Snyder’s Return

Interview - Hannah Rose - TTRPG Editor

Adam Powell / Hannah Rose Season 1 Episode 16

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Today I talk with Editor and Content Creator Hannah Rose about her editing process, high profile projects, content creation and downtime. Hannah is one-third of the DnD CommuniTea Panel which is a great space for friends, sharing and relaxing. You can find Hannah Rose via the links below.



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Host: Adam Powell

Guest: Hannah Rose

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Snyder’s Return :

Hello, and welcome to Snyder's return a tabletop role playing podcast. Today we learn about sculpting worlds through words and bringing order to potential verbiage chaos. I get the privilege to speak to editor, writer, DMS guild adept and d&d community. co host, Hannah rose. Hello, welcome to the show.

Hannah Rose :

Thank you. I'm excited to talk with you.

Snyder’s Return :

Oh, it's I'm glad you you were able to sort of find time to speak to me. I know how busy you are. With respect to how busy you are, would you mind give us a bit of background about yourself and how you got into editing and and sort of bringing us up to where you are now, please?

Hannah Rose :

Sure, I've had a strange journey. I think everyone's journey into tabletop and especially as a freelancer is unique. But my strange and unique journey was always being interested in writing and editing and fantasy. And then I ended up going to college for computer science and math, and worked in the tech industry for a while. And then my partner James hake on is a content creator, writer now lead writer for d&d beyond and I got on to Twitter met a bunch of people in the d&d community and started being interested in doing my own stuff and eventually decided to quit my day job and freelance

Snyder’s Return :

that's That's a bold step and how have you found the freelance environment? I've spoken to your heart James and a few others who are freelancers. How have you found the freelance environment

Hannah Rose :

it's a mix are the challenges are very different from, you know, working in an office job or a salary job I really enjoy the flexibility that's been key for my own health and happiness is the flexibility but of course that comes with the challenge of managing my own time, more than I might if somebody else we're in charge of what I were working on and what my deadlines were and all of that. So a and I have been lucky I was lucky enough to be able to make this a full time job and make a living more or less. But there are certainly challenges with payment and budget and when projects When a project timeline changes when things get pushed out, that affects my budget. So that can that can be a source of stress, I try to be very upfront about the fact that I was able to go freelance. And I continue to be able to do this by having had the privilege of a number of things, one of which is having a partner in the industry who now has a salary job and benefits. And another of which is having worked in a very well paying job for a while that's afforded me a safety net.

Snyder’s Return :

All right, so you have sort of worked on some high profile releases and we can touch on those in a bit but what was your tone tone the door as it were to break into tabletop editing to start with? What was your first project and what was that like to to see that released to the general public?

Hannah Rose :

The first project I worked on it all was self published on the dungeon Master's Guild. My friend Kelly Butler, the opera geek made a tweet about some features that would that a college at the opera Bard might have. And so I was like well, I'll make her a subclass for fun using these some of these ideas and develop a knowledge of the opera Bard and all practice learning the DND style guide and laying it out and making it look pretty. And she was like, you have to put this on dm scale because I was just planning to put it up on Twitter. She was like no, you have to put this up on dm skilled and charge money for it. And it went gold which is 500 sales in a week. And people really loved it which was incredibly exciting. And that just kind of the the excitement of creating something that other people liked and enjoyed and were responded positively to. Was was huge. That was that was definitely part By part of my decision that I wanted to do this more and more, and then at about the same time, I was very not publicly working behind the scenes on the critical role explorers guide to wild about I worked on that both with the critical role folks and with Wizards of the Coast. So at that time, I was working with the critical role folks to do some editing and formatting and prepare the material for turnover to wizards.

Snyder’s Return :

All right, how was that? What was that like working with a critical role team and and do other half? So bringing this world to life?

Hannah Rose :

Oh my gosh, um, we may continue to talk about this later, but it was amazing. It is still, I mean, I can't say far away because I've worked on a tonne of awesome things with awesome people, but it is be the most exciting, satisfying, rewarding project I've ever done even though it was really difficult at times, but it was never difficult because of the people. And everybody who worked on that book as me saying, amen. And Matt is not only an incredibly talented storyteller, but he is very good at managing a project like that and managing people and I'm organising, keeping track of things communicating but also giving the creator's on in this case, my partner James hake, James in trucost. So and Chris Locky, the freedom to make their own mark on the world and develop their own things. And so there was just a lot of trust and trust and shared excitement and joy in being able to do something like this involved in the project. That was the kind of thing where I would wake up in the morning and just go work on it first because I was excited about it and Not very many things I am I do that with

Snyder’s Return :

Moz fair enough. And that is something definitely I'd like to come back to and maybe sort of dig into with you or expose to the book what you found to be the your favourite parts or other intricacies of d&d that you enjoy. But sort of coming more into the mid term, you've worked with some other amazing creators or unreleased or helped to bring to fruition and release some amazing titles. Would you like to discuss some of those as well?

Hannah Rose :

Yeah, I should say continuing on but the early days and when I went full time, a wild mount was not my first project working with Wizards of the Coast. I did a charity project with take this which is a fantastic organisation, promoting and supporting mental health in the gaming community. And on a wizards employee Bill benna was also working on that I ended up chatting with him and doing a good bit of editing on the adventure he wrote, which ended up being a trial run for him to give me a chapter of descent into a furnace. So some of the, I'd say the big things I've edited have been descent into a vernis on and mythic Odyssey is the pharaohs and explorers guide to while mat with wizards as well as a couple things that haven't been released yet. And I've also really enjoyed working with folks on the DMS Guild, especially the DMS guild apps, and most recently a product on Drive Thru RPG called ancestry and culture. And that is a project by arcanist Press, Eugene Marshall, and they did a very successful crowdfunding campaign to create the set of rules for The fifth edition where people can create characters of mixed ancestry and culture. So you can play a orc who was raised among elves or a dwarf, who was raised among gnomes and you can create your own game having mechanics that support that narrative and storytelling, and having specific rules for those putting it in writing. And you can create your own custom mix ancestries and cultures, so you could have a half or Caf tea fling, or halfling halfling elf for any mixture of, of stories, Heritage's and and societies that you want to have in your game and for your character.

Snyder’s Return :

It's a fantastic product. I have had the pleasure of speaking to Eugene of kindness press recently, so definitely worth checking that out at time of recording. You can get it as part of the July credit On drive thru RPG so definitely want to pick up whenever you get the chance to add to your games.

Hannah Rose :

And there is a 3030 page free preview. So if you want to check it out and make sure it's something you want, you can read the introduction and the whole beginning to it.

Snyder’s Return :

It's definitely a wonderful supplement that I encourage people to definitely have a look at, as you say, to see how they can use it in their games. And you've also worked moving away from character creations you've worked on types of encounters and if I'm right, you've worked on the uncaged anthologies as well.

Hannah Rose :

did a little bit of work on uncage, mostly uncage to I edited a few adventures in there. Due to my due to my scheduled editing responsibilities, it was kind of more of a community involvement. Then, I wasn't one of the folks most deeply involved with that, but I have worked with several of the uncaged creative And contributors on other projects sense.

Snyder’s Return :

Anything you're able to tell us about?

Hannah Rose :

Ah, let's say I mean, I've worked with Ashley Warren as one of the DMS guild apps during her time as an addict, and I've edited Yeah, I think most of it's still under NDA.

Snyder’s Return :

Fair enough. Fair enough. But you have done your part of the encounters with the savage sees and

Hannah Rose :

yeah, I'm Jeff Stevens reached out to me, Ayaan I wrote an encounter for encounters on the savage seas and on what else for a what's it called villains and monsters. Monsters. I'm forgetting the name at the moment but i think it's it's villains and monsters three which was released as a as a Free or pay what you want. Thank you for all the folks who supported the first and second instalments in that series.

Snyder’s Return :

And most recently, I seen your name attached to the encounters in theory Ross.

Hannah Rose :

Yeah, nice. I really enjoyed working on that project. I've been doing more editing and less writing lately. So it was kind of a struggle to get back in the groove of writing words on a blank page. But I'm really proud of all the encounters I wrote for that. I'm really impressed with all the encounters that by fellow at UPS wrote, and I would highly encourage people to pick it up for fun ideas and material for encounters in your own games, even if they're not set in the world of Pharaohs. There are there are some that are very, you know, we brought a lot of the lore and world building in but they are easily adaptable to use all of that inspiration for other worlds.

Snyder’s Return :

Yeah, definitely. And speaking of monsters, James intercaste. So, again, a time of recording recently tweeted about you working on the new version of the monster manual. Is it fair to call it though?

Hannah Rose :

It's more of an alternate monster manual. So this project that James is doing, he is interviewing his father. So I it's called my dad's monster manual. So he's interviewing his father, who I believe played d&d back in the 70s and 80s, and has not played sense and showing him the art of each monster in the monster manual. And his dad tells him what kind of monster he thinks it is and what it does, on what its what its lore is and then James writes that up and stats it out of so yeah, I'm in the middle of editing that having great fun with it. There are some really cool monsters, fun monsters, weird monsters, scary monsters, and the end Monster has been play tested by multiple groups of people. So the play test feedback has been been really exciting and positive.

Snyder’s Return :

Oh, let's let's go to here and then I've been spoken to James as well and and definitely look forward to picking that up because he and you make it sound very exciting and something I'd definitely like to not catch out my players with but certainly bring bring something different. Yes, surprises. Absolutely. Absolutely. So, you mentioned sort of the switching of roles between editing and writing. If given the choice to focus down more on one or the other, where would you sort of choose to take your future

Hannah Rose :

if someone said I could only do one it would be editing, but I do really enjoy doing both. Being an editor at times makes it really difficult to write because I have to mentally restrain myself from editing my own work. work. So which is very difficult. So I would say I am often a very slow writer. But I like to think I'm a pretty good one. So, and I enjoy the process of writing and game design. And as an editor, I'm constantly learning things from folks like Jameson Picasso and Shawn merwin, whose work I've had the pleasure to add it, and a number of other folks. So it's cool to have that perspective of being able to learn through editing somebody's work. Yeah, yeah. So I like both. I'd like to continue to do continue to do both. But I feel like my the core of my work is as an editor

Snyder’s Return :

enough, and I hope no one ever has to make you choose that. Yes, that would be cool. Absolutely. And but you you speak about working with different people and and having the privilege to work alongside or get to know others, which sort of segues rather nicely into the whole d&d community, which you're the co host for, or one of the, I should say, Would you like to tell us a bit more about that place?

Hannah Rose :

Yeah. So Lisa Penrose, who is the brand manager for dungeon Master's Guild, and as don't work as the Social Media Manager for wizards, Also producer of behold her podcast. She does a tonne of amazing things in the community, and she's a good friend. And so she is the showrunner. she conceived of this show called d&d community ta where we drink tea and talk about dungeons and dragons and things that are going on with people creations, awesome things that people are writing or streaming or making for each other, whatever. So we have a monthly talk show is Lisa Penrose Celeste corner which and myself and we are bringing a different blend of tea from our friends at Friday afternoon tea, which is a wonderful local tea shop although they ship everywhere. And they have a lot of it's a queer nerdy family owned tea shop and they have a lot of fantastic nerdy blends of very delicious. So we pick a blend for the month often with the help of folks on Twitter. And we drink tea we talk about on things that are happening in the community, and we do a bunch of q&a with the chat.

Snyder’s Return :

How long have you been with d&d community?

Hannah Rose :

We've been doing it for a little over a year now. I believe the first episode was April 2019.

Snyder’s Return :

You seem to get a lot of engagement from the community. I pun intended. I look through the chat. Everyone's sort of very positive and voicing opinions on tea, which is clearly part of the discussion and d&d. So you must be annoyed by the support that comes into both you as a twitch stream, because it can be found on Twitch and also just as a community overall.

Hannah Rose :

Yeah, it's it's just a really happy, exciting hour where we get to see other people and enjoy people chatting and supporting each other and, and being excited about things. It's kind of like, at least right now, especially with quarantine, it feels like a little mini convention, you know, we can't go out and, and see other people in the community in the hobby in person. So we get to hang out together in chat and do something fun and sometimes we'll do some collaborative world building or create a character and Yeah, it's it's very wholesome and both exciting and soothing. So yeah it is it is definitely a highlight of the month.

Snyder’s Return :

That's nice to hear and an entertaining, entertaining show to watch. I have to say. My question quickly about your association with the tea shop, as it were, do you have a link with them somewhere that people that enjoy the show if you could?

Hannah Rose :

Yes, absolutely. I will provide you with a link it is also Friday tea calm and they have a tonne of blends. Feel free to tweet at me if you're or at the shop if you are looking for recommendations on where to start, because they have over 300 blends some of the vertices at all and especially if you are new to tea and figuring out what kinds of tea you like. Again, feel free to feel free to reach out for recommendations

Snyder’s Return :

and as your money off. Don't want to make it all about sales. About about them, but do you still have that money off relationship with

Hannah Rose :

the coupons? Or

Snyder’s Return :

Yeah, yeah, the coupon.

Hannah Rose :

Yeah, we have a coupon code on community love for 15% off $20 or more, which is great deal. And so I can include that in the info for the episode.

Snyder’s Return :

Yeah, that would be one.

Hannah Rose :

Yeah. But they, they don't pay us anything. We just have a relationship where they provide T and also we do giveaways during the show. So you can come and watch the show and win a giveaway to get some free t samples and one of the DND ampersand bugs.

Snyder’s Return :

Sounds great. So you mentioned the, the it's like a mini convention, obviously with the state of the world in the quarantine situation, how have you guys sort of handle conventions and is there anything coming up in the next month or so for six months that you could sort of recommend people sort of look into

Hannah Rose :

I, let's say, I have no plans to physically go to conventions at the very least for the rest of the year. But in terms of online things, I know Pax online will be happening. I think some of the smaller cons like gamehole con, which is going to be a guest that will not be happening and don't have the infrastructure to go online. So yeah, I think it's things are still being figured out. But definitely people in the community are doing streams and virtual conventions like the DND Block Party, which we discussed briefly. All the time. So just yeah, keep an eye on what the community is doing and what what streams are going on and often people kind of come together there for, for charity for a cause or just to hang out and they're also low. have really good discord groups in the community so you can join a Discord server that's very general like the official Dungeons and Dragons Discord server or the DND beyond Discord server, or something more focused if you're looking for a group to play with, whether that's, you know, via via video call or via chat or play by post. So I think that's a place that people are finding a lot of community these days. Mm hmm.

Snyder’s Return :

Absolutely. Yeah. And I will try and put as many as those links as I can to try and so open this out to as many people you mentioned about getting together looking for games. How often do you get to play yourself with respect to you know, the busy work life that both you and your other half have?

Hannah Rose :

Yeah, so we have two home games right now with friends. And I know that which is about the max I can handle. If I have if I have more than two games in a week, it feels like too much I know some people manage to play d&d like five times a week. I can't do that. But, um, yeah, we have two home games right now with friends. And I really enjoy having a private home game. And just being able to get together with friends and have fun and play something that's kind of always been the core of the game for me to just play in a world of our own creation. And those have been those have been weekly since we're all at home. So that is, that is really enjoyable.

Snyder’s Return :

My prion asked what characters you have.

Hannah Rose :

Yeah, so one of the games by character is a goblin Druid. They come from water deep, but all of the characters come from various worlds that have ended up in Well, we're we're summoned to this world that we are exploring and trying to save from some aberrant forces. And there Very smart but also like totally a weirdo. Comment is not their first language. They cast chalet they carry around a gardening travel and rake and cast Shalala on their rake. So I have I have a lot of fun with them. And my other character at the moment is a chronomancer wizard, crunchy wizard from explorers guide to wild mount. And we're not playing in Alexandria, but I took this class and I wanted to try it out, hadn't played a wizard in a while. And we've been having a lot of fun creating some custom spells and custom kind of effects and abilities or draw possible drawbacks. So yeah, my character just had a big reveal last week and I'm, I'm really enjoying that. It's it can be a little tricky to play a sort of utility focused with But I love trying out a lot of different character concepts and classes and builds.

Snyder’s Return :

Watch the game if you don't make it your own.

Hannah Rose :

Yeah, exactly.

Snyder’s Return :

So that's fair enough. And you mentioned Alexandra and we saw almost come full circle background into the world of critical role and your, your work on that and what was, in particular that projects most fun aspect for you to work on.

Hannah Rose :

Just getting to work with the group of people I got to work with getting to work with the writers. And Matt is I said before, he's an amazing storyteller. He is a really good project manager, and he's also just one of the nicest people I've ever met. He's so nice and genuine and sweet. And, um, that just made it such a joy. I yeah, getting to work with people who are really passionate about creating things and really good at what they do is, what more could I ask for? Right?

Snyder’s Return :

I'm salutely if you know, you're trying to enjoy your work, and it shouldn't feel like a job, I know that that doesn't always pan out, as I've heard recently. But yeah, I know that sounds that sounds amazing. And what a privilege that must have been.

Hannah Rose :

Yeah, absolutely. It was. It was a joy and I definitely our blood, sweat and tears went into that book. But absolutely all worth it.

Snyder’s Return :

And the community is both the criticism and the dungeons and dragons community at large have accepted that and it's such an amazing sort of volume. It's a toolkit for the dungeon master and it's a world and it's small adventure. It's It's everything you could need, just tied to such an amazing as the universe. Almost Critical Role and everything that surrounds it. So, yeah, absolutely.

Hannah Rose :

Taking it was really fantastic. It is really fantastic.

Snyder’s Return :

Taking a step back and looking at this purely as a editorial sort of point of view. If you were to give a new content creator or knew someone who was looking to sort of get into the same field as you want, what advice would you would you offer to someone who's who sees your name or many of the other very talented editors names and things I would like to to achieve that or do that.

Hannah Rose :

The biggest piece of advice I always give or the key piece of advice I always give, based, especially based on my own experience is start small by which I mean, don't don't limit your thinking or ambitions but start with something contained in scope that you can conceive of creating Complete and publish, you know, one to two pages, something you can put out there, whether it's on Twitter, on HBO on dm, skilled on Drive Thru RPG, whatever, you know, whatever platform you want to get it out there on, make it small and make it good and polished. Um, you know, putting putting anything out is better than having a lot of things that you have talked about or thought about, but don't have to show to people. And you can always you can build from there. But starting small lets you go through all the steps of the process and complete it and publish it. And that counts for again, so much more than the entire campaign primer and world that you've been working on for 10 years and are looking for a publisher for

Snyder’s Return :

Yeah, that's fair enough. And speaking of Sol, Sol about getting something small out and building up from there. If you got any other recommendations, we spoken about the archives press ancestors, ancestry and cultures, is there any other releases that you would steer people towards to say, this is a good example of or this is just an amazing supplement that you could really integrate into your games? Let's see.

Hannah Rose :

Um, gosh, it really depends on what people are looking for. I mean, I can you know, she recommendations for supplements for adventures or magic items or character subclasses. But there's, there's so much out there as it depends on what kind of game you know you want to play.

Snyder’s Return :

It's like, if you have one to mind, I'll take an example of each a setting a magic item itinerary and something may be a little bit more left field if if you have them to item,

Hannah Rose :

let's say on one really good starting adventure that I always write commend to people especially folks who are dming for the first time and looking for a one shot is rats of water deep and that was written by some amazing folks. I've recommended it to my friend to was one of their first types dming and they had great success with it. Um, so yeah rats of water deep available on the DM skilled though I'm sure you could set it elsewhere. And so that's that's it for a good one shot or that's my thing that comes to mind for a good one shot adventure. For let's see magic items. Um, again, it totally depends what you're looking for. I know some of my fellow tm skilled apps have come out with more to get more than canons tome of marvellous magic volumes wanting to there are a tonne of magic items in there. And some, some more magic items for Rangers and Druids. So I think often get very shortchanged For the magic item department, yeah. And subclasses um, gosh.

Snyder’s Return :

I mean, obviously the College of Art provide,

Hannah Rose :

and I would be remiss if I did not plug by other subclass, the cartographer Ranger, which was created in collaboration with Devin row, and that was an equal joy to work on and create. I'm really proud of what we created there and the layout I did using her maps and some art that she had for for her, her character rue, who is a cartographer Ranger. Yeah, so that is that was really fun to create work. Devin is somebody who finds the joy and fun in her work and she is really, really good at that. So working with her is always such a pleasure because she makes it a priority. That Have fun, I added so it's always really fun to work with her and it rejuvenates me and energises me.

Snyder’s Return :

awesome, amazing. Amazing. So when you're not feeling energised should we say or you know between editing or playing? How is it you relax? What do you do for downtime

Hannah Rose :

for both downtime and sometimes being creatively recharged, I play play games read books. Lately, I've been playing a lot of Animal Crossing, which is nice and relaxing. And also struggling my way through some of Super Metroid was going really well until a certain point, but I'm watching I know my partner James always says, especially for him that watching shows and playing games is really important to continuing to have creative output. You need some creative input to have that output. Um, yeah. So you know, spending time with friends and family and our cats and playing games, reading books. Sometimes cooking is a mix of things where I try to be productive in some way. And also things where I try purposefully to not be productive, which is hard.

Snyder’s Return :

I'm sure it is for someone as talented as yourself. So is there anything that you would like to bring to the forum? Maybe some topic I haven't touched on that you would like to discuss?

Hannah Rose :

I'd say. Um, I think one of the things we mentioned in our notes we passed before this was talking about where inspiration comes from and certainly I was just saying, like, you need creative input to have creative output. Whether or not it's the same genre or feature With something you want to work on, although of course that can be very inspirational. But as, as an editor, I find often that a lot of my motivation and joy in the work comes from taking somebody who's writing and making it the best it can possibly be. And for me, there's a special joy in really polishing and perfecting something. And again, that was one thing I really enjoy about while now that's something I've enjoyed with a lot of other projects, ancestry and culture, things that I will work really, really, really hard on. But the the drive to to make it the best for myself, and my pride in my own work for the author and the work they've put into it and the quality that they deserve to have and For the audience and their enjoyment and use of it

Snyder’s Return :

yeah, that use of inspiration and you mentioned before you were reading some books Who were you reading at the moment and and where do you literary wise sort of like to draw inspiration from sort what genre Do you enjoy reading

Hannah Rose :

literary wise I've always been a fantasy reader with enjoyment of you know, science fiction and mystery and general fiction as well but definitely my My home is in fantasy and actually have a some new books to pick up at the store. But lately I've been reading some old favourites some tickets by tomorrow appears on who is a fantastic way, fantasy writer and on I, let's see what else in terms of things that are tnd related. I doesn't go well. But this is a good recommendation I a year or two ago. Read my way through the brimstone Angel series by Aaron Evans and really enjoyed those. It was it was some of the Forgotten Realms, you know one of the official d&d settings, they're humongous and there is a tonne of lore. And it was a much more enjoyable way for me to learn about some of the Lord experience the world then just like reading Wikis. It really personalises the story. But it was also there's really good books.

Snyder’s Return :

Well, it's important.

Hannah Rose :

I've read a lot of McCaffrey in the past and I'm yeah, I'm excited. Like I said, Have some books at the store. But I've excited to delve into some newer on kind of why and adult fantasy,

Snyder’s Return :

nothing wrong with that. And I hope that once you get to the store and pick them up, you can lose yourself in them for for a time at least

Hannah Rose :

one of the one of the difficulties I have with reading a lot as an adult is that I have great trouble putting a book down. So I cannot start reading during. If I am supposed to be working or doing basically anything in the next three or four hours or however long it'll take me to finish the book. Sometimes I can fall asleep all readings sometimes I can't. So yeah, definitely, definitely a difficulty as an adult is the inability to put a book down.

Snyder’s Return :

just shows how good a book is, if if you can't put it down, and I'm sure you've got a lot of work coming your way and hopefully that continues long into the future. I hope so too. Absolutely. Um,

Hannah Rose :

so I am an advocate for taking vacations. I think that's very important.

Snyder’s Return :

As yes wants to do is would you say that it's as much things like mental health as much as just having that break from work or

Hannah Rose :

everything. Um, I am from a Sort of purely utilitarian standpoint, taking vacations, refreshes you and makes you more productive gives you new ideas. Going to new places and doing different things is a great source of inspiration. But also just that is important for everyone's health and well being, and for being able to spend time with your friends and family and do things that are not work. So I know a lot of people in a lot of different industries. often don't take real vacations or take working vacations or take vacations where it means they have to do twice as much work the week before. And, um, you know, while everybody has responsibilities, there always be things you need to do in order to go on vacation. I think that is really, really critical and important.

Snyder’s Return :

So I really appreciate you finding time to speak with me today. It's been an absolute pleasure learning About a different aspect of, of what actually goes into creating these adventures in these encounters and, and all the different parts that make dungeons and dragons and I guess tabletop role playing, what it is. So I really like to thank you for for speaking with me today.

Hannah Rose :

Thank you. It's lovely to speak with you.

Snyder’s Return :

Hopefully, once a few more of your projects, things that we weren't able to discuss and things that we only touched on, get released. I would love to speak to you again in the future. See how your Goblin Druid is doing and, and your other characters. So if you'd be willing to speak to me again in the future, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Hannah Rose :

Yeah, absolutely.

Snyder’s Return :

Well, thank you very much for your time today. And make sure would you like to let people know where they can find you and things you're associated with online, please? Sure.

Hannah Rose :

I can do do my outro I am Hannah rose. You can find me on the Internet at Wild Rose via Twitter and Instagram. And I'm sure there will be links in the place where text goes along with the podcast on March next DND community is on every second Friday of the month on slash DND. So our next one at the time of recording is August 14 at 11am Pacific so you can join us there for some time and chat.

Snyder’s Return :

I'm sure people will thank you very much.

Hannah Rose :

Thank you again.

Snyder’s Return :

Thanks for listening. If you want to hear more of us or to get in contact with us, you can find us on Twitter at Return Snyder. You can find us on Instagram Facebook, and also if you wish to support the channel on slash nice return music and sound effects provided for this episode are from epidemic Transcribed by

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