Snyder’s Return

Fists, Fur and a Mountain of Trouble - Pt_12

Adam Powell Season 2 Episode 14

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The party agree terms with Jentha (the owner of the Smilin' Boar) for accomodation and protection from 'Sickle Man'. This being a thrown together group who are still recovering from the sewers don't get the rest they deserve and Bron learns a valuable lesson about curiosity.

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) 5e rules, including the Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Module referenced are properties of Wizards of the Coast (WotC)

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Yours Sincerely,

Adam 'Cosy' Powell



DM: Adam Powell

James Craddock - Hod_Half-Orc_Blood Hunter
Kern Lasocki - Bron Brickborn_Dwarf_Life Cleric of Helm
Nathan McKechnie - Revan_Half-Elf (Drow)_College of Eloquence Bard
Chris Rea - Aukan_Goliath_Battle Master Fighter

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Music: Epidemic Sound

Cover Art:



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Snyder’s Return :

You should stop listening in the footfall down the main road you start to die off people either where they're staying for the night or they're at the taverns or they are not ready hear a lot the residential walls have gone in and locked up and made themselves safe. No one wants to be a victim of crime but unfortunately that's the reality of the city you live in. And just as you're sort of sad looking away from the structure where you hear footprints soft and as you look open in the direction of where they're coming from there seems to be no one and they stop abruptly.

Bron :


Snyder’s Return :

You received no response.

Bron :

I'm going to wait I know the general direction that was wrong.

Snyder’s Return :

Effectively from your your right side, like your peripheral vision and peripheral hearing from that side sort of picked up detected this footsteps Okay,

Bron :

I'm going to walk towards that way. Take out my ass, you know, kind of walk away and then

Snyder’s Return :

say, Hello tech, go for cascading so myself and then try and find that person. Don't know what that would be. Do another perception check

Bron :

before doesn't 18

Snyder’s Return :

scene as you begin to close the gap you can hear sort of smooth shuffle of, of on the ground and then like trying to be almost gentle but they seem to sort of be dragging a foot so you're able to as you approach the street moves away from you.

Bron :

I want to pick up my pace and then start like sweeping an arm in front of me see if I catch anything

Snyder’s Return :

off rolling a socket disadvantage oh

Bron :

man I thought was way too good shoot first of all is in 1966 wasn't yeah second was that so it's because I was sweeping my arm you said it attack right

Snyder’s Return :

and you can't see what you're attacking you're just sweeping it. Yeah, exactly yeah

Bron :

yeah a second one if it isn't, if it's an attack and unarmed strike to here then yeah the second was

Snyder’s Return :

reaching out you. You don't make contact with anything the the human moving in the right direction where the sound is or seems to be moving and tracking. But at some point you're going to run out of alleyway to walk down and sort of area to swing your arm in. And as you sort of flail your arm out trying to find contact with with anything, you don't have any tangible grip onto anything. Anything of anything.

Revan :

level three.

Bron :

I just gonna keep pursuing that. And then see if I can like swipe. Swipe again, to keep following the noise. Do another perception check for me. Sit eight

Snyder’s Return :

Your attempt to scaffold the sound you lose which way the sound is, is trapped and you're now sort of left almost in a T junction with two options to go and no real clue as to which way the sound is, has travelled. Okay.

Bron :

I think I've got up to even cause him to cry.

Snyder’s Return :

And that was one of the things that refund event and there seem to be some sort of necrotic trace on it. Not necessarily a magical trace, but just that sense of death and necrosis. Okay.

Bron :

Not really got anything Yeah, no, I was thinking it'd be on dead. Oh, no Boy, that's you know, unfortunately I don't hear where he's going. So I'm just gonna head back. Continue with my watch

Snyder’s Return :

as you head back and continue the watch the most your time seems quite quiet but I will take one more perception check off you just as your watch and

Bron :

now yes as boy

Snyder’s Return :

we've come to be sat back down and time has passed. It could have been an hour. It could have been an hour and a half since you sort of chase this sound. You hear it again, stronger this Time, slightly faster not necessarily moving towards you, but definitely still on that right hand side. Back down the alley where you were

Bron :

not taught vision.

Unknown Speaker :

Everybody's visible. Oh shit.

Unknown Speaker :

And it's a louder noise Did you say it's less

Snyder’s Return :

placed and cautious than the last time?

Unknown Speaker :

All right, I'm gonna wait until it gets a little bit closer until I'm almost certain that it's in a certain direction. If I can. If it is getting closer, do a survival check for me.

Bron :


Snyder’s Return :

you hear it? Second you think you can't be sure but you almost convinced yourself here

Bron :

at that moment I'm going to cascade and boy that direction.

Unknown Speaker :

tack or safe never is it attack. Alright, row friend attacker disadvantage Mazzocco oh shit that's nice. Yeah buddy.

Unknown Speaker :

Disadvantage though. I know once again

Revan :

the DM laugh.

Unknown Speaker :

Child you have to say price too often.

Bron :

We got an 18 to 23 Let's go fuck him lucky well I don't even hit I don't even know yet. I was like so fucking level 20 challenge god this is like reaping everything in this order you

Snyder’s Return :

can grasp the peers and no you don't go down deep you got a boat leaving your hand just randomly down the the alleyway to your right stretching out this energy courses and you can hit see it hit and then envelop a shape, a humanoid shape. It's all also under script form

Unknown Speaker :

it's all lights up and you can

Unknown Speaker :

and coming interview make sure I get this right

Snyder’s Return :

sort of phasing into sight is a humanoid for

Bron :

Oh shit,

Snyder’s Return :

dark humanoid form that sort of appears. And I'd like you to Someone listed please

Bron :

no one has been sad is what happens when you stop throwing shit down boulders gate. Blinken avenues This is too, but laddie. I'm doing my job.

Unknown Speaker :

That's a 10

Unknown Speaker :

do a real good job and you're dead on the flop.

Snyder’s Return :

What was the what was the damage from guiding bolt?

Bron :

Oh my gosh, it doesn't matter. That is a 14.

Snyder’s Return :

Nice, good. Damage a

Unknown Speaker :

big big beeps,

Snyder’s Return :

respectable, respectable.

Bron :

That means this motherfucker got more than you think.

Snyder’s Return :

The hooded figure moves with speed and purpose. Now, this wavy dagger drone racing right up to you. You can see the glint of this dagger. And it's just a dark expression on this Males faces whose head is hidden primarily by the cloth or the or the dark. And as it gets right up into your face have a strange sensations or pulses over your body and it is going to make up to two dagger attacks against you.

Unknown Speaker :

Okie dokie

Unknown Speaker :

chauffeurs Boy, that's what's gonna be happening.

Unknown Speaker :

I think he's got his plea for help squared away. Yep, level three spells. Scream

Unknown Speaker :

everyone within 120 feet. Here's your cry and

Unknown Speaker :

parents immediately wake up

Unknown Speaker :

to it. Jimmy, you technically had a long rest and I'm not. Yeah,

Snyder’s Return :

not yet for because just what you're Watch was what three four hours Sox's? The two drunk ones I've had about six so then I have to do constitution but you haven't back

Unknown Speaker :

I've been for elf goddamnit

Snyder’s Return :

so the first strike is a 23 to hit

Bron :

oh we don't die We Don't Die.

Revan :

I sing a song about from the brave

Snyder’s Return :

is it 18 points of piercing damage oh my god from the boss as the dagger holder as the dagger is pushed towards you, and then into your skin your body seems to almost except the blade easier than you were expecting. You know you feel vulnerable, but this moment in time as this blade wavy and curved as it is just lies in between your armour deep dealing this damage and it extracts the blade and turns it in such a way that it's going to bring it around for a second attack

Unknown Speaker :

all the way

Snyder’s Return :

14 points a slash 18 1818 to hit

Unknown Speaker :

a yeah

Unknown Speaker :

well let's take we're gonna try and pick up our debt free

Snyder’s Return :

and that is 14 points of damage

Bron :

that is me down yeah dead

Snyder’s Return :

as you dead dead Oh just down

Bron :

just well minus. So that was what was the first one

Hod :

it'd be reached if you reach there you're down. Yes Yeah

Bron :

I'm down and then minus

Snyder’s Return :

eight but the gate the one about the minus what happens next as you start to bleed out is you watches the figure then disappears, right as you're sort of the your breath as you're struggling to breathe and start to fall unconscious to figure phases back out into nothingness. And the last thing you hear is the footsteps moving away.

Aukan :

Does anybody have any commotion outside?

Hod :

You know, Bluetooth watches it Next is some motherfucker gonna wake up. I'm

Unknown Speaker :

drunk. So

Bron :

I need to roll fail safes for every six seconds. You do yeah,

Snyder’s Return :

we'll come back to that in a second because you've just gone down I need the rest of the fight to role perception checks the two

Unknown Speaker :

Oh yeah.

Snyder’s Return :

can make them because you've had six hours of rest so you can do do me conceives to see if I sweep it up. And then perception checks. Are we classes? oh four. So you've had six hours of rest.

Hod :

For restaurants response so tender he poisoned?

Unknown Speaker :

Yes. I've just got a 19 for my car. If you've

Snyder’s Return :

got a hangover right so you don't seem to have any effective with the alcohol in such a short space okay so you sober up in a shot here in sort of doing something perception checks once you get it

Hod :

so if perception now that I'm no longer drunk I got advantage on this

Unknown Speaker :

I got an 18

Unknown Speaker :

here with my with my highly tuned air

Snyder’s Return :

cool Can you talk a little bit tired, not quite sort of opposite to that we're drinking snap into sober like that and our sat upright club possibly because you're closest to the windows hard to tell didn't double check your sleeping arrangements but whatever it is that's happened. You've heard it and you've woken up at the fact that

Revan :

I am going to go let's get up and run out downstairs. Yeah. Do I have them getting up and running

Bron :

How many fail safes

Snyder’s Return :

right here? Just one for now?

Unknown Speaker :

hopefully won't be any oh wow

Revan :

I just get up and bolt

Unknown Speaker :

right not Bob I'm gonna get down some brass pace.

Snyder’s Return :

So how'd you get down there first? You find

Revan :

bronze lady bleeding out from a couple of stab wounds

Hod :

usually gonna attempt to stabilise him just gentle stabilising Do you need a medicine check?

Snyder’s Return :

Raven reading in the next couple of seconds while HOD is performing this medicine check us then appear at the back of the building.

Hod :

That's that's a 10

Snyder’s Return :

just just passes through that

Hod :

1010s good Jesus at field training

Snyder’s Return :

you have so you know To apply pressure but I would like so you've managed to stabilise stabilise Braun just enough but he's in serious need of soya

Unknown Speaker :

Vanya. Yet there is yet one

Hod :

is technically at one and he's gonna be unconscious for a while. I know he's not waking up anytime soon.

Revan :

Okay, I'm going to how do I get at the attention of some doctors in this day and age on the shop? floor shout louder shall see who. Michelle in the famous. I'm gonna. How far away is the Flaming Fist place? It's not far. I'm running there. I was gonna be shouting. I'll just show a guy's been stabbed. One of the Flaming Fist guys means that oh, well, it's Brom. I don't know his last name doesn't matter. Okay. I'm just gonna shout and just say you got one of your guys. It's just been stabbed. We need a medical assistance straightaway, like right now.

Snyder’s Return :

All right, so as you're going off shouting stuff at the top of your voice Yeah. How do you are sort of keeping Bronner alive giving him urgent medical care just to keep him stabilised at this point, or can you sort of stir you can hear the shouts from downstairs you can hear sort of panic and a bit of a scuffle on it. And it's now you and Denver, who have been sleeping towards the front of the building. Now sort of wake up and meet and I'm going to run to the window over the window when they clear out into the alleyway and like shouting it down, like what's going on what was what was happening to broaden on the floor, please now pretty much dead.

Hod :

stabilise them for now, but we need someone who can heal them

Aukan :

and I'm just going to fuckin like take a few steps back and then I'm going to fucking run and jump through the window under the street. Alright give me a

Snyder’s Return :

athletics to see if you can get out of the window and I'll have a dexterity saving so

Aukan :

much 20 boys naturally

Snyder’s Return :

as yo athletic frame smashes through the window gentlemen behind us like action sequence you saw burst out on one window as all clamp on to the building opposite or slide down that and then spring down to the floor landing pretty close to where hot is trying to keep brawn alive.

Aukan :

And I fucking

Snyder’s Return :

mean is there a way that we could like kind of carry him on our shoulders and just remember the Flaming Fist people? Yeah, give us a pair of you. So one of you give me a strength tech with On athletics check with advantage

Hod :

alpha plus five flakes soda why if we're measuring Cox right now

Revan :

this is not to be boasting about how much you bench

Hod :

advantage I will assist you you roll

Bron :

like I died

Aukan :

I will Okay I will roll with advantage that is a federal was a seven second row is at 23 all mately

Snyder’s Return :

having done what you can to stay by 10th it comes down says

Unknown Speaker :

is easy All right. No Okay,

Snyder’s Return :

I don't know Jetta a seems to be bleeding profusely does he look alright to you? Wow

Revan :

somebody's got some sassy attitude. Oh my god. The stuff

Snyder’s Return :

that's taken taken at the headquarters is just on a harbour. And she's all pointed down the alley and goes back and locks the door. Yeah,

Hod :

especially window. While we're doing that, I want to actually see my famous emblem that I showed earlier. I want

Unknown Speaker :

to hide that just now. Okay.

Snyder’s Return :

All right. So as you guys sort of easily sort of managing pod, you make sure that you're not going to lift them in such a way to open the wounds again, or any sort of horrendous side effect of lifting and shifting them you guys then manhandle the doors, through the streets and down. And as you sort of get down towards the crosswalk the heads towards the the see tower, you can see Raven has sort of managed to catch the attention and is coming back towards you. And behind him, you can see sort of a company Flaming Fist in sore the green medical scope pulling out like a makeshift a gurney behind them effectively. Raven, you've, as I've just described have made it and managed to catch the attention of, of the guards on the wall managed to convince them enough that someone actually needs their help or one of their own. And they've managed to send some medical assistance out to you.

Unknown Speaker :

Wonderful. Got back the first day being with him is already getting stabbed. Africa believe this read, I'm gonna have to learn some medical assessments this is I feel this is gonna be a common occurrence.

Snyder’s Return :

gotta feel it. Alright, so the two parties effectively don't collide but meetup runs over in the war. And game over. You guys meet up in the middle of the causeway and you can see the The sort of medical pie that's followed you ravens like move either way let's assist is a flavour of his business now move other way put him on the stretcher, Coco Coco Coco and effectively just

Unknown Speaker :

hurry you until you

Unknown Speaker :

you do what they

Hod :

have on the stretcher.

Snyder’s Return :

Brian Braun you you feel your bodily weight being placed onto something quite firm. And you're sort of strapped down. And you can feel as the castle vibrates across the bridge back into the headquarters. What are you three doing on the bridge?

Hod :

We're going to follow them.

Revan :

Yeah, yeah, I think we should follow to the inferior

Unknown Speaker :

I Well, I gotta ask questions. Oh, that was going on. But who freakin stabbed the dude to death in complete silence and left with nothing.

Hod :

Remember the Flaming Fist. I mean, they're gonna make enemies all over the place, aren't they?

Unknown Speaker :

I mean, I'm searching that He's mad and he's not exactly shut up we're making rumours about him. I think it was his ex lover

Bron :

This is bizarre character by the way but this moment where he's just like saying I could feel myself getting lifted I currently have my child divinity like gives me 15 Hp biography so funny if I could just like quickly boop 15 Hp fine nothing but it's fine I'm gonna milk it just go to my head by don't. Oh

Unknown Speaker :

boy, I thought it was your turn to take to take watch wise. I mean, I'm confused. It was certainly Your turn at this point. You spent the coming relievers that's what you do. You tag them in and actually actually hold on. No, we didn't agree to go in and watch.

Hod :

We did. We were going to sit down to discuss going on watch. We never did so me and him got smashed.

Unknown Speaker :

me just because cause you to get drunk it doesn't. You know it can go.

Hod :

I didn't sign up to do watching.

Unknown Speaker :

I didn't do that. Well, you're gonna get a sim with your flaming Flaming Fist fellows and find out what's going on.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

Is it just because of before or? Well?

Hod :

No, it I mean, I was a member of the Flaming Fist. I kind of left them when I came here, but it still requires a lot of weight. But having emblems on you obviously.

Aukan :

See, you're saying that you're Elia then? No, no, just because you assume someone's part of him famous face. I never said I was mean your badge. I had a badge. Yeah. Where's that? Where's that badge gone now? What batch? You had it before. You're seeing things I mean, that could be possible. Exactly.

Hod :

I would say never assume. But I'm sure we go check up on a friend.

Unknown Speaker :


Aukan :

There's one problem. I've now been around two separate offices of the Flaming Fist being killed in the past 24 hours

Hod :

killed. Are you saying? Hold on a second?

Unknown Speaker :

Well, the bomb was pausing. Hold on.

Hod :

So you're saying where were we when the handover was but last time you did a handover with Brian so you seen him last? So technically, you could have stabbed him went to bed. I mean, you got criminal record don't even make that several times.

Unknown Speaker :

If you ever cry, are

Unknown Speaker :

there any Flaming Fist spikes At The Disco?

Snyder’s Return :

As you three are sort of squabbling your way down the causeway as soon as you get to sort of the where the gates are into the fortress. They just saw the guard on the watch On the actual doors like flame of his business, and the doors to shut

Unknown Speaker :

in fire. I'd rather keep it that way.

Snyder’s Return :

So you now stood outside the doors bronze inside, and you were just scrambling right outside the gate. What I've done is I've had asleep it's all good.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, well, good. Well, I'm getting worst. I'm getting

Hod :

me on still. We'll come back for you in the morning. I'm

Aukan :

gonna try knock on the door.

Snyder’s Return :

You're gonna try knock on the door.

Aukan :

Yeah, I'm gonna try knock on the doors. okay with you. Yeah. I'm

Hod :

aggressive the way that you said that. And I'm starting to feel as though his process was that he is literally a performer. He's just like you, man.

Unknown Speaker :

Pretty much.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

gonna go live.

Revan :

Oh my god. Someone needs to act like someone else. This is my time to shine. Oh my god, I got this guy.

Hod :

I'm a Goliath fighter. This is my job.

Revan :

I was just I was just gonna get into characters real quick. knock on doors.

Hod :

You knock down doors that's what we do.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, nowhere near what this guy about what is good shoe?

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, I don't be associated with that guy. My last thoughts is I just before I blacked out as I please Don't make a scene.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

Surprise motherfuckers knock

Snyder’s Return :

as you knock the gods from above you, one leans over and looks down and says unless you're here to turn yourself in, move away from the gate.

Unknown Speaker :

We have more patrols coming they foil hasty. We were Paul teed up with Braun and we must see him he's in grave danger. Where are your badges?

Unknown Speaker :

And I like kind of turn over Nightwing at Howard.

Unknown Speaker :

Can I pretend that I've got one of me putting a flag up nicked his badge off of because he stashed it like a kind of reach around the neck that

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

wait, when did that happen? Just now. You never knew I had it. Oh, I thought you did. Sorry. I thought okay, that's what he went. No one had it. Well, why are you there? I don't I can't remember now. You can

Snyder’s Return :

try and deceive the gods to pretend like you're fumbling for one. Or you can do some

Unknown Speaker :

a gay algo for deception.

Unknown Speaker :

Just imagine Goliath.

Hod :

Let me get another minute.

Aukan :

I'm just gonna like hold up a patch of like, pebble from the puppet like

Hod :

don't drink much so you know so he's not slept much Steven

Unknown Speaker :

like for your surgery I

Unknown Speaker :

think this is what you meant isn't it?

Aukan :

toilet roll God

Snyder’s Return :

still watching you is like nah buddy you come back tomorrow if you got a got something we got to know we got patrols out on the streets we got some casual take care of got some reports to ride this killer on the loose. Just want to get some shout out and get get out of the way. Don't disturb us again.

Aukan :

That might be an issue now. Should I kick the door though?

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, I think this is a perfect time to go back to bed.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

right? The thing about it. We basically been you trashed

Unknown Speaker :

now, we did.

Hod :

Well, we we got sent by a member that bit we she wasn't happy of us right? And now our new giant friend here taller than me my head smashed through her window

Aukan :

from the second floor to jump down to the street. Now the reason why we're staying there is because I think Braun knew her. So as you can charm my way back in there, out of the season I was back in. I have some good news. I want to go. I used to work with a bunch of smugglers and one of my many special abilities the fact that we can stay in one of our safe houses Well, one of the oldest safe houses it's not very well kept but we can sleep there if you like, and I can sort us out lodgings.

Revan :

I can't believe this whole day is gone from great to absolutely abysmal.

Aukan :

Any as long as the rats aren't there and kobold coops, you should be absolutely fine.

Revan :

Well, gee, that sounds amazing. glad I'm gonna go with their

Unknown Speaker :

straight if you want. Now I'm fine but less Oh, here we go

Bron :

we're acquainted with a network of smugglers who are willing to help you out of type situation. While in a particular town, city or other similar sized community to this discussion, you and your companions can stay for free in safe house. safe houses provide a poor lifestyle while staying at a safe house, you could choose to keep your presence and that of a companion a secret not by a military rank, feature. rights.

Snyder’s Return :

So yes, you sort of make an assessment of the situation you decide or can that maybe antagonising the guards is maybe not the best step and have a flash of inspiration your time with the sons of of Zim and various other unfortunate under ground dealings. Have tweaked them a memory that somewhere close to you in the sort of sea tower district there is a safe house you might be able to gain access to probably going to take you towards the sort of the back wall of the city near the sort of the hissing stones that Raven would be more familiar with. So you sort of meander through the city barage indeed, and you seem to be heading in the sort of the general direction of hissing stones and then you saw or can you sort of guide them through a couple of alleys left, right, and then a few more sort of houses down with a gentle wrap, the door creaks open and a path of gentlemen sort of peek around, gives you the ones overall can and then opens the door quietly and invites you in Thanks for listening. If you want to hear more of us or to get in contact with us, you can find us on Twitter at Return Snyder. You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and also if you wish to support the channel on slash nice return. music and sound effects provided for this episode are from epidemic sounds calm Transcribed by

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