Snyder’s Return

Interview - Charlotte Hamilton - Wrath and Glory

June 29, 2020 Adam Powell Season 1 Episode 5

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We learn about Tabletop Role-playing in the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium as Charlotte Hamilton aka. Foxfyre takes us into the world of Warhammer 40K roleplaying with an introduction into Cubicle 7's Wrath and Glory TTRPG.

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Guest: Charlotte Hamilton - FoxFyre22

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Snyder’s Return :

Hello and welcome to Snyder's return a tabletop role playing podcast. My name is Adam and I'm joined today by Charlotte Hamilton. We will be discussing the cubicle seven Warhammer 40,000 tabletop role playing game, wrath and glory. Sharla thank you for joining me today.

Unknown Speaker :

Thank you for having me.

Unknown Speaker :

It's an absolute pleasure. Just to give some context, why don't you give us a little bit of your background and your experiences with both Wargaming and tabletop role playing

Charlotte :

Okay, so Wargaming wise this would date back to like grade nine, I think was the first time I really had a chance to see a tabletop wargame done up and that was what was it Necro Munda so it was the the terrain and the models that first got me into it not so much the gameplay I tried playing it with proxy models but I don't think we got too far.

Unknown Speaker :

But then from there as

Unknown Speaker :

I had a little bit more

Unknown Speaker :

resources available. As I got a little bit older and had like a part time job or whatnot, I was able to start getting into the hobby a little bit more and my friends were all into Warhammer Fantasy. So that is what I got into at the time and buying in what the was the Bertoni Ian and lizardman box which was like sixth edition or something Kind of hard to keep track of them all.

Unknown Speaker :

I went in with a high heels for that one.

Unknown Speaker :

And from there, I hopped over to 40 K and have been stuck on 40 k for the most part, since

Unknown Speaker :

I guess it would have been

Unknown Speaker :

like 1617 years ago now. Okay, so

Unknown Speaker :

my relation with the hobby for the most part is the lore and the painting. I could probably count on one maybe two hands how many games a 40 k on the tabletop I actually played?

Unknown Speaker :

I'm about at equal numbers with

Unknown Speaker :

what is it? underworlds age of Sigmar underworlds Yeah. As I get older and I have more responsibilities. It's harder to find the time to paint a massive army. So having the underworld game with only three to five models in some cases makes A heck a lot easier to be able to paint all the models because I'm snobby and I won't play my models in the street painted. And then for like, maybe half an hour, 45 minutes for a game versus three, four or five hours sometimes, though, that being said, I do have a lot of new sister stuff, which I am slowly working through painting.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, so that's sort of your relationship with the Wargaming side of stuff. How did you transition and what's your affinity with the sort of the role playing side of the getting in the hobby?

Unknown Speaker :

Um, for the role playing aspect of Warhammer that kind of goes back for another 1617 years when I picked up the Warhammer Fantasy roleplay first edition, core rulebook from a local used game store here, and I read through it a bunch of times, I was really intrigued with the random character creation in it. I was like one of the best things in that book for me, but I never had people to play with, I was able to find people to play exalted, and Vampire the Masquerade like we're talking first edition exalted and revised Vampire the Masquerade. That was easy. I was in basic training at the time, we're out of basic training and in our trades training, and there was a few of us that played exalted in our barracks in the evening time. So that was kind of my first introduction to that. And as years went on, I got into it a bit more. Not so much the Warhammer side, but the vampire side was able to find groups here to play that. And then I took a break and then I started to read back into the Warhammer stuff and started to see that Warhammer Fantasy roleplay fourth edition was starting to get created. So it was at that time I really started to dive back into it because it's a new book. It's shiny, it's pretty. And then now we have newer communities starting to form like the rat catchers guild on Discord. Which was or which is a all purpose Warhammer Fantasy roleplay Discord server. So we have everything from first edition second edition third and fourth. We do a lot of homebrew stuff on there we have the router, which is a fan made Xen like a internet magazine. Yeah, I am the owner and head admin for the rat catchers Guild, as well as the producer for the magazine. So I've been keeping busy on that side of things. But then, like I wasn't really too into a lot of the Warhammer 40 k RPGs throughout those years for whatever reason, like I've always liked the lore. I have more books before to get anything else but the RPG is have always eluded me for some reason. But then the other year when wrath and glory came out, I decided to kind of buy myself a birthday presents so I ended up getting the Warhammer Fantasy for today. Book and wrath and glory at the same time. And then like a week later rumours started to emerge about wrath and glory being halted for whatever reason. And then there is the uncertainty of the wine which obviously I bought the I bought the book a week ago. And here in Canada, the books were in between like 60 and $70. So I was not pleased.

Unknown Speaker :

I can imagine, the more

Unknown Speaker :

I was kind of paying attention to see what was going on in the gaming community. I started to think to myself, like you know what, I will bet you money that cubicle seven is going to pick this up, because they already had announced soulbound at that time, and they had Warhammer Fantasy force edition, so to me, it seemed like a bit of a logical choice to put all their eggs in one basket and give cubicle seven licence to 40 Caswell and sure enough within a week or two after I was sick of that, they they went and made it so I was kind of happy with that because I'm a fan of a lot of what cubicle seven does like obviously Warhammer Fantasy, fourth edition, soul bound Just came out, which are both phenomenal games. I've had a chance to run all three Warhammer games that cubicle seven does now. So it's a I find it as a good time to be involved in the Warhammer universe when it comes to RPGs. Despite some of the what was the attitudes of some people regarding some of the IPS?

Unknown Speaker :

Yes, yeah, I have sort of seen a few of the individuals voice their opinions with respect to certain aspects of things, but we can touch on that a bit. You mentioned just before discord is is there anywhere else we can find you in particular or everything you're affiliated with? Rick, where can people go to find you in particular?

Unknown Speaker :

I can usually be found kicking around like the rat catchers Guild, which as I was saying is our Warhammer Fantasy fourth edition server. I also run the wrath and glory Discord server which is a standalone server for wrath and glory, the age of soul bound Discord server, which is the age of Sigmar soul down game. And then I also do a lot on my own Discord server called foxfire Studios. It is the server that I have set up for organising and running my games on my twitch channel which can be found at twitch TV slash foxfire 22 that's fo x f y r e two, two. That's something I started doing. I think about three months ago now, the original intent was to run through a whole bunch of different games. picking them up as I go learning with minimal notice. Having players who are new to the games in an effort to have like an edutainment type of stream where we can learn how to play the games ourselves from first time gm of the game. perspective and firsthand players, for people to watch and be able to sell to their players or their GM, or even learn what, what they may be missing like whether they're going through character creation and or getting a little bogged down or if they're having some troubles with how some of the rules work some of the mechanics themselves, it was my intention that we could help iron that out. And from what I'm seeing so far, we've had really good reception. On my side of things, what I've seen so far is that it is hard freakin work. Trying to learn all these games like honestly multiple games at once, getting people together to play the games, getting the streams going for like a two week period, throwing in character creation. It is a lot so I've started to scale that back a little bit. So the first game I did on the stream was Warhammer Fantasy, fourth edition. We had two sessions on that we ran through the effective bait and switch.

Unknown Speaker :

That one was quite fun then after that

Unknown Speaker :

the New Revised Edition of wrath and glory came out so then I had the opportunity to quickly hop on that and learn how to play the game because once the original book came out, and once the news came around that it was changing hands I honestly I didn't look into it much past that because not knowing what the game was going to look like after cubicle seven was finished with it. I didn't want to invest too much time in it. flipping through it, I liked some of the art that they had in there. I liked the I like the direction that they're going, but I wasn't ready to sink in too much time. But then now with cubicle seven version that just recently came out. I had a bit of a head start to be able to read through it and figure out what's going on due to the old book has mechanics, for the most part were the same it was just getting some of the different assets FX figured out. And since I didn't have had the experience from the previous version, I didn't have any bad habits to break remember, that's when we got the PDF I started doing a crash course on that. I ended up setting up a like a rough gameplay channel on the discord that way we could go through different scenarios and figure out what works and what not what doesn't work. Quickly. I got a bunch of people together to play it some of those people I've played with a few times on different platforms. It was fun because I was able to have one of the people on there to revisit a character of hers that she played in a different game, which perished so it was kind of neat to be able to see her reprise that role at a younger stage in her character's life. And then yeah, I was looking through trying to find some inspiration for an adventure I threw up a few small encounters and I rolled through with the Bit of Romeo and Juliet in Necro Munda, basically was the premise of the adventure so

Unknown Speaker :

alright, you mentioned that you recorded these on your twitch stream wife before and soon is there some way they could go to watch your character creation of videos from wrath and glory? So they can refer to them maybe once we've finished this they can go and check out your your videos.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, definitely, uh, all of my twitch stuff can be found at the account name foxfire 22. I think they only stay up on Twitch for about two weeks after airing, I got to double check that but I do have a YouTube channel as well, which holds all of the old shows pretty much indefinitely. And while I am waiting to hit 100 subscribers to get that vanity URL to make everything a lot easier. I do have a tiny URL setup, which is I have to confirm it afterwards. But I believe Leave it as tiny URL comm slash foxfire YouTube. And that should take you to my my channel there which has a playlist set up with all of the old wrath and glory stuff. Now with the new adventure that they had released a few weeks back, I think it was graveyard shift or something. Yes. Once I can get some time to be able to do it, I plan on running that on the stream as well, of which I'll be looking for players to come join me on that. The drawback to that one is it'll be on a weekday night, which limits who I'll be able to get onto the show to play because I'm in North America, we have a bit of a shift between our timezone.

Unknown Speaker :

Yes, cool. So all right, so we've sort of gone through your history with with Warhammer and role playing games and all that sort of stuff. And that sort of brings us nicely into what is wrath and glory and what can people expect from The game if they decide to pick up the hardcopy book or the PDF or even both, there's a pass a sentence at the end of the introduction which reads prepare yourself for wrathful action glorious acts adventures in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium. Does that sort of release or encapture what this game is about? I know it mentions wrathful and glorious, but just the game sort of stand up against against that.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, I think so. from the previous Warhammer 40,000 RPGs. They were all based upon a D 100 system, which lends the game a little bit more of a darker grittier aspect to it. Whereas now with a new system, they've switched to a de six dice pool system, which, from what I've seen so far, it balances things nicely, like you're able to, you're able to play the heroes that you always read about in the books. You are able to go toe to toe with Some bigger enemies and even though you might be a little scraped up when you're done, you're still able to, to to deal with them like handedly like when I was running my learn to play stream game there we had a group of sisters a battle like all the players were sisters, which was in my mind awesome because I'm a huge sisters fans so to be able to set the stage for a group of sisters a battle to go forth and in this case, hunt down some orcs and take them out in some pretty creative ways was pretty fun. The system can be pretty brutal at times, you do have to be careful. But what I've seen so far it really highlights the glory aspect of the game. Now that being said, I only have the one game under my belt so the more you play it, the more versed you get in your characters. And the different stories you tell will change your experience with a game but from what I can see it is a decent system to kind of cover all the angles that you want to do with with an RPG?

Unknown Speaker :

Well, you mentioned the Sisters of battle and and sort of character or familiarisation and things. How easy is it for a new player or new GM and player to sort of run through the character creation process? Can they sort of if they've got a vision of a space marine of x y, Zed chapter, or like you have the mention there that the sisters a battle? Is it relatively straightforward for them to put that from paper or imagination to paper into roleplay? Where was it sort of standing on that?

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, on that aspect, character creation is pretty simple. There are are there is like a page or two of guidelines to follow as you go through, but I kind of see it as drag and drop, like you start off with your basic template. And then your basic template kind of starts off with a racial template. So whether you're a human or whether You are Space Marine or el dari or orc or anything else that they have included in there, you can take that framework and then start building on it. So if you are a human, you would start looking through the archetypes. And if you are running a tier one game, which is like your, your standard first level characters, you could look and pick a ganger. So you're like scum, you're just one of the thugs roaming the street at that point. You take the stats that they have on there, you could drop that onto your archetype, or sorry, onto your race and then start selecting some of your skills, which there is a package that they have on there, which is pre chosen for a standard skill set. So you can go through character creation, honestly in thinking like maybe about 1015 minutes once you do it once or twice, once you're familiar as with the book itself, and then at that point, working with yours And the other players, if you want to go with a little bit of a tweak to your character, it's easy to be able to swap pieces of your character out and bring pieces in. Like one of the topics we had pop up on the discord quite frequently was, well what if I wanted to play a an assault Marine, you know, what do I have to do to be able to have the jump pack? And then from there, they're just looking out what can I swap out skill wise to be able to have the the new piece of gear? So yeah, it's it's pretty plug and play. Yes, exactly.

Unknown Speaker :

So it's accessible to a point until you really want to get in there and manipulate you talk to yourself and treat your own individual style you can get in there reasonably quickly.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, I might be getting confused with soulbound. But I think they're kind of the same with character creation. You have two options whether you go like the archetype selections phase or free form. Complete point by either way you can do depends on your comfort with the game system itself and whether you want to go through a lot of the extra work to be able to fully customise the character that you have. When if you're looking at doing a one shot, being able to roll a character in 15 minutes is awesome.

Unknown Speaker :

That sounds brilliant. You mentioned before that this uses a decent pool system and has a sort of setup known as raft dice. How do they sort of tie into how the game plays out and how, how is it sort of used moving through?

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, so your dice pool is a combination of your attributes and skills, your values and their add up and then whatever that number is at the end gives you your total dice pool. And in that dice pool, you have to have one die that is set aside as a different colour, which will be known as your raft dye your yourself special little dice there. So as you're rolling your dice pool, if your wrath dice comes up as a specific value, it will either help or hinder your role.

Unknown Speaker :

We set aside the use of the RAF Dyson and look at how combat because you know, Warhammer 4040. UK is combat centric it is whether it's on the on the table as a war game with its various setups, kill team and all the others, or in this sort of role playing setup, how does combat feel and how does combat sort of work? Does it feel Do you feel empowered when you play this through the combat system?

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, definitely.

Unknown Speaker :

For a bit of an example, one of the first encounters I threw at my players and I'm going to try and keep spoilers to a minute As much as possible, if they were going down this one alley where there was boxes piled up and an orc commando hopped out and took a shot at one of them. He hit one of the one of the sisters. But she ended up going first when it was their time to go and basically killed him in one in one volley. I just poured everything into that one orc and he was done for so the flow of combat in this game, I find this pretty fluid for the most part. You get hit but you can turn around and dish it out a hell of a lot more. And on top of that, you have your how that work your exalted successes. Yes. So like your What is it your success is based upon a four or five and six in most cases that may shift depending on the talents that you have on your character. But then if you roll a six that is necessary To die which gives you an additional success. And then if you meet your threshold for successes, you can take any extra exalted dice and shift them to be used in different areas. So if you want to dump in a little bit more damage from your weapon, you can shift that to do that. I think you can save it to be able to use as your glory, meta currency on that one which allows you to bring out some special moves when you have enough of them to really give it to the enemy. I said before the combat in this it lets you be the hero and you really get a good feeling of that when you go toe to toe

Unknown Speaker :

does not stand out with the sort of the gear that's offered to the the iconic weapons you would expect to see. Within the sort of this core book. You able to sort of arm yourself in such a way that you not only can attack with With venom and sort of wrath or glory, stealing words off the cover but you can picture it in your mind that you're holding say, the bolt, bolt pistol or the chain sword or all those things.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, definitely. One of our players had a What did I give her I gave her a flavour of some sort it was like a combi weapon. flamer bolter and right off the very start when they got into combat with the big horde of orcs, she let loose and like any flame or weapon whenever this flame touches dies, basically so I think she ended up roasting. I was like three or four Gretchen or x as they were closing in, and then another one of our players had a heavy bolter but she was able to really lay into the elf and all the other side of things. One of the orcs was able to get a stick bomb tossed towards the players. The bomb itself landed at the feet of one of the one of the sisters and at the same time there was a bunch of Gretchen that were right beside that sister as well so when the grenade went off the sister received a little bit of damage but then the aggression that were at her feet were also pretty much vaporised in into like a nice red mist so you kind of see the glory of the what sorry, I don't want to say glory of the weapons but

Unknown Speaker :

no yeah,

Unknown Speaker :

I the iconic weapons used to their full effect in the game.

Unknown Speaker :

And the you mentioned there are a couple of enemies that you've used as the sort of the, the enemies that you could present to your to your party, your score and your your group A Day in here to sort of spark the Geums imagination to really bring the world to life.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah It's nice to see the best theory in the book have a lot of the iconic enemies that you'd see and what's not in the book now will there'll be more added later but it's also not that difficult to be able to roll up some new enemies as you see fit.

Unknown Speaker :

You mentioned sort of future releases and things like that Is there anywhere from your own knowledge of law and, and sort of other game systems and things either an expansion you would like to see brought to the game, or a specific piece of law that you've read through, you know, all the books you've read and things like that something that you would like to see represented by this game in the future.

Unknown Speaker :

Ah, to be honest, I am not too certain.

Unknown Speaker :

I feel that the core book itself allows you to cover off a huge chunk of the game. I do know that they are working on getting some vehicles done up for a new supplement in the near future. The developers have talked about that a little bit on the discord we have. We have contributors who are freelance writers for the game as well as cubicle seven staff on the discord so it's kind of neat to be able to hear some of the stuff that they have planned. Personally, I would love to see a lot of the Eldar stuff or the Eldar stuff fleshed out a little bit more like they're in the book but I would like to see like a whole complete supplement on the Eldar a race cuz aside from the Imperium, they are probably my next favourite. And there's so much that you could do with them as well. When the game first came out when I was starting to read through it, they had the adventure, dark tides, it was like a campaign book which spanned through I think it was like five different adventures and you move through them The game starting at like tier one characters all the way up to tier four I think it was and at one section you are able to switch over to the Eldar for a mission which I thought was really neat because now you're playing through a game and you're usually like your

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

race of choice like whether your Imperium or your orc or el dari or chaos or something like that. So I thought it was kind of neat to be able to see them be able to jump through different parts of the story. But as Aside from that, I'm not too sure where I would like to see them go fleshing out the factions, a lot more probably ideal, like having,

Unknown Speaker :

like something set aside for the Inquisition or the Sisters of battle.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, I'm sure that many people would like to see certain aspects of what they focus on as their sort of favourite faction. Maybe given a lot more light or space in the book and absolutely you say there's a small amount about the adept as psoriasis and the sisters about on and things like that. So there's it's quite thick, I think because they've tried to cover so much it's quite thin on the ground for for certain things and if you've got that background knowledge and you can fill it in maybe there's a way of sort of satisfying that, that gameplay from from that side of things.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

it's pretty adaptable on that side of things, it will just take a little bit of research into the lore to try and get something piece together for taking the game in another direction like that.

Unknown Speaker :

of you. So

Unknown Speaker :

coming to any with your experience with the game thus far, and the issues with with some of the rules, or anything that people should be aware of when they're picking this up something that With a little bit of experience they would know to maybe house rule or or aid them in their play as they continue their adventures.

Unknown Speaker :

There was some heretic shenanigans that went on when this PDF was first released. And the PDF that we have available to us right now is not the one that you really want to be digging into because there are some issues in there that got messed up during the export process from what I think there is an InDesign into PDF. There's like ghosts in the machine. So right now at the at the initial release of the game. There are some spots that aren't ideal, but I am I'm hoping to see a new well not a new I'm hoping to see the tweaks that we submitted through the

Unknown Speaker :

system. Like a feedback a writer process to sort of help. Exactly sweep it all together.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, we had like countless entries put into that a rata for issues that we came across.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

I would wait honestly,

Unknown Speaker :

if you can to wait until that comes out to really get into it, because then you're not having to try and fight the the book itself to be able to learn how things work. I know it's kind of unfair to bring that up, but that at this point in time, in the middle of June 2020, that is where we stand with a PDF. I'm hoping within the next month like within the next four weeks, we could see something new come out. I know that they've been working diligently keeping their head down and out of the social media spaces to be able to get a lot of stuff taken care of. So I'm eager to see the new

Unknown Speaker :

the new edition but

Unknown Speaker :

saw the revised release

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, the revised the revision for the revisions the revised.

Unknown Speaker :

That's fair enough. Fair enough.

Unknown Speaker :

Is there anything else about this game or Warhammer in general you want to touch on. While we have this, this form available to us.

Unknown Speaker :

I don't know. In my experience so far with this, it has been a great system to be able to learn and a great setting to be able to roll in whatever game you want to play in the 40 k universe. You can do it with this game with this setting. And with a system. If you want to tell a love story, like when I tried to do in Necker Munda, on my learned to play game, you can do it. If you want political intrigue, you can do that if you want nonstop combat go right for it.

Unknown Speaker :

Anything that you want to do in this game you can do

Unknown Speaker :

the rules are pretty straightforward and pretty. There's not a whole lot of crunch to it to make it hard to grasp. Once you get going through a few encounters, it's pretty easy to be able to pick up and run with it at that point. All right,

Unknown Speaker :

well, thank you very much for coming on to speak to me. Would you like to remind everybody where you can be found and how they can support you? And and all the sort of stuff that you do?

Unknown Speaker :

I yeah. So on Twitter, I am usually on there, reposting stuff and and advertising what I do on my stream, as well as random other stuff. You can find me there at Fox fire 22 and that is fo x f Y or Z two, two as well. Pretty much every Saturday at 12pm PST, which is GMT minus seven on my twitch channel which is also foxfire 22 Do all kinds of games on there? To date we have done warfare Warhammer Fantasy roleplay fourth edition, wrath and glory. Soul bound, we just did a punk apocalyptic one shot yesterday. I have a mistress one shot coming up this Saturday coming up followed by Vampire the Masquerade. And when I can get time I'm going to be throwing up wrath and glory and soul bound on to the weekday shows. That's kind of about it. Any of those places you'll be able to track me down to any of the discord I have on the go. Searching up wrath and glory discord on Google. I'm sure we'll bring something up asking on the wrath and glory Facebook page. I might see it there other people might see it there and drop the link. Yeah, once you know where to look. I'm pretty easy to find.

Unknown Speaker :

Fair enough. You were if I'm right in saying you're also on 40 k today at the start of June earlier this earlier this month. Well worth listening to that interview. I've done so myself. You had a brief interview on there, I believe.

Unknown Speaker :

Yes. Yeah, I had a chance to sit down with Tanya and talk to her a little bit about my experiences with basically being a woman in Wargaming. As for some it's not. It's not an easy slog. But yeah, that's a that was a fun interview to do as well for that specific topic.

Unknown Speaker :

If you got any more interviews coming up that we should be looking out for. I'm

Unknown Speaker :

not on the receiving end. I am trying to pin down Zach, the producer of wrath and glory for an interview on my twitch channel, which will be done live. But we are going to wait until the revised revision is released. So I'm looking forward to be able to talk to him on that one.

Unknown Speaker :

All right, well, thank you for your time today, Shanna, I appreciate it. Links Hopefully will be in the description below this podcast. Once again, thank you for your time you've been a wonderful guest and I've enjoyed sort of discussing the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium with you.

Unknown Speaker :

So, thank you.

Unknown Speaker :

Thank you for having me.

Unknown Speaker :

It's a pleasure. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker :

Thanks for listening. If you want to hear more of us or to get in contact with us, you can find us on Twitter at Return Snyder. You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and also if you wish to support the channel on slash nice return. music and sound effects provided for this episode are from epidemic Transcribed by

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