Snyder’s Return

Fists, Fur and a Mountain of Trouble - Pt_5

Adam Powell Season 2 Episode 7

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With the unconscious body of Captain Smythe in front of them the party must take decisive action and get him to safety, Bron tries to begin to Investigate the poisoning and even just getting beyond the Blushing Mermaid proves a challange in of itself.

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) 5e rules, including the Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Module referenced are properties of Wizards of the Coast (WotC)

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Adam 'Cosy' Powell



DM: Adam Powell

Kern Lasocki - Bron Brickborn
Nathan McKechnie - Cricket 
Chris Rea - Aukan

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Music: Epidemic Sound

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Bron :

Right I think we need to get the captain to the medic. I can maybe take him to the altos

Aukan :

absolutely agree with you there Brian. Another thing as well as after just Getting out of prison. I don't really fancy hanging around a room with numerous dead bodies in a poison. Kicking about as well.

Bron :

Is Good idea, though I'd like to think about where the prove that you're innocent in this case would be nice, but we'd have to see. I'll carry the captain over my shoulder. I might have words up Mary as well. So she saw him with a drink. Good. Shall we go out? Yeah, I was gonna say Just give me a strength check. With respect to handling the uncomfortable body of

Snyder’s Return :

Captain Tomi Tobin smiles please.

Bron :

Only only a five. He's a big boy. lad day.

Snyder’s Return :

He's done that perfect sort of child resistance manoeuvre where they've just gone dead weight. He's not rigid. He's just dead weight and it's awkward to pick up and you sort of bounces up a body in his head across the floor. A couple of times, and you more or less sort of drag into the curtain rather than sort of lifting in any

Aukan :

order. We want to. We want them alive to the gatos Jesus Christ. I think you guys need to have some strength find. Yeah. Well, you was also known for your Polish belly. So, you know, you can't point the finger too much.

Bron :

All right, let's go. We find candy. Well, as we're leaving, can I try and see if I can? Well, can I see if Mary's about

Snyder’s Return :

as you make your way sort through the winding corridor was back towards the main area of the bar. The sort of the noise in the ruckus sort of picks up. As you hear patrons and service you can hear the door for swinging open and closed beyond. Do a perception check as you sort of lead the door, the small group into the main bar area?

Bron :

No, it's not going well. Chris six

Snyder’s Return :

There is such a melee of people there's noise there's still a man on the floor looking for something scrambling around. But cricket the the young Druid with you sort of points to and Tor passes a comment about that was who he was trying to help. But with all of that sort of happening, there is multiple barmaids now and bastok. Working in the area, it's tough to to sort of pick out one individual at the moment.

Aukan :

What about if I ask cricket to if he remembers which barmaid it was that he spoke to? While we were, were there? Yeah, but you only stuck a hand through the Dorian shear?

Snyder’s Return :

Yes, you would have you would have seen her at the start. But you know, you only saw her hand or eight you saw a hand. Okay, okay.

Bron :


Aukan :

Maybe I think I think maybe at the moment we could do is maybe get the captain into the medics first. Yeah. And then we can always come back if we need to and ask more questions. Okay. Yeah, that's good. What else? Yeah, I'm gonna start writing shit down. Where's my notepad? woman?

Snyder’s Return :

How many times you play this game? You know, you got to write stuff down.

Bron :

I could no go is the idle cane. Kind of of three. We only write of it.

Snyder’s Return :

As you guys are sort of assessing the scene and deciding what to do. Cricket does sort of pull on your on your arm. All kind of points to marry that the barmaid who's sort of circling towards this or back third of the of the bar. He's able to sort of spot spot her somehow. And he sort of points across and

Bron :

says, Oh, she's over there.

Aukan :

Right. Okay, so I'm going to approach

Bron :


Snyder’s Return :

Alaska with the unconscious body of Captain Smith. Then hand

Aukan :

over the short aka, I don't see why not okay? Just drag them across the bar.

Snyder’s Return :

All right, you can manhandle The, the unconscious frame of countin. Smile through the bar moving sort of people out the way as you force your way through and your turn. And as you approach she turns with train hand and says,

Bron :

Ah, that's the game finished.

Aukan :

That's the games more than finished and we have a few questions the captain on the floor here seems to have been slipped some sort of posing and I'm sure we need to know if you were spoke to anybody or anybody else handle the drinks.

Snyder’s Return :

Well, I passed the order and then served another table and came back to the trade prepared I simply collected the drinks and brought them through I could have been any number of individuals I mean, Lenny the bomb, and he made the drinks and then she They were ready for

Bron :

you. And who's that? Is he here? Yes, yeah. lady lady,

Snyder’s Return :

and she's always over and a stocky gentleman sort of makes his way down the the other side of the bar and looking to marry deserve is a real problem, Mary. She's these these gentlemen were were inquiring about some drinks. I, I what I leave them with you I have to get on. Unless he nods, and then she moves away. Yes, gentlemen.

Aukan :

Do you want to speak to these socks just because of the fact that you're part of the Flaming Fist sort link, you know?

Bron :

Yeah. Okay. All right. We've had a problem. We've just had a massive brawl in one of your little cabins while our game was going on, because our captain here was poisoned. And Mary, were sitting there that you're the one that she made the drinks themselves. Do you Have any sort of inkling or did you see anything being put into the drink stall

Snyder’s Return :

or the drinks but I rest them on the bar there's there's normally a very short handover between the two. It's busy as you can tell, and as you were trying to speak there are people who are nudging against you trying to get to the bar or stepping over the body trying to move to

Bron :

or a or a back off for a second right? I think so you just put the drinks over the thing when you see the bar made that our bar staff that took the tree and as I did that night inside check him just to see if he like seems a bit like nervous or if he's maybe like trying to direct us into a different path. Yeah, Roman inside check. Levin.

Snyder’s Return :

It's a bit hard to tell the noise of the bar. And he sort of graph tones or mask quite well if he were to be giving you an untruth in that respect.

Bron :

But he says

Snyder’s Return :

I do remember there was a couple of individual just sat at the bar next to next to here where I placed the tree. Some sort of half elf gentlemen I think, who asked I see there was another she I think he was a male's human

Bron :

he had a dark cloak of filth male human look and you definitely put didn't put off. Okay happy Are they still around? Can I see if the blade is he like pointed to the group that were around the tree.

Snyder’s Return :

He sees you scanning the room and he says, Well he I mean both individuals have left they live separately. I wouldn't say they're left together but they've definitely not in the bar anymore.

Aukan :

Under the regular faces to me

Snyder’s Return :

honest I hadn't seen them before. We welcome many faces some returning. Like the the bars and the bands that we get through here and some of the entertainers, but now these these individuals look to be just passing through they pay their way pay their drinks and disappeared.

Bron :

What was this place called again? The blushing mermaid. Did you notice anything about their attire, they look like they are maybe wearing a certain like matching outfit uniform rainy cygnets or amulets or anything that may be indicating that they're a part of a group or anything that can maybe help us target maybe a location we had a week not a question.

Snyder’s Return :

Well, no, you said the one of the one of the individuals who did

Bron :


Snyder’s Return :

a distinctive sort of tattooed on one arm it seemed to look like a like a coiling worm or sneak or something down down his left forearm as he passed these coins across

Aukan :

me Uh, what's what's a check for m? Is it like a history check for, like, sort of the logo itself, where one of us might know what it is?

Snyder’s Return :

You can do an intelligence check or Arcana, which I think is also intelligence. Or you can or history to be fair,

Aukan :

my history are all gone and I got a plus one on both.

Unknown Speaker :

So I've got plus zero so you're probably better than me but right.

Bron :

And who is Elon without them the half elf or was that on the human? Human?

Aukan :

I will the 10 by the way.

Bron :


Snyder’s Return :

there's a couple of different factions you're aware of that have sort of links to to dragons and snakes and things like that without seeing it clearly or having a better description of it. Or if you so was trying to get a like a brass rubbing of it. It's hard to distinguish quite which factional or set up it's all falls into

Aukan :

I think rather we should we should make the best of our time and get the captain back to

Bron :

back to slide a season yeah I do the cabin getting getting treated and then we I can maybe ask some of the laws because I got hosts are you you work you're often learning a lot. I'm going to pass him a silver piece. Just keep an eye out for those two men for us. And if you see anything, maybe they even the same people or maybe something suspicious going on again. Just give us a show Bron brick bond. I'm the Flaming Fist.

Snyder’s Return :

I'm doing my best to remember that we have our own ways and means of finding information so

Aukan :

it's greatly appreciated. The back room, you've got two dead, you empty on the floor. And you may need Mary or somebody to go clean it up as well. I'm actually going to talk a second silver piece For that

Bron :

this is a good point. He takes the second piece and says maybe it'll need to marry Anna and these will come over and as they move, move into towards the end he will move them down the bottom to give them some details. So you making your way out of the building? Yeah, do I, as we leave in do I notice anyone like following us or kindly at least look out for that. Or if anyone's like watching us leave? Yeah, you can do a perceptional investigation. Just sort of scanning the room. Like I think because we haven't really made it nice 19 we haven't like hidden smite so tight that he's still like a life and we're moving in and might be like you there is a number of people show watching the

Snyder’s Return :

Have you technically sort of making your way out out of the bar? And no one seems to sort of be giving you daggers in that respect. As you look, they're just curiously watching. A Goliath, a dwarf from the Flaming Fist dragging out a well turned out officer of the Flaming Fist from this robber, unrepeatable establishment. This is not

Bron :

my favourite pub, not, not the usual haunt for yourselves. Right. But as us or scan the room and watch people saw, watch you and then go back to their conversations and the music sort of kicks up again in the background and all that sort of good stuff. You emerged out of the door of the blushing mermaids and the streets ahead of you are just alive. There's people milling about left and right that they're going about their business you can smell food, being cooked in stores you can hear

Snyder’s Return :

heavy industry from certain places you can look down and and you can see through the gaps in all the structures down to the the port the harbour and the fog that sort of settles on the on the water out a bit further out into the bay as it were

Aukan :

off quick question. Are we taking them back to the prison to your headquarters or do you plan to take us to another healer, else? I think we could maybe head down

Bron :

to one of the fortresses I'm sure there'd be a medical med day there. To stay with us though, if we have to pass through any city gates, make sure I'm seen. I mean, Goliath carry in a human officer of the Flaming Fist is going to attract attention to want to make sure that they they know that

Aukan :

you're with me Actually, especially considering the fact that I did a stint in one of your prisons recently. I don't think it would look too good guy. We should probably avoid that one.

Bron :

We can

Aukan :

Can I do it? Can I look to see if there's like a cart that we could use, we could maybe take of somebody or rent off somebody to just carry the office. So we're not dragging them along the floor.

Snyder’s Return :

Having a quick look around, there are some people with carts, transporting bits and pieces on various trade wares along the main road, sort of pushing their way in and out of various people. So there are people you could approach but as you're sort of stood there, having this conversation, you hear a voice just off to your side as you're stepping out and looking south off off to your right hand side. This is, gentlemen, gentlemen, you appear to be a bit lost. I could offer you some assistance.

Bron :

I mean, my god the voltage if I didn't know my way around the city, that'd be odd. Who are you sir?

Snyder’s Return :

Oh, my Well, my name is inconsequential at this time, but I am a man who deals with sales and I have a particular Right and that may interest you. You may not have heard of this item. Would you be interested?

Aukan :

As on the item surely

Bron :

Amanda won't give us his name that's a bit hard. Sometimes say check. If you want to. I know nothing natural.

Snyder’s Return :

You're You're enraptured by this guy's charm. patter salesperson and he says I present to you this and he pulls out of his pocket sort of concealed in a handkerchief does this is the old of a blind sight. Now I can only let you look at it. You may feel the weight of it and it will only set you back amid 10 Gold a special items such as this and gold

Bron :

gold and oh

Snyder’s Return :

geez, you're not find another one of these around the city

Bron :

about God Flaming Fist 10 gold for some kind of order as a way to deter me I'm sorry, I haven't got the price. Oh, But sir,

Snyder’s Return :

the price isn't set, surely we could come to some arrangement there's such an item as this would be a great boon to you of the Flaming Fist.

Aukan :

And why is that what does it do?

Snyder’s Return :

Well, the old has a special property and allows site Beyonds be on site it allows you to D beyond

Bron :

beyond what were

Aukan :

you talking are you talking at all so walls are right

Bron :


Snyder’s Return :

It has many of those properties it allows you to see the darkness and allows you to see through certain spectrums should we say

Bron :

I mean if you can see in two different spectrums as possibly very useful How about three gold?

Snyder’s Return :

I I would maybe come down to maybe seven would you spare seven gold for this?

Bron :

All of us more than I make in a month. That's ridiculous. There's no way we're gonna fall out four. We could do four and a half and we'll go half as

Aukan :

I'll have it with you to off.

Bron :

Four and a half gold.

Snyder’s Return :

Five is merely a small stretch and I would be willing to even include the handkerchief

Aukan :

for it. We've got a deal.

Snyder’s Return :

You are shrewd dealer, my friend, my daughter's friend of the Flaming Fist and this shall not be forgotten.

Aukan :

I'm Sam, by the way. And Sam before we purchase your goods, how many how many uses does this item have? Oh, this is infinite. Love. We liked it. We'd like to test it before we beat. I'm

Snyder’s Return :

afraid no to Before purchase

Unknown Speaker :


Bron :

take in one role insight and insight as well. Let's go. Come on. Oh, I've got a brand new iPhone. Can I send it to you? No. 17 Yeah. There was clearly something very not right. Do it as as you listen to his words and you look down at this, this orb of blind sight it it's probably marble sized. No. And sort of seems to have just like a an orb with with something suspended in in liquid or something within it.

Snyder’s Return :

And he's hoping carefully shielding it slightly, ever so slightly, just so you can see see You're gonna see the glint and see the colours as it sort of refracts the light onto the the handkerchief but he's not actually giving you a good look at it just yet.

Bron :

I want to intimidate that's possible in what way I want to intimidate into let's try it first before we let me purchase it rolling intimidation so for me Oh only have a four yeah as you were just left slight as you try as you try

Snyder’s Return :

and put the pressure on these used to dealing with with sort of the the bold and brash adventurers that come through the city

Bron :

is like my friend there is no need for to escalate this. This is merely a sales transaction. I'm with Argonne here. I think you're not gonna last test this this is just pointless. For someone that claims to do so many things that just sounds too odd and too dodgy.

Aukan :

At the moment we have larger things at play. And we must get the captain back to a healer and that is of utmost important at the moment so

Snyder’s Return :

Oh, I see I see the the the Office of their unconscious Well, maybe this all the blindside would help guide you safely through the city.

Bron :

I will give it to you for for for gold and you may have the orb of blind sight or the sheer cheek we look we'll take two or nothing else and we walk away three to three and it's a gentleman's gentleman's deal. Two and a half. You make a life friend have knocked me down far enough I will take three and no more.

Aukan :

I'm sorry to waste your time but as I say, two and a half is more than we can afford. And as as my Dwarven fellow said we don't earn that much and I am out of work personally. So it will have to be two and a half.

Bron :

If I make if I may faint, find you Work would you do give me two and I'll call it three if you get us a cart to carry the to carry the captain on. I will do that for you. Then we have a deal he needed we need the cart now though. Yeah, we go cool and a half each as well. Socks here. Yeah, sure. Uh, yes, I will. I will get you a cart. I will get you a car. And he hands over the handkerchief with the orbit. Who is taking that? A while you've got the captain in your arms. I'll take it. Yeah. So you got an orb of blind sight wrapped in a handkerchief. So

Snyder’s Return :

wrapped in such a way that it's the van you can see the weight in the bottom of the handkerchief, but it's handed to you in a sort of a bundle almost as he passes over and says

Bron :

Thank you, john. I will I will go and retrieve your cart by waiting for the cart give it a quick look really where we must know I will have a look at said or while we wait for the car okay like I said okay as well if I'm having a look at this you keep an eye on him make sure that he's actually getting us a car yeah no just running away all right rolling an investigation check for me. Brian and roll a perception check for me. All can please. acity 37 seven for investigation, no 1717

Snyder’s Return :

so often as Sam disappears, often into the Further down the road. You You're able to sort of track him just about well enough his song, live and nimble frame seems to be sort of dodging and darting between. And then over the sound of it all you can hear the sounds of a cart being sort of rolled back in your direction. There's all bouncing through the streets. And while you're looking down at this orb of blind sight, Bron Sam appears with these cancers. That's ideal gentlemen. I have other deals and I'm off, and he's all makes his way into the crowd.

Bron :

Sam, one second, Paul, if we need you again, and this was quite good work, can we find you?

Snyder’s Return :

You can find me the under seller. I'm most of the taverns most of the days

Bron :

under sell, and do you have a second name? I do. But let's just Stick with Sam. Sam when we can find you at the end. Okay. Oh, just a warning. If this doesn't work, I will find it. Understood

Snyder’s Return :

and he gets away. As you look back down investigating it. You draw over and out the handkerchief which is over a decent material. It's not the cheapest material it's not the finest silk or anything like that but it's a okay handkerchief for what it is. You are presented with a small sphere, marble sized

Bron :

lights reflect through and as you sort of pick it up and lift it out of the handkerchief.

Snyder’s Return :

You've just been sold. A glass eyeball

Cricket :

Cricut comes to the door. Hey guys, are you seeing an eyeball anywhere?

Bron :

You have got to be kidding me. As you're holding this eyeball up to the sky, you hear from further down the road. My cart. Where is my cart? I'm obviously gonna kill that Sam. Oh my god, I put them in the cart. Let's go.

Cricket :

Here's the I I don't want it. Oh, it's sticky.

Bron :

right there's a guy in the tavern that needed it. I Be a good boy and running go give it to me. I've let it go. Law Paul Paul, waiting for Chris good comeback. Because he's not

Cricket :

gonna go and find the goddess stumbling out.

Bron :

We should maybe wait for him because he's lost his parents and we're being irresponsible really. Now I just got drunk about it. Right We'll wait for a second do I see any more Flaming Fist guards? Like maybe patrolling or anything like that would I know if there'd be anyone any nearby? You know that

Snyder’s Return :

to wait just a bit longer. There's normally some sort of circle in the various areas at the lower city where you are. And sure enough within sort of five to 10 minutes, you you're actually spotted by them first as you're sort of stood there with a cart and everything. And you hear,

Bron :

ah, Braun, Braun, Braun and two Flaming Fist. privates for one of a better description, soldiers sort of make their way through the crowd. From

Snyder’s Return :

what's, uh, what's going on here. Thanks for listening. If you want to hear more of us or get in contact with us. You can find us on Twitter at Return Snyder. You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and also if you wish to support the channel on slash nice return. music and sound effects provided for this episode are from epidemic Transcribed by

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