Snyder’s Return

Introduction to D&D -Baldur's Gate - Aukan's Gamble - Pt_2

June 25, 2020 Adam Powell Season 2 Episode 4

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As the game descends into chaos at the Blushing Mermaid in Baldur's Gates' Heapside district, the group decide to keep control of the situation the best way they know how.

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Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) 5e rules, including the Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Module referenced are properties of Wizards of the Coast (WotC)

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Yours Sincerely,

Adam 'Cosy' Powell



DM: Adam Powell

Players: James Craddock, Kern Lasocki, Nathan McKechnie, Tim Cunningham, Tyler Whatmore, Simon Sheldon, Chris Rea

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Music: Epidemic Sound

Cover Art:


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Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

Tobin spice cutting smiles sort of looks around at the sort of the guys looking investigating this animal in a cage.

Unknown Speaker :

Let's get on with it.

Unknown Speaker :

I have winnings to spend. So

Unknown Speaker :

I'm gonna keep distracting the cobalt. Every opportunity just ask him annoying questions about this thing just to keep him distracted.

Unknown Speaker :

And as you start talking to him,

Snyder’s Return :

the first couple of roles start happening of this particular round as this money sort of piled into the middle, and Captain Smyth Tobin, you can hear sort of starting to clear his throat it takes us a drink.

Unknown Speaker :

Excuse me, excuse me.

Unknown Speaker :

dry, dry in the mouth for this. I need to wet the whistle.

Unknown Speaker :

You're right there, sir.

Unknown Speaker :

can seem now starting to reach for his neck in his mouth.

Snyder’s Return :

As you asked that question Yeah, it looks like foam seems to sort of be running up the inside of his throat and out of his mouth. And he starts foaming and you can see him now starting to shake violently as he drops his drink, or headbutts the table on his way down and sort of

Unknown Speaker :

rolls off the chair.

Unknown Speaker :

Jesus, he really did. Did he

Unknown Speaker :

doesn't work out. Even though I know what kind of person it is, I'm going to go ahead and try and help him and then I'm going to see if anyone looks like they're about to drink from that last order. I'm

Unknown Speaker :

just gonna yell, don't touch the drinks that'd be poisoned.

Unknown Speaker :

And then we're going to try and see if I can help. Don't

Unknown Speaker :

do a medicine. Check for me as you move out to try and assist Captain smile.

Unknown Speaker :

I will cast guidance on you

Unknown Speaker :

Right I just heard it'd be like how what's the format for isn't it one day for a while you're rolling out

Snyder’s Return :

and finding out. Everyone else at the table is stopped. And a hooded man hasn't really

Unknown Speaker :

said much other than betting and the sort of the bald headed olive skin say they're like, who gave him that drink?

Unknown Speaker :

what's what's going on?

Unknown Speaker :

Someone go grab the merit permit

Unknown Speaker :

that didn't Brian Amitabha said in a bar Lady Mary.

Unknown Speaker :

Was it Mary Mary, quite contrary, I'll go out. I'll

Unknown Speaker :

go 26 on the medicine.

Unknown Speaker :

You have sort of

Snyder’s Return :

demandware and you sort of come across this sort of thing before. It's it's absolutely some sort of poison that he is suffering from but this has been

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

Normally, you know, haven't been investigated or own tool, number of cases investigated various bits and pieces across the city. And even in the army, where underhanded tactics are sometimes used, you've never seen it Come on quite like this to the state that the guy's gone rigid. There's foam pouring from the mouth, His face is turning bluesy struggle for air against his closed windpipe.

Unknown Speaker :

I'ma go see if I can find Mary.

Unknown Speaker :

That's more like 10 I was quick, I guess to the lesser restoration and and try and deal with the condition of being poisoned on him. All right. While you're doing that,

Snyder’s Return :

the others around the table were sort of looking at each other and starting to look at the pot.

Unknown Speaker :

And they're like, Well, one of you have done this.

Unknown Speaker :

You do have you you handed out the drinks.

Unknown Speaker :

By the man that's just doing the game that is exactly what I did I put in the body stigma self Why the hell would a poison look on Captain or not Captain officer? Don't be stupid back. Wow you did handouts truths so what are we to say is how what do you say?

Unknown Speaker :

You can say you want but the fact I'm still wearing metabo to the flaming fest clearly would put me in a situation of you knowing who he was to start poisoning people in public that would be stupid.

Snyder’s Return :

And yet you've come to a place like this. This is not your drinking

Unknown Speaker :

house. mercenary

Unknown Speaker :

member of flaming Festus welcome in anywhere bowl escape boy so you just be careful that tongue Why all of a sudden is this new gentlemen raising these queries, who are you? How gives you the right to speak to ourselves like that.

Unknown Speaker :

I have business elsewhere in the realm I

Snyder’s Return :

met Passing through

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

I've seen this sort of thing before men turning on their offices, why their whole civilization is built on this kind of setup. I taking a trip to see one of myself

Unknown Speaker :

however, can I is that check here? Yes. Oh toy to you

Snyder’s Return :

You can tell by his robes in your experience with various factions that pass through the city that this guy is so well built centaurum agent you're not sure of his exact purpose but you know they link have links to water deep places in the underdark for trade right across the sort of the

Unknown Speaker :

Sword Coast. So

Snyder’s Return :

he is as honest and as forthcoming as he can be, while still trying to hide the fact that he's underhanded pretty much completely.

Unknown Speaker :

Is he like a smuggler? Is that what he is?

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

it's it's a sort of black network of spies infiltrators. There are people like assassins and traders and that kind of thing within it they they tried to go legitimate but still maintain not a criminal

Unknown Speaker :

sideline. Should we say?

Unknown Speaker :

Was it What did he say again? He said, No, no, he is travelling elsewhere in the realm

Snyder’s Return :

and he knows civilizations that are built on personnel assassinating their hires for station effectively.

Unknown Speaker :

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a fan of this officer myself, but I'm not a man that goes around poisoning people. I'm a cleric as to save lives not in the scene of death in my time.

Unknown Speaker :

Why would the dwarf try and heal his own officer if you was out there to get himself, I find it more suspicious that you are accusing the dwarf when you know he's part of the Flaming Fist as well. I'm really looking at the facts this.

Snyder’s Return :

This is an establishment for the underhanded we have two Flaming Fist off,

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

I won't say officers,

Snyder’s Return :

ones on the floor nearly dead. So one and a half.

Unknown Speaker :

And well,

Snyder’s Return :

one has given out the drinks and one has been poisoned. So really the facts merely tells me that one is trying to maybe use up the power of the other. How would you see that? And he phrases that very specifically to the rest of the table. You kobold

Unknown Speaker :

What do you make of this?

Snyder’s Return :

And you can see the kobold is ignored. Everything else is going on. And he's eyeballing you or can and he's eyeballing the money.

Unknown Speaker :

And he's looking to reach and just grab it. So can I change it? I can Inside check, they just do not get me to pay attention to him. They kind of at the corner of me I was able to be in sync with it.

Snyder’s Return :

Yeah you can insight and see if you can work out his intentions.

Unknown Speaker :

Have I found the bar Lady

Snyder’s Return :

21 cricket you have found she was saw somewhere in the bar but you cricket are now in the middle of the proper hustle and bustle having wormed your way back through. What you see is she's collected a couple of larger glasses as requested. And you also see a man on the floor on his hands and knees sort of searching around the floor going,

Unknown Speaker :

my I was my I gone was my own gone and everybody else's

Unknown Speaker :

I will help the man with the eye

Unknown Speaker :

or can you? You look across and you've been

Snyder’s Return :

given your background and everything else that has happened through the course your life you've learned to read people like this enough to know that

Unknown Speaker :

They've got two things on their mind themselves

Snyder’s Return :

and their money and he sees that as his money. So he is out for himself and you can see him start to lurch forward off the crate towards the middle of the table

Unknown Speaker :

kobold if your hand goes near that money when you know that my dice are rolling, but I will chop it off

Unknown Speaker :

don't doubt that at all.

Snyder’s Return :

You can see him stop for just a second and then he sort of shrugs and and he's off and he's gonna try and reach and grab as much money as he can first.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, my go and indeed

Unknown Speaker :

Mr. Colbert's hand

Snyder’s Return :

as he reaches in others notice what's going on at the table next to them ignoring the dying man. And they are also now looking down towards this pot of money sat in the middle.

Unknown Speaker :

Right. I am going to well did anything did anything Work on the officers the Dead

Unknown Speaker :

Sea is

Unknown Speaker :

you've probably spared him and given him

Unknown Speaker :

a while, but he's going to need some

Snyder’s Return :

sort of significant

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

And he's probably fitness tongue and all sorts of bad times.

Unknown Speaker :

So I want to slow I've got a hand axe in the inventory, I want to pull the hand axe out, and I don't want to actually chop his hand off, I want to slam it off the table so that people kind of get me you know, I get people's attention.

Snyder’s Return :

Alright, so roll an intimidation check with advantage, because I like that. So I'll give you advantage on that.

Unknown Speaker :

Knowing that they are going to stand

Unknown Speaker :

up and be watching, and like

Snyder’s Return :

saga 677 you don't connect with a table as cleanly as you'd hoped. And it sort of comes out more as a low thud and it rattles the table a little bit in the money sort of splits out

Unknown Speaker :

but these kobold cobalt hands.

Snyder’s Return :

Scar snarf has reached any news now breaking back towards him and his crate and his bag and all the bits that he's got with him and he's looking ready to hop off down and he's taken a fair amount of the gold as he's reached out and sort of raked it back towards him. And everyone else he's now

Unknown Speaker :

like, What is going on?

Unknown Speaker :

Do sniffling little acid yeah after hearing What's your name Chris which card isn't it? I will have to work on organ yells that great that's enough. This is the boulders gate and I'm not gonna let this please drive itself the mayhem you put that money down or you're gonna find yourself in the hands of the foot flaming first. And Scott asked like I got my gut so fluffy.

Snyder’s Return :

cast off reaches down underneath him paws fluffy off The cage throws him on the table having sort of cocked the tail back and you just hear as out from the rear end of this skunk comes this sprayed cloud

Unknown Speaker :

at minute towards you,

Snyder’s Return :

Oregon so I need you to make a constitution saving food please

Unknown Speaker :

I'm going to win I'm going to move myself to blog all exit from like this, like this area

Unknown Speaker :

and I got a imposters 20

Snyder’s Return :

oh this thing's brazen in the face, but you just all Put your hands up and sort of clear it away. It's given him enough time to scoop off and jump down off the seat. But he's still there in the room. And I would like everybody to roll initiative.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm just going to do try to find

Snyder’s Return :

You're gonna wander back at any point in time.

Unknown Speaker :

I will wander back as soon as I get an idea.

Unknown Speaker :

Go nine by the way cosy.

Unknown Speaker :

Six to six.

Unknown Speaker :

eight plus b taxes plus 088.

Snyder’s Return :

Yeah. Big, big numbers from the big numbers.

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

So as the spray has gone off and or can you manage to block it with one hand as it turns into a mist in the middle of this table, which is, you know, this chunk is straddled in the what's left of the coin in It'll turn around, sprayed you and then run back towards scars naff. The Zen Zen time agent that was sort of thrown a bit of shade on everybody slides, his chair back stands up, and he doesn't reach for the money. But you can see that he's ready to sort of bring his mace round that had been sacked because all your weapons have been sat next year on our cricket shot for trusting five or six other weapons. We'll get to that. That's not the point. It looks to ready as mace. He's like, I'm moving on and don't need the trouble if you guys want to fight this out and you let me leave right now.

Unknown Speaker :

I'd prefer that there'd be no fight happening.

Snyder’s Return :

So he's gonna read in action, or he's gonna use the disengage action and sort of slide back to the one corner of the room just out of the way To watch, monitor the situation,

Unknown Speaker :

you'd have to pass us to leave though, right? Yes.

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

bald headed Olive skinned bandit, clearly clearly more of a sailor deckhands or strong, muscular, muscular individual is like, wow, I'm taking what was my NASA just reaching an avid and he lurches forward. cemetery his side and he's gonna just try and scoop as much of the money as he can reach as possible. So he's going to try a slight hand check and fails he as he leans forward over the table, we sort of distracted by the skunk moving the other way in the action happening off to one side, and he's all dragged over some silver and a couple of coppers and you can see in his face He's like,

Unknown Speaker :

I want to I want to stand up and I want to go to the to the door of the room and block it off us.

Snyder’s Return :

Yeah, that's your intention. I'll give you that. But you'll have to wait your turn because

Unknown Speaker :

everybody else is a bit quicker than you are.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

the keyboard gets

Snyder’s Return :

fluffy back in the crate, and you can see him sliding off. He is eyeing up the door. So as he starts to move away,

Unknown Speaker :

he gets to the door. He turns around.

Unknown Speaker :

He's like, I got mine. This is for you. And he

Snyder’s Return :

is going to reach into as many bags of many things.

Unknown Speaker :

And he's gonna throw

Snyder’s Return :

a bag or as a basket back into the middle of a table. You can see him sort of fiddle around and you can see us all writhing around as it's moving and he holds it back. onto the middle of the table and you hear the basketball crack and separate out is a swarm of centipedes that just raced across the table

Unknown Speaker :

and that is what is going to happen.

Snyder’s Return :

So there is now centipede a swarm of centipedes in on top of the money.

Unknown Speaker :

Bronze you have seen

Snyder’s Return :

the centaurum agent backup the the deck and try and steal some some money and then as he sort of retracted his arms and pulled in a couple of copper links and silver, this baskets looped over his shoulder and split on the table and there is now centipedes everywhere all over this table.

Unknown Speaker :

Really adores his entire ageing like Nobody leaves this establishment we can't forget that someone has been poisoned. You cobalt, Don't you fucking dare move and I want to move over straight To the cobalt and attempt to grapple and its

Snyder’s Return :

role me grapple so he was a strength athletics and I can do dexterity or strength to time breach your grip

Unknown Speaker :

or evade was a good 18 decks

Unknown Speaker :

Ah, I got a seven.

Snyder’s Return :

So, move over and instantly grab this well where do you grab this kobold?

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, I'm just near rough as hell and pretty much put me into like a headlock and like start dragging him as much as I can with as much movement as I have left back towards the table.

Snyder’s Return :

So it's hard move moving back, but you're easily able to drag him back into the room. It's only sort of 10

Unknown Speaker :

well done Brad. This snivelling little bastard deserves to get grabbed and you did a fine job a little while you did as well.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah. Pretty With the jump on a situation where a man's dying at his feet

Unknown Speaker :

although the man

Unknown Speaker :

has nearly died, I still think the money should be split before we leave.

Unknown Speaker :

I had silver five silver coins myself as probably why.

Snyder’s Return :

Brian, as you drag this back, this guy or this global back and you can hear him some swearing and snarling, and draconic and, and some common as you're sort of dragging him back all candidates you're, you're now able to sort of take heed of the situation and do as you as you need.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

As a bonus action. When I move myself away from the door, I'm going to summon spiritual weapon at the door that's going to take the shape of like an armour drum. Size of like chest and then this habit standing at the door. Like being real, like it's as imposing as it can. So what I want to do is I'm going to give a great sword. I'm going to slam it on the floor. And let's say before we start discussing, who potentially could have killed this, I believe the thought of chi needs to be sorted. The last thing we want to do now is cause more animosity between each other because we're squabbling over coin. Let's just get it over and done with

Unknown Speaker :

to a,

Snyder’s Return :

either intimidation or persuasion, depending on quite how you're trying to coerce these people into listening.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

was at plus 118. Nice.

Snyder’s Return :

You reckon you've got control of the room, at least in this instance. And are you doing anything else?

Unknown Speaker :

And because he's covered the dorms sweet.

Unknown Speaker :

All right.

Snyder’s Return :

So you've made this challenge and everybody saw and listened. That too. jaunty look at each other

Unknown Speaker :

and one turns the

Snyder’s Return :

other and then Jordan again, they seem to be nodding a lot to each other. And they turn back to you and say,

Unknown Speaker :

Yes, we are just looking to get to trust. So we will only fight instead of defence. But we will not be seeing shorts of our money. I was thinking instead of splitting it, we could roll one last time and when it takes all of that seems like a swift and clean situation.

Unknown Speaker :

Roll persuasion for that.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

You reckon you've got their buy in but

Snyder’s Return :

one that sold The closest one to you that identify themselves as

Unknown Speaker :

earnest in

Snyder’s Return :

conversation seems to sort of right the chair and look to sort of sit down

Unknown Speaker :

cricket it

Snyder’s Return :

is your turn you are unaware of all of this chaos and

Unknown Speaker :

all of this. I'm going to be helping the man try and

Snyder’s Return :

get a perception check, please.

Unknown Speaker :

perception check on the eyeball. 15.

Snyder’s Return :

Dean, look you looking around and having a good look around. This seems like when you go back to I was originally sitting as you approached, froze the gentleman and look where he was sitting. There seems to be an impression of a sort of sphere on the table for ring of moisture and then appears to be sort of a like a motion around it. And you look back to find this individual on the floor, so on their hands and knees

Unknown Speaker :

said it seems that someone else has nicked it.

Snyder’s Return :

you're unsure if if they've been helpful or if it's been stolen or misplaced, okay, but

Unknown Speaker :

it doesn't try.

Snyder’s Return :

It disappears in a four vertical motion, should we say

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

Is this guy near to where the bar made was?

Snyder’s Return :

bars used to be close to each other. Right next to each other.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm just gonna

Unknown Speaker :

Well, I'm just spending Action just searching for it. So I'm just going to continue in that just looking around it. Obviously unaware of everything that's going on in the other room.

Snyder’s Return :

You can hear sort of, from where you are in the bar. There's sort of loud talking and shouting, you can hear sort of snippets of conversations and deals and drinks orders and potentially a bard somewhere in the middle of the mix or just entertaining a small crowd. There is just a coffee of noise around you. And you. Yes, old looking geezer with one eye? Searching the floor. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

Have you got distracted? All right. And

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

captain Smythe on the floor. Is is breathing.

Unknown Speaker :

Thank you, Brian,

Snyder’s Return :

and is pretty much doing not much else. It seems to be taking a lot of effort, even though you've cured the point. Just a toll on his body seems to have sort of wiped him out. So he's sort of lays there, very much impassive. We come back around to the top of the round of the Zen time thug

Unknown Speaker :

assesses the scene it says, No,

Unknown Speaker :

I do not want to play another hand.

Unknown Speaker :

I would like to take my leave and carry on with my business.

Unknown Speaker :

You leave without coin then then Tyron

Snyder’s Return :

You do not need to identify my faction. Just respect the fact that I'm letting you live in my organisation will not be chasing down a debt.

Unknown Speaker :

How can you How can you learn at all does not leave the room. Let me worry about the small matters. You just take care of you and your own And he starts to skirt around the edge of the room

Snyder’s Return :

and makes his way towards the door approaching but not right next to the spiritual weapon that you've put in the doorway from

Unknown Speaker :

the bandit seeing all this happen says, Well, if right now

Snyder’s Return :

we don't play at all and you can see him sort of starting to shake the table in stresses he's just

Unknown Speaker :

fed up.

Unknown Speaker :

So is the Centaur and actually after money or as he just wanted to leave, he's just looking to leave from what you can see. Right? Oh character. I don't really want anyone to leave. Well, this guy's just being poisoned.

Unknown Speaker :

That's fair enough. You can say that in character as well.

Unknown Speaker :

Like what the order of initiation if it's still doing

Unknown Speaker :

it It's still going

Unknown Speaker :

because of what's about to happen next.

Unknown Speaker :

How'd you just a really quick question? How would you know? How do you like just keep track of the initiation? Just to remember what each of those rules are? Do you normally mention at the

Unknown Speaker :

number there? All?

Unknown Speaker :

Right, because I didn't realise that before. was a bit later. Okay. But then just just wait until the call caller name sort of thing. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah. Yeah, it kind of goes into like a list.

Snyder’s Return :

If, if you want to say something, then that's fine. You know, talking and sort of conversing with what's going on is fine, generally, but if you're trying to take an action, then that's normally on what everybody else is responding to the situation in turn,

Unknown Speaker :

and you'll kind of ask me to do that. Yeah, you'll see it and be like, okay, okay. Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah. Yeah, don't worry. You don't have to worry about a thing as all the DNS jobs.

Snyder’s Return :

So you can see the band at the the deck and I got stopped reading what's on the screen somebody is a deckhand is

Unknown Speaker :

in sort of

Snyder’s Return :

there at the table but he's starting at stressing he's a big guy and he seems to sort of be gripping the table

Unknown Speaker :

either looking to get on with it, just

Snyder’s Return :

flip it and do what he needs to to get some coin out of this and get out

Unknown Speaker :

of it twisted.

Snyder’s Return :

You are grappling this kobold and starting off is like

Unknown Speaker :

really release mate.

Snyder’s Return :

And he is going to try and break your grapple brand and make a dash for the door. So he's going to try and break grapple, first and foremost

Unknown Speaker :

strength check as well then

Unknown Speaker :

yes, you are still trying to

Snyder’s Return :

hold me with strength and I'm still trying to

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

Got 15 I got

Unknown Speaker :

a seven again.

Snyder’s Return :

And so again as he's squirming and you can see the all the stuff that's on his person, he's got a stick and like, it's a bit weird and this crate and other bits and pieces of flask of something is just unable to sort of manoeuvre to wriggle free and he's really, really trying to break that grip, because he still has a large fair portion of the money on his person. But Brian, as you've managed to sort of resist this escape effort from the keyboard, it's you to to act.

Unknown Speaker :

All right, I'm gonna turn to the centre and this week, you may be trying to sell your ways in talent, but I'm not letting anybody leave until I find out who poisoned this officer. So if you've got nothing to hide you're willing to stay otherwise we've got problem and then as I do that in like an intimidation way I'm going to pick up the global and just smash them on the table to make them job or it's going

Unknown Speaker :

to roll a

Snyder’s Return :

effectively an attack because you're trying to whack him again table

Unknown Speaker :

ah yeah 19 plus 221

Unknown Speaker :

definitely roll

Snyder’s Return :

a roll me some effectively and

Unknown Speaker :

wise weapons is one damage.

Unknown Speaker :

Just the one

Unknown Speaker :

shame shame

Unknown Speaker :

you're able to solve.

Snyder’s Return :

Look at this in time drag the sort of wrangling arriving kobold who's sort of still swearing and it's awkward. to manoeuvre and you ran him into the sort of the the edge of the table rather than sort of a full sort of power slam down onto the surface. And he kind of gives that a weird sort of squeak well, so on well kind of Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

And it looks even more annoyed with you now. Unfortunately still trapped in your grapple did the job the coin

Snyder’s Return :

some of it did sort of drop off off of his person onto the floor. And you can see it sort of tracking the

Unknown Speaker :

the coin as it drops,

Unknown Speaker :

like scars and stuff, whatever your name is put them the point. He was good. He

Unknown Speaker :

is like, now now.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, I'm gonna move my spiritual weapon towards the COBOL and smash him.

Unknown Speaker :

16 plus five.

Unknown Speaker :

tell you one.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, definitely. It's like Don't want to keep the damage or

Snyder’s Return :

I'll let you choose you can either gamble to roll it or you can just take it as it was.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm quite happy with the nine

Unknown Speaker :

nine snows a solid number nine

Unknown Speaker :

you like wind,

Snyder’s Return :

the kobold and he sort of bends forward and more coin is then released as he sort of exhales heavily as sort of the head and the arms are dropping sag for a second and you can see he's pretty beaten pretty well beaten up

Unknown Speaker :

to be fair.

Unknown Speaker :

You're doing anything else for your turn. Can I release him?

Unknown Speaker :

Or was it like the attack the action?

Unknown Speaker :

The attack was right.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, I'm just gonna I'm just gonna continue holding him down then. With the round like now next one. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

All right.

Snyder’s Return :

All candidates Your turn and you send is kobold slammed against the table. There's entire Miss tried to skirt the room to make an exit which has now opened up for him really with the spiritual weapon having sort of moved away from the door. And you've heard the sound of coin bounce against the floor and sort of roll in various directions.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm gonna grab my great sword, pick it up from beside of his and I'm going to like jam it next to the Zen tyrant to kind of block his path. As I'm doing that I'm going to kind of then move to the doorway. And and then just like keep eye contact with him. Brian, I'll watch this enterin good love. You sought out cash. I'll keep an eye on this peculiar character.

Unknown Speaker :

Yes, for the man that's just seen someone poisoned until you get to leave. I think that's a good idea.

Unknown Speaker :

So man who isn't willing to take any coin makes me even more suspicious.

Snyder’s Return :

Then times all looks like As you come over and sort of impose yourself again, in or inter interrupt his his flow out of the room,

Unknown Speaker :

you're doing anything else.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm just gonna stare him down. Nice. Nice. The deonte who have sort of returned and sat to the table now

Snyder’s Return :

seem to be sort of assessing everybody's shifting around the room, there's coin on the floor, there's a COBOL sort of

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

unconscious, being pinned by a dwarf. There's a deck and looks about ready to rip the table out of the floor. And they sort of sit there impassive for a moment weighing up their options,

Unknown Speaker :

and eventually is out turns past Ernst and he says enough of this. We are leaving

Unknown Speaker :

and as he says that

Unknown Speaker :

you can See in his neck.

Unknown Speaker :

His neck sort of drops

Snyder’s Return :

down to his sternum a little bit and then stretch up and you can see it's all expand. And then as he Cox's his head back and opens his mouth out wide, there's a, like a small

Unknown Speaker :

hole under the tongue. And you hear the intake sort of breath, and then just a blow. And as the air all

Snyder’s Return :

rushes out of his mouth is then joined by this puff of noxious gas that reaches out into the room and fills the area that comes is

Unknown Speaker :

the deckhand or can

Snyder’s Return :

the kobold and the Zen Taran taught me that sort of 10 foot square that you're all in and I need you, each of you to make a constitution saving throw, please Thanks for listening. If you want to hear more of us or to get in contact with us, you can find us on Twitter at Return Snyder. You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and also if you wish to support the channel on slash nice return. music and sound effects provided for this episode are from epidemic Transcribed by

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