Snyder’s Return

Fists, Fur and a Mountain of Trouble - Pt_9

Adam Powell Season 2 Episode 11

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A Badger, Werebear, Bard, Goliath and Dwarf head into trouble, it's no Joke!! The party are committed to combat but end up fighting on multiple fronts as the sewer surrenders its secrets. Prepare to be entertained by the Bard, fearful of the Fighter and paralysed with the Blood Hunter as our adventure continues.

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) 5e rules, including the Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Module referenced are properties of Wizards of the Coast (WotC)

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Yours Sincerely,

Adam 'Cosy' Powell



DM: Adam Powell

James Craddock - Hod_Half-Orc_Blood Hunter
Kern Lasocki - Bron Brickborn_Dwarf_Life Cleric of Helm
Nathan McKechnie - Revan_Half-Elf (Drow)_College of Eloquence Bard
Chris Rea - Aukan_Goliath_Battle Master Fighter

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Music: Epidemic Sound

Cover Art:



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Snyder’s Return :

In a bear format hard Oh hybrid hybrid format you have been saved by tentacles and become powerful Taking some reasonable damage. There's this thing as emerged from the pipework ahead of you. Or can you have heard all this unfold next to the source slip sliding clanging of clora metal and then hearing the impact of slapping tentacles and toothy bite, however, you've launched your net towards the middle lit only from above. And what would you like to do?

Aukan :

I'm going to turn around and run towards hard. Yeah, with my great sore drawer. And I'm going to try and slash off the testicles. Making an opening from an upward mallet and bring it down on the tentacles to strike just try and stop it from doing any more damage to

Snyder’s Return :

roll an attack.

Bron :

Boop boop I look at this

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

an ever growing 38

Snyder’s Return :

is not going to cut out a fortune as you bring your great sword over and make the swing the tentacle sort of sort of flicked back under the chin of this preacher as well. Slip slide out of the way and it's heads on duck's back just into the pipe long enough to avoid the strike.

Aukan :

I'm going to do the action search then go for it again. Nice. Nice. So pop that back again. I'm on dice. And you're in seven. As

Snyder’s Return :

as you as it retracts in your first one sort of swings into the gap. Your frustration tell us and this time you actually sort of glint off the sword come catch the side of the tunnel itself rather than sort of making a meaningful strike against If you're doing anything else, you've got loads of movements,

Aukan :

that's, you know, I'm happy I'm going to try and protect hard. Actually, I'm going to I'm going to try and get up in front of them completely so that he can't go over hard again, while he's while he's paralysed because double clicked on him, isn't it so, I'm going to try and

Snyder’s Return :

taught them almost, you can sort of move in alongside where horse paralysed frame is. Speaking of which, the paralysed were there, and you need to make a constitution saving throat.

Bron :

Here we go. Come on, buddy.

Hod :

No, same as last time for

Revan :

coming for you.

Snyder’s Return :

Not only you sort of paralysed through the effect of the, the creature, but just now slightly paralysed by fear. Haven't been caught out. Let's go live. There you go. Unable to come to your senses you're still frozen very much in place paralysed by the effect of the poison

Hod :

wait ah

Snyder’s Return :

the other one creature that is emerging from the network comes towards you Bronk reaches out with its tentacles attempting to make in tech is fraud that is a just robot into into shop. Ah, it was a quick and then lifted the box is

Revan :

very honest stuff here

Snyder’s Return :

well it was gonna be into a moved and it rolled and even if even the new number was was like take the new number which is 14 plus eight so that would be 22. So just 22 here

Unknown Speaker :

I as brought pocket now

Snyder’s Return :

so it does four points of poison damage and I need you to make a constitution saving through

Unknown Speaker :

the advantage

Aukan :

of you not got some sort of a cleanse as well socks on

Bron :

a I got I got 17 and then

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

I do have a cleanse. Yeah, what could you not use on him? Oh, hi, it's been it's not been about Tonio pal. Sorry, I was super excited.

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

So you feel the tentacles matching but your Dwarven physique physiology managed to sort of shrug off the potential poisoning that was coming your way. It still moves in for a bite against you. Don't

Bron :

come at me. Dirty tentacled hentai porn motherfucker?

Unknown Speaker :

That's not for this

Unknown Speaker :

so it's got another clip you need to replace that dice. Damn right yeah that's not fair dice have a minus

Unknown Speaker :

i the head.

Snyder’s Return :

I it definitely hits. I was just gonna I just accepted that.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm glad that

Snyder’s Return :

16 points of pacing damage were gone

Unknown Speaker :

about gold

Snyder’s Return :

as it sort of moves forward and copies of the manoeuvre from the other side. You can see why they needed your help.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah. And it ends It's so

Snyder’s Return :

fun that you have this tentacle faced insectoid bug I need creature now clamping down onto your skin.

Bron :

All righty then I am going to

Revan :

run away. beat the crap out of it.

Unknown Speaker :


Bron :

I'm going to cast command on the one in front of me. Actually, I'm sorry, I'm gonna wait. I'm gonna cast good awful Sorry, I'm gonna cast command. Amanda the one next to all can okay and tell it to grovel.

Snyder’s Return :

Right What was to say for that is a wisdom of wisdom 12 Yes, nice. It falls prone and then

Unknown Speaker :


Bron :

then I am going to pass

Unknown Speaker :

as soon as I can.

Unknown Speaker :

I know isn't

Unknown Speaker :

that was that

Unknown Speaker :

and then while actually

Hod :

it does take time so it missed so he loses return which

Bron :

Yeah it does. Yeah does it until it's on sorry. Next basically he's prone for you till it's

Aukan :

900 Nice.

Revan :

He like misses a whole round

Bron :

I'm gonna cast bonus action getting word on myself. Alright, just because I hit like a truck yeah

Unknown Speaker :

so go

Snyder’s Return :

all right You've got one trying to manage to get some healing back on to yourself.

Bron :

six points.

Snyder’s Return :

Nice Raven. This all seems to be happening in front of you.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, nice. Well, that's already got the loot out.

Revan :

I'm gonna start jamming some power chords with some sick frickin finger finger movements which none of you can see because obviously you're too busy occupied is massive ass frickin snake tunnel things. And I want to cast out the one that is close to hard. Some absolutely offensive language. Some of the language sounds like oh, it sounds dark. Something to do with his mother and his father and something with a fish

Unknown Speaker :

that would explain how the looks

Unknown Speaker :

quite a lot. Yeah. So

Unknown Speaker :

yeah, inspiration with fish. Yep.

Revan :

All right out swear words wherever you want. Bobby from my neck for the next time. The next session

Unknown Speaker :

was well it's

Revan :

so can you do a wisdom save wisdom see 13

Snyder’s Return :

dirty 20

Revan :

Roger so that's fine. And then as a bonus action,

Unknown Speaker :

I will

Revan :

try to inspire hauled with a song about a girl and three beds and how one there was just right bat for her. And it was good and as a great and he should be good feel good about himself.

Unknown Speaker :

What is it? Sound like

Unknown Speaker :

I want to undo the change from the guitar. Basically what that's basically what I'm fishing for.

Aukan :

You got you. I mean, you gotta retire there you know i mean if you've

Bron :

got you're gonna have to start thinking like a real mediaeval tunes like dude

Unknown Speaker :

there wasn't

Aukan :

his mother didn't love him but that's a song about me.

Bron :

I try to be a band

Unknown Speaker :

please let us get up off the ground. You know you're better than it killed a little warm. We can all go home and get some

Aukan :

I feel inspired myself.

Hod :

Wrong spite after that one.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, bye.

Snyder’s Return :

I'll give you that as a reaction I'll give you inspiration as well yes

Unknown Speaker :

yeah, loot boy boy for the wind boy What do you show boy? I'm just realised that I'm playing my guitar at 11 o'clock at night

Revan :

and a shout out post he was pretty good

Unknown Speaker :

yeah but banish it from the past so

Revan :

you know the bottom inspiration yeah you gotta have a decent to your neck stability check a top row saving throw kind of your next ability check his constitution. Oh my god it's almost like I'm trying to help. Oh God. Oh, God like it's in the same room is that squid? Like I said

Unknown Speaker :

earlier he had ma

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, that's the end of my turn. I'm staying where I am at close to the exit.

Snyder’s Return :

Thank you.

Unknown Speaker :

The outcome sectoid just

Snyder’s Return :

unable to do anything if, if memory serves

Unknown Speaker :

as correct pick, basically thumb prone and dissensus turn. Yeah, target falls prone and then ends its turn.

Snyder’s Return :

So this hulking mass of tentacles and sort of blubber and legs just kind of rolls onto his belly looking for scratches.

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

belly rubs and ends its turn there. You swear you hear it queueing a little bit it's, it's bizarre. However, this thing has just rolled over And

Unknown Speaker :

this is when you kick the living shit out. So

Aukan :

I'm just gonna bring me I'm gonna like bring me grits or down in like a stab a motion. Don't be lost, try to go straight for the stomach.

Unknown Speaker :

Then do I just roll the leg and attack it

Unknown Speaker :

Yes, please.

Snyder’s Return :

prone within five feet you have advantage when we sense that's correct. It's not Yeah,

Unknown Speaker :

it is it

Snyder’s Return :

is be paralysed. 18 definitely hits. Yes.

Aukan :

And let's do some damage slasher.

Unknown Speaker :

Do it, do it seven

Snyder’s Return :

seven points of slashing damage nice lights as you're trying to sort of run that tough paid for what looks to be a very squishy worm. Talk. One type insectoid creature, because it's coming racing out of the pipework, and now laid on his belly to accept your punishment. Are you doing anything else?

Aukan :

No, no, no, that's it. I'm got any other actions I could do.

Snyder’s Return :

All right. Well, with this strike hard. You are although Still paralysed you are watching just about unable to make an attempt to your console

Unknown Speaker :

okay that oh boy did he

Hod :

that was that that's a 21 to begin with that's not 24

Unknown Speaker :

Yes, I'm

Snyder’s Return :

the inspiration or soul and watching your compatriot your comrades, we say dealing damage to this this creatures, Mesa snap you out of this paralysed condition.

Aukan :

Snap out of it my miniscule friend.

Snyder’s Return :

Poison seems to drain from their from your muscles.

Hod :

So it is paralysed by the time I feel poisoned

Snyder’s Return :

to repeat the same thing so at the end end in the poison on itself. Oh sweet, so

Unknown Speaker :

should it be a dwarf me You never got poisoned in the first place. I'm better on the half walk.

Unknown Speaker :

Iron Man has the strengths right so boy

Snyder’s Return :

How do you feel sensation coming back to your face muscles and claws yes your Grizzly face the other carrying cooler

Unknown Speaker :

is this looming over the top of you Brian is gonna make its tactical attack again not

Unknown Speaker :

trying to get his has bad no no no no done that already cannot do that again.

Snyder’s Return :

He's gonna try it however for 25

Unknown Speaker :

Oh my Jesus

Unknown Speaker :

but let's let's just try and hit so and that's

Unknown Speaker :

why that day. So if I can get today

Snyder’s Return :

for a measly, measly

Unknown Speaker :

if you say above 10 cosy, I'm hunting you down.

Unknown Speaker :

Thank you

Unknown Speaker :

oh five okay we're good we're still

Unknown Speaker :

healthy on I look

Unknown Speaker :

I've only lost both my legs

Unknown Speaker :

off my face

Unknown Speaker :

and I need to save

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

Are you are you not resistant to poison damage?

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah be rolling with advantage no

Snyder’s Return :

is our yeah I mean are you resistant to poison damages in Do you have it?

Unknown Speaker :

He does yes

Hod :

you got advantages poison saves and your resistance to poison which means you take half times or more boys

Snyder’s Return :

so you will take two points poison damage

Unknown Speaker :

oh so that means I'm going to take in less than the last one as well.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah but suck it up princess you

Revan :

that time has been and gone boy. I forgot the rules now.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh God

Unknown Speaker :

I got 13 is is

Snyder’s Return :

just matching so you make

Hod :

up your new that flex to off a let's go

Unknown Speaker :

lucky like I said

Unknown Speaker :

all right plumping with the ground shaking does anybody feel that

Snyder’s Return :

the tentacles reach out and catch you but sink trying to sink in don't do the damage and you're able to easily shake off what's coming your direction give me a little bit of credit there. However the the mouth Grace is down towards you. For 11 to hit I really hope that doesn't hit. You can't have an AC of 11 surely.

Unknown Speaker :

No, I'm a heavily armoured shielded clinic. Yeah, that hits now.

Snyder’s Return :

So seeing as it's trying to come to you with the tentacles and then the mouth has reached towards you it just clamps air where your saw your face was previously

Unknown Speaker :

one weird part of Pornhub let's go

Unknown Speaker :

Brom it is your turn however,

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

I am going to

Unknown Speaker :

absolutely shrug off this beast that's trying to get me turned around and cast tall of the dead on the one that is on the ground

Unknown Speaker :

is wisdom saving

Unknown Speaker :

throw these good godly dm

Unknown Speaker :

damage your boy

Unknown Speaker :

attempt from no damage and its failure.

Unknown Speaker :

Yes, it's go boop

Unknown Speaker :

Do I just mean well he's already been damaged right now? Sure. d 12 one second Yes.

Unknown Speaker :

I need to actually go down to the bottom left. Where's the 12 top

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

that's a 12 then at that dinner

Snyder’s Return :

is there any pluses to that? Now? This is 12 points of damage is respectable from a D 12 you can

Unknown Speaker :

take that that's why the papers that you

Unknown Speaker :

remember that victory

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

screen screening

Snyder’s Return :

all right you doing anything else you told the dead

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, I can do other stuff. I'm

Unknown Speaker :

actually will I feel like I should see my smell. No. I want to catch it. weapon

Unknown Speaker :

a level two

Snyder’s Return :

and what spiritual weapon look like

Unknown Speaker :

is the head of a ram with a helmet and glazed over his head like pure gold light

Unknown Speaker :

on a boy's back is the ram

Unknown Speaker :

run but we got like a

Snyder’s Return :

blink dog thing.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah like that you know where you put it and

Unknown Speaker :

just spiritual weapon get that tidge on a prone target.

Unknown Speaker :

You want to lay you

Aukan :

want to stand next to you mate. There's two of us on that one over there. You want to ask the one behind you?

Unknown Speaker :

No, no, I think if we focus one down,

Snyder’s Return :

because because of where it isn't a pipework

Unknown Speaker :

you've got you'd have would have had to put it behind the one that's prone like down the pipe work. If it Yeah,

Unknown Speaker :

I mean this thing for

Snyder’s Return :

Yeah, I mean, it's laid over and prone so it's a tight squeeze. We can make it fit. Yeah, I'll

Unknown Speaker :

put it I'll put it behind that one then I'll put it behind now.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm gonna attack with that. Right is that is it does it get advantage? Pretty sure it does. It's mealy. Yeah. Okay. Thanks me attacking it. Remember

Unknown Speaker :

who the Okay, well the first one was a natural one second one's a 1414

Snyder’s Return :

hits. Well, you say in times.

Hod :

It says if the attacker organ creature has the advantage of the attack is within five feet. So yes,

Unknown Speaker :

obviously say

Snyder’s Return :

standing, technically flanking. So

Unknown Speaker :

that's six points. damage. six points or damar loss. Three radiant auto damage your

Unknown Speaker :

It's already in damage it's a fucking spiritual weapon

Snyder’s Return :

suspension I was just like you break it up in any which way you want it

Unknown Speaker :

yeah it's it's looking pretty damaged

Snyder’s Return :

so attacking it from both ends making this sort of mucus kind of spill out into the tunnel around it get him out get him you doing anything else?

Unknown Speaker :

Nope I'm all good Raven

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

eyes on deck

Unknown Speaker :

uh yeah why not? I am going to

Unknown Speaker :

use my

Revan :

first level ones fell through And I would like to cast on Well, this is my some draw magic. I want to cast verify on the one next bronto

Unknown Speaker :

so that save please. Probably a

Snyder’s Return :

natural one and even if I did a modify that would be too so.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

he's eliminated with a damn shed of light. 10 foot radius any attack role against if that creature has advantage with

Unknown Speaker :

what I was gonna say what colour is your fairy? Fine?

Unknown Speaker :

It's gonna be blue because no violet, let's go to violet. Ooh, mysterious. You are such. Right? It's all about the artistic flow. Indeed.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, so,

Aukan :

do you design your own fairy fire? Oh,

Revan :

yes, I designed my own one. Do you want to see it there? It

Unknown Speaker :

is beautiful. Isn't it? Wonderful

Unknown Speaker :

bonus action Bennett Pepito gonna pick

Unknown Speaker :

up on the song I want to solve for fucksakes get back out

Unknown Speaker :

just don't put it down

Unknown Speaker :

and you should always be playing with it on your left to be on I

Aukan :

totally agree. Chris I think chicken is not allowed to play if he's aboard without

Unknown Speaker :

any magical ability because of your class you now have to play the guitar. We all know you want to do this. So don't worry. We're with you. Because I just can't think of

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

right now. Maybe do do a you know, a song. Let's just go

Unknown Speaker :

do I want that we all know you'll sexy and you know it

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

Oh you know, you really know

Unknown Speaker :

it's all good because it's brawn, but let's

Unknown Speaker :

go on.

Unknown Speaker :

Brand Why is it

Revan :

wrong? on the long the big dog slept all along and

Unknown Speaker :

slapped in the face.

Unknown Speaker :

Mom, chubby Chong, let's go.

Unknown Speaker :

Play. I feel

Unknown Speaker :

inspired as hell. I'm

Revan :

sure it is material D six, D six,

Unknown Speaker :

three Okay, that's not friggin flex the big numbers just yet, Matias oh

Unknown Speaker :

wait how's it wait with that too when he does something you can add e6 to anything yeah

Revan :

to an ability check attack roll saving throw in the next 10 minutes

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

All right, Hey, bro has bought tickets for each bar and you can roll it

Aukan :

with damage as well or is it just no it's just

Revan :

that I if I went you can go a damage five in which case you can help them do that or you can wow so you can add to your attack role to make sure you hit.

Unknown Speaker :

So you've got bring the damage happening I just bring the ability to hit him. Now. You're gonna do this here right

Unknown Speaker :

around the

Snyder’s Return :

corner that you not drone is now free of that effect and it's gonna rig long ride and rollback

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

that's to review or you shouldn't be able to beat

Unknown Speaker :

somebody including ramier Army Boy.

Aukan :

Like I really want to focus on higher the grade so don't try and rip his chest open. You know what that wound I got before? I can feel it feels irresponsible. What? Gotta be

Unknown Speaker :

reckless and really badly but I want to commit to it.

Unknown Speaker :

So we party,

Snyder’s Return :

I've enrolled back up, it's gonna zero back in on the web there and reach out with the tentacles.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, that's gonna be a miss. Maybe have to modify

Unknown Speaker :

first 28

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, I got 13

Unknown Speaker :

Good morning. Is it not plus eight for the end? It is possible. Yeah. But discussing the 13 Yes.

Unknown Speaker :

That's when he hit me with 50 and it's still no no

Unknown Speaker :

no, you said 25 Was it 17? Yeah, that's right. Anyway, they're gonna hit

Snyder’s Return :

a lot with the tentacle attack which Tor isn't able to latch on and then

Unknown Speaker :

I got another five.

Snyder’s Return :

Nope, misses a nine bar so it's not got all of its faculties back. However it has turned on posing a threat

Unknown Speaker :

finisher. We've always been able to tell how much healthy has left. How

Unknown Speaker :

you can, like how did it look kind of thing. He was asked What sorry? You basically like dm What does he look like? How does he look? Does he look injured or does he look like really rough? Is it hanging on by a thread? Right? Because he does what he does.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm holding on to my life was bloodied

Hod :

because yes sounds old term. I think for for third edition was you could say something's bloodied, which means is up

Unknown Speaker :

Pat well Some frickin history knowledge right there.

Unknown Speaker :

Yep, indeed. Yep,

Unknown Speaker :

sizzle that on you

Unknown Speaker :

follow them James has all the James

Snyder’s Return :

IMEs if you're using it is heavily bloodied

Unknown Speaker :

oh I'm gonna fucking throw that sword down right

Unknown Speaker :

let's go

Aukan :

I'm gonna stick me fucking hands in between the wound and I'm gonna attempt to

Unknown Speaker :

fucking rip it open. Let's have a look. So melee attack Pfeiffer reach okay we've got 19 so it hit

Aukan :

oh no smoking go boys

Unknown Speaker :

damage let's demolish it's pretty premium damage that's what you've ordered.

Snyder’s Return :

It's it's starting to squirm it's not got The tearing the cutting that or the some of the radiant damage that was done to it. I did say radiant brown and it started sort of tear this thing apart it started to get a bit skittish it is not mindless however it was playing to its advantage which potentially has now lost

Unknown Speaker :

so disappointed but let's get rid of it a little bit. I do live in a

Unknown Speaker :

state where it

Snyder’s Return :

straight in there it's all driving slipping in the news and slowing that talk Cozza to help it move through the tunnels. It's Oh my bow glue is gushing and it's for

Unknown Speaker :

yes nasty. Yeah. So you guys, you go Did you see what that

Snyder’s Return :

is not quite did

Unknown Speaker :

cool. You have sending it

Unknown Speaker :

out. And just hit over the head

Hod :

I'll do an arm strike with my claws instead. Oh

Unknown Speaker :

Katie got cloud oh my god these guys are

Unknown Speaker :

killing close

Revan :

reason they both

Unknown Speaker :

have this thing

Hod :

called advantage here

Revan :

right I think I'm gonna go on armed by

Unknown Speaker :

17 yeah so first

Hod :

though that's a six that's 10 points of

Unknown Speaker :

damage big damage and judge all while it is sort of its

Snyder’s Return :

hasn't reached its last but it the whole frame sort of sinks down to the into the bottom of that to say it's still alive like joke Hey

Hod :

action off Follow my second claw and just smash down into

Unknown Speaker :

those go. Because I can either hit

Hod :

or hit I would go. That's a 17.

Unknown Speaker :

Yes, yes, that's a way to hit.

Unknown Speaker :

That's why it's important to flank.

Hod :

And that's another seven points.

Snyder’s Return :

quick description of what this follow up claw attack looks like.

Hod :

It just goes it doesn't take just like the size of the pole just like squelches a bug, you know and it's like clothes everywhere. That's

Unknown Speaker :

like a squished maggot.

Hod :

Yeah, it costs a lot and

Aukan :

I'm standing there looking disappointed with myself. The fact that maybe you I get some time off looking at the web, I think I may have to wear him instead.

Unknown Speaker :

Slightly gay.

Unknown Speaker :

That's where you aware. Oh my god is such my colours look good on me. We went

Hod :

to not understand common right now.

Revan :

I comprehend languages for

Hod :

movement. I like to go help up Brian please.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh the legend. Absolute hero. It's about turning this chart

Unknown Speaker :

I seem to recognise this bear Oh no, that's a different it's a

Unknown Speaker :

different diamond blaze

Unknown Speaker :

right but that's actually a bonus action so I'm all good

Hod :

I'm just glad I got to do something I'd be really disappointed I mean I tended to him if I can wear pair and I thought great weight injuries my character down to a bear and I do nothing.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, don't worry. I happened to me last time

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

as you move across the compartment

Unknown Speaker :

pods, the song violent lit

Snyder’s Return :

Carrying coolers sort of sees you come across and it disregards brawn for a second seeing you as the next best target. And it's going to try and get you with its tentacles again.

Unknown Speaker :

I mean it's understandable. Did you see we did the other one? Okay now Oh,

Unknown Speaker :

punch in the old face. That's a hit. I'm gonna hit something I was all paralysed turns around

Unknown Speaker :

Oh paralysed to get

Unknown Speaker :

six points likes to be a bear in two or six

Snyder’s Return :

points poison damage caused you choose to save.

Unknown Speaker :

Secondly, spell saving.

Hod :

Oh, oh, that's a two plus four. So guess what I'm paralysed.

Revan :

Or use out of the box. You want to use that inspiration one? Yes, I did to break out of it.

Unknown Speaker :

Ah, I got another. You've got Can you I gave it to you. Yeah, I could Yeah, maybe

Hod :

it's better I'm paralysed and poisoned at the moment and someone else

Unknown Speaker :

well it paralyses me Is it your big massive bear them literally bolt the face of the other one. Yeah, well you could be dead I mean come on. So

Snyder’s Return :

true. You have been attacked by the tentacles and have been paralysed hard however the the creature now turns its head towards you Brandon is going to make a bite attack against you. Okay,

Unknown Speaker :

fair enough, honey. I Oh, I am away. Right? Is that

Unknown Speaker :

real? I didn't even have to go get speed which would be the guaranteed crit. You just roll the crap anyway.

Unknown Speaker :

Please rate

Revan :

cosy me calm down. Yeah, time

Unknown Speaker :

to die.

Unknown Speaker :

Is it good job you're the only

Snyder’s Return :

lifetime working with piercing damage.

Unknown Speaker :

14 points. piercing

Unknown Speaker :

Bob Berry. I got this. You find a lot of PowerPoints going down noise. I should probably next time have some form of healing. Well, we only be pleasant. I mean it thought was gonna happen all the time, is it? Not? Yeah.

Hod :

I mean I do have a plus four to my constitution saving throw I thought at least be decent in it.

Snyder’s Return :

Yeah. Give it a chance. Give it a chance a bronze. Having taken this heavy bite. It is your turn. The current colour behind you technically, is lit up by fairy fire. Yep. I didn't know you were Bobby.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh no, I'm the Scottish Rite. I'm

Unknown Speaker :

excited. Thanks. I think William

Unknown Speaker :

I am going to just

Unknown Speaker :

this guy in the face. That's a sensible idea. But really working hard. Really hard, mate. Oh God,

Unknown Speaker :

please be back. Yes, yes. Let's go I got seven and then an actual 20 back

Unknown Speaker :

right right that's so that's the eight says eight plus Oh another eight holy shit I'm taking a fucking screenshot of this shit by

Unknown Speaker :

one second I need to close this down

Unknown Speaker :

we still there we

Revan :

go back oh this is my slagging off enough right

Unknown Speaker :

so that's 16 points of data

Unknown Speaker :

I am then going to bring over my tend to clay. No, my Ram. That's right. Yeah. My RAM is going to go

Snyder’s Return :

2020 Yes,

Unknown Speaker :

he was made as much as he can, basically to get to.

Snyder’s Return :

Thanks for listening. If you want to hear more of us or to get in contact with us, you can find us on Twitter at Return Snyder. You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and also if you wish to support the channel on slash nice return. music and sound effects provided for this episode are from epidemic Transcribed by

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