Snyder’s Return

Fists, Fur and a Mountain of Trouble - Pt_10

Adam Powell Season 2 Episode 8

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The conclusion to the scrap in the sewers sees the party pushed to their limit, test spells and each other, and the Bard plays his Lute like a legend!
The story continues in this action packed episode and leads to new revelations so stick with these misfit 'Heroes' as the real adventure begins in earnest.

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) 5e rules, including the Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Module referenced are properties of Wizards of the Coast (WotC)

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Yours Sincerely,

Adam 'Cosy' Powell



DM: Adam Powell

James Craddock - Hod_Half-Orc_Blood Hunter
Kern Lasocki - Bron Brickborn_Dwarf_Life Cleric of Helm
Nathan McKechnie - Revan_Half-Elf (Drow)_College of Eloquence Bard
Chris Rea - Aukan_Goliath_Battle Master Fighter

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Music: Epidemic Sound

Cover Art:



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Bron :

Right so that's 16 points of damage. I am then going to bring over my 10 to clay. No my Ram. That's right. Yeah. My RAM is going to go 2020 Yes, it was mine as much as you can. Basically to get too

Snyder’s Return :

slow. Yeah. It's 23 or 20 phases slow ass weapon mate. Yeah, he's fucking can as well. Ah, you could have dismissed it recast it No, I use my last slot

Bron :

right then bonus action then I will cast healing word and I will

Snyder’s Return :

yeah I'll do it myself. Yeah I'm still trying to pick Okay, so it was 16 damage from your yes just for my Warhammer yeah yeah and that was five points of healing Let's analyse yeah, that's all I can do. All right, revenge you watch this hold off on fold in front of you. One of them's been crushed by a bear pour who's done the way a bear has crossed the, the chamber has now become paralysed. You've seen a crunching attack by a dwarf by the dwarf with the Warhammer. And you've seen the slowest. Rom has ram heads sort of glide out of one pipe slowly across the middle of the chamber towards

Unknown Speaker :

a lunar

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

However, it is your turn Raven. I would like to cool that little

Revan :

slimy thing a little bitch. Way officious mockery Little bit wisdom saving throw, please. It's

Snyder’s Return :

not wise, but it's wise enough. Oh, you can see that.

Revan :

No, I cannot. Ah cause he's wise enough. assholey that's fine. That's fine. And for my final appearance on I want to do

Bron :

I forgot to add points to walk. The damage

Revan :

was obviously the you with the bardic thing. Yeah. But you're not you're not you can't add you can't add the body integration to the damage role. Oh is to the hit on Yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

Have you saved testing? Cool to go on reason. No worries.

Snyder’s Return :

Padma man

Unknown Speaker :

smack him in the face at least once.

Unknown Speaker :

We'd love to hit every really freakin hard

Unknown Speaker :

let him join his mother and father in heaven.

Snyder’s Return :

sonica so you definitely inhale I heard they had that incest sex with a fish. Yes, the whole family they're all fucked up. So I mean it's fine frickin disgust. You are inspired by man. Made boards are so fucking awesome. And the greatest fun times indeed. So. Yeah. It's so top of the round one is dead, or can you have the march On the initiative now so while I was gonna say it was as well as as impossible to do this because I've got I can jump yeah what the plan was to do was to run off the gym affirm holds back and like bring me sword kind of down the back of the beast and landing them. Is it possible to do that? Yeah, well, you won't fit down the tunnel, but you can come down onto it head if you want to. Even front. Okay, even statue in the tunnel you can't get past it.

Aukan :

Right. Okay. Yeah, well, I'm going to run up on Bruno. Joe holds back and bring the sword down on its head

Snyder’s Return :

All right, I'd like an athletics or acrobatics shit.

Revan :

Just have inspired you. You're gonna do some crazy shit. How about for next time?

Snyder’s Return :

All right. Okay, roll for a year attack. 14 1414 hits your take off as you sort of sludge across this the sort of the use and the goo from there the last one you you helped kill sort of on your feet so he slipped a little bit but mostly get some traction up onto a rather unawares whereby we technically should be stood up because he's concerned

Aukan :

Don't be fucking dead

Snyder’s Return :

come with a strike. So let's have some damage

Aukan :

yet so it's Tuesday 630 on the go, that's good. Oh

Snyder’s Return :

right so as you come down driving you or your sword down into into his head. It's taken some damage and it's really starting to bleed out a little bit disorientated. It's not quite at the skittish stage, but you can see it's off flexing the tail end. feeling about hot it's it's you got to make a saving throw. Or please don't forget your body inspiration. Ah, I mean I love the 17 so I'm not gonna roll it I'm not that's that's good. Do you feel the paralyzation Pass again? This is now becoming an horribly regular since a share currency. I'm used to it now. I did I got paralysed on purpose. That's why I did like a little high. You have a look that was like a drug like a drug? Yeah, yeah. Somebody say drugs. I'm all about that baby. party after

Aukan :

this used to pose and they get in a little veil

Snyder’s Return :

we could sell ice with gold. So how do you remove the poison the parallel paralysed condition able to sort of come back to your faculties however, the carrying cooler in front having received a blue from organ is now going to reach out with the tentacles. See how that well This goes for a low number 12 I'm guessing 12 doesn't hit Nope. However is going to try and chase out with a biter attack against you. Oh 14 Oh sock. Sure I see. Is this crystal Can I sorry, and AC Yeah me all my classes 16 yet so

Revan :

yeah, crazy has really level three yeah well you can hit several notes over many octaves you see a freaking tree I've got a CF 18 shipment. What? You guys know, bitches god

Aukan :

I've got fucking chainmail Paul Oh chainmail Yes. Well

Revan :

I got laid so

Aukan :

I've done that before.

Bron :

What is this lady do you speak? Oh, I would show you I have a big D next to my stealth though so

Snyder’s Return :

yeah, I've got the same as well actually.

Unknown Speaker :

My my ideas my These are his real stuff. Oh, my God. Guys so much so it's not there, but

Snyder’s Return :

I'm glad I'm not that shit. Let's so I am very squeegee indeed. We'll find And maybe another time. However, Brian, you've seen these two attacks come lashing out of the pipe work towards organ and both of misty has been able to use that little bit of athletic agility that works to manoeuvre out the way however you're opening and now arises So, Brian, it is your turn lead PA school it's still fairly fired

Revan :

yet still

Snyder’s Return :

start just a quick one. Yeah Do they have to do

Unknown Speaker :

is are they verified for the residence verified the whole thing i think i think in less than a minute. Yeah it is. Yeah for a whole minute. Yes, right. Yeah, nerd conservation for me. I'm gonna kick the shit out again with my Warhammer.

Snyder’s Return :

Ashley, my little ramble to make that gap. You only fucking done it. Can you float? float now the question motherfucking beds but to be fair that's freaking centre out just do it do what you want because he's actually a ban or where bear no sorry he's a weapon of full bear so yeah, well we'll squeeze you in there

Bron :

it's also forced damage is not it's not even reading damage on here the target takes forced damage by choleric what is what's the difference?

Aukan :

So radiant some some things could be resistant against radiant or something so you

Snyder’s Return :

find out when I you'll find out when it happens what the difference is.

Bron :

Right so bonus action

Snyder’s Return :

that she's gonna hit.

Hod :

Just for a disappointment.

Bron :

That's 17 it's got diverged. Yeah, that's a dirty 20 Yes. Nice. 30 2011 points of force damage. Let's go

Snyder’s Return :

daddio crushing and telling blue but it's Still got its wits about at the moment

Bron :

and then I'm going to attack it with my Warhammer that's 14 it's not 21 Let's go

Snyder’s Return :

How would you like to kill it? Yeah, I mean you can subdue it if you wish but I would probably recommend killing it in this

Bron :

guy after my ram low like smashes it into the face. I'm only gonna think they like rears back so I'm gonna gamble Warhammer crush its kneecap or whatever kind of things his legs are holding up on. And then as they like, tumbled down and I'm gonna like turn the war hammer around like the spike in the back and didn't rhyme under his chin.

Snyder’s Return :

Level wish. Ouch. All right. Silence sound echoes around the cover near him but there is there seems to be no other threat. entering your proximity at this moment in time. Can I spell anymore? Do you need a perception check for smell sweet Vantage without?

Unknown Speaker :

cod did there like it?

Snyder’s Return :

Going awesome. My question is do you say 1819? Yeah What did you What did you smell? You know my eyes as well when I'm in my perform I like the smell smell with your eyes. Yeah

Unknown Speaker :

that's fucked up. Yeah, nobody wants just looking intently as I was saying him.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh God, God.

Snyder’s Return :

You do get the smell from so you've been in close proximity to these these two so you're familiar with the smell you get a softer version of the same scent coming from close by Oh people

Aukan :

Oh, that's not good. He's a fucking beastie as well. Hmm. I mean, do we go into the centre of the room and fucking prepare ourselves again? No, I think I'd I mean I can't find more. Now I'm kind of how much we've seen a lot and we become one of them and then we infiltrate and kill from inside ice. Maybe another day I would like to wear one of the dead carians not my job to return back to the druids to show them. Well, that's not a bad idea. That is a good idea. Hey, the one that isn't mushed the both kind of meshed honey. Okay, take the ones leaves mushed with other ones closest to us.

Snyder’s Return :

Let us go back. Yeah, as a bad boy. I'm not your guy.

Unknown Speaker :

Wait, wait a second though. I am going to cast my channel divinity and I'm going to heal you who needs healing? About half your half? I don't. Oh, that's the point actually. Hold on. There's nothing to do with this mad thing. I think I'm okay because I don't think we started another turn. Oh, yeah. Okay if you begin to a 15 off your head points are technically now okay. Okay girl combat I can basically attack one of you guys. Oh really? Yeah What if I begin my 10 or 15 a few hit points you must make a DC a wisdom saving throw or else move through towards the nearest creature you to and use your attack action against that creatures

Bron :

so I'm going to heal hard. If I can go and try I ultimately failed the saving throw. I'm like I'm like Next slide. Level fucked up. So I kind of need to heal myself. I'm going to heal myself. 14 points. And then I'm going to heal you 112 you're above the halfway point. So don't backtrack it. So as I think it's only when we're in combat, they'll say, okay, you begin your turn

Hod :

15 or fewer. Yes, once I get into combat, I was next to him in that play. Yeah,

Snyder’s Return :

the frenzy takes over. You look to my eye and says, Let's get it on. Yep, yeah. trembling, but still. So as you guys are reforming, regrouping, dealing, I need somebody or some peoples to meet perception checks. I think I can do I can see my eyes and have advantage during the day then as a 15 and Natural climate class the prospect that zero birth, would you there I see. The it's not what you see initially is the smell that sort of piques your curiosity, the sort of dampened scent that you get. And it it's not a range, it's more of a size quirk in your senses and you follow your eyes and your nose and you follow them back to that central channel, that central tunnel that you hadn't sort of taken interest in. Previously not really because of the action from the other sides. And it's that is where your eyes and your your nose are leading and the blockage, you see seems to be sort of interwoven twigs and sticks and sort of forming like a like a basket, almost or a nest Oh shit. SCAP

Revan :

AV sticks. Has anyone got any fire?

Hod :

Whoa, whoa, whoa, they say about fire. I got that burn thing. So I got told not to use fire,

Unknown Speaker :

which is bad Paul does Yeah, there's a little gas you ignite that it's not just that it's going up in flames. It's gonna be baking. I think the what we could do is actually use that method but once we are out, we could go out and set a flame to the engines.

Snyder’s Return :

I want to go knock up the sewer system owners. I want to go with Cliff buddy and see what's in there. Okay, yeah, I can collapse tunnels if we need to do that twice. This way. Oh, yeah, I'm not good. with you in Atlanta idiot. It could just be babies. And that's the idea. Let's take a look. And whilst they still that, as you move in Weber and big Goliath buddy, you look over the lip of this movements, sort of small structure and you do see a number of gelatinous or ovoid shapes, only small probably about the size of a small flask or something similar to that. And there seem to be probably 10 of them within this tall structure. Dispatch from our backlog. Nice. Your hand is now covered in goo and things have nondescript that doesn't seem to be not a perception check for me, are you too or can as you're watching Target. Oh 16 and the arrow Two, three. Wow, good big numbers. Yeah. You're concentrating on slapping in as many as these as you can. Or can you're sort of scanning and you're able to see and pick out that none of them seem to have rolled out and nothing seemed to have scuttled away. So you've been it's safe enough to make the statement that the nest has been cleared. That must have been the mother and father and that we call those that most of you are currently assume. Yeah, whereas the they were

Aukan :

kind of sex. Not like actual love sex of them that we like, Is there a way that we can tell

Snyder’s Return :

if we were both doing nature check for me? Oh, fuck it is Tell squid, squid penis vagina now 100% sure the physiology, but you think you've you've done it right? Well we'll take one of the bodies back with us and just drag it back in. Do you want me? Do you want me to carry it? I think you've got higher strengthen me. Oh no. What's your strength? Okay 1617 pluses plus three, nine plus three with the same same strength 10 more than you do. If I feel like you, you can be the slave now. You can appreciate it. Give me a strength strength athletics. Athletics. I got advantage with that what I'm a bear for nice sunny, nice Monroe high numbers. That's a 14. You You can sort of shift one of these forms, but it's gonna take your while to drag it through. That's fine. What about if I help them? Can we speed With help you're able to between the pair of uterus or lift and ship it reasonably comfortably and you're able to keep track and keep pace with Braun and Raven so unless you guys want to do anything before you have back to where you left Lister

Unknown Speaker :

no voice I want out of these tunnels go through a very done really well and I don't want to overstay our welcome I agree so we're gonna go and tell them what are you going to tell Lister that it's safe? Yeah for sure. Yeah, I'll talk to him Don't worry about a ludie boy if you want to go check the other side knows I'm happy for you to try now I would just tell him we've done a good job.

Unknown Speaker :

Let's go Mark Don't worry about it.

Snyder’s Return :

All right. So as you guys saw, make your way back through the the few sections of the tunnel that leads about a list of he's still in animal form SAP waiting for you to arrival or return or not. And he stays in animal form and leads you all the way back through password gear, work crews and work gear and other sort of interactions all the way back to the ladder at which point he reef reforms transforms back into his humanoid human form. And pletely naked starts climbing the ladder.

Bron :

avert your eyes, I swear to God.

Unknown Speaker :

I've just do fucking weird also raises many questions too after the boy changing back to his forum in the bar.

Revan :

Why are you thinking about that now? Go on a list.

Aukan :

By golden friends you have the mind of a saved a lot of

Unknown Speaker :

time, most of

Aukan :

us are a little bit confused and a little bit concerned about the fact that I'm spending a lot of time with this dog.

Bron :

No, I'm just wondering how we didn't notice. Yeah, this is such a thing. Magic. like God protect us all right. Oh,

Snyder’s Return :

no, the clothing and items go into the form depending on what it is. But just the way it doesn't, doesn't care. So we just got naked and climb the ladder. Fair enough. open to the world. You know? 2020 she wants to be naked. naked. Yeah, that's right. Identify as naked. Alright, so he leads you up he goes and gets a different room. metre at the top of the ladder. As I'm going wait in there and send lady cupola back through wonderful you guys are now back in the restroom man How are we gonna play this on our back my human form good I'm gonna achieve me sold and put it on a lien on the wall and sit down in a chair and kick me off to be honest

Unknown Speaker :

I'll go I'll go ask you miss Kabbalah will come and see us

Snyder’s Return :

is anyone nearby like a listers nearby? So he's also go to my pump go grab Miss Capelli and yes just just a minute I'll make sure she's free any doubles away smartly to smartly shambles Way to go and find probably five minutes she comes back in and she thank you all for your your service. And she had your award. It says for the good of the city. We greatly appreciate everything you've done. We'd like to be you to have this 50 gold. Oh, oh, Chef. I'll take it. Yes, I'm talking to her out. I'm talking to her. shipmate. You can have two big ones to my belly, please take this 50 Gold that's buying them and you don't understand quite what you've done for us and for the city of borders gate. So we Appreciate your your efforts and she's Olivia Bolivian article in the local paper. I wouldn't mind getting picked up a little bit. I'm sure people will write songs about you.

Bron :

Yes, do you that's your job.

Revan :

Ah, that's the whole joke. God's so small it just went straight over your head then it

Bron :

still don't understand.

Aukan :

50 gold pieces How much does ludie boy get about three gold? 50

Bron :

I saved the guy's life at least twice. Don't worry about it. Right, we get 10 each attendee Oh man, I'll tell you my wife bought 12.5 so 12 gold, and then was it five silver and five silver. Why do you watch it money? So if we go to equipment?

Revan :

Yeah. Coins

Bron :

is currency. I took off the two and a half. Eight. I know one and a half one half it was one and a half.

Snyder’s Return :

You got screwed over for Yeah. Hey, we give a man is back. Yeah. Well you didn't you got a spoiled child to do it.

Bron :

Who I sure had no clothes on. She's really good.

Snyder’s Return :

Oh yeah. All right as you guys discuss and go to these begin to file out Raven as one of the last ones to leave Miss Polly's waits for the others to pass and as you sort of draw level she grabs your forearm and she says nine fingers keen wants to have a word. Oh gosh, she did. And then she signed where she was want to make sure get in contact. She knows what To find you.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay. Let him know I've got three other people that probably willing to do stuff for as well.

Snyder’s Return :

We'll discuss the company you keep in due time. You don't get along. Yeah. Thanks for that. Thanks for listening. If you want to hear more of us or to get in contact with us, you can find us on Twitter at Return Snyder. You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and also if you wish to support the channel on slash nice return. music and sound effects provided for this episode. are from epidemic sounds calm Transcribed by

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