Snyder’s Return

Fists, Fur and a Mountain of Trouble - Pt_17

Snyder's Return Season 2 Episode 20

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The Party clear their area but Captain Zodge has questions and, a familiar face makes an arrival from Hod's past.

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Adam 'Cosy' Powell



DM: Adam Powell

James Craddock - Hod_Half-Orc_Blood Hunter
Kern Lasocki - Bron Brickborn_Dwarf_Life Cleric of Helm
Nathan McKechnie - Revan_Half-Elf (Drow)_College of Eloquence Bard
Chris Rea - Aukan_Goliath_Battle Master Fighter

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Music: Epidemic Sound

Cover Art: Tim Cunningham -



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Guess I didn't I didn't I didn't see I called try and strike him or anything. I just see hard with rebound.


Yes. Yeah, okay. Yeah, he he goes on to control.


I prefer it if he was in cuffs then we would definitely be under control. Just don't hurt him.


I'm not sure if I've got anything


hot. Do you have anything that couldn't stay? Go? I can. Oh, nice.


Yeah, I


think we should probably invest in something if this is going to be a common occurrence.


Well, yeah, I mean, I've got rope hempen rope.


Yeah, I've got it can use that.


Yes. Use enough of it. I


mean, we're not aggressive. So you should be okay. Yeah, he knows is the right thing. This is the right thing for you, isn't it? Yes, I just stopped binding him.


Hi, let's class

Snyders Return:

who's who's tying the knot and I'll attempt to tie the knot. Alright, let's go. Come on.


Boy. We'll do a nice roll. Well,


dexterity check. Oh, fantastic.


Can I check while he's doing


that? How much money


nice definitely when it counted. This is your point. your time to shine is the turning point of the whole evening.

Snyders Return:

So Brian, I'll get back to you in a second hot with your training over in Charlton your your time dealing with with other situations in your life, you've learned to tie a knot or two. It's not the first time you've had to detail about questioning indeed, not quite where I was going with that, but thank you. So you're able to spend a bit of time getting this Coulter's to comply you know, applying just just enough pressure to bring the the arms and the wrists together and you spend that time to bind Bron what was it you were you were trying to look for?


Well, obviously we took the right flank but has the rest of the fight finished

Snyders Return:

do a perception check on me 1919 you can see that zadan his team and and reinforcements that they've been been able to sort of signal and and get from sort of headquarters have been able to push culture see they into a box for detainment or they killed them and some have fled out of the city through the battle escaped or were unable to secure the gates or him them in but the initial threat seems to have gone on the left flank are now in the process of meeting up with riesigen his team and you can see that he is now looking over to the right flank and you sort of meet it Why? And his expression isn't exactly joyful.


Or happy that we tend to believe like blind




Pay now.


I feel like fucking butter I beg to apologise


not even budget margerine um


we've got one detained right.


And yeah, I've come bound


for the moment. All we did was meet more more cultists in the alleyway on the way here.


Last week, we could tip them off about hell right now we'll leave that at the moment


we have promotions


no buy promotion was based about eight flying I think that sort of a bit a bit under jeopardy. I'll go speak to


you guys come with bring the pin Yes.


Yeah, we haven't done any of them. So I the weapon. I got this go weapons. We can just bombard him with all this stuff. And then I'm gonna cross

Snyders Return:

Right. As you move across you can see that the, your sort of Flaming Fist compatriots are sort of moving the cultists they have got the they've detained, some of them sort of heavily beaten some of them heavily bleeding but they're sort of moving them into a central sort of pen as it were to sort of keep an eye on them for for now while they sort of sort out everything else in the Fallout and as you make your way through a few of soldiers entourage or look you up and down one of them shouts over captains on so Captain but you're right flanks finally turned up and you can see the heads come back around to me your gaze as he strides over towards you run with purpose looking down at you oh shit you're in trouble where the fuck were you


brick on we go here as fast as we could we got tucked in the alleyway on the way on to the right flank there were more coldest

Snyders Return:

saying our lines were breached


most definitely

Snyders Return:

it's not good enough Brian I expected you there when I gave you the order


and I followed your code we got there as fast as we could

Snyders Return:

like you're not demoted What's this What have you brought me


well we've got one detained and under control I not only that I have the evidence of that said each of your lines


pull out the skull weapons both of them and hand them to Brian.

Snyders Return:

Ron as you take them you get that same cold feel an inside you that sense of of that that more evil that that repressed angry side of us or starts to well up once you sort of hold on to these two flavours as we even hands them to you


kind of grit my teeth feeling the anger kind of build up but then kind of like restrain it and be like, Captain you know I wouldn't jeopardise any kind of operation. We got there as fast as we could. And this is the men these are the weapons the menu. Take a hold of one yourself. There's things that please hear

Snyders Return:

something bigger. Don't need your trinkets, brick ball, put them with the others.


And that I'm gonna walk up the woods Arjun cane square up against them as well.

Snyders Return:

Your place brick one take charge of this, man. Yeah.


Yeah, the officer. I know man. I saw this one. Okay.


I appreciate it. The man asked us to slay. We slayed. I chopped off hands. I could throats and he looks at us and mocks us. If he wasn't so incapable of holding his own lines, then surely he would not need ours. yet. Not only did we defeat cultists in the alleyway, but we reinforced him from the back and destroyed the lines. He was unable to keep up. So Who does he think he is to start there? and Marcus, when he should be thanking us for the help that we give him.

Snyders Return:

Goliath help you hold your tongue or I'll have you arrested as a sympathiser,


no scarf.


I think there's plenty men, no danger, Kevin. That would probably argue that they've seen what we've achieved here. We wouldn't turn up late and still do what we did. Were to


undermine you. And I'm just going to get the call su still attached to me blade. And I'm just going to fling it over. And he's just going to slip on the floor of

Snyders Return:

the house for the streets to be tightened off and tidy our own mess. And as he's finished saying this, you hear a different set of steps coming up behind him. And looking past him. You see a different entourage. And the words that end to the air was with some authority is a female voice. That's enough zobacz you will stand down and it takes a second for him to realise and


as a group.

Snyders Return:

Everybody's on turns to see this approaching. Group on this this lady this female that striding forward with purpose. You've done what is needed for the city of Catan to take your men return to headquarters. That isn't order. Ah yes, Commander fort. I wasn't expecting you in the city for another another couple of days. Yes, I've accelerated my timeline. And I see I have a familiar face I need to talk to. You are dismissed discharge, you and your team shall return to the headquarters. And George very sheepishly looks at her. And looks back at you, Ron. And you can see through the gritted teeth, he's like, I'm fucking warning you breath born. And so it starts to back off. Come on, guys. And his group, slowly filter through this new group on the what was sort of made up the left flank. I'll do a history check for me.




hmm. That's a history.


Mm hmm. History.

Snyders Return:

You immediately, even before you turn to see you recognise the voice, s and the footsteps and the footsteps and the countenance as commander Porter, your former commander over in child support, fought Boolean strides along this main road of boulders gate.


I don't say a word. I just

Snyders Return:

have Tennant heart. I hadn't realised you'd reenlisted.


Yeah, yeah. Funny. Funny that isn't it? Yeah, we're gonna need to have a talk about me.

Snyders Return:

Well, my moment, she turns to her entourage. I need all the reports from the left hand side of like, disperse and give me those orders. I expect two reports within the hour. Yes, commander and they immediately start disappearing off and you can see sort of medic teams start to come and a few others are starting to put the detainees into like a chain gang line to head back to the the headquarters in the prison there. And she approaches you as a group. And rather than speaking to you when she looks at you brawn first she's like, I will take your report first left.


We are given orders by Kevin zij. To help them on the right flank or movement on the cultist made their way through an alley we came across an account of four occultist holding weaponry that seems to be tainted by some kind of darkness. We've had that as evidence if you need that. We followed through around here and when we heard the the ruckus and then to control of the right flank, eliminating up to 12 enemy. And then anyone

Snyders Return:

that's good work or all your men, all your team accounted for.


Yes. And I can vouch for this man, these guys have done really well.

Snyders Return:

I am well aware of the capabilities of one of your number and she gives a pointed look across to you hard and just hold that gaze for a moment. As I look back, tell me left hander brigman are your main capable of a more pressing matter?


very capable. Are you capable to sing these take out 12 we are.

Snyders Return:

That's the confidence I need captain. Well done on your promotion. I need you to assist me directly. Do you understand why I'm in the city?


Is it possible to do LTL elevators

Snyders Return:

to a lesser extent it's more to do with our our commander or the raven guard. His absences destabilised the region. My father, the Duke Porter has recalled me to take charge of the Flaming Fist in his in the absence of our usual chain of command. If you and your team are up to it, I need to know what has happened in our URL. whatever information you can get from here in the city, and then whatever information you can get me from El terell itself. I need to know what has happened to order Raven guard. Do you think you're up to that captain?


I think so. Yeah.

Snyders Return:

I need confirmation. I can't send you out half assed, I can find 10 other teams including that fuckwad zarges. To do things half assed, I need your word that you are able to do this. We can do this.


If you want we can hit deltaville almost immediately.

Snyders Return:

What information you can in the city? First, I'm sure there's more leads here than than we're aware of any information you can provide is to be sent to me directly through a messenger or other means.


Will you be setting camp up at the Fort?

Snyders Return:

I will move into the fourth. Initially, I brought my ship is landing a couple of days, I had to take a favour to get here sooner, and it's a good thing I did. So I will be raining in Zagreb and the other captains initially. But that's why I need you to get a headway on this. So we don't lose time. I understand that.


And I'm just going to kind of look


and Do we have time to tie up some loose ends. I know we have a couple of things that we need to still wrap up. Yes, I would feel more comfortable in a couple days. I look towards the youth boy and kind of give them a little sly wink.


I gave him a very small bow.

Snyders Return:

Your desire to further the investigation within the city before heading to outer l how you achieve that in what manner you choose to do so is not down to me. I'm not here to micromanage you I'm here to empower you. And you are to set about this task Do you understand I


understand commander,

Snyders Return:

I will ensure that your services will be compensated and anything within reason you need from headquarters and I will try and acquire for you. I warning you brick on Captain brick born left hand and hard do not cross me.


What about us lowly? Do we get a promotion if you're having them out left right and centre.

Snyders Return:

I'm sure there are other ways you can be compensated and rewarded if you wish to take on a full pays employment with the Flaming Fist and then we can talk more about advancements.


Okay to hold up my badge and unlike as long as I get to shine your badge, count me in I

Snyders Return:

will find your uniform to fit your impressive frame stop by headquarters within the 10 day and we will have provisions provided for you. And I get a little wink, Captain Lieutenant I need to carry on with business here and get this shithole tidy up and I trust you have this in hand


we have an ad

Snyders Return:

carry on and she spins on a heel with all the precision you would expect from a commander and strides off I don't know it in any other movie we'll be into the sunset but with the power and her little entourage that's left have not been tasked for sorting things out and move off back through the city away from the battle escape leaving you


with just your company it was the turn of events


looks like we're missing we missed popular around here oh my well if we're gonna be going anywhere we do need to tie up some loose ends around here like nine fingers well yeah because I'll have no fingers if I don't


oh yeah you will deal with that pool we go well


I had problems was oh he was nine fingers


um okay so we need to go to nobles house and then you guys just need to create distraction and I may need may need to find something up there


Oh, did you sparge away in Telemundo official leaving this business combusting the good I don't


think the flaming face of that much jurisdiction in the upper town it's more of the watches area


he's right.


We don't have a real good run at you know famous Yeah. Pretty good towns. As you can tell Zod is already hates us imagine if he got wind that we were up there causing trouble.


What about the NTSC motion? Yeah, I think we take some outfits of the watchman or whatever you call them.


I think the best bet is to go in assuming and then if anything kicks off don't reference any part of the Flaming Fist. pretend we're like a bunch of bandits or something and then get out.


How are people meant to know me then? Maybe clueless


just how they always do.


And we do we get our own division wing or we The Flaming Fist isn't really a


No, no. Have you signed anything? No, you haven't. Don't sign anything nourish your hand up. These guys. Take a notice from angry people commanders are just telling you to leave town at a moment's notice. Well, I didn't agree to it. I don't think you got a choice. I do. I don't think any of us have a choice. You do. Okay, a choice that I am going to outlive for very long,


though. We heard


that we've got to find information in the city first. We don't really have any full understanding of what is going on. with Amanda get back here. deservedly. Something big is happening. Well, this is the cultists


I think we should probably discuss this around a warm meal and a cold beer.


We'll go in for a pint go in for a pint. It's been a long ass day. What would you suggest but I see my


cheese places


else a lot.


hellsten elf some


old song anyone think?


Yep, song seems to ring a bell?


Sounds good to me.


Hi, Tom. Flaming fish guys. No, I guess


I'm no good. I come out and say that my new group


falls out of




Have you ever been fisted? Well? No.


I'm not having that as a catchphrase. Don't


know, though.

Snyders Return:

Thanks for listening. If you'd like to learn more about the show, then go to WWW dot Snyder's Alternatively, you can find us over on Twitter. At Return Snyder, you have a link tree link in the description of this episode. And if you want to support us, come and join us over on Patreon. And we also have a Discord server. Please leave us a review because we'd love to learn how to improve the channel and provide better content alpha for those who are listening until we until we speak again. Thank you

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