Snyder’s Return

Fists, Fur and a Mountain of Trouble - Pt_6

Adam Powell Season 2 Episode 8

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With the debacle of the Gaming Room and 'Magic Item' behind them the party part ways with Cricket and make every effort to transport Captain Smythe to the safety of the Headquarters on the Seatower of Balduran.

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) 5e rules, including the Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Module referenced are properties of Wizards of the Coast (WotC)

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Yours Sincerely,

Adam 'Cosy' Powell



DM: Adam Powell

James Craddock - Hod
Kern Lasocki - Bron Brickborn
Nathan McKechnie - Cricket/Revan
Chris Rea - Aukan

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Music: Epidemic Sound

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Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

Bron, Bron and two Flaming Fist privates for want of a better description, soldiers sort of make their way through the crowd from

Bron :

what's Uh, what's going on here today loads the cabins been poisoned. I need you to run down to the nearest midday get into sort out of bed. Let them deliver come in. If you can also tell the guards on the gate houses that were coming through. I don't want them giving us too much hassle if we're walking through the cabin on conscious car.

Unknown Speaker :

I mean we can

Snyder’s Return :

set that Stevens Stevens got gone ahead. Tell them at the headquarters that Captain smile has been poisoned. Allah, I help these guys sort of move a bit further round through the city and sort of clear the way. If you see anyone else, let them let them know okay that we're looking for someone that's poisoned. One of our captains seems like oh, yeah, brown will catch up late for a drink.

Bron :

Yeah. I Sherpa and Stephen

Snyder’s Return :

saw Dressed himself off and who he saw pretty quickly. So again wrestling his way between the crowds as he goes one way, as a sort of human male in a in a like a apron, leather apron coming sort of racing the other way says, that's my cart.

Aukan :

Unfortunately for now at our cart, we needed to transport the captain of the Flaming Fist. So at the moment, you'll have to

Snyder’s Return :

wait and we'll have it returned to you as soon as possible. He takes out information from you and then he looks immediately at you, Brian and the Flaming Fist soldier stood next to you, says

Bron :

what? I need that for my business. I'm sorry, shouted there's been a poisoning of our captain. And if you would not mind we need to transport our captain to the net Bay and we'll get it back to as soon as possible, if not within the next few hours. I expect to be compensated. A

Unknown Speaker :

I'm sure somebody will compensate you at a later date, but at the moment it's vastly important for us to be on our way.

Snyder’s Return :

The Flaming Fist soldier that stayed with you says I am a Flaming Fist and I Hi I'm officer Andrews and and if you let them know that

Bron :

we have used your card for Flaming Fist business we will ensure you get recompense isn't last my car.

Unknown Speaker :

I look

Snyder’s Return :

from June and you get two buddies here want to start and I'll calm this gentleman down and I'll catch up with you and Stevens when when I can get a bit further around.

Aukan :

Is cricket returned as well now

Cricket :

Yeah, yep.

Snyder’s Return :

And Andrew turns to the purview and says,

Bron :

who's, who's the boy? I'm gonna be honest with you. I don't really know.

Cricket :

I come up on how it runs hand. Okay.

Bron :

He helped us in a bit of a tussle back there. The kids rather talented. He's pretty handy, I believe. So we're gonna just look after him for the moment. While we take the captain back.

Snyder’s Return :

I'll tell you what, you don't need a boy slowing you down. Okay, you need to get that Captain back around to headquarters, and we'll start an investigation as to who's been attacking our personnel. I will speak to the salesman and I will take the boy with me. I'll drop him off at one of the temples. You can be a ward of the city for now.

Cricket :

I'm not a boy. I'm nearly six Yes, I'm sure that he keeps changing. Definitely as an Australian I do, can I just do a my boulders gate feature loyalty test on and just to make sure that if he is going to take cricket they are going to be on the up and I'm looking at like baby Oh, between, like between both of them in brown and then the captain,

Snyder’s Return :

you you know, Andrews and Stevens reasonably well, they tend to patrol together a colleague of yours. They saw the mutual friends through Buster Brown. So you know, they're reputable these these two aren't like some of the others. And as you're sort of making sure you use us now his motives he kneels down to get that so i level icontact with cricket and he says, young man This city is from wonders and the Flaming Fist for the possibilities if you will stay with me and come with me he will show you're taking care of

Cricket :

boy did you die boy? Yes.

Aukan :

Did you get paid three gold for

Cricket :

it? Yes. My coins

Bron :

prime is this man for real? I good. He's a good man. Okay, then I look at captain and be like, lead the way.

Cricket :

He I guess

Aukan :

I'll just gonna guess we kind of pick up the heart and start walking.

Bron :

Yeah, hi guys. I'll see you later. I'll see you later. Go for more drinks. What is a six year old kid do not curse I swear to God. If I ever find that kid again. I see parents. I'm having a word. I can hear you

Snyder’s Return :

As you to pay off with cart the sound of cricket and his line of questioning and his innocence phase into the melee as Andrews is explaining to the salesman about recompense compensation and all that sort of stuff and you tune with the captain in cart start heading west through the main sort of road or on you know to offer

Bron :

I've only just got myself on my feet and I'm hoping that this whole ordeal doesn't then mean a bit more bother you know either the alien the

Aukan :

the white plague that I take to help me go to sleep on a night time is all I normally need and the stress of all this is if I'm honest a little bit more than I'm used to as of recent really hoping that I don't get myself in a spot up either again.

Bron :

Yeah, my words, Goliath. If any Ask questions and then I'll make sure that they know that you help you. My word Academy is quite strong there and I appreciate that if that's the case.

Snyder’s Return :

As you guys sort of follow the main road round, there's people everywhere. Trade and Industry there's ships coming in and out of the harbour well below you. And people just seem to don't get in your way but it's a busy place. And there is people from all across the Sword Coast and potentially beyond. There's a mixture of races and ages and trades being played. And as you guys carry on round into the milestones, the steeps, you see that it becomes a little bit more affluent, the closer you get to sort of the upper city the the night The facades of the buildings either the ground or the homes are and things like that and you definitely get a sense that you're moving towards the money and security that just beyond that wall that separates the upper and lower city as a whole other life that potentially you'll never be a part of

Aukan :

it how different things on the upper side of life I think we're waking up in an alleyway covered in my own case. I'll be that drink that tells me asleep.

Bron :

Yeah, it's a different world that aren't here. Just be careful. People have money from experience money did not do well. They have to find power. small thing

Aukan :

some a lot of my people are using the fighting rooms dude because of our side you see, so I try to Not to get involved in that as is quite a wicked under the ground movement.

Snyder’s Return :

You pass a couple of ends, one of the more notable ones the smiling ball. As you move through one section of the city into the next day, it's taken a bit of time, pushing a cart pushing through crowded sort of move from sort of the mid morning period now to or into luncheon and beyond. As a bit of a slow grind, you pass a couple of patrols. There's people from the opposite of the patriarchs who have come down with their own gods, both the mercenaries from the Flaming Fist, some of whom you recognise, and some who don't. And then as you start sort of rounding the bend towards the last section towards your headquarters, you're approached by a different pair. This is ah, what's Uh, what's going on here?

Bron :

Do I recognise him?

Snyder’s Return :

The vaguely familiar there's a lot of churning personnel.

Bron :

Yeah, come on. We had a problem during the blushing mermaid mum lot Goliath friend here all cameras in a bit of a gambling spree and we decided to join them however the captain when drinking with us was poisoned and after a quick tussle with who we thought were the people responsible. We are now heading to the medbay to being the captain. So they be healed. Ah,

Snyder’s Return :

good work. Not sure why you're doing round in such a places the blushing mermaid I mean, we have our own our house,

Bron :

but I suppose anything since Since our commander, otter Raven guard is

Snyder’s Return :

as left for LTL we're kind of wandering a little bit, especially since we've had some issues with the cultists over on the eastern side of the city. Have you guys seen Captain Sarge yet? He's been looking for personnel to help over that way.

Bron :

Where he had commander at guard, gun, sir.

Snyder’s Return :

Captain Zod, he's trying to rally troops to deal with some cultists over on the eastern side of the city happens Aaj Zed od, G. Ci.

Bron :

No, I've never seen a copy.

Snyder’s Return :

Keep an eye out. He's trolling for personnel to go and help with this problem. So if you find him he's probably going to try and get you over there. Plus, anyone else who's who's worthy of a Flaming Fist badge for the for the short term.

Bron :

Give all kind of a quick glance with that, and then be like, I'll keep an eye out for them. We've kind of busy at the moment. Yeah, we really must get your cup into to see him, Amanda, as soon as possible. I appreciate the heads up, lads. Oh, it's not a problem a

Snyder’s Return :

woman got to get on our way, a nasal side loss through the crowding and keep moving.

Bron :

Do I know that the court to say they're talking about do I know like of their name? Or is it just something that's maybe recent, you you've been aware through your training of the sort of Cult of the dead three.

Snyder’s Return :

There are comps that you've had issues with but this seems to have sort of started taking a grip and they seem to be getting a foothold on that eastern side. And where before where it was sort of being the balance was being maintained. Something is starting to tip into the cultists favour so they're trying to throw more men at it while your commander Raven guard

Bron :

is out of the city. And Where has he gone again? Sorry the commander El Toro. ls al TELE lT ULLUR El Cajon Gabby they are beginning to strengthen the colour that that three. Yes. Happy to carry on with the movement of the captain to the medbay I'm guessing I know where the medbay is because being a cleric healer already so used to. Yeah I'm being of the Flaming Fist

Snyder’s Return :

Flaming Fist you know exactly what you will have I

Bron :

I do hope that cricket fans as parents that'll end up in an orphanage Anyway, I mentioned that kid not off adage, gets told to do one bad thing. Boom and the wolf boom an elephant. I think it needs more training for that. I guess he was only fucking sick. So

Snyder’s Return :

as you guys get into the sea tower, sort of a ward of the city, there is a smell of sewage that sort of seeps up from the southwest towards the nostrils and it's not pleasant. It's, you know, the facility has been struggling.

Bron :

But, at the moment, that

Snyder’s Return :

pungent sewage smell, it sort of sits in the nostrils a bit heavy. But ignoring that and turning on to, like the causeway towards the island, where your headquarters sits. It's sort of sound Rocky. I let his lead pilot in the harbour his massive sort of shear walls. Made a stone and it is solid. And you guys the Flaming Fist you occupy it and and in there you have pretty much everything you need ammunition weapons you know medical supplies and you know that unfortunately free for all Can he knows this walk along the causeway for a very different reason

Aukan :

makes me feel unwell if I'm honest eight yes locked up in a told I really do not like being back here at all

Bron :

eight years guys sometimes exactly did you do dumb I was naive

Aukan :

when I was expelled from my tribe in the mountains I really wanted to win my way back in so I looked for any quest that was available and being a little bit dumb maybes and a little bit naive. They a lot of the underhanded organisations took advantage of that. The next thing I know I'm killing people thinking it's for the greater good. And it turns out it was because they owe them for narcotics. So eventually I was caught by the Flaming Fist and locked up for the eight years and did my time.

Bron :

Oh, boy. Yeah. Imagine that eight years in that place with

Aukan :

haunting memories. It's more of a shame if I'm honest, the thought of the fact that I'll never be accepted back with my people until I've done something of note.

Bron :

I'm sure we can work now. If you feel uncomfortable coming in. I'm sure you could possibly I know a good pub, the three old kegs could fit us. Flaming fists. You mentioned my name. You can maybe wait in there. It's up to you. Come in.

Aukan :

I'll come I'll come with you. That's absolutely fine. I don't want to be by myself and where all the jailers may be drinking. So just wait it out.

Bron :

Probably a good idea you could carry on

Snyder’s Return :

Yes. As you sort of approach the end of the coolest way. You see Gods looking down and just want to shout to you. What's a part of you go there?

Bron :

Captain Smith it's been poisoned we need another med base up over the gate and you hear the podcast and you're able to make your way in without any further obstruction

Snyder’s Return :

Is there anything you guys want to do whilst you are at this location your one your headquarters to your former residence

Bron :

in I think we should go maybe speak to that Captain zone showed your socks Yeah, I think so. can maybe yes the captain as well if he knew anything about the other Captain if he had an any enemies Maybe get a lead off of there. You should definitely call him Soulja Boy as well. I know I'm putting you well so means RJ we go way back absolutely not I haven't it's an absolute Lanka anyway as you do I know of this such so I know if he is anchor if these sounds

Snyder’s Return :

yeah no use anchor

Bron :

I fucking told you right? No man is also Jenny's fucking saint.

Unknown Speaker :

Chicken. I'm sure it was

Bron :

Jeevan soldier. You are German.

Snyder’s Return :

A couple of the medical teams or race down to meet you in the the main courtyard of the of the fortress. And that accompanied by one of the high ranking officers who sort of run the fortress and says,

Bron :

Oh Tobin, O'Meara um, get inside Get inside. What's your name? Soldier john Barrett born. Born. Yes, yes. Pleasure

Snyder’s Return :

to have to submit a report to this and don't forget your weekly training. I'll expect to report on my desk in in within the 10 day.

Bron :

I know that it didn't deploy. Come on. Let's get back out on the streets. Yeah, I mean, we had to do it just by going to Captain Zod. I've heard that he's having a bit of trouble with the colon he's asking for volunteers. Yes, yes it's a

Snyder’s Return :

it's a troubling time in the city. We can't catch them fast enough and they killing more than weekend. Oh

Bron :

no analysis going on. Kaylee have a see if there's like an extra hand about it now that they're he's getting taken the car out when they send the car back to the blushing made back to that salesman and where Andris was

Snyder’s Return :

good. Yeah, you can find like a probie like a recruit knocking about just running heavens. I

Bron :

Yes. Right. You got to ask take this car you know the bushing made, man right? Yeah, I'm so familiar with it. I'm sure you have some right can you just send this I take this card back down there there should be a man in the yellow yellow apron salesman. We took this off and get Captain Smith here. cabinet officer Andrews you'll be done there as well. You see like a small boy or wolf that's also a little he'll be with others had done there now. I'm to the mermaid blushing. And as I know Yes.

Snyder’s Return :

Before you can even stop him he's off with the car frightened away.

Bron :

Oh, my God. Right It's go see Captain Sarge. I'm just be wary again. This man is a bit of a day. Yes, I'll keep my mouth quiet

Snyder’s Return :

as you make your way back across the causeway, the job well done. pat on the back. And you saw get out onto the street you hear from just your left

Bron :

some disruption people like oh, oh,

Snyder’s Return :

oh. And so coming through the crowd

Bron :

is a

Snyder’s Return :

robed but tattered and stinking wet robed wearing human with a sort of scraggly beard, and he's stumbling forward. And he's he clocks the pair of you but mainly you,

Bron :

Brandt. He's like, Ah, you the officer. I What's up?

Snyder’s Return :

That's something growing in the sewer. It's growing. I tell you. We're trying to keep the sewers running, but there's something growing down there.

Bron :

Talk and ask Swear to god This city is constant. Right? Let's leave Captain Zod and have started walking towards man. Like, would you mean growing in the sewers? I can I can I like quickly give him an up and down. If he doesn't look like you say they stink him It doesn't look like he's maybe taken over by anything. Like it's moved into like weird or in like the groaning that

Snyder’s Return :

the the groaning is more fatigued from sort of moving and you you're aware that the city sewage system is maintained by a section of kobolds but also some Druids as well, that sort of run this, the sewer treatment works.

Bron :

Right, so you've seen that as well. Let's start here. What part of the shears what kind of growth you're talking about? Well, I need some extra man. But

Snyder’s Return :

it's it's getting closer to the tree boom works this. Every time we send someone down to investigate, they never come back. We've lost

Bron :

three in the last 10 day three. Right, we definitely should probably bring some extra help if we can then I totally agree. I do I see like another officer or

Snyder’s Return :

not immediately. But being this close to headquarters, there's a you know, it doesn't take long for another to turn up. And sort of you know that regular rotations, people come for training Come come to sort of step in as the jailers and there's a large rotation of personnel, people coming in people coming out to

Bron :

kind of like grab on over in like, late. There's supposedly some double down the sewers. Mm hmm. AKA and then we're going to head down Can you get hold of a couple of slides and meet a standard? I'm going to see what the deal is. And then if you can just maybe give us some backup. I'll see ya. Can I have a look around as well? Is there anyone else that maybe looks like Abel? And I'm going to show out like now that like, I'm guessing the man, the druid that made like a scene there maybe like people listening in? Is there anyone else be like?

Snyder’s Return :

Those people who stood around sort of watching what's going on staying back because he stinks. I mean, he reeks of sewage. But yeah, do a perception check in and see who catches your eye. Wink wink nudge Ah, go 2222 you scan the crowd, and they do seem to be some capable individuals who if they choose to

Bron :

announce themselves, would be would be greatly beneficial. You see a average sized humanoid man with dark hair down to about his his shoulders swept back so it's just a vase is carrying a very haggard and battered loot. He wears a leather jacket and tight jeans and Doc Martin shoes with biker rings on his fingers it seems subtler challenges absorbed in everything.

Aukan :

You loot boy. I

Bron :

I have never seen jeans that type before you get used to them. I can only imagine you go to Bart, right. I need your help. We need a couple extra men need to go check out the sewers. Well, what's in it for me? It's me not Thinking so I'm going to put you in jail Flaming Fist sorta like love the flaming face. Yeah, no worries, buddy. Let's go. Is there anyone else dicey? Yeah, you see a grey skin toned humanoid. But six foot six is nice.

Hod :

Yeah, big big fella. He's actually a half walk but he's got the more human human looking then walk looking. We do notice and there's a tie is called like, chainmail leather like trench coats or by their a on his back. He's got a double Scimitar. So, I'll show a picture later on. It's pretty badass

Bron :

is to use in Lord of the Rings. Kind of Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah. But what you do see is you do see the emblem of the Flaming Fist on

Bron :

Oh, let's see if I can go and oh you lad. Sorry. Carry on. Oh, I noticed that you're an officer. No, no, no. It's so good. We had dress me up on my proper racks. So I was meant to be an officer.

Hod :

I don't know what rank you are. I didn't either.

Bron :

I think it is because I hadn't written it down there and so I was gonna be an officer because it was like, yeah, anyway. Stand up and say I'm hot. I'm a from a chopped. From out there. I've come back across a handsome, unnatural beast down. But if you need my help, I can assist.

Aukan :

Maybe we should take the shorter half height, man.

Bron :

I mean, an extra hands and he looks capable. That's for sure. Maybe more than loop boy. Right? Let's head down to the sewers. Lead the Way.

Snyder’s Return :

do follow me and he sort of steps off and you can hear the squirrel If his outfit is sewn off back along, and you sort of follow the harbour right around the edge, so you can see ships on on the river and, and cutting through the fog you can see in places across to the far side of the jonatha River

Bron :

and there are

Snyder’s Return :

there are other entertainers playing a train, but most people keep away from this particular area, simply because of the smell. And the the haggard man leading uses and it's not too far it's not too far. Let's just just round the bend and you go around and you can see sort of a almost try targeted structure built pretty much into the very edge of the wall with massive sort of cylindrical towers and an outflow that you can see sort of spilling bubbling under the surface of into the river itself that's been swept away with the current.

Bron :

He says is just, it's just in here. You want us to go in there?

Snyder’s Return :

Well, that's that's where the problem is.

Bron :

It's thanks. It's smelly smells like the Gooch of a dragon bone. But from him, How do you know? It isn't life? Don't ask them if there's a fair amount of time. I've never had dragon Gucci

Snyder’s Return :

shoes run to every part of the city. So from From here, you can pick the problem could go anywhere. without someone knowing where to look. We could miss it and it could plague the city. We don't want to effluent in the street.

Bron :

Right, right. Do you know what we're expecting in here or is it is

Snyder’s Return :

Creech. My Soft just I've heard the screaming and the men disappearing.

Bron :

Okay, now that doesn't sound ominous ominous ominous on anonymous. ominous, ominous,

Snyder’s Return :

ominous we'll get there. We'll get there.

Aukan :

I still damaged from yesterday they did we are still managed. Yeah.

Snyder’s Return :

So if you wanted to take a short rest or something you could do that in a convenient spot but the moment you're just being led towards and into

Bron :

I could do with a short rest. Well, you try to drag us here and now you want to rest. I mean, I mean, would you mind I think I feel like we should be talking about plan. Well, we'd go there we kill the things and we're done that straight for planned to me to drink the truth says,

Snyder’s Return :

Well, I'll lead to the zookeepers leader, Miss Kapali she she may be able to tell you more information I've been sent to to get anybody to help.

Bron :

Miss cor pally, pally Kp a Li AI if you guys want to rest I can help you out.

Snyder’s Return :


Bron :

I definitely think we should take a recipe just to make sure that we'll go see miska Polly, I think find out a little bit more information than just this ominous creature stealing men in the sewers is probably our best bet we can find anything else that can help us.

Snyder’s Return :

Come Come inside we have a restroom we're not animals.

Bron :

Yes, come in and be seated and what's wrong with being an animal. I thought that was the whole point of a druid as well. We each have our role in

Snyder’s Return :

life. I was I was just maintained to is we do not judge.

Bron :


Hod :

throw that term around too,

Bron :

too heavily. My apologies. Thank you give pod of weird look is saying that, like my

Snyder’s Return :

lady Capelli will be will join you shortly if you're waiting in the restroom. Thanks for listening. If you want to hear more of us or to get in contact with us, you can find us on Twitter at Return Snyder. You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and also if you wish to support the channel on slash nice return. music and sound effects provided for this episode are from epidemic Transcribed by

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