Snyder’s Return

Fists, Fur and a Mountain of Trouble - Pt_14

Snyder's Return Season 2 Episode 17

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The Party, now in the thick of the fight with Cultists, attempt to rescue and speak with the female combatant in trouble. A new ally, maybe? With Captain Zodge waiting at the Basilisk Gate for the group, decisions must be made.

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Adam 'Cosy' Powell



DM: Adam Powell

James Craddock - Hod_Half-Orc_Blood Hunter
Kern Lasocki - Bron Brickborn_Dwarf_Life Cleric of Helm
Nathan McKechnie - Revan_Half-Elf (Drow)_College of Eloquence Bard
Chris Rea - Aukan_Goliath_Battle Master Fighter

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Music: Epidemic Sound

Cover Art: Tim Cunningham -



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Hod :

Okay and then I'll try something cool I'm going to attempt to cast blood Curse of binding on the other the old guy

Snyder’s Return :

oh you'd have to explain that slightly better than yeah

Hod :

so it's attempt to bite yeah so basically to make a strength saving throw or you have your speed reduced to zero and your current news reactions into the end of my next turn as I manipulate the blood within him presumably got blood in him yeah

Snyder’s Return :

strength is the strong point of this more elderly citizens who rose a natural one so below

Hod :

so effectively his blood in his body just goes like jelly I'm guessing so he can't control his muscles and is now stuck there so I will then close the distance obviously realising he's now stuck there I'm just gonna walk casually over tip my 30 feet down on

Snyder’s Return :

this little old man who seemed yeah struggling some internal pain.

Hod :

I'm probably gonna get mass kicked from in a minute anyway but there you go. That's actually about an extra movement to be done

Snyder’s Return :

all right, having received such a heavy blow from you all can the guy in front of you with the armour on that's now so heavily damaged and he's heavily breathing decides that he's going to have the last hurrah and he is going to make an attack against you with all his might too much but he's going to try with a crit so

Aukan :

natural 21 that one that was more likely mentioned Aria is off or ah

Snyder’s Return :

yeah well Perry's a mechanic that you've you've got so yeah go

Aukan :

watch out the Nazis but another cool you can use your reaction with unexplained one superiority diet which is the damage by number you rule. Oh

Hod :


Aukan :


Snyder’s Return :

damage for that will be. So 11 points of bludgeoning damage.

Aukan :

And what would be what was the superiority die then like what what days days will be

Revan :

obvious depending on your level of a fighter

Hod :


Snyder’s Return :

So Roll, roll a single D eight and subtract that from

Aukan :

that seven

Snyder’s Return :

nice good effort instead of what I say 611 11 sorry, four points of so he thinks he's really know about a crack you something solid, but you're able to manoeuvre your great sword and it's more of a glancing blow that's all rides up your arm. And so glances off your shoulder still hurts. But you can see the frustration now as he thought that was his big moment to shine.

Aukan :

How much damage

Snyder’s Return :

just for

Unknown Speaker :

show floor for bludgeoning. These guys did

Snyder’s Return :

not anywhere near as dangerous as the previous encounter. But that's not for you to run. You've just seen this glancing blow and all cannons been able to sort of carry away with his sword, but it's less than a little bit vulnerable. It is however your turn.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

I will just take actually

Bron :

I'm going to point at the guy in front of me. And I'd be like let the protective judgey this day and then I'm gonna call the toll the dead.

Snyder’s Return :

It just is to do a wisdom saving throw Another natural one I'm rolling really well tonight

Revan :

oh man you just saved them up so yeah ice

Unknown Speaker :

he's taking damage this guy yes yeah 12

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

oh yes 12

Snyder’s Return :

perhaps it looked like as told the dead actually toes in dead

Bron :

I have like almost the protector himself is hitting the gong so like a Golden Bell or like a ring and the belt like a heavy plated gauntlet we'll just smash the side of the gong. And then that they're ready and damaged then it's like resonate inside the guy. He'll

Snyder’s Return :

burst so not the first person to have died from being violently vibrated from the inside out. No.

Unknown Speaker :

How much he

Snyder’s Return :

saw right. You should have heard what happened in the past and I will not go into that story.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, I brought you to me because I'm not good. I am my spiritual weapon can move 20 feet. Can I reach the other guy?

Snyder’s Return :

Yes, you can.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, okay, have him move across and out and I'll have my ram hit him

Bron :

with a natural 20 Let's go. Oh.

Revan :

Oh, it's gonna end his loop.

Bron :

Post double max rolls. That's right.

Unknown Speaker :

I mean, that's all it is even told me it's a crit estimate for me. Oh, nine points of damage.

Unknown Speaker :

Shame on.

Snyder’s Return :

You say that but after the, the guy in the placemat was talking vibrated and just drops to the floor dead in front of you, you command your spiritual realm to race across and that the impact from that movement the momentum is enough. Just to completely snap this guy's head round on his neck. And he likes drops in deed

Aukan :

he and Roger Jodi's too much.

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

slow the internet down. So what you see as your RAM has come over and kill this guy's the the female who was hiding behind her sword sort of raised up in such a way to draw a glance of the blows away from from the guy with a knife. She saw puts up the point of a sword just down to the floor. And she just collapses down onto her knees. And she's breathing heavy. She's Thank you. Thank you all

Unknown Speaker :

my problem

Unknown Speaker :

looks like your seven quiet tight spot there.

Unknown Speaker :

By what are they going off the

Snyder’s Return :

I think I was just unfortunate I was I've been investigating the disappearance of one wel l terell. And our leader was our leader savviest Creek he he left the city and and I've tracked into here but lt rail is gone and I came into this alley because I thought I heard noises and sort of hide out the way that the flaming you know, you guys your your emblem you Flaming Fist. No.

Hod :

Naming fist is a roll of deception check.

Revan :

it straight up line.

Hod :

unnatural one minus y is 00 my

Snyder’s Return :

god my husband's broken the game.

Unknown Speaker :

She's not even close.

Snyder’s Return :

You can't arrest me I'm, I'm getting close I need and you can see as she tries to sort of stand up she's she's actually been hurt a couple of times. She's got a couple of sort of open wounds that are bleeding. And she's starting to sort of drag herself strangely enough or even back in your direction to sort of the corner of the building. Were you guys were you too blocked off the the alleyway? So she's sort of dragging herself backwards. She's trying to raise her sword in a sort of defensive posture. She's like,

Revan :

Oh dear, calm down. We're not here to hurt you. Where did

Snyder’s Return :

you come from?

Revan :

Wow. Okay, from that door just there. The point thing is we want to make sure you're right. And I want to see if you got any information that could potentially help us see we're on errands as well. We're not here to arrest you. We came for your help. We didn't care. We don't care who you are. Those guys didn't seem to be helpful at all. So you tell me anything about them? Why they wanted you or do you just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? I

Snyder’s Return :

think I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. But I've I've I've heard the other Flaming Fist guards calling out to arrest the hell riders and I don't know how many of us have made it into the city I don't know where any of the

Revan :

late so you know the hell rises.

Snyder’s Return :

And she's 12 takes a moment to steal herself and straighten up ever such as like, I am a hill rider. I'm one of the remaining

Revan :

maybe you can help us on our Packers. Were hoping you could have some we have information for us. Obviously, we'll get you cleaned up I got a friend who whose real good wounds.

Snyder’s Return :

I've got a route I managed to sort of disguise myself a little bit and and I've got a room at the off song tavern. And I was just just doing some investigations when I ended up here and if you hadn't come along, I'd be dead.

Revan :

Oh, so see. We've done you a favour. Maybe you can do us a favour.

Snyder’s Return :

Hold up persuasion check for me.

Revan :

Come on your silver tongue devil bastard. Natural 16 so 23 by now preparing with my sexy voice.

Snyder’s Return :

Oh my sir. My hero. I was just in the most delicate Dini positions. And you have come to give me respond. my good sir.

Revan :

Well, that's quite a Rob man. Maybe we can find somewhere quiet. No.

Snyder’s Return :

I had some lemonade in the bat and you anyway. Yeah. She's like, of course my. My life is worth more than my pride. But I can't be here. I've heard the Flaming Fist patrols coming past and I know they're trying to do with the cultists, these bastards. But hey,

Revan :

well, if you've got any place to suggest we don't mind following you there. But first let my friend Brom Have a look at you. If you make sure you're not going to collapse on us.

Unknown Speaker :

All right, let me have a look. He lost.

Snyder’s Return :

She doesn't move away from you. But she moves into the corner that sort of the corner of the building and just kind of collapses into it. She's like

Unknown Speaker :

all right. All right. What uh, what are your names? As I'm going across I'm gonna be I'm but I'm wrong, but

Unknown Speaker :

you might have a cast. I'm going to cast

Unknown Speaker :

my child divinity on

Unknown Speaker :

and kill her.

Unknown Speaker :

Doesn't say

Hod :

I'm sitting cut up and like a pinata tossing now. Here's someone else.

Unknown Speaker :

Well, how much do tiny little bitch

Hod :

about I'm down to 18 and I have Maximus 31 from a half health.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

Oh, he's over there.

Unknown Speaker :

Hey, but he's here all day, ladies and gentlemen.

Unknown Speaker :

I'll put 13 Hp into hard

Revan :

I'm not one HP more.

Unknown Speaker :

Two doesn't complain like a little bit anyway. And then

Unknown Speaker :

two hp.

Unknown Speaker :

Socially, yes.

Snyder’s Return :

Close the wounds effectively. She still saw. She slides up the corner of the wall and sort of checks her blade and as she sort of manoeuvres, it now you get a better look at it. It's actually a bit wider than a standard sore sword seems to have some sort of runes or glyphs on it. It could be decorative, but she sort of brings at random, puts in the sheath of the scabbard and sort of reattaches it to a belt and she's like, thank you. Thank you if you can give me back to the song or or if you have some other safe house

Revan :

wait off don't mind going to the Tevin. Well, and it's been ages since I've had a little drink.

Hod :

Only kind of on a mission right now.

Revan :

Hey, we're on a mission to get one of the hell risers on just saying it's a promotion for bro. Okay, well Brian is your promotion at stake what you want to do my man you can come back talk to her later once she's one she's rested. We know what she stays.

Snyder’s Return :

I will. If you give me your words and you won't betray my position and I will wait at the tavern. I have a room it's secluded and I can rest up there while you guys finish whatever tasking it is that you have.

Hod :

I mean if we wanted to take you just take it out. So they

Aukan :


Unknown Speaker :

Sounds a little bit.

Hod :

Hey, well, every table that ends up to my big friend.

Unknown Speaker :

Shall we loot the bodies?

Revan :

Yes, you go check. See that got anything interesting. I'm just saying. I mean,

Hod :

I'm a man of my word. I don't really care about the flame of face any more. So yeah, you crack on.

Unknown Speaker :

It's a bold statement. Mm hmm. Yeah, me.

Unknown Speaker :

Hi. I heard it from a disaster.

Revan :

Oh, okay. That's not start this in front of company. Okay, I give you my word. You give me your name. That we will find you at the end. We will not hand you over that. The Flaming Fist.

Snyder’s Return :

My My name is Ray amant mantle born.

Revan :

I am Raya mantle born.

Snyder’s Return :

I'm potentially one of the last Hill riders. From what I saw of valtor elden potentially the last? Yeah, if you get me to my room at the at the tavern. I will I will tell you what I know. I will help you anyway. I can

Revan :

do appreciate it. We'll be back hopefully soon. We get back in rest.

Aukan :

Do you know anything about the cultists

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

Ah, I've I've seen various. They seem to seem to be sort of three separate groups and they intermingle and some of them are very tricky. Some of them seem to have otherworldly powers. I was sure I was done for the the one with the the knife that was coming at me and I can't explain it I felt weaker.

Unknown Speaker :

Without without you.

Snyder’s Return :

I think that would have been that would have been me. But they've got they got spellcasting they got like more military type. Sort of guys that just seem to have a horrible mixture of murder and bloodlust amongst them

Revan :

seem to have a lot of power behind them. It's the spellcasters that makes me nervous. See what he did you had

Unknown Speaker :

never seen anything like that. I felt it

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, you look like you felt it. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, well.

Revan :

Who's got that bit of like a cloth that we got from the other alleyway. Do you want to go see if it matches the same? If the cloth from the spellcasters whatever if it's the same type of material issue

Unknown Speaker :

must be these people.

Snyder’s Return :

From rodent investigation check with advantage since you already have something to compare it to 50 All right. As you saw, check out the deal man with the flowers on the floor and and check their their cloth and they their fabric doesn't match while they are spell casters. Their fabric doesn't match but the the guy with the blade is the was causing Raya the problems initially his government has the exact same sort of cloth and coloration, the same sort of type of fibre.

Unknown Speaker :

And as a bitch

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

what you faced in the alleyway and what this guy his skills that were demonstrated, aren't comparable, their garments are very much the same. All right. Are you any of you guys doing anything else?

Aukan :

Yeah, I want to check the bodies.

Snyder’s Return :

What did you do last for an investigation, volume investigation?

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

And big 1919

Revan :

we're doing well today.

Snyder’s Return :

Yeah, you do? Well, you found those the the two flails that one per tour of Oban spell caster, they look pretty neat for a weapon. And the magic was was being channelled from the now deceased spell caster. But the flight itself is each of them are finally made and seem to have some sort of gem or crystal or some sort of precious stone potentially bedded inside them. The guy with a knife and the knife is, is well made, it's it seems to have a dark deck, decorative design to it, the blade sort of has a swirl of sorts, it's not quite as pronounced as Sox, the one that I met you so easily in the alleyway, but it's it's a similar design. And it has sort of a skull motif. So that's, that's there on the floor and the mace that the other one was wielding his armour now sort of beaten and tattered where you guys are sort of cleaved into it. But his mace is a weighty sort of construction, and seems to have a similar sort of dark metal material construction, and it lays there on the floor, and searching through pockets and things like that you do find a small amount of coins. And each of them has five copper and the spellcasters the two old men have got 15 silver, each of the other two have got like 10 silver, and then two gold each as well.

Aukan :

So I'm gonna like pick them up by the boys, these seem to be quite poor, but these weapons are worth anything, we could maybe shift them on for a bit of extra time for ourselves.

Revan :

like to have a look at one of those skulls that that's okay.

Aukan :

I just dropped the body on the floor

Revan :

just set up the skull that he was throwing at us

Snyder’s Return :

as you pick up and one thing you you noticed, or can but less so. But one thing you notice even is when you pick up this, this flail, but the skull head, it feels cold to the touch. So that the flavour itself, it doesn't feel cold because it's metal it feels just even cold, unnaturally cold.

Revan :

Okay, can I cast identify on it?

Unknown Speaker :


Revan :

I want to know what the hell this thing is.

Unknown Speaker :

Alright, so as you

Snyder’s Return :

cast, identify, now you're holding in your hand and the the item isn't particularly sort of imbued with any specific type of magic or school but it feels cold and you get this strange sensation now that you've held it for a little bit longer that you feel

Unknown Speaker :

like you want to you want to

Snyder’s Return :

act in a sort of a more evil, malevolent way do you use Tor, as you're holding it in the cold sort of seeps into your hand and down your arm, that sense of selfishness and that sense of evil, maybe from a latent part of you seems to be sort

Unknown Speaker :

of being brought to the surface.

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

Does it feel like it would control me or does it feel like it would enhance what's already in me? It feels more like it's, it's enhancing something that's that's inside you, whatever.

Revan :

Okay, so it doesn't matter. Someone evil it will just increase if someone else if someone is naturally evil

Snyder’s Return :

you get the sense from it that while you hold it you will be driven to a darker side of your psyche not necessarily that you will be forced to do anything but it would you know as you're holding it and all cancel looking at the coin you now I the coin is slightly more possessively you saw you can feel the weight and have the weapon in your hand and it makes you want to swing into something but whether that's that's from inside of you right yeah,

Unknown Speaker :

okay. Ah change in Cricket

Unknown Speaker :

Cricket also

Unknown Speaker :

not knowing he was a

Snyder’s Return :

so that is the sense yeah,

Revan :

okay. I'm gonna like drop it and just like you guys these things are nothing but bad news. We need to get them away we can just leave them out here in the street. I'd probably recommend taking them with us but in a bag so no one can actually touch them.

Unknown Speaker :

We sell them

Unknown Speaker :

Ah, I probably wouldn't.

Revan :

Yeah, I should in fact, I know. I know some people well, should we talk to the law and order you know?

Hod :

I think it may bode well for brunch provision if we securities items taken back with us.

Revan :

Okay, you can be saying that out loud. I am the law. stayed in your head. Don't say it out loud. Rule number one. I can look

Aukan :

at the sky and just think about the fact that I am the law.

Revan :

Okay, I'll take Okay, well please. He says that well. I'm going to just put the two skull things in my backpack

Unknown Speaker :

could I do

Snyder’s Return :

orchids orcon religion check for me. Oh

Unknown Speaker :

I call this

Snyder’s Return :

you know from your culture and the sky is always watching.

Aukan :

Sky is always watching

Snyder’s Return :

that's something that if that is key to your religious background and your heritage and not something that the others would be necessarily concerned with.

Unknown Speaker :

He some crazy

Snyder’s Return :

so what are you guys doing? You scooped up these weapons? Yeah.

Revan :

Okay. I think we're gonna have to make a make a move.

Unknown Speaker :

Let's meet up with horses. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :


Aukan :

hooked up so Coulter's. So should we drag them to the captain off?

Unknown Speaker :

No, love these boys.

Revan :

We'll just have to let one of the patrols know. Yeah, right. Yeah, if I were you, I'd get out of here. There's a route there's a way through the alleyway or you can go through that building right there and just get out we'll meet you at the end.

Unknown Speaker :


Snyder’s Return :

staying up upstairs in one of the rooms upstairs. But the the bomb and Allen's has been has been kind so

Unknown Speaker :

be nice.

Snyder’s Return :

And she digs about in her limited supplies for a cloak to sort of throw on the barely covers her armour. But she sort of puts it on and follows your direction to the house and actually gives you a last minute nod. You can see the pain in her eyes as she moves and then she disappears off through the doorway that you came out of and into the the Abode

Unknown Speaker :

and goes well is that in that she was in

Unknown Speaker :

alpha Sean

Aukan :

do we do anything about the helmet riders? Yes, I know it was mentioned

Unknown Speaker :

that out last

Aukan :

time you played I know this. Somebody mentioned something about HellRaisers. But do we? Yeah, I would like them to detain them.

Revan :

Because detain one of them. Yes.

Aukan :

Yes. who sells stuff? Who says that again? Was that?

Unknown Speaker :

Your message? Same. Okay.

Aukan :

She's still here. She's gone now. She's gone. Okay,

Revan :

yeah, that's right. We'll press on. We know where she is. We'll talk to her and then we'll probably just get Sarge on the line and then he can just take her afterwards. Well,

Unknown Speaker :

chip in I

Revan :

didn't say that. I mean, if he's in the same room Coincidentally as she is and whom I suppose Moscow's do

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, I'm just saying I just,

Aukan :

I mean, we saved a person's life. It doesn't mean necessarily that we you know, we don't have to hand a ring.

Hod :

I gave him a word he wouldn't enter. It

Revan :

will be one hander in a go. But then it's all just in the same building as her.

Hod :

No, don't make a coincidence.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm not making anything of anything. Just because if the fans here, okay.

Revan :

Wow, the first female. Yeah, right.

Unknown Speaker :

I can get plenty of females.

Revan :

Yeah, the ones that aren't bloody sword wielding.

Aukan :

I'm sure you met them on holiday. Did you?

Unknown Speaker :

caravan Oh, yes.

Unknown Speaker :

I mean,

Hod :

all I'm saying is I think we should meet up with whoever gave his badges to ensure that we're not done for desertion, or not following orders, or where were you doing x, y and Zed?

Revan :

I shouldn't ask a CV to do a military job. I would go and our own time would go and now

Hod :

flame fest take on anyone

Aukan :

as is obvious with yourself hard. Yeah. Yeah, obviously. What do you think Brian O'Brien I can never remember your name.

Unknown Speaker :

Smalling dwarfee.

Snyder’s Return :

What are you guys doing?

Revan :

There is still gonna head north. Was it?

Hod :

The gate? Oh, yeah, we're gonna meet up with the pincer movement or wherever we did. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

We need to

Snyder’s Return :

come out onto the street and start sort of continuing on in the directions that you were originally given by? Captain zij Yeah. Suraj and you make your way out and north east towards the batlas gate and you can hear a couple of streets ahead of you. There's a lot of shouting there's there's sort of the sound of people screaming both in panic and in pain. And you can hear all sorts of commotion happening literally just sort of couple of streets ahead. So wait, what are you guys responding

Aukan :

sarena forward bronze boys wherever wherever this mole dwarfee boy equals

Revan :

one dad one thing after another with this group I've seen you at the back

Snyder’s Return :

I guess in bronze at the front

Aukan :

Yeah. Bronze boy he's always following drawn adventures all the time. I should have been a board but a lie here

Revan :

Hey man, maybe I can teach you a thing or two you make a song out of you yet.

Snyder’s Return :

As you guys close the gap following bronze lead through the city streets and you get into this area is very close to the battle it's gate there is just chaos. There's civilians running past you in panic that sort of spreading out and running into buildings and under archways and alleyways into different areas and courtyards and down alleys you know someone likes nearly all up you can see just not Brown, but actually Brando perception check.

Aukan :

Before he does, I lift them and put it on the shoulders.

Snyder’s Return :

perception check with advantage 1330. Scanning the crowd there seems to be a massive big mix of of cloaked figures and all these other individuals. And you can pick out fighting them back and pushing them as hard as they can. back towards the battle Escape is just almost innumerable Flaming Fist officers and foot soldiers. And you can just hear that the sounds of battle with is the odd spell being flung that that spectral chord was seemed so effective against hadou. You can see at least for one of those every couple of seconds to storming across. Everybody do a perception check. Thank you for listening. If you'd like to learn more about the show, then go to WWW dot Snyder's Alternatively, you can find us over on Twitter at Return Snyder. We have a link tree link in the description of this episode. And if you want to support us, come and join us over on Patreon and we also have a Discord server. Please leave us a review because we'd love to learn how to improve the channel and provide better content alpha for those who are listening until we until we speak again. Thank you Transcribed by

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