Snyder’s Return

Fists, Fur and a Mountain of Trouble - Pt_11

Adam Powell Season 2 Episode 13

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Looking for respite after the sewer encounter the party head to a known establishment, familiar to Flaming Fist personnel, the Smilin' Boar. The rear of the establishment has become the crime scene following gruesome murders by a killer dubbed 'Sickle Man'. In return for lodgings the party make themselves at home in the Cafe/Tavern. When will 'Sickle Man' strike again!?!

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) 5e rules, including the Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Module referenced are properties of Wizards of the Coast (WotC)

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Yours Sincerely,

Adam 'Cosy' Powell



DM: Adam Powell

James Craddock - Hod_Half-Orc_Blood Hunter
Kern Lasocki - Bron Brickborn_Dwarf_Life Cleric of Helm
Nathan McKechnie - Revan_Half-Elf (Drow)_College of Eloquence Bard
Chris Rea - Aukan_Goliath_Battle Master Fighter

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Music: Epidemic Sound

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Snyder’s Return :

As you guys left you realise you're in need of a short rest and you've made your way to the smiling board just round from the Flaming Fist headquarters and the Blum Ridge reasons to get some food and to get some rest bite and you guys have just saw slide your wash rotation and Braun you have been out the battery investigate the murders being committed by the sickle man and spoken to your comrades there. As we saw pick up Raven you've come down from having a shower Brian, you have re entered the smiling boy having spoken to Kazmir and Renard out the back the guys investigating the situation out there, pod you are upstairs getting yourself washed. And all Can you take yourself to the river to have a brisk wash and that is where we will start. So Brian and Raven, you've just reunited Man What do you see out there?

Unknown Speaker :

Ah, recent body mass was pretty much been happening

Unknown Speaker :

they have any idea how

Bron :

long they're not sure the bodies seem to be neither dragged or some kind of law transported to that location or five victims have been done and they just don't seem to be able to figure it out who there would be okay though I did find this and I'm going to produce the black fibres that were there the scene just like I got him of like a faint meat smells from it. And it seems to be quite well made. But apart from that, I can't really distinguish anything that seems to maybe help the investigation. Do you? Can you maybe have a

Revan :

look? Yeah. Can I have a look at that real quick? Yeah, and over time. Ah, I want the cast identify on the fabric.

Bron :

Oh, nice.

Snyder’s Return :

What was that look like for you casting that?

Revan :

I'll just, I'll look at the fibres, and my eyes will seem to look like they go far away. Right? They're looking through the object they're seeing. It's like past and its present, how it got there or where it originally came from. I just need to find every form of information I can on this thing.

Snyder’s Return :

So almost like I've zoned out completely. All right, you don't really you it's non magical. In its creation, however, there does seem to be something different, you get a an odd sort of necrotic sense some sort of extra extra dimensional almost there. There's something else that has worked on this fabric that seems to just be clinging to it. Again, it's not part of a magical that doesn't seem to be emanating or come from a magic cloak. You know, most magic items you can't talk damage in that way that they tend to be quite Hardy. But it is a well made hardy black cloth that has been caught. And you have seen similar individuals only very fleetingly seen these individuals wearing them with hoods up some of the you've seen some of the cultists across the various parts of the city have a similar garb as it were wonderful.

Revan :

And I'm not getting a good vibe from this thing. feels kind of necrotic

Snyder’s Return :

I can't help but shift This feeling that I've seen this material before on the cultists? Yeah. I mean, that's what my guts telling me.

Bron :

Well, that I mean, that helped me that mean, at least is some sort of lead we could maybe I was thinking of even checking out the other bodies but I think direct link to the possible.

Unknown Speaker :

I mean hey, these are the coolers weld themselves. I mean, you want to go out and start asking exactly even more reason to see the captain Zod ask you about the coal

Bron :

test and see what kind of job he's got for us because if we can link out with this possible investigation and then tell him the same information.

Revan :

Yeah. I've got a small confession to make. Since just just you, you kind of I didn't meet boy. So you've had a nine fingers right? Yeah, well yeah, she's real interested in talking with us. So, when you see us, I assume, not as them as Mary for people that seem to be problem solvers of some description. Either way, we're gonna have to see or at some point, and I would really like it if you want flashing your Flaming Fist sigils about all the time. Probably make our lives a lot easier. I mean, that is fair enough. My finger is known for being quite a problem to us flaming fists. Unfortunately, this is for me anyway. unavoidable. There is no way I'm not going to see you. She'll find us. She'll find us when she wants to see us but I just want to give you a heads up I'm going to see, do you want me to take this off now? although it doesn't point down on my like tab or to my sigils No, I mean, she's not here now. I mean, I'm sure she'll send a messenger she ain't gonna come up here ourself, but I mean,

Bron :

it's gonna be hard. I mean, even without my sigil on my tablet I think I probably quite well known to be in this living first. Yeah, well, just don't throw it in our face. That would be rude. Yes, I'm good. Like,

Aukan :

I'm gonna like come in now. Like from the

Unknown Speaker :

main streets like he has gonna be so open. always gonna be late Baywatch entrance.

Aukan :

We have Yes, the river was rather rather delightful.

Unknown Speaker :

smell a lot better. Smell like a lot of kobolds down by the sewer exits of

Aukan :

Give me the heebie jeebies gave you the heebie yeah I think after that, in the bar, they make me feel rather than easy. I guess. I had a yearning to smash their skulls and if I'm honest, but I decided against it.

Bron :

I'm glad I'm glad because I mean

Aukan :

there's one cobalt there's always about 100 to 10 feet away. It was more the fact that I had just got cleaned and I didn't want them to pull out another skunk. That was my main. You don't think? I don't wash very often so. Really? I can't tell. Quiet Good boy.

Revan :

Good. I was making a joke. Okay. He's trying.

Bron :

He's a sensitive big lady. I'm sorry. Hey. Oh, no, you're done in the bath. I am absolutely stinking. I'm gonna go upstairs and wash my stuff.

Snyder’s Return :

You guys enjoy your drinks. Good luck hops in there. You might have to put them out. Oh, he's over. Oh, yeah, he's totally

Revan :

out. You might as well throw him out.

Bron :

No, no, I'm gonna wait. I forgot that he went over.

Unknown Speaker :

Probably all do is I'll go grab a smart drink, you know? Let's go sit down to yards discuss. Roger. Go up to the bar, grab some more drinks, then come on all Got it? Let's be in our acceptable members of society and sit down at this fine establishment. I only sit for one man. So I shall stand. And who is this one man? I have not quite you at the moment. Is this your God? What is it going? Okay. I was just being awkward, I think. No,

Snyder’s Return :

okay. Okay, cool. That's better, isn't it? less awkward. Yes, my ex feel much better. Yes, thank you for being literally so liberal, literal. Like drugs.

Unknown Speaker :

I really feel like our relationship is growing loop boy one day I may call you by your actual name. You know what? I pray for that day? I would have to do it. Again. Reza, no. Revenge. Revenge. That's the one named star brackets leave boy. Wonderful. What is What are you writing that down on? I'm rather confused. Listen, when you learn to read and write, you can end up putting words on paper. My people have no time for that. You just noises when we are babies. We crush the office lamps cold so I mean, that's pretty impressive. Maybe I'll write a song about it one day.

Snyder’s Return :

As you guys are settling down, HOD stop says getting washed and clean. You'll notice that the more well dressed individuals that have come down for a spot of novelty sort of food has started to make their way out and are aware of the sort of the setting of the sun and the time, although referencing time, not the easiest thing to do. And you catch on there Well, come on in before the gates are closed, and we get trapped down here. Let's let us return back to our home. filter off out and it's pretty much just you and a few locals who are keeping themselves to themselves left in the establishment.

Revan :

Is there any music and

Snyder’s Return :

it's mainly just the The noise of service the smells of food cooking and general conversation which is all keeping it alive as it were.

Bron :

See those people that were meant mentioned that obviously they're from the upper part of the sea what kind of clothing did they have on

Snyder’s Return :

a quite informal were sort of still well made you can see there's money there they had a few small weapons by their side for self protection, but they seem to know when to to come on when to go for the their own safety effectively. The Manor gate not and the Golden Gate not being far from where you're currently set, they can sort of slide up, back up those main roads through the gates and back into the safety of the city. So they're not in the sort of nicest refine refinery and and outfits, but they are Better dressed than those around during the past on the waterfront. Okay,

Bron :

there wasn't any noticeable like sick sigils or like tabard for a house or anything like that was there or it's just a

Snyder’s Return :

little bit picking up the parts of the conversation and seeing how they were dressed, you know, they're from a few of the, sort of the smaller houses that sort of run parts of the industry round around the rest of boulders gate from the sort of the shipping magnates and all that sort of stuff. Okay. So without sort of chasing them down and challenging them, the opposite is citizens.

Hod :

I, I now come back down but I've got my common clothes on. All the stuff I was wearing is obviously slightly damp. So I want to go sit by the fire and just grab a bunch of chairs or tables and slide my clothes off. Have it to dry them off

Snyder’s Return :

you get some gently gives you a sideways look as well you can hear as Hawk comes down his his chairs have been dragged out the way she she sees that you got wear clothes and she sort of looks at you sideways but with how quiet that now the establishment is given us all the time and the higher paying customers should we say have departed she's on let it slide guys are gonna well

Hod :

okay I was gonna check a gold piece anyway, just to say out this is my space now. Started copies only by myself.

Snyder’s Return :

Thank you. We'll be sure to get you an extra pillow or something like

Hod :

appreciate it.

Aukan :

I'm gonna buy hold a drink as well. I will kind of walk over the woman hand it to him. How'd you know? I was I was I was joking about the cloak. I don't really want to wear you

Hod :

but I was I know. I know.

Aukan :

I was very formidable and as you were petrified and I saved your life I don't know if you remember that or not it was me who jumped to save you first I would have everybody I should let you know that I am the more formidable I was to the both of us and you should be my sidekick from now on.

Hod :

No, but your sidekick

Aukan :

Okay, well, we can discuss this at a later date. But Enjoy your ale to yards like I'm drinking like us real men shall drink.

Hod :

I appreciate it. Can I take it? I stopped drinking and I start rubbing the ring on my finger.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm gonna go up to you. genta and ask her it's okay for me to play some music for the remaining people in here. Too quiet for me. She

Snyder’s Return :

chose you to, to the corner says, You, You carry on. I'm just gonna,

Revan :

how Yeah, I'm just gonna play some light music just bear my word and keep my fingers nimble. I

Snyder’s Return :

think that's what we need right now. All right, so music coming from the corner. What what sort of music in a certain light.

Revan :

Just sort of, you know, classical Cal picking like Taco Bell's cannon type thing. I know.

Aukan :

You're gonna tell me but you could tell.

Revan :

Now. I don't know. Yeah, I've got three

Unknown Speaker :

horses. He has a course.

Aukan :

For 10 seconds if you have to, but you can't say you're gonna play some music then. nopalea something Oh my God. But no has to be pure Haskell. Two seconds later he said

Revan :

got it The good thing there it is.

Bron :

There's no joking Let's go.

Aukan :

I just start fucking weeping. They cry and loads and trying to get myself

Snyder’s Return :

it's okay to be sad.

Aukan :

I don't know how to deal with the emotions.

Revan :

It's okay big man. Let it out. is amazing what I have the effect on people

Aukan :

You must always play me songs.

Revan :

I will. It's been

Aukan :

a long day for me, so I'll be sleeping. Okay.

Revan :

And if you guys Bad boys, they want a party.

Aukan :

I swore to myself that I would stay on the street and now while we're on our epic quest

Bron :

Well, we're not a weird question for a man that's only known as a day to ask us. Are we bad boys? Especially, Radha

Aukan :

to play in the lowest quadrant of the city called Bad boys who was very popular.

Bron :

Yes, yes, I had that and there's maybe a second and a maybe a sub.

Aukan :

Second was fantastic. But the dude really blew it out of the water.

Snyder’s Return :

Yes, they should have to stick with it. Yeah.

Revan :

So I got ahead of myself when I stopped playing.

Unknown Speaker :

I haven't haven't noticed

Aukan :

No, I was good. It's good. Like

Bron :

it's always good to have some music in. I never had a bad time to have some uplifting tunes.

Aukan :

I'm gonna take the first watch and I'm gonna kinda go outside and sell the stolen sitting there in the alleyway. I'm gonna please

Bron :

thing to actually have my bath. Yeah, well Shay the chat lots.

Revan :

This isn't gonna be short resting, or we going straight for a long rest after this. I think we're gonna shoot for a long rest, buddy.

Snyder’s Return :

Okay. Let's roll over. Each of you wrote me a constitution saving through

Revan :

God. What are we done? Was it the playing? I'm sorry, true one.

Unknown Speaker :

I got 15 as well. Oh, save. There we go.

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

Reason and hot was it with the five Yes, you may have consumed one or two more than you should have or maybe this quicker than you should have or you're just not used to

Unknown Speaker :

the revelry sounds about

Unknown Speaker :

yo like, Well, guys,

Hod :

I got my sorrows. Thank y'all.

Revan :

I'm exactly where I want to be right now.

Snyder’s Return :

Why is it? Is it like exhaustion right? effectively poisoned. Holy. Take me.

Revan :

Why was the paralysed petrified poison? There she is.

Snyder’s Return :

Yeah, don't click on either of those two. Just just you know unreasoned disadvantaged on attack girls on the beach x blue. Okay, stage three exhaustion.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, my next base, the hardest song I know, pick up Flight of the Bumblebee with my toes. So DRock

Snyder’s Return :

So Brian, you make your way upstairs to get to washed hard. You Having your moment by the fire. Greven is having a console to himself. I am quite content being dubious quality. It's just fingers. So we can Is there anything you guys want to do before? I know he was saying you're going to sit outside on a storm walk and I like to watch. I'm going to keep drinking. I'm going to catch you like a perception.

Aukan :

Check to see if there's anything around as well. Like I'm sitting in the alleyway, but it's pretty dark. I want to know if there's a you know, I can see anything at all.

Snyder’s Return :

Yeah, there's this sort of a few London's in the main streets that's casting sort of shadows across where you are. So as you take position, music is sort of slowly filtering out you can hear sort of general hubbub of life happening in the buildings around you. Better do a perception check for us. Anything of unusual, called Edie. T. You hear footfalls around the roads in the streets. You know, some some chat muffle chatter from filtering through the smells of cooking not from behind you now because that's sort of starting to shut down but evening meals for other citizens. Nothing. Nothing really catches your attention at the moment.

Bron :

How so how empty is a bar now?

Snyder’s Return :

It's slowly starting to empty out because it's more of a sort of a cafe Bar Bar diner kind of thing. Okay.

Hod :

Because I'm slightly inebriated and I'm thinking in my own space, I start getting changed into my dry clothes again, just right there in the middle of the room. Not giving a shit. And as you do that, you see revenue, Sam covenant scars, I like claw marks all over my body. stripping down coming back up.

Revan :

Do they look like bears? That like big scratches or they just

Hod :

look mean mean scratches? Yeah, no i

Revan :

but i animalistic or like sword animalistic

Snyder’s Return :

nature with disadvantage.

Revan :

He checked his badge coming up. I'm super good at nature an eight like

Snyder’s Return :


Hod :

no scars, not clean, not pink.

Revan :

Oh, man you spent your whole the whole time up there

Unknown Speaker :

washing and you didn't get

Snyder’s Return :

the scars clean you can clean scars.

Unknown Speaker :

Who told you that? That's an absolute lie

Snyder’s Return :

Okay, it's me You probably got that checked out. Don't want to go gangrenous. No, they're they're the heel define that the cool, man. I mean, they don't look fine, but no, no, you get used to them. Okay. Am I I mean, we won't talk about it now.

Unknown Speaker :

No, no, you're drunk and

Snyder’s Return :

having a good time. The real good time. Yeah, I'm not I'm not drunken. Oh, come on a long time. I mean, really? Yeah. Why not?

Hod :

Because I need to keep my wits about me. You know you need to be

Unknown Speaker :

ready to pounce. It's action. I mean, shit. You could die tomorrow. Well,

Revan :

maybe get run over by a car tomorrow. Stop. You could be the guy on the street next.

Hod :

You could if you put it that way. I guess we shouldn't

Revan :

worry about just get drunk. Okay. Hey, next level me. Yes. Okay, the dollar wrong, please. Good lady.

Snyder’s Return :

She looks at you sideways. She was about to come and challenge you hard about getting naked in the restaurant. So a cafe area and you go out talk to him. Don't worry, I'll talk to him. I gave you money. So sorry, but I'm bringing a couple of drinks but probably should be knocking on the head soon, especially if he's supposed to be keeping McCully safe. We've we'll,

Unknown Speaker :

we'll get we got two of the finest guys coming up next.

Hod :

I fight better when I'm drunk.

Revan :

So he fights better when he's drunk and I'm really good asking for help.

Snyder’s Return :

Real good at it. Yeah, about Sure. Yeah, him a boy. She walks walks away in and you can hear a shout out sir brah.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm going to head downstairs. I want to start a drink.

Unknown Speaker :

possibly something to do with this

Revan :

likes to drink hard cuz

Snyder’s Return :

ron ron you either put these guys to bed on kicking them out

Bron :

oh right right that's enough Jennifer said enough yet you guys take the third and fourth watch the I did the watch I'll do the second

Revan :

I thought I was going for us I'll do it now. I'll even do our even right now Don't worry about it

Bron :

No you go to bed

Revan :

we're fine No flaming first guy has done a lot of good time looks like

Hod :

yeah No, tell me about it God

Unknown Speaker :

like go to bed. Yes, Father

Hod :

grab all my stuff and like

Snyder’s Return :

cradling my arms

Unknown Speaker :

stumble up to the I'm going to know and I'm going to notice the damp chairs Then

Snyder’s Return :

the clothes on the floor that aren't damp Yeah, they're just gonna be like did you get naked hot? no proof of it. proof of that you heard the man nope can prove nothing

Unknown Speaker :

hold up company benefit can't judge me for nothing. I know

Snyder’s Return :

I know my rights. Yeah, and I'm sure genta knows house as well right go upstairs and go to bed. Raja this collapse Oh get out. Not cause a scene

Unknown Speaker :

after causing a scene, I didn't cause the same. I was just having a good time.

Snyder’s Return :

Jen so watch as you guys saw, peel off, trudge off to the upstairs and she grabs you by the arm and says This is only for one night now. All right, I can't have these guys out there love it it almost gonna do more harm than good at this rate I just had a long day. I'll have a word to them they won't be doing that again. I appreciate your help. And we'll keep watching hopefully we can find out a little bit more. The LOD the bar the the louder top layer is come up with some extra information about that fabric I found in the alleyway, Outback found a lead will be following now and I could totally solve whatever's happening with a single man. So there's some hope. Hope so bright. All right, well, I've got to tidy up and clean up and then let you guys set on rotate and then I'm tied to stuff. I'm going to be hidden in the bed myself. All right. You know where we are if you need us. Just down the hall, I'm sure Good night bro. Good night she saw starts standing stairs dirt you can hear her dragging the tables back in the place that had moved and the chairs and right starting to write everything down start wiping stuff down so she sort of leaves you in the middle of doing whatever it is you need okay and he's gonna head up to bed help I'll help her I'll now go to bed appreciate you helping so we can assure a warmer smile than just a minute ago as you saw help restore some order she locks up or can roll a another perception check for me please yet? Oh, five stoves are taken in by The Freedom the air the sounds everything that you were experiencing but from the Dungeon of the sea tower literally half a mile from where you are there were there abouts distract you enough that beyond casual passers by on the main streets and some lights being turned out in houses and flats for one of a better description you don't experience or have anything significant to report and how long how long, like a long rest How long is a long rest all together? Like what's the clusters? They obviously it's like what is eight hours of inactivity that's a debate that'll take six hours of sleep, two hours of lightning strenuous fight Rican read, you can chat and you can do what six hours of sleeping I'll relieve. Oh, whenever Hello. Hello. Soul seat devil. Yes, I do a so are you being quiet as you move through? Because it's it's her house effectively or your creed? Yeah, I'll be. So I don't wanna wake anyone up. Do a self check for me just to see how quietly you can get out to release him. Really? Yeah. Oh God, wait one second. I was upside down or holding up.

Unknown Speaker :

I made the first one's a 17. And the second was a 12. So it's not too bad.

Snyder’s Return :

You're able to sort of avoid the the creaky of its award and you're able to make it down the stairs without too many issues moving through the back, unlocking the back door, you all can are able to sort of swap out

Unknown Speaker :

quite easily. Topic

Aukan :

talk before, before we go to bed I have a question to ask you. What is a big one? How did you become it? How did you become a cleric?

Bron :

When you play on the football field so long enough up in the hills, you start believing in anything. And I just happened to be when I was doing healing on some folk find a gift for start believing in a detector.

Aukan :

Hell, it's a god or a deity. Oh, yes. Is it a voice? What what exactly is it?

Bron :

No, it's a it's a belief. I think he's never spoken to me. Well, not yet. But he's definitely given me powers. I have witnessed myself and you have you know, being there after the sewers that happened earlier today. I dedicate my life to that view, protect others.

Aukan :

So you weren't born, where you knew that you would be a cleric? It was kind of

Bron :

No, no, I used to be a healer. I just used to be a normal medic. It's only when I started needing something to help not motivate myself saying the same thing. And these are reasons.

Aukan :

Oh, my may want to speak to you about this in the future. But if you could keep it between ourselves, I would appreciate it. Of course, and I'm kind of just gonna not a lot of them kind of move my way into their house to go for me sleep as well. All right.

Snyder’s Return :

I'll get you a room yourself. Check just to see how quietly you move into the establishment while you're rolling that.

Aukan :

End next to it to have all the twice Yeah, try 17 15 it's pretty nice.

Snyder’s Return :

Again, where you've been up to what you didn't guys ever watch but resort, checked out the sleeping arrangements makes us all nimbly sort of skip up the stairs without knocking things off or treading on the heavy boards or waking anybody up more importantly, and you can get into get into a place of rest without issues. Brian, as you saw, take century and have a look around the the lights start to dim around the city. You know, there are many dangers that not only the cultists, but crime and various things like that start to sort of come alive in these low light hours. So I'd like you to do a perception check for me, please.

Bron :

16 plus 319. Let's go

Snyder’s Return :

You as you're listening in the footfall down the main roads are starting to die off people either where they're staying for the night or they're at the taverns or they are not around here, a lot of the residential walls have gone in and locked up and made themselves safe. No one wants to be a victim of crime, but unfortunately, that's the reality of the city you live in. And just as you're sort of sat looking away from the structure where you hear footprints soft and as you look over in the direction of where they're coming from, there seems to be no one and they stop abruptly. I thanks for listening. If you want to hear more of us or to get in contact with us, you can find us on Twitter at Return Snyder. You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and also if you wish to support the channel on slash nice return. music and sound effects provided for this episode are from epidemic sounds calm Transcribed by

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