Snyder’s Return

Fists, Fur and a Mountain of Trouble - Pt_16

Snyder's Return Season 2 Episode 19

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The Party gain the upper hand in the fight against the Cultists, does Captain Zodge notice Bron's efforts? Will they be able to clear the streets and hold the line?

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Adam 'Cosy' Powell



DM: Adam Powell

James Craddock - Hod_Half-Orc_Blood Hunter
Kern Lasocki - Bron Brickborn_Dwarf_Life Cleric of Helm
Nathan McKechnie - Revan_Half-Elf (Drow)_College of Eloquence Bard
Chris Rea - Aukan_Goliath_Battle Master Fighter

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Music: Epidemic Sound

Cover Art: Tim Cunningham -



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Bron  0:50  
I'm just gonna shout back at Raven and like make sure you don't let that one get away and pointed out one close to me on the left and then I'm going to point to the one just behind it and then cast a toll the dead on it

Snyder’s Return  1:09  
right is a wisdom save was it? Yeah

Aukan  1:16  
that was what is that do

Bron  1:20  
you really yeah you see you see within range and the sound of $1 dollar risk Bell fills the air around it for a moment the target must exceed on wisdom saving throw or take one day at necrotic damage if the target is missing any of its hit points instead it takes 12 one d 12 macro damage once you DC for that 13

Snyder’s Return  1:43  
it just just passes

Bron  1:47  
and watch it what what's the come my spiritual weapon reached the one that's trying to run? Or at least one of you now Yeah, okay, can I move it towards

Snyder’s Return  2:01  
your spiritual weapon? Much reach these three? Okay, the three sort of immediately in your vicinity?

Bron  2:11  
You're happy with our running background chain?

Snyder’s Return  2:13  
He won't be when it kills your

Bron  2:16  
joy adamis at least hit it

Revan  2:18  
now. I'll be fine. Well, we'll find out.

Bron  2:21  
Yeah, it'd be fine.

Aukan  2:22  
Just Just to your loot boy. Valley of plenty.

Bron  2:27  
And then I'm gonna have the spiritual weapon Ram. The one furthest away from everyone so top. Yeah, that one. It's the same again like the round pit button. Alright, golden plate smash enough it's good.

Snyder’s Return  2:44  
Seven attack roll. That one was also fairly fired. So you have a vantage that's the last of the fairly fired individuals

Bron  2:53  
17 with a definitely hits. And then that's seven points of force damage.

Snyder’s Return  2:59  
All right, the heavy impact hitter and you can hear it sort of cracking a bone. But it's not quite enough to take this one down. It's it seems quite resilient in that perspective compared to a few of the others. But it's coughed up some blood in it is is heavily damaged and it can only wield a weapon in one hand now. Okay.

Bron  3:25  
Yes, I see. I can move. You can

I should I move next. The

nada. I'm going to move to the one behind the one that's running.

Snyder’s Return  3:38  
Left. It's the one you tried to tell the dead.

Unknown Speaker  3:41  
Yeah. Nice.

Snyder’s Return  3:42  
All right. It's not the end of your turn.

Bron  3:47  
Yeah. Okay. I really looked like that game and put myself behind the one that's running. So I get an opportunity when it runs by Don't bother.

Snyder’s Return  3:55  
Well, you know where you want to put it. So if there is as a member of the Flaming Fist and a former member of a combative war unit, you would know how to take advantage of situation so if you want to put in there knowing that is the tactical advantage thing to do, then yeah,

Bron  4:15  
okay, I'll do that. Right.

Revan  4:18  
sold more later than I am.

Snyder’s Return  4:21  
You fought in wars, you know, I get behind an enemy. strategy. Yeah, me trying. Yeah, again. All right. So as you have sort of sent the ram out ahead, and you've heard this satisfying cracker bone and coughing of blood and aspiration, you send the opportunity to sort yourself out tactically and aid the rest of the team. As you sort of weave your way in the in behind this Coulter's who's on the move with that said, cultist and cultists are going to move so I want you to take a type of opportunity.

Bron  5:03  
Okay. Warhammer


Snyder’s Return  5:09  
Yeah, I hits

Bron  5:11  
I actually rolled to go ahead and Warhammer darrick before that it's six click the wrong one

Snyder’s Return  5:17  
six damage

Bron  5:19  
yeah six damage on the one.

Snyder’s Return  5:21  
Okay, again you saw a hobble it as it goes past or going down the back of it and it sort of slows it which is why it's not quite able to make it all the way to in your face reason. But this short on larger form of occultism robes comes initially sort of sprinting but now sort of hobbling over as it tries to make an attack but it can't reach you. However Hogy gonna have one attack against you. And Brian, you're going to have one attack made against you.

Unknown Speaker  5:52  
Okay, okie

Snyder’s Return  5:53  
dokie 17 Plus, yeah, it's the attack against you hard is the four plus modifiers that are missed so damage against you dagen for four points of piercing damage against you. And God comes back round just before you take your turn. You can see that zarges small banters has lost a number they've gone down injured, hard to tell if they're dead or not. But you you scan and see that there is one fewer of their team. However they do seem to be able to sort of push them back from the left flank the other side of the battle escape from what you can see they seem to be gaining traction here. So as long as you guys can support the effort you might have sort of contain the threat If nothing else, however hard it is you first

Hod  6:51  
I will swing that cultist

Unknown Speaker  6:55  
time off yeah

Hod  6:58  
yes because I wrote the 17 plus five is

Revan  7:01  
the game

Aukan  7:02  
that was my inspiration. Like fight isn't quite inspirational, the

Hod  7:09  
second reroll that one that makes it a force or four plus was eight plus three is 11 plus another additional default from a fire damage deck plus a one plus 1220 damage

Snyder’s Return  7:21  
you 12 points of damage finally getting to grips with your weapons having dispatched one you now turn using all of your technique and might you're able to dispatch this second one you now your feet whereas all can has a bloodbath you have a smouldering pile of human candle bleeding and yet a flame you're doing nothing else

Hod  7:50  
there's no one else in range so I can use the additional tack so I'll just about about facing engaged one charging towards revenue maybe isn't even

Unknown Speaker  8:07  
my guy yeah

Hod  8:11  
he Yes, I think that's me cuz I've done done that done that I'm not gonna change into a bag. There's no point. Oh yeah, that's a

Snyder’s Return  8:21  
or can. Your feet are getting sticky with the blood of your victims? It is you

Aukan  8:28  
and I fucking love it.

Revan  8:31  
I love sticky feet. I just love I sticky foot.

Aukan  8:37  
I've got enough of a bloomin walk in wearing it. It was closest to me know

Snyder’s Return  8:44  
about equal distance is the one being doubled up in front of Raven, or this cultist who is just off to your right hand side ahead of you.

Aukan  8:56  
I'm gonna fucking run run at him and I'm gonna pull can slide across the floor and bring me great sort of at the same time. So like going up of course foot with a fucking bigger sword. And I'm gonna roll eight but I'm inspired con as well can I roll in inspiration days? Your inspiration has come from

Snyder’s Return  9:17  
reason rather than from me. So you get a D is d six to add to that to try and make it hit rather than a

Aukan  9:27  
six. Yeah,

Revan  9:28  
yeah, you just you just roll it the sexy

Aukan  9:32  
snobby be 12

Snyder’s Return  9:35  
hits. Oh,

Revan  9:37  
yes for inspiration.

Aukan  9:38  
Listen. I'm also going to do and I'm also gonna do the disarmament attack as well. So one second to the eighth, isn't it? Yeah, with me. So 12 points damage. All right.

Snyder’s Return  9:55  
Not for the first time what you slid across the floor, bringing your great sword out. Unless you've gone to sort of twist it in a disarming motion, you've actually sort of carved into and cleaved off the hand sort of and this injury just drops this this cultist the the robe sort of split and the blood starts to pour. You just don't know your own strength at times, it seems. And, and unfortunately, he also begins to bleed out at your feet.

Aukan  10:29  
He's obviously he's armless is one boys.

Unknown Speaker  10:34  
All right,

Snyder’s Return  10:35  
I do anything else you've moved. You've attached sound. Alright. Brom.

Bron  10:43  
So the to the topper causes Well, yeah.

Snyder’s Return  10:48  
Yeah. So the one at the furthest away is still wrapped in the fairy fire. But he's is heavily injured. The other one nearer to the top, the central hub of the battle escape area is untouched. Okay, I'm going to have my

Bron  11:09  
ram go for the wall with a fairy fire. All right. And that Nate


Snyder’s Return  11:23  
just just hits

Bron  11:26  
past seven points of force damage.

Snyder’s Return  11:29  
So as you're in now, what seems to be a bit of a signature move the gilded ram had races across the streets of boulders gate impacting in pretty much the same place where it impacted the first time. So what was sort of a broken arm is now sort of crushed into the rib cage. You potentially puncturing lungs. And again this this cultist drops to the floor, struggling for breath. You're not sure how many breaths they have left though.

Bron  12:01  
Okay, and then I'm going to have a guiding bolt at the one note closest to me, but the one like to my right up upwards.

Snyder’s Return  12:11  
Yes, yes.

Bron  12:14  
23 It's, and that's 15 points of damage on him.

Snyder’s Return  12:23  
The supercharged guiding bolt collides into this cultist knocking him from his feet and just the energy from it seems to supercharge the heart almost. And he collapses weapons first and then slumps to the floor. Just no longer part of the the mortal world.

Bron  12:48  
And now the one in front of me is the only one standing right. Oh no, there's one next restaurant and hot.

Snyder’s Return  12:54  
Yes. So there's one immediately in front of you and one sandwich between those two. Okay.

Unknown Speaker  13:02  
Oh, yeah, happy

Snyder’s Return  13:04  
Raven. You have been saved from being attacked by bronze quick thinking and tactical nuance, and knouse. Yes. However, very close to you closing the app as fast as it can is a cultist.

Revan  13:25  
I am going to see this realise that my options are pretty limited. So I am going to talk real fast to him so he understands everything I'm going to say. And basically I'm just going to been words laced with magic to unsettle the creature. Until he doubts himself I was like Look, man, you don't be doing this. This is not this is not who you are. This is the exact opposite you want to be doing. And that is going to I wrote a bot of inspiration die and I will subtract it from his next saving throw. Which is a four. Okay, for my actual action. I am going to cast suggestion.

Unknown Speaker  14:16  

Revan  14:19  
Which is a wisdom saving throw. minus four. Okay, so that's that's a 10.

Snyder’s Return  14:26  
So what is your suggestion? My suggestion to him is just rolling the Drop your weapons. Are you doing anything else? Are you moving or are you just staying where you are,

Revan  14:38  
I'm staying where I am.

Snyder’s Return  14:41  
Right. As you end your turn, and the this area seems to be quieting down and even what you can hear from the sort of the central fights where Captain Zod is leading the charge seems to be getting quieter. There's still you can still hear the clashing of of individuals and metal and metal on metal impacts and the occasional sort of spell beings or let loose, but the the conscious that's running out you even you see that suggestion sink in and then he sort of slows to a jog and then he stops in front of you. And he places down one weapon and he opens his robe and drops another one. And he pulls out some other weapons and spends the next sort of Jesus five minutes offloading sort of random daggers and there's uh oh my god, I may have been swung under the cloak so there's there's a small stack of weapons as he sort of stands there and just kind of looks at you in passively unable to make an attack. The one in front of you, Brian has seen this and saw shouts out football, for God's sake football. And he's going to make an attack against you.

Unknown Speaker  16:01  
Brom, and we'll get okay.

Snyder’s Return  16:04  
But rolling 11 modifiers. So, Mrs.

Aukan  16:08  
Roth Neko as it

Snyder’s Return  16:10  
is. That's all part of the that's part of the game part the the adventure

Unknown Speaker  16:16  

Aukan  16:19  
like, I want your pitches to die.

Revan  16:22  
I want something to happen. You don't get your own way. you own this town now.

Snyder’s Return  16:26  
Well, you might own the small section of town, but we'll get onto that in a second. Yeah, so the attack Mrs. hods. You have just watched this Coulter's just jog and come to a standstill and then at your feet you can just hear metal hitting the ground as this quarter seems to just be from your angle staring at Raven

Unknown Speaker  16:49  
usage, Jason. Oh,

Hod  16:52  
maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. I'm not gonna let this opportunity PMS tackle.

Revan  17:00  
Okay, bear in mind I think as soon as you hit him

Hod  17:05  
it was fine. Well, I roll the 10 so I think that misses him doesn't mean okay, I'm having a real run. I mean,

Revan  17:15  
I will shout Just for fun. Please don't hit him

and that's what put you off that's what we'll say.

Snyder’s Return  17:23  
All right, you doing anything else?

Hod  17:26  
Yeah, I'm gonna swing again. Oh my god.

Unknown Speaker  17:31  
Now come on, man.

Hod  17:32  
Oh, no, just that. I just do and go Oh, right. Okay. Yeah, sure. I wouldn't pay him a display off that just completely whiffed. We need one

Revan  17:43  
alive remember?

Hod  17:45  
We okay. Yeah, yeah, sure. Yeah. Cool. Don't go

Snyder’s Return  17:50  
from your angle Raven. You can just see flame lit saw disappear down just

Revan  17:56  
flailing? Yeah.

Snyder’s Return  17:58  
Or can you have decimated all in your path, you've sort of isolate where you are. You've got one guy that's paralysed just to your left. And Brian is is tangled and engaged with a cultist on his side. But other than that, you seem to be alone for want of a better description.

Aukan  18:19  
Got the low now? I am, I'm going to go for the one from be like I'm going to, I'm going to go from the one from behind. And I'm going to go attack the one that runs in the middle and try and bring me grid so don't attempt to chop his head off. Is he

Snyder’s Return  18:38  
moving into

Aukan  18:40  
at 21?

Snyder’s Return  18:42  
I was gonna say gavarnie. So if you want to go for a crit you can do but 21 delegates.

Aukan  18:48  
Let's give it a go. No, no. 21 was the one that hit Yeah. When one hits, damage.

Unknown Speaker  18:58  
So 10 damage.

Aukan  19:01  
But I'm also gonna go for the big, big damage on second and precision attack, which is a D eight. There is a

Snyder’s Return  19:11  
10 plus 616 points. You make a meaningful contact and it's swift and it's smooth, but you don't quite decapitator but there is now this cultist with sort of cloth hood suspended from the end of your great sword. Very much dead but very much sort of hanging there on your blade. About hardy boy finishing off. One of the end of your sword is dead. It's just being suspended by your sword.

Aukan  19:45  
So he is dead, so I thought he wasn't. No,

Snyder’s Return  19:49  
no, he's dead. He's definitely dead. You've cleaved into his neck, but the way that the sword has gone in it sort of the head and the neck have sort of sandwiched onto your blade is just kind of being held up by your great sword.

Hod  20:04  
Yeah, I can't say I'll come back to you right now. So I'm busy having a thing with Raven and

Revan  20:10  
we've got a thing going.

Aukan  20:12  
I'm going to hide on the shoulder and just carry him around ladies. All right.

Snyder’s Return  20:16  
All right, I was gonna make you do a strength check, but maybe we'll come back to that.

Unknown Speaker  20:21  

Snyder’s Return  20:22  
the target you were about to engage with is just been nearly decapitated and is being held aloft by war cannons. Great sword.

Bron  20:36  
Nice. Um, and then the last one is currently under revisions control, right?

Revan  20:43  
Yes, I kinda. It's not like infallible But

Bron  20:47  
well, he's the last one alive. And he we will delete one. So

Unknown Speaker  20:55  
yeah, may as well use Ellen.

Bron  20:59  
I'm going to walk towards Riven. I'm guessing i didn't i didn't see I called try and strike him and say that I just see hard with Rabanne. Yes, yeah, okay. Yeah, I see you go into control.

Revan  21:15  
I prefer it. If he was in cuffs, then we would definitely be under control. Just don't hurt him.

Bron  21:21  
I'm not sure if I've got anything hot. Do you have anything that couldn't? Go? I can. Oh, nice.

Revan  21:30  
Yeah, I think we should probably invest in something if this is going to be a common occurrence.

Hod  21:35  
Well, yeah, I mean, I've got rope Hampton Roads.

Bron  21:38  
Yeah, I've got it can use that. Yeah.

Revan  21:42  
Use enough of it.

Hod  21:43  
I mean, we're not aggressive, so you should be okay.

Revan  21:46  
Yeah, he knows it's the right thing. This is the right thing for you, isn't it? I guess I just stopped binding him. Hi, let's go.

Snyder’s Return  21:55  
who's who's tying the knot?

Hod  21:57  
out attempt to tie the knot. All right. Let's go

Unknown Speaker  21:59  
Come on. Boy. We'll do a nice roll. Well,

Snyder’s Return  22:05  
dexterity check.

Bron  22:06  
Oh, fantastic. Can I check while he's doing that?

Unknown Speaker  22:10  
How many

Revan  22:13  
nice definitely when it counted This is your point. your time to shine is the turning point of the whole evening

Snyder’s Return  22:21  
So Brian I'll get back to you in a second hot with your training over in Charlton your your time dealing with with other situations in your life you've learned to tie a knot or two It's not the first time you've had to detain a bear questioning indeed not quite when I was going over that but thank you. So you're able to spend a bit of time getting this coat has to comply you know, applying just just enough pressure to bring the the arms and the wrist together and you spend that time to bind Brom. Obviously you would you were trying to look for Well, obviously, we took the right flank,

Bron  22:55  
but has the rest of the fight finished.

Snyder’s Return  22:59  
Do a perception check 1919 you can see that Zod and his team and reinforcements that they've been been able to sort of signal and get from sort of headquarters have been able to push culture see the into a box for detainment or they killed them. And some have fled out of the city through the battle escaped or were unable to secure the Gator or him them in. But the initial threat seems to have gone on the left flank. And now in the process of meeting up with riesigen his team. And you can see that he is now looking over to the right flank and you sort of meet eye to eye and his expression isn't exactly joyful. Thank you for listening. If you'd like to learn more about the show, then go to WWW dot Snyder's Alternatively, you can find us over on Twitter. At Return Snyder, you have a link tree link in the description of this episode. And if you want to support us, come and join us over on Patreon. And we also have a Discord server. Please leave us a review because we'd love to learn how to improve the channel and provide better content alpha for those who are listening until we until we speak again. Thank you

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