Snyder’s Return

Interview - Tabletop Journeys - TTRPG Podcast and Content Creators

Adam Powell / Tabletop Journeys Season 1 Episode 94

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Today I talk with Podcasters, TTRPG Game Designers and Kickstarters - Josh, Glen and Lewanika of Tabletop Journeys.

We discuss the TTRPG Content Creation, their Kickstarter - A Multiverse of Subclasses, Podcasting and much more.

You can find Tabletop Journeys and all of their associated content via the links below.




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Adam 'Cosy' Powell



Host: Adam Powell

Guest: Josh, Glen and Lewanika - Tabletop Journeys

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Edited by: Adam Powell

Music: Epidemic Sound

Cover Art: Tim Cunningham -



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Snyder’s Return:

Hello, and welcome to Snyder’s return a tabletop roleplay podcast. My guests today are talented at telling tall twisting tight tension building travelling tales at the table, while also discussing dice discord, the world of darkness, and d&d with some of the biggest names in the industry. With so much going on, it's time to pack up our storytelling toolkit and get on the road for some tabletop journeys. It is an absolute pleasure to welcome interviews podcasters and content creators. Josh, Glen and Lewanika of Tabletop Journeys, thank you so much for joining me today.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

That is probably the greatest introduction we have ever received.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

send you stuff and have you write our copy for us? Is there

Snyder’s Return:

no. Community love? Okay.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

Yeah, work and occasional dice throwing sessions? Yeah.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

Seriously, thank you very much for having us on. Adam. We are really, really excited to be here today. Thank you so much for taking the time. Yeah, no, not

Snyder’s Return:

at all. So before I go into some of the things I alluded to, though, in the introduction, why don't we use one of your mechanics? I'd like each of you to roll initiative to answer the first question, which will be How did you get into TT? RPGs? Please, roll initiative. Oh, I love it. Right.

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

That's a freeze me. So I'm pulling five again. I'm not rolling. Well, today. It

Snyder’s Return:

seems like Glenn, you know, top of the order. So Glen, how did you get into tabletop role playing games, please.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

So I am a second generation role player, I recently decided to start calling myself. But yeah, I'm Glenn 1/3 of the wonderful team we have over at tabletop journeys blessed to work with my co host Lee, when you get in Josh, I don't know how you do it as a one man show for all of the things that you do. Adam, I don't know if I could do this without a team. But I got into tabletop role playing because my dad who was in the Navy, and a Submariner, we had a pre show discussion about the correct pronunciation of that word, wound up playing d&d with some of his shipmates on deployment. And he came home and did what any, you know, young 20 something 20 Something No, I guess he was probably 30 something because I was like eight, eight and a half. Young military man should do at the time he went home bought the basic d&d set in the box. The original one came home and played it with his wife and kids and neighbours. So my dad was my first my first GM running the straight up d&d basic box when I was like eight, I was like, 42 years ago, we won't talk about the math for what that means. And that's how I got started. And I played a lot with friends at that point, because you know, dad was out a lot. So he only ran a couple of them. But I played an elf named Silverleaf. Because I think it was actually a premade character in the box. But But from there, I branched out as I got a little bit older. I met Lee when he got and scouts when I was 11. And he was 12, I think. Yep. And we started playing d&d with other scouts on camp outs. And then we picked up some other games like palladiums recon and paranoia. And the rest, as they say, is kind of history. I took a break for a little while raising kids and got busy enough that I only played a couple of riffs games here and there for about 20 years. But then, last five, six years really been diving back in started the podcast with these two gentlemen. And now here we are.

Snyder’s Return:

All right, well, we'll get to the podcast and one of the other two gentlemen, in a little while. No offence, Josh, but we will get to you I promise. Luminita you basically be given some advantage there from from Glenn, if we're gonna throw out some of these these great terms. How did you get into tabletop role playing games, including your sort of time in scouts?

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

Well, tabletop role playing started with scouts for me. Just a few years before I met Glenn, I was living outside of Massachusetts went to camp for my tenderfoot initiation back when we did such things, and the one of the older boys was playing d&d, invited all of us tenderfoots to play and so we played I played a character a bit tender feet. I don't believe we actually played the whole session. We played a little bit, and I was very intrigued. I liked What I saw but I had never seen it again for several years. Fast forward. Just before I met Glenn into the Boy Scout camp, I would say like by weeks or days before I met Glenn, we and we were playing it at Boy Scout meetings, camp out. Coach Egan rock, I believe is where we first played. My next door neighbour, he and a friend played vited me to play. I made a character it was a fighter. I died in the first adventure story just captured me. My character's It was a total TPK whole party was done in about I was the last character standing and the DM describe the kill exceptionally well. And as a matter of fact, he said, as you're fading to black, you see the form of the person who shot you with an arrow standing over your body and as you blink in your vision narrows, you recognise it is your own brother. And, and that was it and of character took my character sheet and was done. Never had that character again. A couple of days later, made a new character that was allowed to play the same character somehow magically revived. I'm like, I'm never playing a fighter again. I'm gonna play a ranger, because that's what killed me and I'm gonna, I'm gonna get him and just started playing mech Glen started playing other characters love the game, met another good friend of mine, who's my neighbour across the street. I was a military brat as well. So everybody in my circle was largely military brands. We lived in base housing or off base housing, but it was all maybe housing. And it was just an amazing experience. It's how we

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

fret of the show Marty is who lived across the street from them. Yeah, absolutely. And

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

that's how we formed friendships was Boy Scouts and role playing games. Because nobody ever went to a school long enough in our community to form lasting friendships there. But somehow or another, the three of us managed to stay even though Glenn went away for a couple years and came back. We managed to stay in the same place largely because we were fortunate I had my stepfather was willing to manoeuvre where he was stationed to keep me in the same high school. Marty's father did the same thing for him. When Glenn came back, your dad was retiring around that time,

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

or he started out station to the sub school. So I was just here. But I didn't go to stay with my mom for a few years. But he retired out here too. So yeah.

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

And so we just add men around us. Kids from our scout, from our scout troop, friends from just outside the community. We all just started playing together regularly. Like Glenn said, we started rolling through systems as we grew in our tabletop role playing. Glenn mentioned the various palladium games, we played GURPS he mentioned paranoia, we played the Marvel Superheroes role playing game for a bit. I know Marty and I took it took a try at the DC game at the time, it was GARBAGE. We and we even put took a hand at trying to build our own GI Joe based e cig system. Also garbage, like we made our own thing, it was not that good. But every now and then I come across the notes from those old days. And they're kind of fun to kind of look at because we were always thinking plots, stories, adventures, campaigns. And we just played and played and played until forever, pretty much I like Glenn took a small break, my break was a little bit smaller. When I after college, I had moved back to Connecticut well after college, moved back to Connecticut for a while and then decided I need to connect with my old crew. So role playing games it was and the rest is history, as they say as they

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

write, which I struggled with getting out earlier. To be fair, and part of what helped us roll through so many sessions is we got really lucky. And back then when we were late teens into our early 20s. One of the members of our games circle worked at the Citadel local game store and had 24 hour access to it. And we had permission from the owner so we could play all night games in the basement around these big tables. And we were there all the time. It was fantastic. Yeah,

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

we like roll in, go to work, roll back over. It was it was pretty confident. There are days that I saw the Senate No,

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

no convincing the pizza delivery guy to come to the dark doorway in the back of the building in the middle of the night was tough.

Snyder’s Return:

I can only imagine.

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

Yeah. During days. They saw the game store more frequently than they saw my own apartment.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

That's got roleplaying game written all over it. You know, pizza delivery is at the dark doorway.

Snyder’s Return:

I mean early avenues of content creation, sort of the seeds were sown as they were going off with something you mentioned live in ICA last year. wasn't standing Josh not lost in quality, just the one sort of broad shoulders, shall we say, popping everywhere? How did you get into tabletop role playing games?

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

Boy, you know, so my, my tail is a little bit less less involved than than they are i, where i learned role playing was in a very small town in northern New Hampshire. I'd moved from the Boston area when I was about 10 years old to middle of nowhere, and had had very few friends and everything like that. But one friend that I did have, man when we were probably about 10 or 11 years old, had got the old Warhammer Fantasy RPG you know, the one with the with the dwarf jewel at wielding axes with the bright orange Mohawk and everything, like I have, like this image of that book, just under picture in blaze into my brain, like totally Yeah. And that was my first system. And we were kinda like you said, Lee when Nika. I mean, it was, we were awful at it, we were just flat out awful at it, it was it was but we have so much fun. You know, we didn't have any idea what the heck we were doing. But it was just, it was just so much fun. And then, kind of fast forward to high school when I would, you know, at lunchtime, in the, in the gym, in the cafeteria there. You know, for those precious 30 minutes while you're choking down bad pizza and chicken nuggets, you know, I've been playing Spelljammer with, with some friends, you know. And then I kind of took a break from there too. I for a couple of years there until I until I got to college and then kind of started started getting into some of the role playing games and started playing some shadow run and some stuff like that. And then ultimately started doing live action role playing games, and really kind of fell in love with with LARPing, particularly in the Old World of Darkness, you know, second third edition vampire and everything like that. And that's where I met Lee when he was at. We we never remember which game it was It was either that we met at at the game that I was running or the game he was running, was it hey, I always thought that we met at your game. Probably the following week, because again, that's how we did it back in the 90s is that we would LARP every single weekend games would start at, you know, five o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday and go until six o'clock in the morning on Sunday. And then we'd go to Denny's, you know. But uh, but yeah, we met we met LARPing. And then a few years later, I met Glenn and kind of the rest was history. I mean, we've done a

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

bunch of role playing because we when Nico brought me up to learn LARPing and it was great. Yeah,

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

exactly. You know, and then and then that's kind of how you know, and that was that was mumbled mumble the years ago, and, you know, and since then we've, we've kind of all stayed in contact. And then, gosh, and we launched this project two years ago or so. But I mean, you know, the, the thing that's funny is that, you know, we started a podcast, because we love doing this, right? We love talking about, about game craft and about about books and about role playing in general and all these things. And, you know, for one, it's given us this amazing opportunity to talk with other amazing creators, like, like yourself and everything like that. But I mean, these were conversations that Luca and I were having on on the couches of horrified onlookers at dinner parties for the better part of 15 years anyway, who would just like why are they talking about the mechanics of sneak attack again? Get off of my couch you losers and go. But you know, it was. So it really was an outlet for that. More than anything else, because we wanted to keep having the conversations. This is very much a pandemic boring podcast, so

Snyder’s Return:

yeah, yeah. Yeah. I mean, that sort of nicely dovetails into my next or following question. What a roller do de 20 against she gets the first pick of moo hoo, next.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

The next is harsh mistress now. That's a 10 for me perfectly mediocre eating revenue,

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

big money, big money, no whammies eight.

Snyder’s Return:

Ooh, thirst. First up, so Luminita having sort of come out there on top of just about on top of the initiative order there for this question. So you've sort of all combined and gelled and, and sort of come together to form this dis Trinity, this unity that the, you know, the clear affection between you as friends is is evident. And I'm sure those listening can hear it. Before I sort of move on, I want to understand what was the spark that really got you to start the podcast? I realise you've been talking about mechanics. But what was that moment that ignition that spark where you were just like, now we're doing a podcast?

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

Yeah. So for a long time, Josh and I have talked about doing a political podcast or something that those who know us well know that we are Josh and I specifically are very politically minded. We have been in remained somewhat active in in our political beliefs, certainly from a voting standpoint, and follow Seeing the news and things like that,

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

on your couch having a DND conversation than you wanted to throw him out, it was a political conversation instead, and he wanted to throw him.

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

You know, so we, but at the same time, our politics were never 100% in sync, but our our love and our friendship and our respect for each other's ideas. And more importantly, our conversational methodology was something that we thought was very impressive. So at the time, we were both listening to a lot of political radio talk shows and things like that. And we were like, Oh, we could do that we could do this thing we have this whole idea of it was originally called the truth and Black and White was the title that we had joked around, we should start that someday. And, obviously, to 2016 happened for those of us who live in the States, and it really altered our thoughts, I stopped actively paying attention to the news, because I was so frustrated with the politics of our country, specifically. And it was less about the politics because I don't honestly think individual politics changed. I think it was the discourse between persons that change. And the way people spoke that change. And I am not on board with that. Whether I agree with somebody or disagree with somebody, I don't believe in the conversational vilification that was going on. As of that was very pronounced. Fast forward to 2020. I'm temporarily out of work, I'm at home. Basically, trying to figure out what to do wanting to be more creative. I just started doing a live stream with another friend. Because gaming digitally was becoming a thing. And it was my only way I had excited to stop my to one of my live games, a regular convention I went to had stopped. And I was feeling this lack of creativeness. Even when I started going back to work part time, my job didn't include any creativity.


I started doing a little freelance work. And I was really just enamoured with the, with the creative process. It was really fulfilling a need in my life. Josh and I are talking about that. And he said, we should really do do the podcast. And he said, but I don't think we should do politics anymore. I'm like, I don't want to do politics anymore. The fun was, there's no way to steer a conversation where people could have a reasonable conversation in that round in that way. And then he said, What are we doing on d&d, and I'm like, let's do it. And it was almost immediate, like, we had that conversation. I don't remember the exact day, I think it was just a few days ago, that was the anniversary of that conversation. Um, Josh went out secured a bunch of IDs, like, took us about a week to come up with a name. And then he went out and secured every kind of link, email addresses Twitter accounts secure, we have platforms that we have not begun. That was secured with his name, because we're like, eventually, we're going to have to be everywhere. Let's just be prepared. So like, we went out. And he did that, we started figuring out what we're gonna do. We started putting together business tools. Asana board is one of the ones we use to organise thoughts and ideas. And we started discussing formats and how we wanted to do things. There are podcasts that we listen to the specifically the RPG Academy, who has a wonderful format that we absolutely love. And got a lot from I started hardcore, listening to a lot of YouTube content creators to kind of get a feeling for, how can we do some do this thing that we want to do, but fill a niche that we don't necessarily see everywhere else? Because a really crowded space? Yeah, because it's an exceptionally crowded space. And there's no one thing that we necessarily do that other people don't do. But the idea for us is we have to be unique in our own way. So we had to put our mind to it. And our creative and storytelling minds, is what led to kind of the way we kind of bridge that gap where we talk about the mechanics, but we talk about the mechanics in service to the story. And the best example of that is just how we talk about when we do rankings. We are one of the only ranking system that includes flavour in our discussion of how to rank things. And so much so that it drastically changes the way we rank things to other places that doesn't invalidate other places. They have a different mechanism for ranking. But it is unique to why something could be ranked so low on some shows, and still be so fun on others to play because it's that flavour and you know what? There's nothing wrong with having something that's not mechanically strong. That is amazingly fun to play. There's nothing wrong with that. If that's how you get your is that if that's how you put milk in your cereal, grab a spoon kid because it's going to be

Snyder’s Return:


Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

How the hell did you get there from the question?

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

I was thinking I need nearly that's what it was. Yeah,

Snyder’s Return:

well over that might go and get get a bowl and just it's it's a feast for the mind the years and the soul I guess Josh mentioned about startup, the, the podcast and having to be everywhere, which kind of lends the natural question of where can we find you either as, or as a collective? Where can we find all your content?

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

Oh, so this works out perfectly, because I'm normally the guy that gets to answer this question whenever it's asked on other podcasts. So this worked out perfectly. So

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

yeah, if you'd have picked me out, I'd have punted.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

So the Our website is www dot Titi. But much like your show, you should be able to find our content on wherever you listen to podcasts, we we do our best to go ahead and make sure that we're out there everywhere. So on your iTunes, on Amazon on Pandora on all the podcast aggregators, wherever you listen to podcasts, hopefully you can go ahead and find us. And if you can't find us, wherever you listen to podcasts, the best way to reach us is through Twitter. We are at TT journeys. You can email us at podcast at TT And that's, that's pretty much the best way to go ahead and reach us. And if you if you follow us on Twitter, at TT journeys, you will frequently see Luca and we have our own our own personal Twitter accounts also that we talked to each other through the TT journeys account fairly frequently. So that's

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

Yeah. Obviously I'll fill up that channel as well. Yeah. Oh,

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

yeah, totally. Yeah. Fantastic. Yeah. I talked to myself all the time. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. You know,

Snyder’s Return:

most most things are in the middle of the night pretty quietly.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

Yeah, it was like so I had done this like this like goofy, this goofy palette and subclass based on the on Rick rolling people. And I was giving myself crap from the TT journies account. Because I was so shocked that I had actually I that I'd actually done it. It was it was it was thing I was, you know, it's been a long week. What can I say

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

to to the Paladin of Rick Roll, as it were, I will say this my one my second oldest son thinks it's amazing. Like he was in stitches when I when I told him extolled the virtues of the tenants of the paladin subclass, you know? Because he tell tell us just say to say it again for the audience. Oh, sure. So

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

I mean, the the the tenets, of course of the Paladin of the order of Rickroll is that they will never give you up. They will never let you down. They will never run around and hurt you. Yeah. You know, why would they do such a thing? You know? All the powers are based on lyrics from the song like it's really it's, it's a lot of fun. I have no idea if it's mechanically sound or not, but it's really fun. So that's, you know, for what

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

it's worth. Better time that would have been the perfect April Fool's release. Oh, yeah.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

Oh, had I thought about that? Absolutely. Yeah. Never Gonna

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

Give You Up. Never let you down. Never gonna run.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

We just rickrolled your audience there. I

Snyder’s Return:

don't want to find this. paladin. Oh, we will shift the question on since you've, you've provided some. So Glenn, where might we find this Paladin of the order of rock roll?

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

I believe Josh posted that on Diems guild.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

It's on Diems guild. Absolutely. Yeah.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

Nice and new under tabletop journeys.

Snyder’s Return:

So that is one way that myself and others in the community can support you by picking up your content on the DMS guild along with that fantastic Paladin, who probably shimmies as he walks and all those sorts of we want to

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

make sure you check out travellers guide to the multiverse on Diems guild. That was our first full length book. And it came out it came out pretty good for our first effort.

Snyder’s Return:

What links to your DMS guild stuff will be in the along with your social media links, which will be down in the description but maybe they someone doesn't want to just support you by buying one supplement. How can they continually support you? Or any projects you have coming up? Maybe

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

you can. Oh that would be obviously the greatest way to support the show is to listen to it. Subscribe, Share, rate, review it That's our biggest ask if on your podcast platform, whatever when you listen to if they have a rating review, give us a rating, give us a review even better, because a lot of times you get the you get the the star rating, but there's no words and it's lovely, we love it. It's such such a charge to everything we do just to get a pop even even if it's not completely positive just to get feedback, but positive reviews, obviously, you know, they make us feel shinier. But if you would like to support the show financially, you can also go to our Patreon and either make a one time donation or join us at any number of tiers, which provides you with all kinds of benefits from early access to the show, opportunities to bid and to the games that we run for our Patreon some of which are aired on the channel. And our highest tier at the moment gets free copies of our publications as they come out from Diems guild is that Patreon slash TT journeys,

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

it journeys well done.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

Yeah, they got under Josh would have it correct. And

Snyder’s Return:

I'll throw this one out. So I'll link to your Patreon will be in the description below. And I will keep mentioning because I want people to scroll down support your show but you've released some supplements are some books, some supplements out in the DMS go if you've got anything coming up for someone to sort of get behind and really sort of back up for new content. Yeah. One of us chomping at the bit.

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

I got this one. I think

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

we were rolling this unit What's the matter with you? Sorry, guys.

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

We are We are extremely excited about our current project, which is live right now. At the time of this recording on Kickstarter, it is a multiverse of subclasses 12 unique, original subclasses that our team has created that can be used anywhere in the in the FFIV multiverse. So like if you doesn't matter if you're playing in your own worlds, if you're playing in the campaign world of the boiling seas, which is a homebrew campaign that Glenn created. Or you're playing fair rune or even if you're doing your own homebrew version of grey Hawk, all the subclasses where they are, they come in for groups that are that are themed. There, the shadow dwellers come from a dark realm where shadows and darkness and secrets abound. There are the Outlanders people from the fringes of society that Outlands the way out places and their strange and mysterious ways. There's again as I mentioned the boiling seas three subclasses from that area, and finally themed yeah nautical themed there works great with things like salt marsh, any pirate based campaigns and that that you're handling. And lastly, and not least, but certainly is the metropolitans underserved environment in the tabletop RPG space at least as far as 5g is concerned, which is that urban environment, but not like the not necessarily the high faluting nobility sections of this, this is the city. This is this is where the grit meets the grime in the back alleys. This is where the common people flow. And these are the heroes or in some cases, the villains that they encounter. And we're really excited about that project Live On Kickstarter got funded in 72 hours, we we've already hit our first stretch goal, we are moments slash days away from hitting our second stretch goal, a lot of activity over the last few days, which has been very, very fun. So we're not only doing the subclasses. But this first stretch goal was we're adding backgrounds and feats. The second sub class or the second stretch goal is going to be magic items and magic and mundane items. So that's coming, we have a third stretch goal, which is going to be NPCs if I'm correct Josh track. So we'll have those to go along with and then our big stretch goal that follows that is going to be adventures. And then we have a far outreach stretch goal which I am confident this community can help us get to they get behind us visit. Check us out and back in project. We've got maps, maps that will also be commissioned for this as well. So you'll have encounter maps and adventure maps that we'll be able to, to work with. Who knows we may even get Glenn to work with our map maker to do a map of the boiling seas so we can have something really nice so you can have that go with those subclasses I guess.

Snyder’s Return:

Yeah, no, it sounds like especially weather sort of the dirt meets the grime I think was how you put it the sort of blue collar coveralls and cover ups maybe down in the down in the streets in the alleyways. Something Yeah, definitely great to serve. I'm a big fan of Oberon. And that's that's sort of tiered city with lots of potential to take a supplement such as yours, and really working into that setting for sure.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

One of the subclasses in that set was the was the palette and oath of loyalty and the oath of loyalty is sort of, you know, powered and so often in d&d is kind of like the man right, like they are like, they're, they're the one that like, they're leading the party, they've got the cars, everything like that, although that's not what the oath of loyalty is, the oath of loyalty is the right hand person, the one that is tasked with getting things done and getting things done in a way that doesn't get dirt on the the person that's telling them what to do, right. So you know, that's a it's very much kind of a kind of a go getter kind of work within the system, or colour outside colour just outside the lines, sort of sort of subclass. So yeah,

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

I like to think of that as potentially your constant Larry. Exactly. To the to the boss. And if you've got, if you're building a crew, that fills that niche, maybe they're not quite the super, super good, guys, but they're kind of in that I can really see something like that working and Dragon heist, you know, works. And then you build in some of the Everon Patreon systems, working for one of the houses against one of the other houses. There's a lot of narrative juice there.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

Any of the Metropolitan classes could mesh so well into dragon heist. Yeah. Or any other city or urban adventure just based on their design. But yeah, I mentioned dragon Nice.

Snyder’s Return:

Yeah. Another great example of a city based adventure plot Sourcebook. So speaking of content creation, we'll move slightly onto your side of the fence, the podcast, interviewing content creators. Yeah. How has that been? What is that? How did you first get some of the world any of the amazing guests you've had? Chatting with these, these sort of spillers? Some of them of our community?

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

Yeah, I mean, I'll hop on this one. So when we when he gave the awesome history of our podcasts, you know, what he, what he glossed over was that for the first probably two or three months that we were doing the podcast, it was just the two of us. And then we realised that, that, you know, both of us sort of yammering at each other was less exciting. I mean, we needed to bring in a third voice. And that's where where Glenn came in. And he really, he really offered this fantastic moderating influence in the show, and really, you know, the show would be so much lesser kind of without that without that voice. And then it was long after that, of course, yeah. It wasn't long after that, that we realised that boy, that, that there were people out there that wanted to come on our show to talk about, about their awesome thing, right. And I think I'm looking I'm, I'm stalling a little bit, cuz I'm actually scrolling back through through our history here. And so just a real quick pop question Glenn and Liam Nico. Do you remember who our first interview was?

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

I want to say it was Danilo or definitely

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

fantastic, UK based person who had such a great person. I mean, we've had we've had about our AP table we've had

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

we've played in the game.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

But yeah, really. So we we we started just bringing people in because a they asked and or we were asking them to to add like, hey, we watched one of them, go ahead and sit down and chat for an hour about the cool thing that you're doing. And really, as we did it more and more, we realised that man, talking to awesome people about the awesome thing that they're doing in our space is amazing. And it is so fulfilling and it is probably the greatest gift that this podcast has given has given me right I won't speak for the other two but certainly for me it's that ability to go ahead and sit down and just have a conversation with these awesome people. I mean, you said it yourself Adams some of the people that we have had the the luck and the grace to go ahead and be able to talk to you has been so much fun like when we spoke with James and Picasso Hannah rose Sadie Lowry. When we you know real early when we were talking about a man I'm trying remember what what was his name the guy from from from from burned lands. Oh that was like, Travis like thank you. Yeah, yeah. So you know, talking to Travis like other like amazing game creators who, you know, and kind of we've kind of pivoted that into our actual play content now you only win mentioned the RPG Academy. One thing that we kind of borrowed from their format was, if we're going to be bringing in awesome game creators who want to come in and talk about their awesome thing, we can actually do that one step further and have them start running games for us in their awesome thing. Right. So like when we when we pulled in the the folks from even footing games, and then they ran the AP of their game babies and broadswords, or when we pulled in the folks from against the dark master for that amazing interview with them, which was an amazingly good time, you talked about interviews that could have stretched on for hours, we could have talked to them forever. And then to go ahead and be able to sit down and have have them run a game session for us in their system was just absolutely incredible. So, you know, man, I wish I knew exactly kind of how we got so lucky and how we got so blessed. But it has just been an absolute ride that I love. I'm absolutely loving the interview content that we're able to go ahead and put out there.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

And all of our all of our guests are fantastic, too. I mean, we've got the big names, but even the smaller names and the new indie creators that are putting things out that we've spoken to that nobody's really heard that much of yet. And everyone's been fantastic. That's what's so great about the community. And we're really learning that all you're gonna do is ask and most people want to chat.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

Talking to awesome people about their awesome thing is just amazing. Yeah,

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

I can say that our interview we interviewed Beth the bard. Yeah. Newt is her handle. Mama Newt.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

Lucky games,

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

Lucky new games, games and NaVi blades? Yeah, yeah. When we interviewed those three creators, that was one of the most inspirational interviews we had, because at that point, we were, we had done some of our content creation, we had done our first couple of projects, and there are things that we're looking at, or are considering. And, you know, when you get that kind of impostor syndrome feelings in the back of your mind, you're not sure that this is the right thing to do. And I remember the question, I asked the bar, I'm like, you know, you know, how did you just, you know, what got you past that? To do that? She was I just did the thing.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

And I'm wondering about professional DMing. Yeah, like, how do you become a professional?

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

Do you have professional Liam's? I just I just asked people if they wanted to pay for it, say, Well, I run games by torrents people. Her personal strength is so inspirational to me, because I consider myself a relatively confident person. Yet, I didn't make the connection that all you had to do was just go ask and do the thing. Like, it didn't seem that simple to me. Like I thought there had to be a complex process carry the two of the square root of why the hypotenuse of somebody else's isosceles triangle to get to that end, but at the end of the day, it was just do the just do the damn thing.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

expression when she said when she answered you with, start charging for your sessions? Yes.

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

How do you get like I'm a professional DM, just start charging for your sessions. That was the answer. And it sounds so strange that an answer that simple that direct, could be so cataclysmic, and it's seismic shift in my thought process. But that's exactly what it was. It moved me in a way that honestly, not many, a lot of our interviews moved me in various ways. That was probably the single answer that moved me the most that we've done in two and a half years of this, of this podcast. Yeah. Yeah.

Snyder’s Return:

So moving from the profound, I guess, to inspiration and interpretation. So you've chatted with sort of mainstream and indie content creators, other podcasts you've you've been inspired RPG Academy was one of them. You mentioned, what is it you've taken from, from these other places that's helped influence and sort of refine your content because you have actual plays you mentioned and we'll touch on again in a bit these amazing interviews you guys do, plus the reviews, plus all this other stuff. And you still got time for putting things out on Kickstarter and all that. So having all of these sorts of outside influences what have you taken and refined into your own process? The most, I guess, that's, I would say and all of

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

you. I'll jump in first real quick, because I'll talk longer than me. I would say that the, for me, the biggest thing that all of the work we've done has impacted the biggest way that it's impacted. Our podcast as a whole is how much we embrace collaboration now, not that we didn't in the beginning, but like so much. So now that we and we've evolved a couple of our own things we've borrowed and Josh is going to talk about RPG Academy, so I won't jump into that too much because that's a big inspiration behind the show. And lately Nick has got a couple of two, but the having other people run their show the game for us AP style. And then we we get to be the players that we did take from RPG Academy. Combined with our regular APs and a lot of that collaboration, I think, where it's really helped make us a unique platform out there. I think where it's really helped us find our niche is how much it's created a relationship with other podcasters and creators that we regularly bring on to our show to collaborate with and effectively double up on audience audience exposure. As we move forward, so like, as an example, our class warfare, I think those are probably probably our most unique AP format. episodes where we take a class that we've been reviewing, and we each roll up a different subclass from it, and we were all a party of all that all wizards did not perform well, just in the first session, the owl bear ate well, we got down all of the bad guys, but the owl bear, but the owl bear ate well that day. But then we started bringing other people into that. So like we've brought in scald from awfully queer heroes and had her be part of it either running the session or playing one of the characters or when we bring Mike or from 19 hits the dragon, or dads with nerdy ambition, Steve Pugh, onto the show to work in the actual plays with us, or anyone that we've interviewed before, like yourself, at some point, when you're likely to get an invite to come play in a session. I think that that piece, the collaborative piece of how the community is open and accepting of each other, and everybody and is willing to work with each other, has had the most influence in the way that we've shaped the show as we've gotten because it's really opened up from our original format of we're going to do episodes about these things and just talk about them to having so many conversations with other people and creating so many connections. So there's my there's my ramble, not a

Snyder’s Return:

ramble. It's open. Thank

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

you. Yeah, I will keep my my kind of addition to that brief because, honestly, Glenn, I think that you nailed exactly what we get from this, right. I think that there's there is sometimes the fear that if you're doing a podcast that it is that you're doing a podcast for yourself, right, you're doing a podcast to go ahead and hear yourself talk or you're hearing a podcast because you know, you want to sell something or anything like that. And for us what I have found over the last because we've been on the air for just about two years now. And what I have found is kind of what Glenn said, and what I was alluding to earlier is just how rewarding it is to have other people come and talk about their awesome thing because the world of the TTRPG space is so myriad and so varied and there is there's so many there are so many like little niches here and there little pockets of people doing awesome things with powered by the apocalypse or whatever. Like, you know, like when we we were able to bring on the creators. There was a Kickstarter not long ago for a powered by the apocalypse build, based on the faith of the more album, the real thing. And I saw this on Kickstarter way before it launched. And like the moment that I saw it, I was like, Oh, yes, we need to have them on the show. Because I want to talk to them about this. I want to know, you know, and we want to run this game. Like if they will run this game for us. Like we want to play this game. It was just as stinking amazing as you would think it was. horse crap. That game is good. Yeah, more so yeah. You know, and like and now like, like word appears to become friends. Like we talked to them all the time. Like, you know, we're we're we're talking to ward about about please have seen our own stuff and everything like that, you know? Which by the way, I don't know if I've told you to but he's in so. Yeah. So it's like


you have any spots left? Oh, boy. That's good.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

I honestly have to do this schedule. I have I don't know yet. Okay, good question.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

I was just wondering because there's somebody handy that we could invite if we chose

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

probably I'm sure we should probably know. But anyway, I'll go ahead and say that like again, like bringing other people on is so rewarding. Like it's like, as much fun as I have talking to these two about you know about classes or about books or whatever like that. I think our best shows are when we get to go ahead and bring an awesome people

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

some great learning comes. I just second all of that and say we've also had some really great comments. I know very early on we used to have a segment that we did called side quests where we talked about genre television shows the Marvel movies and Shadow and Bone and Star Wars. Yeah, Star Wars Mandalorian we got inspiration. Yeah, where we got our inspiration from and one of our very early interviews was with at the time they were called Marvel's madams now the madams originally they focus just on Marvel stuff, but now they do movies and an amazing pair of broadcasters extremely, extremely The thought well thought out discussions. And I remember when they're very sharp. I remember when we after our first interview with them, either we appeared there or they appeared on our show. I don't remember, I can't remember which way it went. But I remember that. Madam Chris had made the comment that she felt that we were allies in the cause of supporting women in the community at large, not just tabletop gaming, but the community at large. And I remember saying that was one of my most proud moments ever. Yeah, that's big accolades. My mother who passed a few years ago would be who marched in the 70s. And did all the things would be so proud to hear that her son, her baby boy, with his little cherub face is still considered an ally to that, cause. Yeah, it's not a chair of face anymore. And I'm not a baby boy by any cheeks. But uh, that was a very, very proud moment for me. And I've had, and we maintain friendships with that podcast, even though we don't do that segment anymore. We've been on the show a couple times now and

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

find a reason to bring them back, though we haven't talked to them. And I, yeah,

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

I mean, I chat with them through Twitter all the time. And they've got some, they've got some really big things happening. And it, but the fact that we were, that they recognise who we are, internally, and we're willing to talk about that, that, that made me very proud of our work. And, yeah, and that's all about building that community, strengthening that community supporting this community.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

I'm trying to be ambassadors to it, and, you know, try to help shepherd inclusivity, and, you know, not gatekeeping and road blocking people,

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

because I made the comment that it frustrated me when my wife and my daughter would go to a game store to get something for me. And they felt odd about that. The looks in the such like that. So I want to promote anybody who's not doing that anybody who's going to be positive, like yes, women come sit at my table, but not because I'm going to leave it to you. But because you're a valued person that deserves and enjoys the right to play a game or to be in a space without feeling threatened. You know, that's something that I like to be able to celebrate. And I'm proud that I get to say that. And I don't I don't have any fear in saying that.

Snyder’s Return:

That's incredible, I think is the most simplistic and yet full way of describing everything you've said that is, it isn't what you do as a trio is, is astounding, your your output. And clearly, the future is stealing and what advertising slogan, the future is bright, with respect to your table there is you know, there's a waypoint on the horizon you're aiming for, with respect to the future, other things coming up that you're either individually or as a group looking forward to within the TTRPG community new releases and things like that, you're looking forward to review what's on the show, as well as personal.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

I mean, we are all really looking forward to the myriad of Dragon lands content that's coming out. And we're going to be talking about both the novels other than the initial novel and the real supplement that comes out at the end of the year. So I know that's going to be huge. You know, and honestly, the stuff that's coming out in 2023, for wizards going for Well, yeah, we're Yeah, well, certainly 2024 with the big with the big kind of revolution that's happening, but the even just the slate of supplements that are coming out in 2023, very intrigued to kind of see what's coming out on that front, you know, and then like even kind of outside of the juggernaut that is Wizards of the Coast, I am particularly interested to go ahead and take a look at the new one ring RPG that's coming out by free League. I'm really looking forward to that one. You know, yeah, that's, that's, that's a that's a big one that I'm really looking forward to. So you know, and I back a bazillion Kickstarters. And so I'm looking forward to we're in the middle of Xen quest for right now. And so I'm looking forward to, to the number of ziens that are going to be coming into my mailbox in the next few months here.

Snyder’s Return:

So nice. Either of the two remaining awesome cast members, what are you guys looking forward to?

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

So I'm looking forward to the release of a commission project that we worked on for another for another publisher. Spider verse media, we think some NDAs are still in place. So there's not much we can say about it.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

It's a dragon lands book.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

Is dragon lands book.

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

Yeah, yeah. Say that. We worked on a project already that's coming out. I'm looking forward to that being in the hands of players all over so they can get a chance to kind of get a version and get a get the ability to kind of see what we do in that space. And that was a real

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

experience learning to work with another company over.

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

It was really interesting. Building professional credits. And again, this goes back to that big interview we had with Beth and Luckey. Newt and NaVi, which is build collaborations. I think it was NaVi who said that, or maybe it was Sadie Lowry who said that might have been Hannah. But one of the interviews that we did in that we did those interviews, I'm pretty sure

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

it was sad. Yeah.

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

But yeah, I think it was sad. Now that you mentioned that. I remember she said, if you want to get into this, on a professional level, just have to start doing collaborations. Start small. Keep doing collaborations with people. People will get to know your work. They'll get to know your work ethic. And then you'll get bigger and bigger projects.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

And didn't she name drop us like three people right after we interviewed her to and help us help set us up with them? Nice.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

So we got the interview with James Chicago. Yeah. We went to him and said, Hey, go to

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

Ghana was first and then we're

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

gonna first not say I apologise. Scorsese to Adam backwards. Apologies, ladies. My bad. Yeah.

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

But at the end of the day, I'm looking forward to where that takes us. I know it's a it's a quality thing that we that we wrote. It's going to be a quality project. Working with Splinter verse, I mean, we've reviewed their books before love their work, and I am very confident that it will be well received. And I look forward to future collaborations. So if there are other publishers out there who are looking for content, tabletop juries, we do good work. And we would love to work on other products. We do work on our own, but we certainly are not opposed to joining in and being part of a good team.

Snyder’s Return:

Nice. I'm glad I guess that that leaves you and your ideas, aspirations and sort of things to look for in the future.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

So they've covered a lot of them. Some of them are things that I'm looking forward to are as an example, just for a very specific example, Lee Winnicott running the Star Trek for the new Star Trek game


system. Yes,

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

I am looking forward very much to the final announcement of Planescape coming next year, especially since during the writing of travellers guide to the multiverse. I did a lot of Planescape research and really kind of lost myself in the rabbit hole that is sigil city of doors for a little while. And I'm really interested in seeing what they do for a five year release of that. But some of the my favourite stuff that's up and coming is stuff that we're working on, I'm going to be honest, because we've got our current Kickstarter that's out there right now. With Dragon Lance, we'll also have at least a small dragon land supplement coming to DMS guild with three subclasses in it that originally were part of this project. But when we moved to Kickstarter, we would have had to water them down too much, right, because you can't say dragon Lance or any of the Dragon lands. And it would have done them a disservice would have made them crap. So we pulled them and created three new ones to go in this one. But that's still gonna come out as a Diems guild product. And I'm really proud of the work we've put into those. And I want to see how they're received. And there is a title something along the lines of factions of the multiverse kicking around our current design floor that I'm hoping that we launch into soon. So I'm really, really getting into the content creation.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

And I think that might mesh well with like a hit like a series of like, like heist themed missions, if there's ever a supplement that came up with a heist themed missions,

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

those factions, factions could work with teams are primed for a like Spring 2023 Spring Kickstarter project.

Snyder’s Return:

All right, well, there's just allegedly. A site says there's some high space things coming in the winter. Oh, well, there we go. 23. So things to tie in nicely. And then there's your other supplements to tie in for that urban based adventure. And so there's scroll down further link as to what these guys are Diems guild Kickstarter, and all those sorts of places. Wow. I mean, you guys, not only do it all but you succeed and excel at everything you put your mind to. And I doff the cap that I'm not wearing but you'll just have to roll with me here, doff the capital, to each of you both for your individual efforts. And as a team. It's it's

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

yeah, thank you so much. You're

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

stubborn to fail.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

Yeah. That's That's very true.

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

There's a trio of folks who will who I mean We've all seen Monty Python, right? It's only a flesh wound. That is literally our mantra like we are.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

I mean, if we have to we'll be coming back here. I'll

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

bite Jenkins off. Yeah. That nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. Chief weaponry? And surprise, no, no, no, no, no.

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

And we also have very supportive family. So let's let's be honest to you that like, you know,

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

support. But yeah, yeah. Without a doubt, shout out to our wives, because they, they endure and put up with a great deal. The opportunity


encourages me.

Snyder’s Return:

I mean, that's, that's a quick question and potentially even a little bit personal. So feel free to not answer. But do you get? So between podcasting, content creation, actual plays, editing, and all the myriad of other things

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

you do? Do you get for other games we play just for fun? Yeah, do you get

Snyder’s Return:

downtime to get time for you, in that respect, and that was respect to each of you get a bit of time to sort of collect or so down from this high and all that sort of stuff.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

Trish and I are deliberately building another life together around an IP that we're creating called a life a trip, and it may or may not branch into second childhood. So we do a lot of that to keep time together. But for myself, content creation fits nicely into my downtime, because I was creating anyway. And I love it. Yeah, that's,

Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

yeah, I mean, the and the other thing is, too, is that, you know, we alluded to this, when we talked about scheduling, and how to go ahead and schedule the interviews and everything like that, you know, at the end of the day, we firmly believe in in downtime, not just kind of, like, not just kind of like using the podcast as like our downtime from our professional lives, because we all you know, everything like that, too. But but also downtime from the podcast, right. And so, like, we take, we take breaks throughout the throughout the year, and, but we kind of schedule it in such a way that it's like, it's we try to make it seamless, right? We have we have successfully published every week for the last two years, at least two episodes a week. And we don't plan on stopping that the one kind of the one kind of asterisk, I guess on that was last summer when we took our break, because we took our break, kind of like as a last minute thing and couldn't like build up the episodes in advance. And so we replayed a bunch of appearances that we've had on other podcasts and stuff like that throughout that time. But there was still content coming out. And it was content that our audience hadn't necessarily heard. So we give ourselves a pass on that front. But like this year, we took, we took the month of July off and again, it's just about it's about creative scheduling, it's about making sure that everything is kind of queued up ahead of time that it's edited, it's in place and everything like that, and then we can go ahead and get some get some time away from the microphone and, and kind of rejuvenate those batteries. Because we keep a crazy pace and getting that time away is really really important to being able to turn out the the kind of product that we're putting out in some Yeah.

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

And to the last summer, even though one of our two episodes a week was replays of interviews and appearances on other shows. So they were new for our show entirely, but they were previously run out and other avenues. We still had our actual plans which were fresh to our channel in that same week. So there was actually we and that was four weeks total. So that and that was the only time we really had to do that in all other cases we have recorded in a way that allows us to have new shows all the time. So even when we switch over seasons or whatever, there's no breaking in continuity that is less of a requirement and more of an effort that we make because we know there are people who have had our back throughout this process and that's our way of giving back to them so they have something you know if people have taken the time whether they be patriots or just regular listeners to invest time and in some cases money in this show we're gonna continue to produce the best quality product we can the best quality show we can get something that's going to be Entertaining. Entertaining always thought provoking as often as we can dang funny when we when we can manage. And you know, hopefully not littered with too too many dad jokes but jokes aren't.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

Yeah, that's what you want.

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

But but the idea is to keep that keep keep that rolling and we I think we do a pretty well. Pretty good job of that. Because we have in my opinion, the best team in in podcasting. We just we all pick up where we need to pick up to make things happen. Nothing pressures crossed.

Snyder’s Return:

We use it as a jealous jealous of the teamwork down here. Jealous Have we have to steal from your own show, I guess we have been on quite a journey during this interview. Pun definitely intended because we have gone through all of your, or, as far as I'm aware, unless you want to throw anything in here at the end, gone through the Greek content, you put out who you've spoken to what you're working on what we can expect in the future, what you're excited about. So what I'd like one of you, and I'll let you fight over it between the various screens on the computer, is one of you remind everybody where we can find you and where we can go to support you please,

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:


Josh-Tabletop Journeys:

That's right. Okay, so the tabletop journeys podcast can be found at our website And as well, if you search for tabletop journeys, wherever you listen to podcasts, you should be able to find our show. If you can't find it there, please look us up on Twitter at TT journeys. You can also join our Facebook group, which is also at TT journeys, or email the show at podcast at TT And lastly, if you want to get in on the Kickstarter that we mentioned earlier, there's a really easy way to get there, you can go to www dot att

Snyder’s Return:

Nice links will be down in the description below this podcast, please scroll down, support the show. And to all of you because you are such a force an entity, a trinity. Thank you so much for joining me today. It's been a real pleasure getting to learn about your creative processes, your your input and influences and everything you're looking for. I'd love to get you back on the show for future interviews for your own releases, or your own show or even for one shot if you guys would be interested. Absolutely.

Glen-Tabletop Journeys:

Fantastic. Thank you, Adam. And thank you to all of your listeners out there for you know, putting up with these.

Lewanika-Tabletop Journeys:

Yeah, thank you for letting us come into your earbuds, your your car radios, and wherever you listen to the podcast. We appreciate the invite.

Snyder’s Return:

Thank you so much, guys. I look forward to speaking to you again in the future. Thanks for listening. If you'd like to learn more about the show, then go to www dot Snyder’s Alternatively, you can find us over on Twitter. At return Schneider, you have a link tree link in the description of this episode. And if you want to support us, come and join us over on Patreon and we also have a Discord server. Please leave us a review because we'd love to learn how to improve the channel and provide better content out for for those who are listening until we until we speak again. Thank you

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