Snyder’s Return

Interview - James Introcaso - Arcadia to Zweihander and Everything in Between.

Adam Powell / James Introcaso Season 1 Episode 30

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Today I talk with the exceptionally hardworking Podcaster, Content Creator, Podcast Editor, Games Designer, DM/Historian James Introcaso about Roll20 Sci-Fi TTRPG Burn Bryte, D&D, Zweihander working with Matt Colville and more.
We discuss how to be a content creator/blogger/podcaster and how to give back to the TTRPG community.

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Snyder’s Return :

Hello and welcome to Snyder's return a tabletop role playing podcast. My guest today has conquered the tabletop role playing alphabet from Arcadia to spy hander by way of fantastic layers and our axis is creation All Star truly does bright, rewriting the monsters of his father's mind and exploring the grim and perilous. I'm joined by podcaster publisher, writer and game designer, the irrepressible James into castle. James, welcome to the show.

James Introcaso :

Hey, thank you so much for having me. Adam. I really appreciate you having me back. This is great.

Snyder’s Return :

It's fantastic. I'm so glad you agreed to come back. It proved it wasn't a one off. So we've spoken before so we don't have to sort of do too much of a deep dive into history. So bring us up to speed on all the the amazing work you're you're doing at the moment.

James Introcaso :

Yeah, so there's a lot going on. So I just released back in July, a game called the burn bright. It's an original science fantasy role playing game that I worked on with Jim McClure, cat cool and Darcy Ross for role 20 we built it for the role 20 virtual tabletop platform from the ground up. It's the first game I that I know of that was built that way for role 20 and it's a really fun science fantasy game. So that's one aspect of what I've been doing fantastic layers came out that you mentioned in your intro that is a book of fifth edition boss battles that take place in the lair of the creature you are going to fight working on that with Scott grey and Mike Shea along with many many other awesome artists and designers. And I am also doing a lot of work currently with MC dm Matt Cole vils company that put out strongholds and followers. I'm putting out a fivey magazine called Arcadia. So I'm the managing editor of that. And I'm also helping with kingdoms and warfare. The book that he kicked started back at the end of last year that he is now getting together. So we're doing a lot of different things. Oh, and also my dad's monster manual. How could I forget that? Working on my dad's monster manual that's in layout. Now. It's a project that I worked on with my dad that I think we're going to talk about a little bit and and I also am currently working on a vai hander adventure hardcovers by hand or adventure. That is going to be a great entry into Spy Hunter for people who play d&d. I can't say too much more about that right now. But I am hard at work in the word minds typing away there.

Snyder’s Return :

Well, but is a lot. Your pen must be smoking by the end of the day or your keyboard at least. Yes. I noticed still doing your your tabletop Bible. You're still doing your own podcasting and interviews.

James Introcaso :

Yes, yeah, that will wrap up by the end of this year at the end of 2020. tabletop Babel is still a show. But it is going to have new hosts and and it's going to be on a new network, the Geek spective network. So don't split the podcast network is dissolving. So it is splitting, I guess you might say the promise we made has now been broken. And all of the shows that are on the network will continue to live on just in other places. So it's just the network itself. It's going away. But tabletop babble is gonna undergo a change woman named amber is going to be the new show runner, and she will be one of three co hosts so it's going to be Amber, Kenny and john from the geek spective network. So I don't think they like to share their last names publicly. So that's why I am not putting it out. But amber already does a lot she's actually been a guest several times on tabletop babble. If you go back and listen to some episodes, and she has her own podcasts on geek spective that you can also check out I she is the GM have a podcast called shape shift. That's a great actual play.

Snyder’s Return :

Well, I will put a link to them in the description below and so much more of your content that we're going to discuss. So we'll start with perhaps the I won't say breakout hit but the the project you worked on from the ground up for row 20 bonebrake what has changed since its first release. Hmm,

James Introcaso :

yeah, so. So what's really been interesting is that the burn bright came out at the beginning of July, which was an interesting time, right? Because the pandemic going on, meant that a lot of people have recently learned how to use for all 20, who maybe didn't have the need to do so before. And so and again, if I could trade, burn bright to have the pandemic not happen, I certainly would. But it did set up a burn bright then in a position where a lot of people could try it because roll 20 is the publisher on this, right. So they hired me and the rest of the design team to create this game for them. And we basically they said, you know, here's your budget, go forth and make a game, right. And that's where it came from. And so it has really done better than I think anybody expected it to, a lot of people have checked it out. There are constantly different people covering it and talking about it online all the time. Our discord is always firing off with questions and things like that. And we are hard at work on new content for burnbrae, too. So I can tell you that. In fact, by the time this comes out, roll 20 con will have happened. And at roll 20 con we will have premiered a new introductory adventure that is meant to help people learn burn bright like in a night. So it sort of runs through the basics. It's a two hour adventure. It comes with pre gens, and you can jump right in and quickstart roles and play it and you'll be ready to go. I believe that it will be available for free. I am not 100% sure on that that is currently being talked about and hasn't been released. But I believe if you're listening to this in the future, you can check out this adventure for free. It's called trapped at the edge. And it can be a free taste of burn bright that you get to sample the rules and everything before you decide if you want to invest in the full ruleset.

Snyder’s Return :

Alright, so yeah, it sounds really exciting. And you mentioned a lot of people have been going through it, you've had a lot of support from people like Celeste Connor, which is sort of done a lot of things with burn bright really sort of bringing it to the public or the tabletop community sort of storefront. So you've had some great support for some big names.

James Introcaso :

Yes, yeah, that is very surreal. Celeste is one of my favourite gems to watch, and has this incredible cast. So Darcy, who's actually one of the designers on the game is part of the cast as our Jess Ross Nassim Ahmad, who is part of seles venture maidens stream, and podcast and Yo, honey, oh, Vargas, who is just an amazing role player. So this, this crew of just incredible roleplayers, who I've seen all do other things online, like playing a game that I lead the design of is very surreal, and very amazing and incredible. And so it is great to have people like that helping get the word out. I also know you know, salty, sweet games is doing a an actual play as well. And a lot of other places have been really great forge Academy, and I could go on and on naming people who are doing awesome stuff with with burn bright, which is really great. And we're you know, that gives me a lot of hope, because I want the game to have a long life. And I want to continue to see it be supported and not just be something that was talked about for a month, right. And so it's great to see it's lasted more than that.

Snyder’s Return :

I'm sure. I'm sure it will just keep going and going and going as you say the interest in and around it. It's something different to say star find or travel or any of the even say this the Star Trek role playing game or those sorts of space based things. It totally brings new elements and really has a buzzing and excitement about it that people should definitely get on board with and as you say there's the discord to sort of really link people together. So there's so much going on with it. It's so exciting. Oh, yes, thank

James Introcaso :

you. Thank you. Yeah, it really is and it's fun to see like I love mediaeval fantasy. It's probably one of my favourite genres ever. But it is great to be able to play in these other genres that we love and provide other games and things like that. So you will continue to see support for burn bright as well. You know, to the end of like we want to keep excitement about it. We do have larger products planned a longer adventure. So you know that something akin to like an adventure path that has a lot of maps built in and and people can you know dive in and play burn bright for several sessions, probably months to a year they could play And then we also are putting out an expansion that is going to have more spaceships and more creatures that you can use because the core rules of burn bright have a couple of like really cool alien creatures, but not nearly as many as I would like. And so I wrote a bunch more and we put those out and then expansion with the rest of the design team, cat and Jim and Darcy. And then we all mean a bunch of creatures.

Snyder’s Return :

It sounds sounds expensive and exciting. And so there's this you know, there's there's not too much more to say that doesn't sound like I'm repeating my excitement for the same thing. So we'll, we'll take space fantasy, and we'll move into your aforementioned high fantasy genre. And what sort of stuff for you Are you working on in that sort of area?

James Introcaso :

Yeah, so fantastic layers, which I'd mentioned up top and my dad's monster manual are two things that I am really excited to put out as well as Arcadia and kingdoms and warfare, right. So and these are all fifth edition d&d products, that are, you know, are varying levels of collaboration and my own ideas and things like that with other people. So fantastic layers did very well, Kickstarter that did well, with Mike Shea, and Scott grey. Working together, that's going to be 23 layers, using a lot of creatures from the monster manual, although we would stick to the esrd, right, because it's not going to be published on dm skilled or anything. And creating layers and boss battles, but then also having story hooks. So you could you know, these are adventures that could be played as one shots, right, like, go through the layer, find the boss monster, have a final fight and grab some treasure, and everybody's off to the races. Or they could be things that you build up to. And so we have suggestions of how to work these into a larger campaign, where you can take the story afterwards, suggested adjustments, so maybe you really need an underwater layer. But you know what an apple F is either too hard or too easy for your players. And so here's what you could do, if you wanted to make it into a cracking layer. Or here's what you could do to make it into a sea hag layer, or that kind of thing to help you adjust the difficulty. But still use it all the maps come with like virtual tabletop, digital maps, and all that good stuff so that you can play it in all of the different ways that you would like. And our hope is that we're providing a lot of fun and interesting layers for you to enter. Right. So we say layer, but a layer could be you know, it could be like a an ancient ruin or cave, something that we've come to expect. Or it could be something like a candy shop, or it could be a giant mechanical dragon, right, that is a mobile layer that moves from place to place. So we've got a lot of different layer options. And that was really fun to play with and think about like, okay, you know, we obviously we've got to play the greatest hits, right, because we want this book to be good and useful to you. But also, you know, what does it look like when you have a layer that is a cloud giant vampire, right? What does a What does that look like? And it turns out, it looks like a big red cloud that rains blood. So there you go.

Snyder’s Return :

What I did, so that's fantastic ladies and a Kickstarter, as you say, do well, I backed it myself. So I'm eagerly awaiting it. If it hasn't got to me already by the time this is released. So that's layers and how to manipulate them. What about Reen? re envisioning the monster manual?

James Introcaso :

Oh, sure. So re envisioning the monster manual. That was something that started as like a joke on Twitter. You know, I tried to tweet about role playing games every day. Because I love interacting with the community and seeing what people have to say. And so I think I tweeted out one day, I was at my parents house, I remember. And I tweeted out like, I think I should do a project where I show my dad, just the arch of the creatures in the monster manual. And then I have him Tell me what he thinks the creatures are. And then I would rewrite the stat blocks and the lore for the creature based on his responses. And that was my most liked tweet ever, and my most shared, and I thought, whoa, why? Maybe this is something like maybe this is an actual project. I have often sent projects out into the void of Twitter. That people will tell me I'm wrong or tell me why it won't work or that kind of thing. And this was overwhelmingly positive, even people who don't like D and D, were like, this sounds amazing, and you should do it. Um, and so, so I said, You know what, I'm gonna do a poll. Like, I think this might be a fluke. So then I did a Twitter poll and said, should I do this? And overwhelmingly, the answer was, yes. So I thought, Okay, well, let me do it. And so, at the end of last year, beginning of this year, I sat down and I did just that I have access to a lot of the art of the monster manual, which you can get if you subscribe on d&d beyond or any other digital platform like rule 20. And you can, you know, download the images just by themselves. And so we sat in front of my laptop, and I recorded the sessions and took notes, where he would tell me like, what he thinks these creatures are, and that sort of thing. And, and because I'm a DMS guild adept, I'm allowed to use the art from the monster manual, and from other watse releases in my own releases, so that that was key to it, right like that, the fact that I have the permission to do this. And so I reached out to Chris Lindsey, who runs the diems guild at depths and said, Hey, cool if I do this, and he said, Absolutely, it sounds great. And so that's how it all started. And now Hannah Rose has edited all of the monsters I think there's going to be about 80 statblocks total. So some monsters didn't make the cut. And the reason for that are many right, like one is my dad knows what a dragon is. Right? If I show him a dragon, he's gonna say that's a dragon. And this is what a dragon does. So there are things like that, like he knows orcs. He knows you know, he read us, Lord of the Rings when we were kids. And then there were things that he guessed correctly. That what they were so like a mag min, if you look at a mag min odds are you know what a magnet is, right? It's a it's a fiery little creature that loves setting fire to things. And then sometimes he got the lore of a creature. totally correct for a different creature. Right. So like, he looked at a death dog, and basically described the lore of an end for the death Doc, you know that they they fight and they have different each head has a different name. And they argue with each other and that kind of thing. And so it's like, oh, well, this is just a canine. And now, that's not very interesting. And I'm not sure what much new I would do. And then there were other things like, does my dad really need to do five slides? Or can he just do one slide, he can probably just do one ad. And we'll get the point rather than him doing variations on a bunch of different slats. So that was how we ended up with you know, fewer than 400 stat blocks, but what we have is really strong and I'm really happy with it and I am excited rich Lesko flair is laying it all out right now.

Snyder’s Return :

It still an impressive effort to sit down and go through descriptions, notes and all the rest of it. So that's something else. I'm very excited to see how things have changed from the expected.

James Introcaso :

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, it is. It's exciting. to, to work on this and to get my dad's perspective. You know, I think it started as like how many dad jokes Could I make right? But what we've actually put together is a serious monster book like people can use this to, to put monsters right into their campaign and they're not going to be joke monsters. You know, my dad took it pretty seriously. And certainly there are some monsters that have a humorous, bent, but no more humorous maybe than they are in the monster manual. Right. No more humorous than a flump. And so, uh, so I think that this surprised a lot of people I've been doing previews of it all over my blog. And, and a lot of people have been very surprised in a good way because they thought like, this would be funny for one monster if it was a dad joke, but it's not going to be funny for 80 monsters, right. And they're right, I would have to be a much funnier person to to make that work. And luckily, my dad, it was great to, to see things from his perspective, too. Because I I've spent so long with so many of these creatures. You know, having played d&d since I was a kid that to get his kind of fresh perspective on things and and really challenging myself to say, okay, he said, This creature is as big as a mountain. How is that going to change its statistics, what is that going to mean? And and rolling with that, instead of shying away from it was really fun. To and and fun to challenge myself. In that way,

Snyder’s Return :

yeah, nice. It sounds really fun. And it sounds very heartwarming. And yes, I haven't got 18 months as worth a dad joke. So I don't envy your decision to give up on that particular venture. And just enjoy that enjoy them as they as they come rather than trying to sort of force humour onto them. But monsters, either as published or as soon to be published by by yourself, need to be kept out, maybe defended from a stronghold, maybe with some followers. So what has it been like? There's that's as good a segue as you're gonna get. What's it been like working with MC dm and the Matt Colville sort of entity enterprise.

James Introcaso :

So that has been great. Matt, and the whole company, the whole mcgm company, are really very kind. They treat their freelancers very well, they pay freelancers very well. And they give people like a lot of time. And they also are very much into breaking the form of things and seeing how things can be pushed while still keeping the integrity of d&d intact and making d&d products, right. And so, you know, kingdoms of warfare and strongholds and followers are about filling in gaps in d&d with rules that people really enjoy. Right? Everybody wants Mass Comm Well, I don't know about everybody, but a lot of people want mass combat rules a lot of people want rules for how do I build the castle that we take over that kind of thing. And that has been really fun. And Matt has years and years and years of game design experience that he is willing to lend, and also years of writing experience that he is really willing to lend. And so Matt has his own sort of style, he writes very much the way that he speaks in all of his YouTube videos. And, and so adopting that style is a lot of fun. And also getting to work with all of the the freelancers that mcgm hires is really fun. So it's a good crew. And it's very collaborative. And they do a lot of play testing throughout their, their sort of process. And a lot of times when I write something, for instance, for Wizards of the Coast, they say, you know, once it's I go back and forth with whoever my contact is a couple times on a draft, they'll say thank you very much. And they'll take it and they'll go working with MC dm, it's very much like, Hey, here's the feedback from the play testers. Do you want to tackle this? Do you want to go for this let's so you work on stuff, and really get into the weeds on a lot of it, which is, for me, very fun. I like doing that. It is also a privilege to be able to do Arcadia with them. Because our Katie is very different, right? Our Katie is and Matt feels strongly about this not in Matt's voice. It's in the voice of whoever is writing the articles of those things. And it's my job to source those articles. And to work with the authors to help them bring out their voice and to make sure everything's balanced. All that gets played tested. And Matt does look over everything. But he's not trying to bring things into his voice, right? Because it's not, it's not like an RPG book that should be written in one cohesive voice. It is a magazine and whenever you read a magazine art from article to Article, the voice switches. And so that's the idea. It's really giving the authors a chance to shine and like the whole thing with Arcadia is people can pitch whatever they want, as long as it's actionable, usable content at the table. So we've got really cool stuff everything from adventures to new rules options to subclasses dispels the aforementioned Celeste con, which wrote a great article that is going to introduce a bunch of new spells. So check it out, it's gonna be a good time.

Snyder’s Return :

It sounds like it's going to be great and definitely something I'll be checking out as you say. You've mentioned just one name there, while between Martin and Celeste and yourself. Hands down a power throttle and only bringing in more and more new and exciting and creative writers to sort of share their input is so such exciting. I don't think things I'll be careful our faces. I don't think things have been any better for d&d and tabletop role playing. There are obviously things in the wider world that may or may affect that view.

James Introcaso :

Sure, sure. Exactly, exactly. But I do right now certainly the popularity of dungeons and dragons and tabletop role playing as a whole as a hobby as a whole is really fun, and and more grand pop more popular than ever right? That's what I I was trying to say, and so, you know, I think that we're only going to continue to see this hobby grow. It seems like it has some real staying power and that people are really enjoying playing it. And so I'm excited to see where it continues to grow and how it continues to grow.

Snyder’s Return :

Yeah, absolutely. So switching from the joyful to the the grim and the dark and the perilous spyhunter, can you tell us more about your involvement with WD fox is amazing. grew in parallel role playing game, please.

James Introcaso :

Yes, definitely. So I This was maybe a year or so ago, I had written an article about actually RPG Freelancer rates, and kind of how the model of how we pay RPG, freelancers is different than in a lot of industries. You know, often you make royalties, along with like a per word fee, or you making a royalty advance, right? And so I had written about that. And Daniel wrote to me and said, hey, that's how I'm like, I'm our company, Andrews mcmeel, that publishes fi hander is set up, like a traditional publishing company, because we are we started publishing other stuff, and we still publish stuff that are in RPGs. If you ever have a pitch for us, let me know. And so I started to talk to him about it. And he said, I'm going to send you some copies of the game. Let me know what you think. And I had heard of spy hander. And I had seen some actual plays of it, but I never really sink my teeth into and so I got this giant book. That is vai hander. So as I hand are sort of combines, unlike d&d, which splits up its three core rulebooks, all of his vendors, core rules are kind of in this one tome, called the core rulebook that is almost 700 pages long. And I devoured it, and it was great. And I wrote to him and I said, You know, I have an idea for an adventure. And he said, that's great. We needed ventures. And so we talked about it, and I pitched it to him. And now and so now I'm working on that. And then Daniel reached out to me again, to ask if I wanted to be part of the Chateau. One shot that he put together that was going to be a part of the Gen Con, live experience on the Gen Con twitch channel. And that was a lot of fun to, to to be part of that. And I have a weekly game. I'm playtesting. The adventure that I am running right now. So I've been running a lot of vai hander recently. What I really like about vai hander is that it is a grim and perilous role playing game. So it is, you know, a lower fantasy, role playing game. But unlike many low Fantasy games that sort of harken back to the old school days of d&d, right like, like the old school revival, the OSR. So I hander is very crunchy, you can build a lot of different things in it mechanically. And you can build a lot of different kinds of characters in it. And so I really like that, that it's got a lot of the options and a lot of the rules that I am used to that I really love, but still has a grim and gritty and deadly feel. And it's been really fun playing this game. I really like it. And I recommend it to people who maybe want to try something that's a little darker, but also want to have the good crunch and mechanical options of a game like d&d. You know, it's not as combat heavy as d&d, I suppose it could be if you wanted to play it that way. But it's because there's not like healing magic. And you got to wait a long time to recover your wounds and stuff like that.

Snyder’s Return :

Did its different and has sort of, I know the dmg touches in it for d&d, but has sort of morality and sanity and things like that, that bring a different element to most role playing games. I think you get seriously wounded as you say, there's no magic healing in the same way that there is in d&d, so a wound can really scar the character for a protracted period.

James Introcaso :

Yeah, definitely.

Snyder’s Return :

Definitely. So that's the grim and perilous and growing parents probably the best way to segue into a conversation I had when I interviewed your good friend, Rudy, and he mentioned a project that you're working on that sort of framed around Hamlet, has there been any progress on that?

James Introcaso :

Yes, there's been a tonne of progress on that. So we were play testing that a bunch we've written and rewritten it. And, and so yeah, there's that is going to be coming at some point. And, and is just a lot of fun to play. It's a very different d&d experience. And it is the kind of thing where you can get a giant group of players together. Because the players are, you know, there are some common maybe threats that they might face. But most of the time, they are scheming against one another. So I don't know if I can say too much more on that. But it is a lot of fun. And working with Rudy is always great. And Rudy knows the play Hamlet very well. So we both, you know, studied it in college. And so there's a lot of fun to be had. But you also don't need to know anything about Hamlet to play. So we've had some play tests with different groups of people, people who have been in the play and played Hamlet and all that kind of stuff. And then we've also had played tests with people who literally have never picked up a copy of the play and read it or never seen a movie version of it or anything like that. And so that has been fun, too. And it seems like it does not matter how well you know, the show or not

Snyder’s Return :

scheming and underhandedness always sounds fun. So I'm intrigued to definitely to see as more and more of that comes out. And you've worked on so many things and released so many things. You did an adventure for city of mist. wherever else have I heard your name recently, the taking initiative podcast have thanked you several times for items you've created that they've integrated into their actual play podcast. So you're so prolific. Is there anything on a smaller scale that you're working on things that could be coming up between now and say, Christmas, which is potentially the now?

James Introcaso :

Yeah, so my dad's monster manual should be out by now. And burn bright that the expansions we talked about are also out. So those have come out. Now already. As far as smaller stuff goes, Arcadia should have been released. But because I am in the middle of this giant vai hander, project and kingdoms and warfare, and the hamlet thing with Rudy, those take a lot of my time. So I've kind of put off some smaller projects, for the for the time being, as far as this goes. And depending on the timing of this announcement, I may or may not have some news, about some full time work to share. So I may or may not be working somewhere full time at this point. So more on that as events warrant. And so I'm also getting ready for that it is game design stuff that would be full time.

Snyder’s Return :

I think science is exciting. Anything with your name attached to it is usually of well, not usually always of high quality and captures the the mind, and unfortunately dense the wallet ever so slightly.

James Introcaso :

Well, thank you, I really, really appreciate that, Adam, that. That means a lot, especially coming from a man clearly of taste like yourself.

Snyder’s Return :

Quite the connoisseur, I would say. So, I mean, you're still used to work on your blog. Is that still something you kept going? Because as you say, you've released snippets of your dad's monster manual through there. Are you still working through your world builder blog,

James Introcaso :

I am still working through my my world builder blog. So, you know, I do posts every week there every Thursday. And a lot of often, it's been my dad's monster manual previews lately, because I'm trying to get people hyped up for the release. But, uh, you know, I also do advice. I do other stuff over there. So it kind of depends on what it is that, that I use it to write about whatever I want to write about. Right. And so, so yeah, so that is a weekly sort of writing just for me.

Snyder’s Return :

And you have maintained your DND fitness we've we've noticed on Twitter and continually support you sort of keeping up the the fitness end, whereas I've unfortunately let mine lapse.

James Introcaso :

Well, it's uh, I'm fortunate enough to be quarantined with a an exercise machine. So that helps a lot. And and yeah, yeah, so I have been, I've been keeping up with the DND fitness i a lot of credit goes to a gentleman named tall Squall, who you can follow on Twitter. He's the first one who I started and I think he has a lot to do with the origins of DND fitness. And he reached out to me when I started to use the hashtag and said like, Can I give you any advice? Would you like any? And so we chatted about it for a little bit and, and he gave me some great advice that has helped me shed some pounds. And, and keep things going here. So. So yeah, I've been keeping up with the with the DND fitness, you can always search the hashtag DND fitness if you want to see a lot of pictures of sweaty people.

Snyder’s Return :

So what is what else are you doing now for PT or downtime? As I say you're working on so much how is it you unwind decompress,

James Introcaso :

so I play a lot of these games, you know, and, and so that's a, that's a big decompressor for me, because it sort of reminds me why I'm doing it and, and helps me out that way. Right now. I am doing a lot of political volunteering, here in the United States, we have an election coming up. And so I'm trying to affect change. And then I am also you know, I spend a lot of time hanging out with my wife. And so we like to watch a lot of movies and television and stuff like that together, we play games together. And we also like to take our dog out and, you know, go try to find some place where we can be out in public and walk the dog around. But you know, like, like a nature trail or something like that, so that we can get our fix of the outdoors and and see the skies and kind of recharge that way.

Snyder’s Return :

Ah, Sounds Sounds really nice and relaxing, to be fair. So we've spoken about work and your priorities and current releases future lists and things like that, is there anything we we haven't mentioned or anything you'd like to sort of mention. While we are in this informal interview,

James Introcaso :

you know, I think that one of the things is 2020 has been a difficulty. There is no doubt about it. And I know that because of the online gaming community, I have been able to do a lot of things and and wake up each day and and be excited about projects that I get to work on. And people that I get to see and tweets and forums and things like that, that I get to spend time on. And so you know, I think remember that your gaming, your online gaming community is a real community with real people attached to it. And we are here to support each other and to help each other through tough times like this. And so, you know, I want to thank everybody who is there doing that, but also remind people listening to this, like, we got your backs. We're all in this together and and we're going to be playing some some fun games. And it's a great way to create stories about heroes and to be a hero to your friends by just playing games with them.

Snyder’s Return :

So I'm enamoured with that and certainly echo the the community side of things. Definitely we're all in together, for better or worse depending on how things continue to progress. So what I haven't asked you for is where we can actually find you and your content and everything else if you're able to sort of rattle off a couple of links, please.

James Introcaso :

Sure, yeah. So people can find slash James inter Casso. And you can also find me at World builder And those are pretty much the best two places find me I also have a website James intercaste. Oh, calm, where you can check out my you know, I post the RPG work that I'm working on over there. But you can also find the commercials that I have made television commercials, if you're interested in that. So because that is a thing that I also do is I write and produce television commercials sometimes. So So yeah. So those are the places you can find me.

Snyder’s Return :

All right. Well, thank you. Once again, James, for coming on the show. It's It's always a pleasure to speak to you. And even just exchanged messages or emails or any interaction with you is always a pleasure and a delight. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart for you agreeing to come back on the show and speak to us and give us an update on all the amazing projects you're working on.

James Introcaso :

Absolutely, Adam, thank you for having me. I really appreciate it. And I think that this is a great show. And everyone should give you millions of dollars on Patreon.

Snyder’s Return :

We'll wait and see if it'll happen. But yeah, I thank you for your support. James, I'm sure that I will probably pass you on on Twitter or wherever I can find you links in the description below, about coming on again in the future once the expansions for burn bright and everything else sort of start coming online if if you'd be willing to come on at a third or even more times,

James Introcaso :

of course, I'd love to be a three peat, that will be great. So we're a four peat, you know, I'll come on as long as you keep asking Adam,

Snyder’s Return :

you can be as many pieces as you'd like. So, sir, thank you very much. I will let you get back to your day, there's probably more tabletop work that you have waiting for you just just as we conclude. And just say once again, thank you so much.

James Introcaso :

Yeah, thank you. I really appreciate it. And, and thank you to everybody for listening.

Snyder’s Return :

Thanks for listening. If you'd like to learn more about the show, then go to WWW dot Snyder's Alternatively, you can find us over on Twitter. At Return Snyder, you have a link tree link in the description of this episode. And if you want to support us, come and join us over on Patreon. And we also have a Discord server. Please leave us a review because we'd love to learn how to improve the channel and provide better content alpha for those who are listening until we until we speak again. Thank you Transcribed by

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