snyder’s Return:

If you want to spend your time doing that buddy is both disturbing and entirely of your own choice. So this Yes, yeah. So doctor was as you sort of received the signal from the pair of them as they've crossed and sort of began to move out of sight beneath you and towards the, into the church from across the street, back in the alley, that blue apparition we see it from, from its perspective as the pair of UI owner and rough few sort of cross and move up towards the door of the church and begin to enter. We can see you, Dr. Edwards, up on the roof. And it turns back into the alley and begins to sort of fade out of existence almost, there's almost seems to be no emotion on its face at this particular moment in time. But as it begins to fade out, we see it's sort of a tire is is sort of like a business suit with a a Mac type coat, a hat and we see just what, what potentially could be some sort of wound, as it then fades into nothingness as it disappears into the alley.


Could you just repeat the part with the suit? Had he the ghost is wearing a suit? And he as he fades, it's, it shows a kind of wound?

Snyder’s Return:

Yeah, so as it moves, and begins to sort of move back into the alleyway, emotionless from what you can tell, there seems to be a wound on the chest of this apparition as though an absence has been formed by something but we don't have time to analyse what it is, is it begins to sort of become a theory and does it almost dissipate back into the alleyway and is no longer visible.

Iona Starling:

Always the thing you want to see is always people with mysterious holes in their chest.

Snyder’s Return:

And so Rafa and Iona upon entering the church of the sacred spirit here in Warnock you feel you feel protected you feel as though you've entered a safe haven and maybe not because it's a church but it imbues you with that sense of safe safety be it with within a particular location be be at refer within the realms of of the the internet or wherever it is you feel safe I only that could be within the company of your brother or a particular location that sense of safe haven. So sort of floods into your core diminishing the feeling of hunger that sort of was onset when you first entered and came into our NOC the small church is humble and dimly lit and is it's quiet it's still wafting up through the through the structure and and into your nostrils is the pungent smell of of incest. So the drifts and hangs in the air


is dependent events on one

Snyder’s Return:

sense. Okay, I think you were saying


i For a second there I was like, wrong word.

Snyder’s Return:

To punch. The punch and smell of incest. No does not

Iona Starling:

it's weird because you mentioned I own a feeling safe with her brother and it's like

Snyder’s Return:

yeah. Or nor is it in sex. So there's no bugs either. Okay, so it's incense the nail gotta be really careful. I will say that for

Iona Starling:

the record of the viewers. I think I prefer to be insects. Just so you know, for


a very unfortunate word.

Snyder’s Return:

It's Yes. Very poor phrasing on my part, however, so that particular smell hangs and drifts through the air and and into your nostrils. Everything seems like it's from it's from another world almost that you've stepped out of the realities of the rundown. While pseudo reality as you would know, it rougher having seen through the mist, you've now stepped into something that seems like a like a pocket of, of safety, a pocket of protection, a bubble almost. And the only noise that the pair of you can hear a soft echo is created by the odd visitor that the slowly sort of moving around within the church. Cool. Take a moment to compose myself.


This is true Rangely cosy church never want about a church.

Iona Starling:

Don't Don't say that out loud you'll get cancelled it's nice. But is it nice in the this is a safe place or nice as in like the next year that goes around a venus flytrap. Kind of nice. Where are we out here

Snyder’s Return:

it's your MC Adam here just taking a break from the case momentarily to let you know about our great friends in the tabletop role playing game community and the TTRPG family. So the following is a short trailer for one of our many friends. Don't check them out. Follow the links in the description below to go and give their show and listen and engage with them and engage with us. We'd love to have you back as the cases continue to progress. Speaking of which, let's get back to the action.


If you liked this show, and you're looking for more actual play podcast to fill out your feed, come check out crimson gold agonies. We're a queer leftist led actual play podcast that explores different systems and settings from season to season. This season. Our GM Ludo leads us into 19 70x an alt seven DS world where superheroes joined forces against imperialist superpowers around the world. Together Johnny Jennings aka the highwayman yo Keem yard aka Bezer fear and the man known only as John Doe fight for the future they want to build as well as they can. You can find us at CGA Or at CGA pod on Twitter, crimson gold acnes releases every other Wednesday on Spotify, Apple podcasts or anywhere find podcasts can be found.

Snyder’s Return:

Roll me Well, since you want to sort of suss out the vibe of the place you do an investigator for me honest the sound I'm gonna know what's going on

Iona Starling:

Ah, quick learner understands cause and effect that's it. That's all I got investigate

Dr. Henry Edwards:

you go out.

Iona Starling:

I don't, I don't know why hunger is on there. I didn't include that

Snyder’s Return:

was possibly just still take from before you can we can just accept that. It's still there. We can accept that it isn't there. Because you still got a 10 anyway. So you rolled again, you have a great successful sort of so are the mechanics later. So got a 10 the great success. So you can spend your closing through your power. So just the one to ask me whatever you would like to know, within reason.

Iona Starling:

Okay. Um, is there anything like dark hiding under the niceness of the church? Like is there is there a darkness trying to hide under that relaxing feeling

Snyder’s Return:

to from the easing of the sense of hunger and looking around and the almost sort of serenity within this within this place? You get the sense and sort of pick up that this is sort of the last bastion of hope that one can find while but all the rest of the district of wall knock all the rest of the suburb is falling around, down around it sears. With with its various problems. This genuinely seems to be the only place of sort of safe harbour.

Iona Starling:

I don't know. She doesn't relax. I don't think she ever relaxes, but some sort of tenseness in our jaw seems to just shift a little Yeah, I think it's okay actually, weirdly enough don't usually think that of places but I think this is okay.


It's it's nice.

Iona Starling:

It's okay it's it's not terrible. So we can count it as nice I guess that's that's probably how it works for us


so that's your your baseline you go into church and didn't Don't burn up and it's it's nice.

Iona Starling:

Well, let's put it like this. There's a guy in pieces outside the door right now. So yes, I'd probably qualify as not terrible as nice right about


where's the doctor? To granity?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Good question that as if on cue, the doctor swings through one of the non opening stained glass windows on the church. And just the stained glass, beautiful stained glass shatters as his meeting itself, flies through the window, and he lands on all fours.

Snyder’s Return:

Oh, all right. Interesting. I will put it that way as you two awaiting the doctor's appearance and having this sort of moment of sort of Resolute calm. You can see at the other end of the church, just moving around tending to a few of the others of the sort of the parishioners, the visitors who are here that

Iona Starling:

oh, there's other people in here. There's other people I know.

Snyder’s Return:

They are, they are clear of the window, but it doesn't matter. Amongst them is dressed in sort of the traditional sort of worship garb is a larger looking lady who seems to be sort of helping them light candles. And as doctor you make this dramatic entry through the stained glass window you have never seen a person of faith move this quickly as the shift in air currents whereas before you've come in and the incense Yes, incense is hanging in the air with us smashing through the stained glass windows smashing through the stained glass windows shifting the air around the candles. blowout victories the the smoke from these burners sort of moving across the smell sort of drifts and mixed with the slightly less pleasant smells from outside. That moment of peace calm and quiet. Gone moving across, through basically straight up to you. Dr. Edwards, however your appearances comes a religious woman a large woman get out. Oh,

Iona Starling:

excuse me. Hello. Hi. No, he's with us.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

He's okay with this point he stands up to his phone nine feet tall and just kind of looks down at her. Oh, did I So Dr. Edwards, sort of sporting an amused smirk rises to his phone nine feet tall and looks down at this woman with eyes that are not the same size under a massive jetting bony brow, and just kind of puts one hand in the middle of her chest pushes her over gently,


I will step in.

Iona Starling:

I was like waving her good hand wildly, like shaking your head like


I want to I want to step in and kind of put my hand on his huge wrist and looking in the eye and be like, chill.

Snyder’s Return:

I think because you're trying to intercept or do a go toe to toe. Well,


that'll be fun.

Iona Starling:

The lady proceeds to judo flip.


Oh, god. Okay. Oh, my. Oh, my. I'm going to have to put all my tags into this to succeed.

Iona Starling:

stuff. I'm all in there.


Okay. I will use superhuman strength. Yes, unbreakable, buddy. I don't know if I should. Yeah, maybe. I'm not gonna use. Yes. Yeah. Oh, yes. So actually, how does it actually work?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Do you want to still invoke agendas

Snyder’s Return:



I don't know if

Iona Starling:

I don't think we're that different right now.


Yeah, I think it's just right now it's, it's the state of mind more or less an agenda. I think it's more like it the goals that we have

Dr. Henry Edwards:

I mean his good Dr Edwards go on this


well it's it's a weakness yeah we could go yeah

Dr. Henry Edwards:

I'm pretty sure that differs from everyone else's


yeah no put that in okay

Snyder’s Return:

so in the church Dr. Edwards you have crushed through the stained glass window moved into position or attempted to palm effectively this larger woman of faith to the floor refer you wanted to interject so I'd like you to roll go toe to toe against the doctor's actions. So depending on the outcome of your role depends on if you are able to intercept the doctor or if the doctor is indeed able to plunk this lady of faith on her behind


Yes, I will use unbreakable body I will use superhuman strength and I will use the weakness different agendas because it does make sense as a weakness in this case I don't have any much more that I can add so yeah, that will be part of one essentially go toe to toe

Iona Starling:


Snyder’s Return:

all right. So doctor I guess you should face danger against against this how is this PvP kind of weird in this game because


well it's not really a PvP I just

Dr. Henry Edwards:

we should both be going toe to toe


against the better score when that how that works.

Snyder’s Return:

I would say that rougher is trying to intercept or your if it was just you trying to push her I potentially get you go toe to toe against her rather than directly in opposition to Rafa he's tried to do something he has succeeded. So depending on on how you describe it Rafa depends on doctor how you then respond in return. Because you might want to then use hit with all you've got to try and knock him out. But I really don't want this to descend into the doctor.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

None of this needed to be a role. This is this true. The doctor isn't exactly putting a whole lot of muscle into knocking this woman over. So are you saying just wants to like, do it intercede? He is welcome to succeed. I don't really care. Okay.


So what I essentially would like to do is basically just put my hand on his wrist and us and not really hold him. But yeah, I think the best word is intercept just to make him stop and focus his attention on me. And as he does, I want him just to calm down. And this is not the place to do this and that neither is that the person he should be doing that to like get a grip.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

I mean, the doctor stops, looks at her at RAF that the crowd of people and he just quietly wanders in the cold logical part at the very back of his brain right now. What everyone else? Particularly the sleepers, see right now,


yeah, that's something that I would be burning to actually

Iona Starling:

see, I guess we'll see by based on the reactions in apparently

Snyder’s Return:

as you have landed with this stained glass everywhere, move to sort of a nudge should we should we say nudge this lady as she is come across to sort of speak to you intercept to you, as it were, refer you I will instead to make an interception on the doctor's oversized hand and calm the situation for a moment moving back sort of building up a little bit of space the Reverend as she is, sort of gives you a stern and slightly puzzled look. The other people here in the church while she looks at you in this way they seem to sort of panic. This this sanctuary that that was being provided and now corrupted by your actions almost as they begin to sort of brace down the outside and past you Iona and out the door. back onto the street. No Reverend says to you, she says, I asked you to leave. This is my church. This is the church of the sacred spirit. And you have defiled my walls, and I cannot allow you to stay are pleased.


We will be going. Just give us a moment, please. Yes, we'll be right.

Iona Starling:

I just have to ask out of character. Does anyone start screaming as they noticed the trampled body out there? Like, do we just hear screens all of a sudden, as

Snyder’s Return:

you hear them as as they fall out into the into the road into the street with sort of scared and a few of them are sort of screaming, you know, glass has been smashed in a rather dramatic way. However, it is viewed by them, a person who has appeared through the window, and glasses now everywhere, so they were sort of screaming and alarmed. There's a there's a lull as they get outside and then a couple of seconds later, you can hear across the street, there is a loud a higher pitched scream, as as a woman has found what is left of the poor fireman in in his and his mutilated remains. So you do hear a second sort of higher pitch scream, but it's from across the road,

Iona Starling:

I glances back and like a flash of guilt, crosses for expression. And she's like, Oh, shit, right. We did that. That was us now. Uh huh. Let's, yeah, let's, let's go, Okay, let's not bother these people anymore.

Snyder’s Return:

She says


Well, I would like to know the reaction of the of the doctor, doctor, which

Dr. Henry Edwards:

for maybe the first time either his compatriots have been interacting with the doctor, a satisfied smirk crosses is hideously misshapen features. And it does like a quick hop up to the window cell that he came through, and just hot out of the church.

Snyder’s Return:

Are you making your exit back out the way you came? Is that what engaging? Yes, just as you're about to move, and owner and refer you sort of make your apologies and begin to start to move she she says, Now I know that you have been been touched by the beasts by the beasts influence, and I was willing to help you. But you have defiled my church, and I cannot simply have it. And you will not be allowed in my church again. You scare my parishioners, and you will never step foot in this church again. Do you understand that child? And she looks past Rafa at you owner?


Or was was she? Was she talking with the with the beast thing? Was she talking about Iona directly?

Snyder’s Return:

Or you would have to investigate that.

Iona Starling:

I have frowns, like me. I'm the one who's scared.

Snyder’s Return:

You are all touched by the beast in one way or another? It has manifested in you. And I was willing to help you choose that now. Now I cannot.

Iona Starling:

No, no. Hold up a moment where we wait. You can't blame me for his actions. And Dr. Edwards.

Snyder’s Return:

You said that he was with your child. You want to give my association?

Iona Starling:

Well, that's I'm not guilty. Ask him to come through.

Snyder’s Return:

Did you ask him to come through the door child?

Iona Starling:

I asked where he was. That wasn't mean I asked him to go through the window to come in here.

Snyder’s Return:

There is a moment of consideration, shall we say on her face as she weighs up your words and refer you're sort of standing there? Doctrine was while you're sort of hanging in the windowsill, the radio in your ear goes off your comms with the hide. And as a sort of crackers into life, sir. Sir. The team reports movement at the house. How do we proceed?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

We don't have time to waste on some deluded old woman. Let's go.

Snyder’s Return:

But she's not. Wait. Did we hear that? Well, you will give him radios or was it just

Iona Starling:

were we that would be up to the doctor. I don't think

Dr. Henry Edwards:


Snyder’s Return:

I don't think you were I don't think


so. So hide is probably like what? Wait,

Dr. Henry Edwards:

hold up. He's just not talking to hi He is talking to you guys you guys


okay you're like talking down from the window to us okay he's literally

Snyder’s Return:

talking down to you on

Dr. Henry Edwards:

he does quite frequently metaphorically



Iona Starling:

know when she's still handling when you mean touched do you mean this hunger I'm feeling is that what you mean?

Snyder’s Return:

Since a child and I know that is consumed. Now I was here to help you I was here to provide the safe haven for this community thanks for listening you can find out more about the show including our interview episode via linktree or at our website at www dot Snyder’s please consider leaving us a review. City of mist is a TTRPG by Sun evoke. You can find out more about city missed by going to www dot city of music and sound effects for this episode from epidemic The intro and outro music were composed by Chloe Elliot. You can find her on Twitter at Khloe underscore with the flow. The logo was designed by Jessie Lowe, you can find her artwork on Twitter at Akon Nomi underscore art. We're going to use our help points and be ready to investigate next time on MEDLARS monsters and madmen

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