Snyder’s Return

Fists, Fur and a Mountain of Trouble - Pt_18

Snyder's Return Season 2 Episode 21

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With Captain Zodge leaving with his tail between his legs, Hod decides to take some time to mull over recent events. The rest of the Party look to close out some other business and head to Baldur's Gate - Upper City in search of food, a wash and resolution.

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Adam 'Cosy' Powell



DM: Adam Powell

James Craddock - Hod_Half-Orc_Blood Hunter
Kern Lasocki - Bron Brickborn_Dwarf_Life Cleric of Helm
Nathan McKechnie - Revan_Half-Elf (Drow)_College of Eloquence Bard
Chris Rea - Aukan_Goliath_Battle Master Fighter

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Music: Epidemic Sound

Cover Art: Tim Cunningham -



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Snyders Return:

All right, well, since you guys had just received instructions from the commander Porter, to investigate what's happening and try and find out what happened to all the raven guard, you're given a timeframe of you know about week to sort your your lives out before you needed to go to outer outer to sort of investigate what was going on



Snyders Return:

having had a weird kind of moment, Commander Porter has sort of taken himself off to one side and has agreed that he will wait for you guys in the elf song tavern. were rare the female combatant you guys rescue before I said she had a room. So he has gone to sort of monitor the situation there and take himself away from other sections of the Flaming Fist, including his former commander, Lady Porter, which sort of dumped you pretty much where you were which is close to the battle this gate on these or northeast side of the the city. Sort of loitering with intent. zarges men have already started leaving the guys away the bodies have been dragged to the more trees and the hospitals and wherever else they did seem to deem fit to clean up and dispose of such things. The items you guys dropped off with Captain Zod that he sort of turned his nose up at quando Porter's taking interest in her team has taken those items and seem to be heading back around the city in the sort of general direction of headquarters. But you can't be 100% sure, because they're often unknown. So what do you guys want to do?


Before we start, I'm going to pick up one of the dead people off the floor and just kind of clean the grid off the clouds. There's lots of blood on it.


You know, you have to maintain your weapon.


I'm literally gonna turn my face up in disgust at this.


And I'm just gonna have a big cheesy grin on my face. Bye. Machu Picchu.


We're so proud of


Luke boy did nothing.


Yeah, there's more to life than killing everything.




You're saying that to a fight? Yeah. I don't know. I


mean, you don't always have to be a fighter pilot as well.


How close is how close are you boy? To me,

Snyders Return:

I'm short 510 feet each other. I'm gonna walk over


and lift the hand up and smack them on the ice and see. Look boy, don't we have something that we need to get done for you? wink wink.


I mean if you want me to find you a fine gentlemen of the night, I can find you one.


And I'm sure you got approach.


I mean, I've got some personal business to be taken care of. Yeah.


Shall I go get old personal and get your business done? And if you promise not to kill anyone.


I'm sure


if we can help you we might as well do that. We told the hell right there to go back to the inn or not right? not mistaken. She should be staying there.




I then take a quick detour down the under seller now I know I don't know how much the flame is lit there's no of them seller but just try and keep your


eye who you work for quiet.


When we get down that brownouts, okay,

Snyders Return:

I'll change change my clothes. I wonder did that


feel like I already did that when we went into the topic before then I say that I was going to remove my tabard and stuff I can't remember. I have


to save that now. Honestly, I'll say I've done it now.

Snyders Return:

yeah you've got time to sort of quick changes the world needs or by us just having this conversation so there's you know people are milling about it's not a needed industry you just saw something on your clothing


I'm gonna change my change my clothes to something just dark muted colours. How late is it? Because that's a fair point.

Snyders Return:

Yeah it's when to see run in the hospital went and spoke to soldiers assistant with told of his general location got through the city probably took you maybe an hour so it's only about lunchtime, really? Because you after your hospital visit, and soldiers assistant, you came around you had you rescued Raya briefly spoke to her but that sort of delayed your arrival at the Battle escape on the right flank, which then in turn brought you the ire of Captain zadan and his cronies so it's it's probably pushing towards midday it's it's still early really.


I feel like we missed as well. Just to regain me to regain my strength. I would


like to the go back to the end, I think.


Yeah, I don't think broad daylight is the best time to go to the answer will go in times a bit


darker. Did they did we did develop the bodies to be fine. Any items that were useful.

Snyders Return:

You found a collection of daggers and a couple of more of those or flails, but the strange sort of energy running through them. Some copper and silver, there wasn't much really that each of them had it was just a mass rush of salt, the mixture of the cultists from from the dead three that was or pushing into the battle escape. This wasn't some sort of high powered adventuring party or something like that. You haven't sort of liberate one of the patriarchs of the upper city or anything like that. They were just people with enough change to you know, buy a bit of food before they carried on their twisted mission as it were. And we're


gonna let it go. Smack right in the parking. Well, at least you're promoted. Does that mean we're captains too?


If you want to be a captain, I think you'd have to serve a little bit more time to keep up the way that you've been doing? No, see no problem with that.


See a problem with it. Guys. Do you get any money?


I believe I do. Yes.


Ah, so bad. We get buddy.


I don't think you heard him. Isn't my big towering friend. can't just take her money because you want it. Okay, Woody. Well, that's my x and I don't want it you start killing people around here.


And I just give him the great sword and he can't like carry it because he's so weak. There you go loot boy.


I mean, I'm taking this and selling it.


Give it back


now. Anyway,

Snyders Return:

Ron, and we're even thinking about sort of the underselling of Brian, you will be aware of it though not necessarily ofay. With with all of it. Raven, you would have an idea of how to get in a knowing that the best entrances are in the upper city, you also know that they shut and remove visitors, shall we say from the upper city at a certain time of night. Remember when you were round in the in a restaurant that you managed to trash just in one night that the citizens left at a particular time to get up into the city. So you'd either need to get in and somehow stay there after dark brown you can do that with your Flaming Fist sort of drinking house common house up there weavin you probably know places to hide. But if you go in broad daylight, you know, pay your way through the gates and then you're sort of free to roam until nightfall comes so that's that's the sort of stuff you guys would know having lived in the city. Okay. Or the link to any of the networks that I used to work with as well, obviously, and I've got access to like save houses for like the under see and so how do I know any information about it? Most of your connections are spread across the lowest city. So from round by the sea tower where that Safe House was all the way around too close to where you are now in the Brampton district which is sort of the the easternmost district within the city walls you will be able to find somewhere safe as for the opposite of you may have to pull a few more strings


look boy do we need some form of disguise


I think as long as you don't make trouble which should be fine okay, I'm looking at you.


You should I take the


know what trouble is?


What batch my favourite dish?


I talked to Brahma that I mean you could potentially I don't know what


what your


situation is up in the upper city brown but I'm guessing you're okay to wear your Flaming Fist of


what we're going Hi. I think what I'll do is I'll take it off. So no matter where we do if you need to move fast if you find any information then that means I'm no pussyfooting about getting changed.


Okay, so I


mean I've been at it for a while and he's a bit of a wash. Maybe go to the blushing made oska genta she can maybe wash it photos


should wash more than that for me. Is


what I'm talking about. I should just like full sets of clothes. You know? Right? Right. Okay. My What did you think he was on a boat? legally?


I mean, you know damn well what I was thinking.


Right? Okay,


so go to Goliath.


No, I watched I watched in the ocean the other day.


Okay, I'm not comfortable taking you up to the upper city. If you think that's acceptable.


You're going for a shower young man. If you pass in the house does the ball that he blew up? Well,


it's not Wi


Fi. Yeah, I do think you're the only one that kind of jumped out the window. Just save your life. I mean, my life wasn't really saved. It was still bad


that's true. Alright, so we go into the blood


pressure the efforts have gone wrong all right. I mean it looks really dramatic.


Oh big time. And I'm just gonna walk off and go look for some meat to eat and have a little bit of a rest the rest

Snyders Return:

All right, well, do me a


some food at the at the blush and mermaid if you're that hungry. We're not savages.


And I'm already eat like some dead chicken that's fell on the floor. Like a brownie


and dismay, right? He's not been here for too long. The last several years. Plus Look at the size of him. No wonder his food.


I just don't understand it.


On the way the blushing mermaid is the original bar elf song tavern. That's right. Okay, the smiling boar is where death is from


the Alison's further away from the upper city. So


it's only on the upper say. No,

Snyders Return:

no, the The song is close to where you are now.


I is the one. Yes. We were in the east side of the sea. Yeah.


Yeah. I think Brian was that I think he wanted to be let in abroad. Oh, I think he wanted to be left alone. Hi, all right.


Well, we'll head off, maybe maybe you know, a nice place to settle down for an hour or two olvia grab some scren help the upper say.


We might as well go up to the upper city and get everything sorted out. We just got to pay a small fee. So if you just you get to the gates, do the talking bad through fine tavin sort out everything. And then we'll go and do the business. We've got to take care of


I might actually be able to


on AI although you can also pass through the gates without question. Although you can bring guests into the city as a member of the watch my so I can get through. But you have to pay the money, but they shouldn't bother us. So as you all do is I'll keep on my uniform to pass through the gates into the upper city.


sidewalk on your new badge can't come to some use. And others like reached out to me punts. And I've like put them in the underpants and I pulled me pulled me Crespo. Just stick it on the chest. Oh, it'll do with the


I should probably watch that as well. Right. Let's go

Snyders Return:

ahead. As you guys start making your way through the city Westwood, you leave the battle escape and all that trouble. They're behind. Taking a detour not away from the song but you don't necessarily swing past realising that HUD was looking for some time. But you do sort of keep on wondering, you pass a couple of more notable stores, there's hustle and bustle, there's traders, there's sort of the old pack of children of various races sort of mucking about and playing together playing street games running from for the stores and parents and just, you know, the general life of the city, there's trade, there's carts and things heading in your direction, there's what seems to be sort of other traders moving down through other streets to sort of find their pitches or find new trade. As the new ships come in, especially if commander Porter's ship is coming from China, that's, you know, fresh blood in the city effectively. So people are going to sort of venture down there to see what's going on. So you sort of move through the hustle and bustle of the city, and make your way round through the districts from the east Ray district where you are now to heap side. And as you come around, you sort of pass the blushing mermaid and you're given Raven Brown, you would know you could either go through heap gate, or you could go around to the more iconic battle boulders gate to enter into the city just by the wide the big market, knowing that each gate has the watch station on it to control access to a certain extent.


I mean, is there any difference in like, are we more likely to get through the begawan? Because is busier or is they mature equally? The same sort of chance?

Snyders Return:

Same sort of chance really at this time of the day the gates are open most town citizens or cities citizens who aren't sort of the sort of the patriarch level are funnelled through borders gates but with your badges of the watch you're given and brand new and know this you'd be given a bit more flexibility with your access to the upper city. Yeah.


Around which one you recommend.


I mean our stance on both so


I hate going up here I haven't got a preference


either or


even we may not get questioned but we may get may get stopped and asked for tokens I guess.


I don't really mind.


Okay, well, uh, what I know of any sort of Tavern near like in the upper city or any place that like people like us would be welcome because we just want to go and get some food or like is it more is it better to stay in the lowest that you get food and then

Snyders Return:

travel up you you would no reason in your time with you on your dalliance, as it were with the lady of house ruin. And just you know, plying your trade as you do in all all areas of the city that the harbour is bakery is sort of the best in the city. And you can easily get to it sort of entering and you know, the wide this time of day is a thriving market. They don't tend to allow musicians which is why you haven't played there often. But it's a thriving market place for everything from sort of, you know, house where home where pottery, clothes, food stores, it spices and all that sort of stuff that sort of comes from trade ships off the river, and also down from sort of places like water deep Neverwinter and Luskin estates not been sailed around. So for food and depending on Yeah,


well, those things we're looking for stuff to wash clothes as well. So fill it well, I feel like because the nobility will probably do that at their home.

Snyders Return:

But there's still places with your badges and the 330, kegs, the


Flaming Fist sort of

Snyders Return:

club as it were, run by some some old members of the Flaming Fist. I would welcome you with no you have proper badges I would and have sore washing facilities and stuff like that.


Oh, is that the three old goats are

Snyders Return:

the three old totes that run this asset? Yeah.


Yeah, we should go there. If we go by just should be easily able to


at least we got a direction I don't want to just end up wandering around around this the streets because we're probably gonna ask questions what we're doing here


okay so we just got up there for social that's why he's no go yep let's go

Snyders Return:

alright so which gate are you going through the heat gate?


Yeah this is the closest one if we get rejected we go to the other one


Camry is walking all the way around yeah I found

Snyders Return:

I just as you guys sort of approach you can see the watch seems to be sort of as a few less addressed individuals approached the gate you can see the watch us off asking them generally to carry on round to the borders gates it's more suited and you can hear them asking each person that approaches whether it's a trader, a commoner Knights or other adventures that you you will be able to identify through the crowd and you can hear them asking for five copper, five copper and each time they take the coin it's put into a pouch right a collection and then that person is allowed into the city. You do notice a few others and that seemed to be sort of courtiers of some of the more noble houses seem to sort of quick flash a document and then carry on through and as you guys approached the to sort of members of the watch there are you up and one of them says


five copper please lads as audibly gasp Oh, could you we are captains of the Flaming Fist.

Snyders Return:

We looked you up and down looking at your badge and says key pointing it for nodding towards you brown he is a captain of the Flaming Fist.


We just got promoted I bashed gold we get promoted

Snyders Return:

yes Captain Your Honour even Are you foot soldier here seems to have misunderstood the arrangement between the watch and the Flaming Fist I


ride Don't mind me he's new. He's an enthusiastic lot


I like the big axes I


still also quite new to turn I'm just going to hand the 15 copper over and be like how's it been recently? How's the watch been handling with stuff you guys been having trouble with the cultists

Snyders Return:

having we've been able to turn most of the bad elements away we've you know quite well police with with your support of course but they're slipping through the slipping through we haven't had the problems we've heard down at the at the other gates mainly towards the east of the city but I think it's only a matter of time before the mass on sort of following up here and I think then we'll be in trouble but


alkyl I we've been


just had the quite a big problem with a gathering of them down in the last set a good few maybe even 20 or more set the deal with them. But it's with dissolve edge and other than going to spill on the ground then just be like we helped them fucking


could have gone a lot worse.

Snyders Return:

As you spill on the ground after seeing Zod you can sort of see one of them the other one that's not really engaged you sort of gently kicking mud towards where you spat. And the other one sort of smirks at his colleague and they're like well you know the markets answer you guys should come in and unwind a little bit


you know, it's

Snyders Return:

open gates, you know, the rules are done. I


give that one that kick the mud and inside check.


Yeah, demo inside check. Oh, wow. Nine, nine

Snyders Return:

from the way he saw kick there, it's more of a sort of scuff of the foot the general direction it seems to be more in support of your action than the now Okay, okay. against it is you know, it's all muddying the name that that you've spat on the fabric. But yeah, it's sort of a quick shuffle of the foot. Yeah, some dirt towards it and then carries on so the other one that was sort of engaging you while you're casting your over this other fellows Oh, yeah. Good shows inside. I mean, there's there's plenty going on the markets on you know how reaches selling the all the beautiful patisserie up there in the bakery together time before the next watch. Definitely need to get up there guys. What was the name of the bakery? Sorry? the harbour ease


higher greys harbour is a copies


office in the mountains as a hoppy, isn't he?


No, no, it's it's hot breeze


like the wind. Okay, we'll


just take you more and you'll see what what what is called Hi.


If you're hungry to get used to meet with him also check out the bakery. And I think you lots


watch a blast. And next time salute your captain, I


don't expect that

Snyders Return:

we work for the watch, we don't work for the flame assist.


I am the captain of the lightning fist.


I mean, I don't know who you're trying to convince here.


One day, okay, one day and just a day,

Snyders Return:

as you guys file through, you can see that sort of the two guys, two members of the watch kind of give each other a bit of a side eye and sort of shake their heads and then turn to the next people and then you can hear the next person you know talk next processions of you know five copper and that they train of those they allowed through this game continues in a sort of reasonably steady stream happy personality nice food and roll a perception check reset


at 10 10th

Snyders Return:

I can't pick out exactly what spices there are or or fragrance and things like that. But the the breeze that sort of whips around this nicer part of the city even beyond the war, there seems to be a change of scent and smell the the market and the spices from distant shores. distant shore shop sort of walks around and it's sort of entertained your nostrils as you move on through and into the upper part of the city. Everyone seems to be well dressed to suit to bees or members of the watch or posted in frequent areas. And you can see as you sort of start to move into the sort of the centre of this area where the wide is that reason you would know probably better than anybody sort of accompanying a few of the patriarchs of the opera houses so now you're into the upper city. What would you like to


do? I want to see the harpies


we will go to the harm breeze bakery first because obviously big man overhead can think about anything but of stomach right now. Then once we've made a slight dent in it we'll get you some clothes and then do the task that we were here for


that sound good all calm


and I'm just like holding me stuck


okay let's get this guy off some food maybe he'll it'll be less it'd be more rational

Snyders Return:

you walking through the market are you walking just through the city streets full go through the market I'll save anything. Capital captures me I


will do a perception check. I Oh, here we go. As my perception Okay, so that is just a seven just a

Snyders Return:

seven just to seven it's it's overwhelming. You're making sure the other two don't wander off Yeah, then you you know the sort of place you're not really taking too much attention of any one thing. You can see you know various vendors coming in there's an army of people setting up sort of scan about you quickly pointed out things like others a fortune tellers, even open spies you look around there's a you know some guys or playing three card Monte kind of thing going on. There's fish and furs, perfumes and Lowe's or luxury items that you know have definitely not come from this city may have one of the people you are aware to look out for is a big human. You were known as the bailiff of the wide. He had moved you on from time to time, but you can't see him. He's lost in the crowd. He's just one of those other faces you need to be aware of. But he left off the wide Bailiff of the white. So the white is the market the bigger Oh Okay, he's the Bayless,


the name of your mother.


And don't even mention my mother like that. You can woman,


I didn't


say, our locations now,


we're gonna get some food.

Snyders Return:

So as you're guiding the other two through, you make your way off and start heading to the sort of the, the northern edge and make your way in. See, there's actually a bit of a bit of a queue leading towards the Harvey's bakery. And you can see people chatting, it's very much sort of French, that Parisian style sort of cafe patisserie, bakery kind of thing going on, there's tables outside, there's yawning, it's the smell coming out is is cinnamon and sugary, and flour, and it makes your mouth salivate. And you can smell the spices that have gone on, gone into it, and you especially or even a brand or can you, you're starting to pick up the sense that a few of the clothing worn by some of the patrons in sitting down having their patisseries and coffees and things are quite well to do if not very well to do being in your location.


And when I pull up my Flaming Fist bird, excuse me, Tuesday, and they start gently pushing, blooming fish carp can business please excuse me, and I'm going to try and get into, as I say, I say as well. I see words constantly.


God make a ruckus in here,

Snyders Return:

at least sort of two or three of these or more well to do Who? Like Ellen? Ellen, this simply won't do and one of them is quite so quite so there was a queue. There was a queue


Yes. And the people who queue other people who aren't on it on a formal investigation of all cakes at the bakeries in the opera city. And then a flashy barge right in his face loop. Flaming Fist Capitan.

Snyders Return:

He takes a moment and pauses and says, Don't do who ranks. But this is not the conduct of anyone in the opposite.


I'm glad you're very aware. I'm not running up a city. But, but I am the captain of leaving your stuff my comrades here.


I'm a I'm gonna go. All kind of just whispered in his ear. Like, Listen, man, you're gonna get kicked out if you keep making a ruckus like this. Okay, these people can just in a single word. Get us kicked out. I don't have any I don't care about the Flaming Fist up here. And I just looked at


food. I mean, we'll get your food.


We just got to play ball up here.


And then that needs to be quiet.


I will look to the to the the posh people like my apologies, gentlemen. He's new here. He's very enthusiastic, strong

Snyders Return:

and strong. Get some brothers or reserved looks as the signer now suss you out. And also sort of looking towards the third member of your party and trying to work out quite what's going on. And then this sort of almost turned back into line away from you, you know, completely disregarding you the sort of the cold shoulder treatment.


But why are they in front of us? in the queue? Yeah. Okay. I'm just gonna whisper to the guy in front of like, I mean, the reason why we're here is we're just investigating the rat problem that this this bakery has

Snyders Return:

problem and he says, you keep your voice down. I'm not. I will not. Ellen. Oh Ha breeze, Ellen. Ellen. He calls out and you see this sort of pump. Sort of statured redheaded lady come out. And she's like, what, what's going on here? What's going on? I run this fine establishment who's causing this ruckus.


And that is, boy.


I mean, I was just trying to get closer in the queue. I didn't realise it. That's good. That's much.

Snyders Return:

You. I've seen you before.


I my lady and I take her hand and I kiss it.

Snyders Return:

As you kiss the back of her hand. You get flour around yourself around your mouth.


I quickly Look it up, go. Charming. Sorry, my lady. We didn't mean to cause a ruckus. We just heard of your fine establishment Baker making good

Snyders Return:

and we wanted to try to renew harpies and the man whispered to says, Well, apparently there are


rats. Wait a second. Just this. So we're at the bakery. And we've just the most, and we've just pissed off. Yeah. Oh god. Yeah.


Oh god. Someone


I mean, I don't I yeah, I mean, I was just trying to get him out of the queue.


Right. I'm gonna walk you




got him? again. Told us best friend.

Snyders Return:

Well, I'm I was waiting outside. So when I hear this now, where are they now like a crate, you're still in the queue going into the bakery. So you're not even inside yet. You're just queuing up to go into the bakery auctions or forces way past a few people. Of course, a ruckus then reasoners sidled up to one of these more well to do looking patrons and told him there is a rat problem. Okay, I'm gonna owner straight out.


Okay, I'm gonna go up to all con. a while. So at first I was, oh, excuse me, excuse me, um, just give us a moment. I'm just going to pull all kind of down and be like, Listen, there's money here. We don't want to just go wandering in and testing people off their people here that can make our lives hell. And I don't just mean with the lack of food. Now, we're going to do is that we're going to say that you think that rats are a good thing. And that they are a tape of bakery.


Produce use from your tribe, have some kind of Patric thing, and then I just bought out. I


do Bradshaw too, which is my drive. It's the tasty. That's why I came for the best rats in the land.


And then I'm going to turn to the owner. Like, I think that has been a great misunderstanding here. And I apologise for my man. He's not from here, rats, where he's from our lovely type of ps3 that they are the Goliath tribes. And then we'll look to the the opposite a civilian and like, he must have just thought that you didn't know and you look like a well educated man. I think he it must have just misunderstood and he's new to the Flaming Fist as well. He only just got it today. I think he doesn't really know what the jurisdiction of eyes I apologise for that. And I will talk to the owner again is like, ah, deepest apologies mode of deception check.


Who both of us just we'll go with Brahma to start with 14 birds, no birds.

Snyders Return:

You can see that the word turned out patron sore eyes you sideways, not really sure what to make, sort of trying to gauge the Goliath and your words, and he's he can see your badge Bron. He's sort of a little bit confused. I don't harbour is the redheaded owner looks at you and says, Well, I will not have this talk around my establishment. I would appreciate you maybe coming back later, when it has calmed down a little bit. Maybe you should see food and your rat in the why'd


you have one little cake.


And if you give us one cake, then we won't be coming back.


No more days. We'll come back later. I think that offer alone isn't great. We thank you for your time. I hope we will find another establishment

Snyders Return:

Good day, good day.


And she turns America pull off onto the street and like listen, like you can just go up to places like that, but like out of earshot of this, not just like directly outside and be like, Look,


I you know switched on lat


I was um, you know, they're stupid. Right? I think just be on your toes. This is a place that you're not there. Well, I thought it is. It's a place they you just need to try and fit in. This is a place where the people believe that they own their right to be especially in the upper city. And I was just trying to make not make too much of an impression. Because you never know how people are going to react.


Stand up straight let's fix my posture, but I shall be the best Goliath posh bird in the world, even though like I still got my stinking claws from from jumping in the river Can I hate?


I can I'm going to then cast dramaturgy on him. I think give him like the like, clean him up see me prestidigitation. Oh, yeah, is that loud noises isn't it oh I got the wrong one


that the sleep on it you can


Can't you


boom was the pub


and I thought I had that. I think you think I've got pressed pressed pressed


to judicial goods no pigeons tations pigeon celebration pigeon boy next time can you be a little bit more discreet? Need a massive scene there? I had a dumb he thought I was a captain gold so they had to just think it and get my badge.


And then I'm gonna head off to the three old kegs.

Snyders Return:

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