Snyder’s Return

Fists, Fur and a Mountain of Trouble - Pt_19

October 29, 2020 Snyder's Return Season 2 Episode 22

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The Party, now in Baldur's Gate - Upper City, split for a while as Bron and Aukan go 'shopping' and Revan descends into the Undercellar looking for items needed to keep Nine-Fingers Keene off his back.

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Adam 'Cosy' Powell



DM: Adam Powell

James Craddock - Hod_Half-Orc_Blood Hunter
Kern Lasocki - Bron Brickborn_Dwarf_Life Cleric of Helm
Nathan McKechnie - Revan_Half-Elf (Drow)_College of Eloquence Bard
Chris Rea - Aukan_Goliath_Battle Master Fighter

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Music: Epidemic Sound

Cover Art: Tim Cunningham -



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And then I'm gonna head off to the three old kegs is that is that that isn't the opposite Yeah,

Snyders Return:

yes. You have to cross the wide or sort of circumvent the wide round the sort of the top edge but you'd know exactly where to go


so well actually 11 so I'm thinking that your cakes but as a place where flaming Fest in our military are welcome you're wanting more of a discreet place do you know of any ins nearby the Navy the three oatcakes? Isn't a suitable more suitable than deal three cake to be welcomed reveal able to get food and drink and maybe a place to stay but


I mean, we only need food and drink at a place I mean as long as as long as I don't mind me being there. We should be good. We should be fine.


Get a Flaming Fist you've got ambled it'd be fine


i mean i'm with you. That's all that matters. I'm going to use this that's just go get done for we lose


the light. Can we have a walk in montage as we walk through the city?


I'm just trying to be as discreet as possible there are many people that have the heads up Yeah.

Snyders Return:

In the opposite it's it's a lot more it's about showing those that have it will be showing their wealth there are those that would have their hoods up but tall curtains with the middle of the market may draw more attention if you want to use the alleyways and things that I didn't start was to avoid detection by the watch


I just I don't want to just I just want to not cause that much of a scene as walking by but I will change my cloak to the latest fashion try and blend in a little bit more my cloak of many fashions

Snyders Return:

and what have a man of many fashions would you like your latest book to look


like just something that has like I don't know like a a kind of a like a bright ish like top part to it so make it looked like it's made of like fine material not massively like in your face but like I glance it looks like I am of the you know the northern the upper part of the city look it looks like a finely made

Snyders Return:

cloak nonce so


every time you start paying attention


I mean this is exactly why we don't want to bring you up here see bully

Snyders Return:

bad bad guy. So reason I'm Brian Moore you even you would know of more accesses but Brian through speaking with your colleagues in the Flaming Fist you would have heard of access to the undersell it's, it's well known that you have the Flaming Fist don't tend to frequent there for one reason or another. But you are aware that certain places just off the wide and


for those are

Snyders Return:

great deception are able to even gain access, say under a stall or any sort of paste type weight, you know, called the drain cover slide under while your distortion is operate and all that kind of stuff. So even you would know how to access the why the under seller day or night from where you are in the city.


Okay, wonderful. We'll um I think we're gonna get some food first. So all comes close. Quickly.


Hi. On the way to the end, we can pull a Nebojsa store, sort of the amount of Flaming Fist knows what presents himself even if it's not with emblems.


I mean, he says that


he says it enough There's a big lot i don't know any dealers, I'd be able to fit them. Not very quickly. I have awfully small street.

Snyders Return:

You would you would know that the three old kids would probably have spare uniform. I'm


sure there's a stable somewhere you can borrow some of the clothes from the horses.


thought was to start a humanoid fast. That's a good idea. The extra fabric maybe?


Ellen, you're gonna need it. Do we want to be dressed as believing fish that we're going into the place where you need to go?


They could happen. They could have garb they don't have to have emblems over bass uniform. He put a tarp on top of it. I'm sure they'll be able to find something. Hey, go get he do sheets.


sheets, like tailored sheets for my soul.


I mean, we'd have to probably go to a weaponsmith for that. But we can easily try and find someone


you can eat up so


unless you guys want to do that, and I'll just pop down, do some business and meet you at the three barrels or whatever it's called.


I okay, let's get you go get your sheet. That's a grand idea. I don't think you have an open blade is always the most nicest thing to do walking into public places.


Yeah, I mean, I think we are drawing a bit of a crowd. I'm gonna


get you a customised one. Oh,


exactly. A k. u n. Yeah, yes.


I mean, you want to take this one round or break his heart.


And then I'm gonna take all kind of to where I think is the closest weaponsmith do we like arms?


Okay, a very


small compared to you that if we linked arms, I would like be floating. Like, they just be holding me up. Right? Actually. Scoop down. link arms drawn and just kind of lift them up and walk. Before legs dangle. You're gonna I'm awake. Boy, I've got cheat. I got heavy armour on. Let's go. I like it. It's like a workout for you.


Oh, you guys run away. If anything should happen to you. It will meet the owl song tava


elf song not the three. Okay?


Well, if anything goes wrong, you got kicked out of the opportunity or made in the ALC song. But I mentioned the three tags if everything goes right, alright. Jump. On the fall. I find Okay, Ron.


I don't know why you're yelling. We're still next to you.


I'm sorry. I'll put this hand down. Thanks.


Especially because I'm then blue. It's an awkward noise. Thanks.


I thought I'm still trying I still remember playing and so many of these halls. My voice just carries great right? Well many halls.


So many, right? They all can let's go right? elf song bad things on the other three oatcakes? Yes, he's good. Yes. Maybe get you a snack on the way as well. April.


Hey, maybe you'll be able to teach him how to spell his own name. Okay, by turn around to try and get lost in the crowd.

Snyders Return:

Right. As you guys start to partway, Bron do a investigation check. And even do a perception check.


Go on perception




better 16 for perception.

Snyders Return:

What was your investigation check out 1313 you're not sure where the best stores are but you know for with respect to sort of tailor goods and cheese and things like that. The travelling market that comes in at the us all in amongst is probably a best place. And you know, there are places to get food failing that the three old kegs will do laundry and will provide you with certain items that may be of use so is always useful as a backup plan. Even as you are scanning the crowd looking to get lost you see sort of three or four rows over in just a perfect piece of timing. The Bailiff of the wide gentleman Hello helia Hello, sorry, gentlemen. Hello,


Jet dadrian

Snyders Return:

jedermann je de IE and gentlemen, seems to be pacing with purpose, up and down the aisles and seems to be sort of, as you stand on watch, sort of get the sense that he is working his way in your general direction. You've got some time. But if you stay where you are, you will probably catch up with you So yeah,


I'm want to avoid that. So, probably gonna go. I'm trying to think where if I want to try and get to the undercity, do a history check, three check something that's a four

Snyders Return:

full, the gentleman is startled you so much. And you know, one of the best accesses is beyond him. And as you're sort of scanning around that the hubbub of the crowd has sort of turned you around to even though you're familiar with where you are, where you want to get to elude you a little bit to takes a bit more time, it takes quite a bit of time to sort of suss it out.




okay, is there an alleyway that I can go up through and hopefully try and cut him or cut around him?

Snyders Return:

You can, yeah, you can make your way out of the wide into the city streets, but it will take a little extra time for you to sort of navigate around those strats fine,


but I want to do it like I'm going somewhere but not briskly just so it just looks like I'm casually just walking to get somewhere normally

Snyders Return:

doing performance check


performance of God. I'm an entertainer. 21

Snyders Return:

Nice, nice, big rolls. You saw cruise into a stride the tour blends in with the rest of the crowd.


Oh, yeah, I meant I meant to be here. That's right. By the way, language shows everyone

Snyders Return:

blenders in my town for not to sort of nudge anybody as you sort of make your way through the crowd. And you sort of step out of the wide leaving the hubbub and the smells and, and all the sort of the goodness behind it, and step into to the alley between some of the boats, some of the houses and other structures and are able to sort of make your way around. And it doesn't take you long once you sort of re orientate yourself, that you find an alley with the stairwell that just seems to be a little bit darker than the others you've passed.


Oh, that sounds like a good place. I head down there

Snyders Return:

as you head down the noise of the city streets because there's no music up in the wide is just people moving around the trade, the Commerce, the chatting, the shouting and all that sort of good stuff, the cries of the borders, mouth, the newspaper, all that sort of stuff just phase off slightly as you go into an enter the this sort of tunnel network. And as you get down, there doesn't seem to be any kind of signage to sort of help you out. But you have a better idea where you are now than you did 10 minutes ago. And you can hear just sort of quietly coming through from the eastern side, a looping background sort of life down here under this under this first layer of the city. And you know, this place is amaze. You know, there is so much that happens down here that goes unseen, that anything to do with a watch or the Flaming Fist is likely to get you injected rather than sort of killed or anything but to keep your wits about you.


Okay, well, I guess I'm just gonna aimlessly wander around till I meet someone I'll find something that shows me like the direction to find this line for ribbons.

Snyders Return:

The budgets


to find ribbons.

Snyders Return:

As you start to move through. You go down to a proper tunnelled network and every so often you come to an iron bar gate and they all look rusty but the lock is functional and having been down here on occasions during your time in the city, you're able to spin the lock make your way through and as is good practice saw out of the lock behind you. And once or chamber leads to another leads to a sort of choice of tunnels. And you know, just by keeping quiet that you are now approaching under the middle of the wide where this place opens out into rows and rows of and of access tunnel and compartments. You've been down here briefly and you're aware of if you need to find it. going a bit deeper into one of these you will find gambling you will find drugged in you'll find pit fighting. You're fighting Find unusual weapons and unusual allies most of the city will never know exists.


Cool. Looking for I'd love to go and check the weapons out at some point, but I need to stay on point. And try and think where would where would ribbons be? Is that like a place where there's like contraband of equipment because I've been told I've it I forget equipment of him is

Snyders Return:

do another his either history or investigation.


I mean, they both suck. So I will do a extreme because why not? Oh, natural 18. So that's a

Snyders Return:

18, nice, big numbers. You sort of take a moment of time to listen out. And sort of gauge and you can hear voices coming down from one side that sounds more like trade is happening. So you as you move through towards there and you start to encounter a bit more life, there seems to be a whole civilization on under here of people that look out and you know, sort of gauging where you are with respect to the rest of this under seller, you encounter a couple of what you know to be sellers who were basically the under seller enforcement's these two guys or big bronies or rough looking fellas to step up. We hope you


I'm looking for ribbons. You said Yeah. Nine fingers. I don't think you want to keep her waiting.

Snyders Return:

They look at each other are Rivers's this way. And they spin on a heel and one stays ahead of your one stays behind you as phi. And as you move through, you move past a lot of different trade areas, you sort of you notice there is a normal the selling sort of like survival gear and a few different sort of weapons. As you move through, this seems to be a mind flayer selling sort of trinkets and all sorts of other knickknacks and obscure items. You can hear off to one side, there seems to be some sort of scrap going on down in one of the fight pits. And there is other bits going on, you can see people languishing in a few of the archways seem to be under the influence of something either. There's tables for weapons, there is controversy, and it's not just you and these two, there's these traders, there's gnomes. There's Dora Gar. There's like a whole mixture of I want to say unsavoury types. But people have a certain


dispositions on this presider

Snyders Return:

who seem to sort of be having not necessarily hushed tones, because they feel quite safe, but they are carrying on business.


It's their business, not everyone's business is limited themselves.

Snyders Return:

And you notice that like the two guys who are sort of effectively flanking you, there are more of these sellers that are just sort of dotted throughout the place. Some of them are sort of par for work, there's a few who are actually sort of wirey kanku, who seem to be working at a table sort of and as you just have a glance passes into working on some sort of parchment or other sort of document and then bit more time and it feels like if you were to gaze it You were sort of right under the middle of the of the of the wide, your lead into a slightly more spacious room. That's not lavishly kitted out, but it seems very functional. And there are sort of gone looking bearded man who you would know to be ribbon ribbons. looks up from what he's doing. knives laid out on the table in front of him. Says movie brought me


I come from nine fingers she sent me My name is Raven. Hey, you got a package for me.

Snyders Return:

Almost to cut you off one of the the two sellers that we've he went. He says he's from nine fingers


glare at The backhoe heads up say anything

Snyders Return:

ribbons looks past his own man sort of tilts his head past him and looks at you Yes. I'm fingers said up along. Do come and sit down boys. returned your station. That's all non shuffled off comes it. Raven tips


Yes it is. It must be ribbons me

Snyders Return:

and I run this place are running for known figures and I'll run it with known figures is gone


anytime soon question nine things I wasn't questioning you question your nine fingers

Snyders Return:

I'm not gonna question you questioning me question enough and this


is good then we're on the same page. I don't think

Snyders Return:

there's a page between us That sounds like a document I don't do this. Right. What's the job


Okay, should not fill you in. Long story short is she has an item that she wants me to ascertain from the noble House of Rylan. Now this item is got a pointy end to it. And it's gonna be quite hard to sneak out. If you catch my drift.

Snyders Return:

Stone it checks out. All right, you'd have to stop off at a few places that I can give these now and he reaches around behind the desk that you sort of has sat between you with the knives and each knife is perfectly laid out separated like parallel to each other pointing pretty much in your general direction. The reaches round and lifts up it was effectively a satchel and he placed it on the table he says we'll start with this this will maintain your item is secured for transit slides across the city.




I'll pick it up and I won't look at it just yet. I'll just put it away my backpack right in the bag

Snyders Return:

that you decided to respect to privacy in the bag is a pair of gloves they'll come in handy



Snyders Return:

I also need to speak to my kenko Associates you may send them working on something I've have a side project for another client but they have something that nine figures has asked them to knock up so there's that also since and don't think I trust you but we're going to have to because nine think is such a solid



Snyders Return:

Oh that's a come something else my no friend back there he's got wait for you also she got


watching down Frank called no he no he's a no okay no

Snyders Return:

and if you had the time I think you should join us down at the fight


he what

Snyders Return:

were your luck sir.


I tell you what. I'll sort this out. And I've got if you're interested in a fight pit I got someone that might be interested in fighting

Snyders Return:

Oh my boy. We ain't put no human or humanoid fighters in their get the best of the wild and we put them against each other it's quite respectable quite a quite a money spinner if you choose the right one.


Okay, so it's just gambling. Just gambling. Okay well, I can't stay for too long I've got a previous engagements but I'll take on what you said and I will see you another time.

Snyders Return:

Oh, nine fingers. No, you've been bad. fufilled the stools?


Thank you. I will well, I had to really leave out I was just stand up like we've done here. We all finished an hour I'll go pick up the rest of this.

Snyders Return:

You'd be sure to do once you've got do financings Well, maybe maybe we'll they'll be smooth for you down here in the future.


Everyone's got to work out Thank you. I'll see you around get out now I'll take my leave and I'll head over to the

Snyders Return:

the nodes destined to have various blades, crossbow bolts, arrowheads, traps and all that sort of stuff and he saw looks as you as you as you approach and it can't quite contain his sort of no like tendencies and sort of cackle a loss of that little bit the way that you would expect a hyena to do so. It's like


yes, boy ribbon told me you had something for me you the you the job and I am a job do it from my fingers. Key


with me

Snyders Return:

and he saw draws from the desk where his wares are and some of them are beautifully crafted. And he picks up a dagger and places it just he saw slides a few of the items to one side and places down. So he places the dagger down he turns around and he gets some crossbow bolts and push them down. That gets a few other bits and pieces you're familiar with some ball bearings and a few other bits this chalk and and other things you would expect for breaking an entry and checking for traps and a few other bits and pieces. And I'll give you a list of a few other



Snyders Return:

And he as he places them down these




in the bag. I'll take out the bag I previously had that the gloves in it and stuff it full of all this stuff.

Snyders Return:

You don't just as you're stuffing it full it just goes in the bag doesn't seem to change in its way talk or content or dimensions. Everything seems to just go in


it's interesting. I'll continue packing it then throw it back in my backpack

Snyders Return:

he saw just stands there looking in passively on you and every so often is looking up and down the passageway to attract more business for his wares. It's becoming a little bit awkward.


Okay. Is there anything else? I think there is is the the tank the tank. Okay, right? Go to the kanku quick get the stuff in

Snyders Return:

the tank oops there's a pair of them one is working on document wants us to be carving some sort of coin or emblem and they sort of look at you look at each other nod look at you look at each other


not worth that at the same time.

Snyders Return:

It's over and, and one of them withdraws and he goes sort of back into the recess of his of their little workshop. They've got set up and he brings forward a long relatively sort of flattish shape folded in black cloth. Okay. The cloth is nondescript, it's clean it could be silk or something like that. It's but it's quite dark down here in the undersell associate picking fabric in the dark without touching it quite difficult. and brings it to the table. They look at each other. They don't they look at you. They nod What are you doing?


I will point at it and then nod

Snyders Return:

and he saw this kinky with his sort of feathered hands or lifts it up towards you sort of off the table and just holds it out. across both pie we'll take it with both hands. You notice it's slightly heavier to one end. The shape is a little bit bulky and the definitely seems to be a blade contain within this rapid okay.


Ours I start to wonder Ravel the cloth.

Snyders Return:

As you start to unwrap it, the other one puts his hand up, they look at each other, not look at you and shake their heads.


Okay? I just nod and rewrap it and then put it in my bag and then not to them.

Snyders Return:

They're not. And then they go back. And you can see he's working on some sort of contract or document one of them. And the other one seems you working on a very elaborate looking coin.


Do I happen to know what that coin is or what that document is for?

Snyders Return:

Doing investigation?


Not great. No, that's a five.

Snyders Return:

With it being upside down and the blade in the bag and everything else. They're sort of quite good schooling their work away as the sort of manipulate the material of what they're working on. So,



Snyders Return:

you know something, then you know, it's not for you.


Yeah, I feel this place is fascinating, but I must be getting on. And yeah, thank you. I'm just thought and then I quickly make my way out of the US everywhere. I needed to go for the end.


So that was nice. Yeah.

Snyders Return:

Yeah. As you start to leave, there is a voice that appears in your head as usual draw level with the mind flayer table. And the forces like to come and sample my wares.


Maybe another time. Gorgeous.

Snyders Return:

Please, please. So don't get many much trade human me really


an artist just pop up really quickly.

Snyders Return:

And as you approached, there seems to be a table of very mundane items. You know, there's a hammer, there's a box, there's some sort of odd looking spear and a few others sort of nondescript sort of looking items. A small treasure chest says, please. Which one would? Which one do you like?


They're just like mundane items.

Snyders Return:

Why don't you take one


I will hover my hand over the chest to see what her facial expression is like.

Snyders Return:

The monthly does change facial expression, okay. However, in your mind is like an interesting choice.


I moved my hand over to the spear

Snyders Return:

was that this is more sort of, there's a there's a box there's a chest there's a bore a spear. Not a spear.


I mean chests of good stuff. And um,

Snyders Return:

and this, this chest is like six inches by like it's small pry. And as you move your hand, close, how close you go. Ah.


I'll go to her then like a couple of inches of it.

Snyders Return:

It's raise your hand moves in nice and close. You can see you can see that it looks like a beautifully carved you know filigree chest of like six inches by a cup by sort of four inches high, maybe slightly taller, or hinged box. And as you your hand comes close, pops a couple of eyes. And this tongue laps out and it starts licking your hands. Thank you for listening. If you'd like to learn more about the show, then go to WWW dot Snyder's Alternatively, you can find us over on Twitter. At Return Snyder, you have a link tree link in the description of this episode. And if you want to support us, come and join us over on Patreon. And we also have a Discord server. Please leave us a review because we'd love to learn how to improve the channel and provide better content alpha for those who are listening until we until we speak again. Thank you

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