Snyder’s Return

Heroes and Legends - Oneshot - King of Feathers - Pt_1

Adam Powell Season 2 Episode 1

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Snyder’s Returns Heroes and Legends take on a nuisance beast plaguing Port Nyanzaru on the Island of Chult.

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) 5e rules, including the Tomb of Annihilation Module referenced, are the property of Wizards of the Coast (WotC).

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Adam 'Cosy' Powell



DM: Adam Powell

Players: James Craddock, Kern Lasocki, Nathan McKechnie, Tyler Whatmore

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Music: Epidemic Sound

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Unknown Speaker :

Hello and welcome to Snyder return at the end finally agile play podcast this week, the heroes and legends of Snyder's return, take on a nuisance beast down on the island of chomped or they succeed. We'll find out in this two part one shot,

Unknown Speaker :

shall we? Shall we? Yes, Michelle. Michelle. Indeed, Michelle on over something surely.

Unknown Speaker :

Right you as an adventuring party, find yourselves in childhood. While important ends are who the main sort of pub, the trade hub and sort of last bastion of civilization before the wilds of Choate thought, take over the rock of that part of the continent. You are approached by the merchant princes who have been experiencing an issue with attacks from a well known foe to them, they have come to call the king of feathers, and they inform you that it is revered by some local Druids is a bit of a deity, but has been an absolute nuisance has been tearing into sort of the farming and the outlying settlements just outside of the protection the port news area offers the more wealthy citizens of the area. So they've approached you and have requested that you go and deal with the king of feathers one way or another and you're given a brief description to head south between the river Sean star and the river to carry and you are just a follow a southern southerly track. And you will find every so often small clearings with footprints and you just keep following these clearings one to the next, and they are the best guide to get you to where they believe the king of feathers

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

can I do with this?

Unknown Speaker :

So are we at the

Unknown Speaker :

city because we've just spoken to the

Unknown Speaker :

so yeah, you're just at the edge of Courtney's arrow looking south. They've indicated you were the first or clearing is Sort of promised you good payments should you should you come back victorious with any kind of proof that you have dealt with the situation?

Unknown Speaker :

Nice. I think we should just head straight off. Does anyone

Unknown Speaker :

know their way through this kind of terrain? What terrain is actually Yeah, what kind of terrain is this?

Unknown Speaker :

jungle type again? is a horse horse jungle. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

I mean

Unknown Speaker :

Oh god, this is good for my navigational systems. They

Unknown Speaker :

wrote a survival check for me then to pick up trucks

Unknown Speaker :

for survival. Okay, I'm gonna Can I help him because yeah, absolutely. Sick. To you have advantage to defend. It comes the event wash. Oh, that's good. Okay, for for those of Anders that's a dirty 20 Oh, because

Unknown Speaker :

they roll the natural 10

Unknown Speaker :

man with us. As you sort of scan the environment and you sort of start leading the group into the, the thicker part of the jungle, you do come across the first of these large clearances. And you can see a lot of the trees are bent outwards from the centre. And there's a lot of heavy impacts in the middle sort of all stirred up it appears that the, this isn't just a one direction this is all moves used in multiple directions with these heavy footprints, and you can see as the trees bend in a specific way potentially suddenly, where the next one could be.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, so gosh, yes.

Unknown Speaker :

so weak guessing you found some sort of tracks that had self okay.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, gentlemen, it appears to me they went in this direction in a southerly direction.

Unknown Speaker :

Follow me I'm not gonna keep that voice up is so annoying.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, I'm gonna go first and then I'm gonna Well, I mean I'm saying

Unknown Speaker :

I'm gonna go out yeah I'm just gonna start scouting okay

Unknown Speaker :

so much much in order

Unknown Speaker :

buy the fast I go second

Unknown Speaker :

the little bit after me

Unknown Speaker :

I'll go somewhere in the middle yes you will you duck to devil. Oh, I love it in the middle

Unknown Speaker :

I'm putting this chocolate back This

Unknown Speaker :

is ridiculous. I don't

Unknown Speaker :

know about your grammar back out layer. We do Fatboy 2g.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, I'm gonna mute my mic for every time I hear that time.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

as you start following down This initial track and you leave this clearer and you see these heavy impacts and they are more from from what you can see within the first clearing you start to move away from and then just into the treeline, whether the trees or bend back slightly. These footprints are equally as almost as long as Samson given that offsider your the tools or minus or frames being slightly bigger, appear taller than these tracks are longer. But as you progress, the footprints stop and side there as you look through using your survival tracking abilities, you can see a new clearing ahead where the trees have bent backwards.

Unknown Speaker :

Guys like how far I've had, we'd like to ask each other

Unknown Speaker :

a marching order we right next to each other.

Unknown Speaker :

By the way, I've not actually played with these one shot characters with these guys. So who am I actually you With so still got like a war forged rogue guy

Unknown Speaker :

yeah me

Unknown Speaker :

yeah they got behind me while you Tyler

Unknown Speaker :

James I mean get done pure blood Paladin moolah

Unknown Speaker :

mouthful yeah we got a robot a big cow

Unknown Speaker :

yeah another big towel ties a cow oh wow oh my god we're gonna we're gonna kill Yes man

Unknown Speaker :

Dano came to town

Unknown Speaker :

fuck it up

Unknown Speaker :

so in theory the pair of you can't get

Unknown Speaker :

lost, but you know, Challenge accepted. I want to turn left and right

Unknown Speaker :

okay I resist you got mad

Unknown Speaker :

cow disease.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, I'm just gonna point out and be like

Unknown Speaker :

broken trees maybe we should go check it out

Unknown Speaker :

good idea

Unknown Speaker :

I'm gonna wait

Unknown Speaker :

I'm gonna go Are you still thin in between the trees? Are you still think of the path? Or am I like I'm on the path I'm on the path now, but

Unknown Speaker :

now I've seen that I'm probably gonna go off pace and just try and sneak up and to see if I can see how I'm

Unknown Speaker :

just gonna like slowly trundle up the path where the broken trees are then I was like

Unknown Speaker :

you I'd like to start check for those wishing to stealth ahead and you do notice the path that you sort of seem to follow seems to sort of

Unknown Speaker :

just become undergrowth

Unknown Speaker :

because it doesn't sort of cover a path connecting these clearings now they just seem to be appearing.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay? further I see any movement I see me like,

Unknown Speaker :

like weird or if a cutout for the knees like weird noises or no noise at all. Like, it's like no tree birds in the trees or anything.

Unknown Speaker :

A perception check for me check.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, absolutely, absolutely.

Unknown Speaker :

I got 21 2016 plus five.

Unknown Speaker :

At the moment from from where you are just following these, these clearings at the moment you can hear wildlife soar coming around you some primates, some insects and tropical birds. But as you continue that sound seems to sort of draw level with you. And with each clearing you reach that sound seems to sort of be sort of panning further round into your periphery.

Unknown Speaker :

So wherever we're heading toward that, the further we're heading this direction, the quieter it is in front of us. The noises I were I was hearing it's now behind us kind of thing.

Unknown Speaker :

It's, it's getting a

Unknown Speaker :

sigh the either one of you looking stuff

Unknown Speaker :

up to the clear and you

Unknown Speaker :

We noticed as I said, if there's any like anything living any movement,

Unknown Speaker :

do a perception check for me, for them

Unknown Speaker :

go natural 20

Unknown Speaker :

as you look around, you don't see any movement in this particular area and now like idea behind you use your senses pick up the, the sounds of the wildlife and sort of pan around into the periphery. You do see another clearing ahead. Again, with the trees are bent, they don't seem to be clearly connected, but they seem to be forming a path of their own as each new clearing opens up, sort of further ahead of you in this sort of southerly direction. The best you sit around here is a couple of insects and sort of small spiders, okay. Sort of dropping and there's some things

Unknown Speaker :

is it fair clicking

Unknown Speaker :

King of feathers feathers What do we know about him? Do we know like what is what type of being he is? Or what his habits are? Does he fly or anything? Do we know any anything about them? Like for from our debrief or

Unknown Speaker :

the information you would give him was a little bit sort of sketching and almost contradicting there was. It's a big feathered, hence the name, big fat creature.

Unknown Speaker :

Long sort of,

Unknown Speaker :

almost, beak type head, or protrusion,

Unknown Speaker :

muscular frame. No one's seen it fly but it seems to get around

Unknown Speaker :

very quickly. As I

Unknown Speaker :

said, it's all revered by some Druids as a bit of a deity and in a small section of this we get told

Unknown Speaker :

they had like a temple or was it more of

Unknown Speaker :

their like

Unknown Speaker :

it was just people that's seem to be sprouting up following this deity that were causing problems.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

there was a dedicated temple in portney in Xero. In Xero, for the king of feathers, the druids must all be living out in the jungle somewhere.

Unknown Speaker :

And wherever this thing has its lair potentially they have some sort of set up there but the information you got from the merchant princes didn't fill in all the gaps. Fortunately,

Unknown Speaker :

as we get closer to this like ever quiet like position in the jungle then and we're like hold one of the like. These head necklaces around my neck and then like put back totem pole Greek club to the side, and then I want to cast commune with nature.

Unknown Speaker :

And then

Unknown Speaker :

I briefly become woman nature and getting knowledge of the surrounding area and the outdoors. This book gives you knowledge of the land within three miles of you

Unknown Speaker :

And I would like to see if there's any like

Unknown Speaker :

any buildings or anything like that, during this like in that radius

Unknown Speaker :

during your commune with nature, the sense the information you get back is that somewhere further south from your current location, there was a an old stadia or amphitheatre there is some Coliseum type structure ahead that potentially is

Unknown Speaker :

in use or was in use.

Unknown Speaker :

The information coming back to you is that the structure exists and the nature is sort of formed around it. The sense you get from from the nature as well as as you get closer. And your knowledge of Choate in general, is that there was a lot of necrotic energy as well and quite a lot focus Further to the south in the area.

Unknown Speaker :

I'll relay that to those guys. And then give them like the general direction. And then keep walking that way was like now kind of like keeping my ears like here's the surroundings, see if anything's like maybe watching us as we get closer. Okay, so what's the plan? How far? Well this arena did you say? Yeah, who does? theatre? Yeah, how far away is it from us? How far away was it to give you that information? It doesn't.

Unknown Speaker :

But you know, it's within three miles.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay. So it's within three miles of us. Fine.

Unknown Speaker :

Otherwise, you know, yeah,

Unknown Speaker :

summation. Okay, so it's within three miles. Do you know can you do that crazy and can you sense like any beings around here because I

Unknown Speaker :

don't want to be like stell thing

Unknown Speaker :

the next three miles because there's no reason to.

Unknown Speaker :

I mean, it says you can.

Unknown Speaker :

So as you can know the do train bodies or prevalent plants powerful celestial, celestial sphere, friends elemental or a dead so you basically learn three facts. And then it says For example, you can determine the location of a powerful undead in the area, the location of a major source of safe drinking water and the location of any nearby towns.

Unknown Speaker :

So you could

Unknown Speaker :

I guess while I'm commuting, I could like try and figure out if I can actually sense any like undead as well with that necrotic energy.

Unknown Speaker :

At the moment, you don't sense or the the information although you sense the necrotic energy you didn't sense any undead within the immediate area.

Unknown Speaker :

I will. I cannot tell if there's any in the MPC. However, since it's closer to us, that doesn't seem to be any. So I think we should just hit that way. Okay, I will split up from the pack, do my own thing, about 40 metres away But still,

Unknown Speaker :

like, parallel with you.

Unknown Speaker :

Just in case anything pops out, or anything like that happens unless you may go just ahead just as a brisk walk.

Unknown Speaker :

We're going to head straight to that point. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

We might as well Yeah, I think so. might as well check out first okay. I'm just gonna split the pie thing. Just run on the header thing. Are you still how quick you want to get there? I want to get there pretty quickly. So

Unknown Speaker :

I already want to sell food. Just want to I want to get to see it. Yeah, well, okay, well, we'll get there too when we can see it and then I'll start sneaking about because I'm not going to sneak the hallway there.

Unknown Speaker :

So as you guys saw, keep following the track since you split up I'd like a survival check from cider and the rest of the party who do if you're sort of leading as it were

Unknown Speaker :

five or 10

Unknown Speaker :

Plus, yeah,

Unknown Speaker :

I got 23 Wow nine, rather than 18 I will 21 I'm silent mine again

Unknown Speaker :

2323 as you guys saw, you see sort of see the pan off to the to one side and sort of walk in parallel to you, giving you a sort of a different perception of perceptive angle. You can see the the tree line now is unbroken. There doesn't seem to be any footfalls between these classes. But every clearance you come across as you go through two or three more, as they're spaced out has these big deep m imprints, some of them sort of twisted and gnarled up, you can see sort of almost opposing tracks and things like that. And as you sort of move through these areas, being as quiet as you can, some way off in the distance you hear

Unknown Speaker :

an odd

Unknown Speaker :

pop bird call bar, pop, roar, it's it's an unusual sound. This all rings out and you sort of gauge it to be sort of beyond where you're heading, but you're not sure how far beyond the intended target

Unknown Speaker :

I don't know how how far on so we hear something.

Unknown Speaker :

You hear a loud roar slash bird cool ring out from the jungle beyond. As you're sort of moving Through, you move from one clearing to the next and then beyond that you can start to see a larger clearance or cleared area and potentially some sort of stone structure or

Unknown Speaker :

how far away is the next opening with that structure

Unknown Speaker :

from the clearing you're in,

Unknown Speaker :

it's 30 feet ish to the next clearing and then so another third so about 60

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, I want you to stop nothing. I'm going

Unknown Speaker :

to go come on

Unknown Speaker :

naturals what 30 wanted against

Unknown Speaker :

cray cray. I'm keeping this dice. This is not like she gave me Casey just say no. So you've ruined it for yourself. Go to natural naturals already with it. I'll say it. They'll be it for the rest of the whole year. Now.

Unknown Speaker :

After a fall

Unknown Speaker :

at Goodyear in the

Unknown Speaker :

Corinthian Samsung were cited there was so there is no more a shadow seems dissolving, take to a tree and then disappears off ahead. What are you doing now you've virtually become one with me.

Unknown Speaker :

I want to get up to the beginning of the second well 40 I want to get out, because it's Sorry, it's forest, isn't it? So I want to sneak up to the beginning of that clearing, and then have a look at what I see. And then take it from there. There's nothing there that I want to continue like sneak it up to the star structure.

Unknown Speaker :

So as you pass through the next clearance and it all becomes a little bit

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

You then sort of encroach towards the edge of the tree line. And because you are on your own, can you see just off literally afterwards. Inside there is fallen trees there is large feathers multicoloured, so intertwined in a sort of circular weave, and there seems to be some sort of carcass or a number of carcasses and then off to your left as you look out into into this large clearing, there seems to be sort of a template structure with step two raised areas. It's been built to a standard and a style but it has been left to fall into disrepair.

Unknown Speaker :

I want to go up and have a look at those feathers.

Unknown Speaker :

All right.

Unknown Speaker :

Each feather seems to be at

Unknown Speaker :

least sort of even the shorter ones, or half as tall as you are potentially use or three. Two thirds of your height is long, wide feathers. Those reds and blues and some yellow as well. They seem to be intertwined and there's a fuse or left just just loafing behind.

Unknown Speaker :

Can I? Is it just feathers?

Unknown Speaker :

on the ground in general, there's all packed Earth, a couple of broken ups or rocks and things. And just a couple of feathers laid about within the sort of circular weave structure. There is feathers there is virtually full trees that have been dragged into position that seems to be sort of bones and carcasses of you can tell their animal we might not be able to tell which about investigating them, but there is sort of stuff earth and all sorts to bind the thing together.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, can I check for traps? Awesome. They're

Unknown Speaker :

rolling this rolling investigation ship, please.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, Invesco ACR, no That is a 21

Unknown Speaker :

you look round and that doesn't appear to be any sort of trap mechanism that doesn't seem to be any sort of pressure pad or wire or anything like that. It simply simply appears to be something that's been

Unknown Speaker :

okay. That's cool, right?

Unknown Speaker :

I'm gonna come barreling into the opening.

Unknown Speaker :

Just like through the jungle now, and just be like,

Unknown Speaker :

good because I can't see Cypher right because he's got like a 31 stealth or something ridiculous. He's

Unknown Speaker :

really noisily breaking fuck. Come through this way. Guys. This looks like the way to go.

Unknown Speaker :

Probably hiding again.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, God. Wait a minute. Wait, I have a thing here.

Unknown Speaker :

Hello, grip feather beast, are you they're

Unknown Speaker :

just gonna stop picking up sticks just breaking them on purpose.

Unknown Speaker :

Destruction. I like it. I like it. Want to make sure this frickin just display of I just can't describe this this is just like true power. Just the worst sort of tactics I've ever been part of an efficient machine and I've just got this to work with cider.

Unknown Speaker :

cider he's not a

Unknown Speaker :

good I've got to keep quiet

Unknown Speaker :

role perception checks for me please those that make sure

Unknown Speaker :

yeah keep keep an eye out for not those two does anyone elses

Unknown Speaker :

buddy kill 15 I got a 2166

Unknown Speaker :

didn't well James doing well carry on.

Unknown Speaker :

Come on, come on about the saving throws. That's what

Unknown Speaker :

they're really important. I'll

Unknown Speaker :

go plus 16 my charisma saving throw a plus 16 by examine this bad boy.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh yeah cuz

Unknown Speaker :

I would be all over that I

Unknown Speaker :

know you would roll them chicken Rosa for

Unknown Speaker :

me never know. I'm gonna get pregnant.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm gonna

Unknown Speaker :

I'm gonna pop out my docent out of my eyeball and have this little small metal sphere about two inches across is gonna pop and hover just above my right shoulder about two inches. And

Unknown Speaker :

I'm just gonna start

Unknown Speaker :

talking telepathically and then giggling. And then we're gonna look at two guys that we see over yonder.

Unknown Speaker :

As you saw have a scan about and look about the trees, the rest of the jungle sort of starts to reform around the outside of this sort Larger clearing so everything outside of

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

amphitheatre type structure, arena area.

Unknown Speaker :

You also, you'll

Unknown Speaker :

also hear the sounds of scratching and some sort of low coring, almost coming from or echoing out from within the structure that sort of stands off to do off of your sort of left hand side you can hear scrap and lonely in there. Right. So now that's been dealt with it. Yeah, who do you Yeah, stretching and moving and sort of,

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

almost like a cork or chirping coming from your left. Within sort of echoes

Unknown Speaker :

is via noise I want to go over.

Unknown Speaker :

Just got an acknowledgement. I'm gonna ask my docent, who I'm going to call William to detect magic on the what I assume is a nest. See if there's anything fancier like William Kahn does favour He's my like translator dude, but me and him go way back.

Unknown Speaker :

Way back We're like broza did I see a beast? Or did I see like a bird or wherever

Unknown Speaker :

you catch just the last glimpse of a ostrich sized reptile reptilian sort of more that's on a duck's back round one of the pillars and sort of skitters off across stone across. But as you you're approaching the door and those so dear and technically all of you will probably feel this. The ground starts to sort of just lightly vibrate. I don't like that. But it's so intermittent like a heavy impact or makes the ground tremor. And again, you'd hear this strange All raw bird call coming now further south from beyond and you can hear this noise approaching and it sort of coincides with the impacts as the ground sort of starts to vibrate and it's vibrating more and more and you can hear trees a stand to crack and fall a bit way off.

Unknown Speaker :

Can I can be sent

Unknown Speaker :

where that rumbling is origin originating from or is it just all around us? You feel

Unknown Speaker :

it through the fall but it certainly is definitely a Trump comes through the floor towards you. from the south and it's all coincides with the sound of the of this roaring and corn.

Unknown Speaker :

Trees are cracking and breaking is is the

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

yet on as yet unseen seems to be barreling forward and head in your direction. To the

Unknown Speaker :

I'm going to pull up my halberd and shopping Oh mahomes ready? Oh, I like it. The

Unknown Speaker :

so on the screen to the right where that fallen tree is yeah there is that like, is that just open ground or is that like forest or what is that? The forest so the forest restarts beyond okay clear I want to run into the forest and hide

Unknown Speaker :

like yeah, roll me nuts Yeah, I want to be that if I had like my strap that I'm hiding

Unknown Speaker :

it's probably gonna come from Romi

Unknown Speaker :

Romeo still

Unknown Speaker :

ah 19

Unknown Speaker :

I like this dude is freaking ridiculous.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

hopefully he's got a natural perception so you didn't last but I probably will.

Unknown Speaker :

I was it was a slapdash hi so you I can't carry Trevor Williams with me because you saw

Unknown Speaker :

William and you saw yourself so either and William

Unknown Speaker :

basically stays with me as

Unknown Speaker :

as much as he can. He's paid him a little translator dude

Unknown Speaker :

nice as you vote the tree and you saw disappear behind one of the still standing a bit further back

Unknown Speaker :

well now that I'm gonna keep an eye out

Unknown Speaker :

well i think the noise is coming from

Unknown Speaker :

I'm gonna run out into the open and I'm just gonna put both my arms up in the air wave and my whole bird just shouting at the top of my voice. Jesus we've got to me it's

Unknown Speaker :

where they last a flex.

Unknown Speaker :

Where Where are these meatheads?

Unknown Speaker :

I will kill them with a single thought

Unknown Speaker :

is one

Unknown Speaker :

to a edge to the right there where there's trees are

Unknown Speaker :

just like yeah, just yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

Give yourself Yeah,

Unknown Speaker :

I'm not rushing out into the open wave my hands about because that'd be stupid.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, yeah, this sounds stupid. I mean, who would do that? Exactly. So,

Unknown Speaker :

as as this is approaching and the trees are cracking, there is a there was a gap where the vibration stops, the vibration stops, the noise stops trees you can still hear falling and that but there's no new trees falling and just for a second or so there's more silence and then again, boom heavy impact start again. Trees crack and then there's another momentary silence. Bob bomb and AZ central facing south Udi. Well,

Unknown Speaker :

all four of you see this large sort of feathered,

Unknown Speaker :

sort of angry mod beaked face or pear over the top of the tree line, looking down, gives out this rule and then

Unknown Speaker :

vanishes and appears

Unknown Speaker :

In front of you, and I'm going to

Unknown Speaker :

where's my thing? Cast?

Unknown Speaker :

Speak with animals and be like,

Unknown Speaker :

Ah, good sir. Do you know the feather King is

Unknown Speaker :

science 18 to him matches.

Unknown Speaker :

Cheers All right. We'll meet 4012 4012

Unknown Speaker :

Ah, God, I'm glad I hit

Unknown Speaker :

level 12 Yeah, I get I probably have the least demise. I think so.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, that's why I'm rolling ridiculous on the stealth jacks and survival checks.

Unknown Speaker :

All right, yeah. flexin

Unknown Speaker :

I'm gonna pay that's pretty much what I'm good at. So you guys take it from here

Unknown Speaker :

seven survival income z Hello income z as you stand

Unknown Speaker :

there and this this massive feathered form appears in front of you looking down it reaches down long neck beak slash more opens tooth teeth sharp teeth inside ready to rip you apart it does 42 points

Unknown Speaker :

arcane shifting

Unknown Speaker :

damage. happy with that and you are grappled life

Unknown Speaker :

was your medium in size Aren't you even though you're

Unknown Speaker :

I am Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, so you are grappled

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, this is

Unknown Speaker :

please. Oh, here we go. Here we came to par. convey. I have advantage boom. I was doing less. Oh yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

Wow, I didn't realise how slow I walk doesn't make sense

Unknown Speaker :

20 feet

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

be over before you get

Unknown Speaker :

20 feet

Unknown Speaker :

dude I do

Unknown Speaker :

for a melee class. I can actually jump that far. Yeah

Unknown Speaker :

I could actually jump further. five feet smaller than a fucking door. How terrible is that

Unknown Speaker :

little stubby leg

Unknown Speaker :

all it was like finally like he was like god

Unknown Speaker :

oh my god I just got my

Unknown Speaker :

kitten eventually and then I'll just slap my palace there and then we'll all die anyway

Unknown Speaker :

and I'll save the date. That's all good

Unknown Speaker :

I just got another natural thing.

Unknown Speaker :

Right now you didn't know

Unknown Speaker :

what safeguards is you've had you're on a 20 New Roof all day. Now I was laying it brief. I was laying breeze and I rolled it. So warming head. Yeah, it's going to 20 over time. Maybe it is. I mean, if I'm honest, I'm not a big fan of the old

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

So it makes me feel bad that I've wrote three of these already. And I feel like I'm just bullshitting yet but this is happening, but the next roles I'm going to predict is a match for 20 after toy, another natural 20 so you

Unknown Speaker :

go What's the What did you get for initiative? You

Unknown Speaker :

was I match 2123 23

Unknown Speaker :

I got hired because I got match. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker :

Samsung's trench

Unknown Speaker :

I caught two

Unknown Speaker :

Oh my

Unknown Speaker :

Oh 222 the one that comes after number one. And just before number three.

Unknown Speaker :

All right, so there is Nate. I think we need to have a little chat about your contribution to the party.

Unknown Speaker :

So not only do you like nothing is snail's pace you come last as well. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker :

trust me. You want the big hair going last

Unknown Speaker :

Don't worry. for you

Unknown Speaker :

in the fight though, because by the time you

Unknown Speaker :

get there, okay, we were thought of all edge eventually. Yeah, but that's all my stuff in it. Yeah. Okay. You do that? herself. Well, God, I got 18 Okay.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

In 1990 there we go. So that worked out well. Did it

Unknown Speaker :

did it

Unknown Speaker :

so Either from your place off to one side, you have watched this feathered beast, effectively Bamp from the tree line right on top of infancy and just rip down with massive drawers. And he is now grappled in the beak of this beast.

Unknown Speaker :

I just had to fix it up.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

Initiate kickoff mode. We'll just

Unknown Speaker :

see what

Unknown Speaker :

is your turn? What are you doing? Yeah, you're a badass mode and then the silence.

Unknown Speaker :

What do I do? Okay. How far away am I from the HA

Unknown Speaker :

With a little bit of difficult terrain, and the fact you're a bit further back about 40 feet

Unknown Speaker :

I've got 40 feet worth of movement.

Unknown Speaker :

So I mean, I can run that. That's what I call a success.

Unknown Speaker :

I will in that case,

Unknown Speaker :

rushy bonus action hunters mark that little slag and he's kind of come in with Miss schematize of shopping as with the choice of sharpness, yeah Scimitar sharpness. Just one

Unknown Speaker :

no sharpens shot on top

Unknown Speaker :

sharpness. shopping, shopping, shopping. Are you good? I would draw a penis.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, I'm coming in. This is voice by the way. I decided that

Unknown Speaker :

I was straightening

Unknown Speaker :

my hair up from the big whack which is horrendous natural 110 Wow, natural three

Unknown Speaker :

Dude, you definitely don't like

Unknown Speaker :

the height of the feathers and the height of this this beast huge beast loads not represented very well on the board the huge beast just deflects the blow I mean it's still

Unknown Speaker :

pretty massive but the board takes up like four spaces it's like 20 feet yeah

Unknown Speaker :

let's take a second attack with the same Scimitar natural 15 so that's 22 points of damage 22 to hit

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, let's let's hit first

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

or a sneak attack on this but I've already hit him. So because of that

Unknown Speaker :

and you want to get someone engaged with it. You want someone grumpy.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, so negative on the snake's

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

I thought I think

Unknown Speaker :

the wording is not a Transcribed by

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