Snyder’s Return

Crossover - Dumbgeons and Dragons S01-E74

Snyder's Return / Dumbgeons and Dragons Season 2 Episode 25

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Today we begin the story of 3 new adventurers. Some who have seen first hand what the Cult of the Dragon can do when they have their full force behind them. Their stories begin with tragedy, heartache and hope. Oh... and laughs... we didn't forget some good laughs!

Sully is real sly with a swift kick. Moot gets some shady advice. Glim is a starry-eyed optimist. 

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DM: Russ More

Players: Amy More, Carla Maxted, Tom Laird

Sound Design: Russ More

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Snyders Return:

Hi, it's Adam here your Dungeon Master Snyder's return, instead of our usual adventure. This week, we're showcasing our amazing friends from across the tabletop community. Dungeons and Dragons is a DND ffiv actual play podcast that is highly edited, and set in a fantasy world where friends become heroes in an attempt to save the world. This episode is Episode 74 of the first season. This introduces the characters of moot glim and Sally and leads directly into the second season, which I highly recommend. However, if you want to go all the way back to the start, a perfect onboarding point for the first season is of course, season one, episode one. There is 170 episodes for you to really dig into. And the focus of this event is friendship and bringing you the listener into the show. You can download it from any podcast site, or you can go directly to the website at dumb Enjoy.

Russ D. More:

Solomon slight. We find you in Lusk.

Amy More:

So Sally is from a small village outside of LA. And a group of when he was 10 years old group of the call to the dragon came and decimated his entire village murdered his family in front of him he was huddling in a pile probably a pile of ruins could potentially have been a wood pile. He doesn't really remember much from that time. But he was found cowering in the ruins by the head cultist czar tarvin and he was taken by ascar and indoctrinated into the cult of the dragons and he was groomed to do their spy work being a halfling he was really good at fitting into tight spaces going places a notice. And for years. He was loyal and did recon for the cult, and he would bring back tales of and let me see like if this is like right in timeline wise, at this point, after you know he's been with them for seven years or so seven or eight years, bringing back Tales of the decimeters of dragons who are fighting back acts are sent solely to Luskin with a group to learn higher skills as he put it. Sally wasn't sure what that was meaning but he went anyway because he saw what happened to people who said no tax are and so when too long, without too much of a stink.

Russ D. More:

So you're with a small group of cultists and you're pretty you keeping like you said pretty under the radar. You're wearing more or less common or mercenary clothes. Laskin is a big travel city so you've you've you fit in, there's no need to really hide. There's a lot of


hiding and

Russ D. More:

unsavoury fellows who you're with. One of them's name is Betty and Barney. They're brothers. You're kind of going merchant to merchant. Just kind of seeing what they have available. And benty he comes up to us like all right, kid, we got the job. So you're ready to go?


What? What, what what's the job?

Russ D. More:

Look at our said you wasn't gonna ask no questions. Yeah, he said you was pretty easy to just come along.


It is that all I'm doing is coming along.

Russ D. More:

Well, I mean, you told us to teach you the ropes. Yeah.


Kind of ropes. Are we talking? A little bit of this little bit of that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What he said. Okay,

Russ D. More:

meet us at the meet us at the room tonight. And then we'll we'll head out and go get on our way. Okay. We'll be there by morning.

Amy More:

Okay. Sure. Yeah, okay.

Russ D. More:

they wander off, blending into the crowd. What do you do before you have to go to the room.

Carla Maxted:

I probably go to probably like a local pub or a bar somewhere where there's music playing and I sit in the back I don't order anything but I love Sally like loves listening to the music. So anytime you can, anytime he's on a mission, he takes a small amount of time out of his schedule, and we'll find where Bart is playing and get his news, essentially, because he doesn't like to talk to people. So

Russ D. More:

yeah, you had to the Cutlass, which is one of the larger, more well known taverns in town. You sit down in the back and there's a bar and playing and you order a drink, core whenever you order.


Nothing, nothing.

Russ D. More:

You blend in quite nice and nobody really note pays too much attention to you. You see a lot of people coming and going. And there, there's a trio that kind of catches your eye. There's a dwarf and elf and a human and they walk up to the bar and you see them kind of stumbling about not knowing what they're doing there either. But otherwise, it goes by rather on a bed. And it's about time that you should be going to meet Betty and Barney.

Amy More:

I am passed by where the where the Bard had out his hat and I and I put a silver coin down and I continue out and to the room. Reluctantly, like almost slowly

Russ D. More:

you're walking your way to to the to the room or your stay and make a perception check.

Snyders Return:

Oh my

Amy More:

Joe six teen PLAs perception 17

Russ D. More:

you hear a waggon coming up behind you.


squeaky wheels.

Russ D. More:

Yeah, very squeaky wheels. You hear the familiar voice of bendy goddamnit party. You're supposed to get something sneakier than this. So I bought it's all they had. He hops down. He's like, okay, I was gonna like scoop you up and be like who you were. You were kidnapped and teach your lesson about paying attention. But you could hear us coming from down the block. So

Amy More:

is this what I'm here to learn about?

Russ D. More:

No, just getting the waggon we're gonna be going on the road here.

Amy More:

As I go around to the back of the waggon I give the heel of like I give the the wheel swift kick in the hub. And it doesn't squeak anymore.

Russ D. More:

See Bharti that's all you had to do. Sorry, boss. So you hop in. Yeah. And they set off. And they don't outwardly tell you where they're where you're going. You just begin to travel out of Luskin, and on your way.

Amy More:

can I tell if we're going north or south? Am I good at that kind of stuff?

Russ D. More:

Yeah, you can make a direction roll nature or survival.

Amy More:

That's 15

Russ D. More:

Yeah, you can tell you're heading in a westerly direction. You're on the road for at least two or three days.

Snyders Return:

God What do you

Amy More:

are we there yet?

Russ D. More:

You've been asking that the whole time. Look, we get there when we get there. We're gonna meet up with some other folks and then we're gonna poke the boss you know?

Amy More:

Can you at least tell me what city we're going to?

Russ D. More:

They kind of look at each other. Know

Amy More:

why we're gonna get there and you're gonna be like, ah, we're in?

Russ D. More:

Well, no, it's gonna be a surprise to the people in the city.

Amy More:

And I will somehow ruin that surprise by having that information. Gosh, you

Russ D. More:

talk back a lot. Got Austin. You were pretty easy going.

Amy More:

law said you guys knew what you were doing.

Russ D. More:

Okay, we're we're going we're going to the city of cars. Okay.


Was that so hard? Yeah, well,

Russ D. More:

we we try to keep the mirror of illusion and wonder in your tiny, tiny

Amy More:

test when he finds out you told me. Oh, shit.

Russ D. More:

God dammit. We're in trouble now. The day goes by and you get to the high forest and you are a distance away from the city. have cars and you're pulling up to an area where there is a large gathering of other cult members?

Amy More:

This is like some sort of birthday party.

Russ D. More:

Yeah, you could say that because we're gonna get all the presents and it's gonna be really really nice.


Is it a raid?

Russ D. More:

Yeah. Yeah, it's a great look, you stick with us, you'll be you'll be okay. Don't worry about it.

Amy More:

How many villages? Have you guys? Have you guys rated?

Russ D. More:

Or can't even count them on one hand? Look, we're going in and we're going in at nighttime. And it's, it's gonna be it's gonna be just fine, right? You just stick with us. You learn the ropes.

Amy More:

What are these ropes say you keep talking about?

Russ D. More:

Look, what have you been doing for the boss? I've been

Amy More:

going to different cities, seeing who's meeting up together? What kind of people are meeting in what groups what they're talking about? And then coming back and giving them that information?

Russ D. More:

Yeah, well, now we're in more of a less of an information gathering situation more of a an item and house clearing situation.


Got it. Good.

Russ D. More:

night comes and they signal to you that you're ready to go. The entire cult begins moving towards the city. It's dark, can't it be of the forest covers it quite well. It's not a lot of light. You see some light within houses. As you get closer to this city. The cult has this place around it. They've got any number of humans and drinks and warm Ling's all waiting to move. They get their signal. And everybody begins rushing into the city. They begin kicking in doors, setting fires, you hear people screaming, as you're chasing behind Fenty and barty what is Sally doing or feel it at this book.

Carla Maxted:

Sally's never really been in this kind of situation. He's barely ever seen a battle, let alone been involved with one. His heart is racing. He's he is battling his feelings between following orders and the fear that he's feeling that's that's coming up and he's not quite sure where it's coming from. But it's absolutely having to do with memories of this exact thing happening to his village when he was a child.

Russ D. More:

As you see those memories flash in your in your mind's eye benteen party get to a door and they try to open it as locked. They kick it in and there's a scream from inside and a man rushes forward with a blade. He's tripped out the door and stabbed right in front of you at your feeds by Bart. benty then moves into the house and you hear more screaming party pushes you into the house along with you see a woman and a child huddled in the corner clutching various what could be construed as family heirlooms and they strike them down. Cold Blood they don't strike out. They begin gathering things into sacks. As the woman and the child and the man out in the street the life drips away. They fill up their sacks and say you're on the next one their kid

Snyders Return:


Russ D. More:

and they begin moving towards the next house.

Snyders Return:


Amy More:

I I think I remained frozen in this living space. Just looking Add the mother and child just completely shocked and horrified


Come on, let's go.

Amy More:

And yeah, guys, I yeah, I don't think this is for me.


I mean, this isn't for you.

Amy More:

Well, I'm not I'm not a fighter and this is a lot of fighting,

Russ D. More:

buddy just pick them up and let's get going okay. Party begins to move towards you.


I back up.

Russ D. More:

He rushes at you to try and grab.

Amy More:

I tried to dodge dexterity saving


throw 14

Russ D. More:

you have stumbled backwards and he reaches for you. And he trips over a floorboard and falls down. And you managed to sneak to the side. The doors open in front of you.

Amy More:

I rushed at the door.

Russ D. More:

You see vente standing out in the street and saying Okay, let's go. Hey, where's Bharti.

Amy More:

He'll be right there. And I rush in behind the house so makeup hard, right and brush in between the houses.

Russ D. More:

You hear footsteps up into the building, and then he looks and sees and says, kid I'm coming get get back here. And then he you hear footsteps in behind you. There's forest in front of you.

Amy More:

I run into the forest.

Russ D. More:

You hear footsteps? keeping pace with you? Almost. And then if you hear ah got bodies in the tree? I don't know if we're gonna get them back. We'll just say maybe you got shot with an arrow? Yeah. And that'll go over well, all right. Boss isn't gonna be too happy about that. You're the footstep stop and start to walk back towards your screens and then an explosion. Large ball of fire that goes up in the city.

Amy More:

I don't look back. I keep running.

Russ D. More:

Where do we find Mirian? oral or Danya? torse. Heron or moot?

Tom Laird:

Yeah, marine. First off if you're going around for sorry, that's right, Marian.

Russ D. More:

I said marine man's two wise

Tom Laird:

men mid mid and mid madeon. Yeah, so I mean, old school wise, he he grows up in in the high forest in a small forest village east of cars.

Russ D. More:

And how old is moot at this point?

Tom Laird:

In his in his backstory where his event happens. He's probably about 16 or 17.

Russ D. More:

So the city you live in largely humans and half orcs and that sort of

Tom Laird:

type or just or halfway? Yeah, the the village that they're in is a blended village of a lot of humans and orcs and half orcs. It's a place where they all kind of gathered together to live peacefully moots family.

Russ D. More:

How are they ingrained in the village?

Tom Laird:

A pretty well. I mean, his his folks are around his dad's Name Is Earl. And his mom's name is Oh, Dania, which are his two middle names, the two O's and his names. Because he has so many brothers and sisters that they ran out of middle names by the time they got to him. So they just named him after themselves.

Russ D. More:

It's a bright sunny day. And we find moot hanging out with some some friends. Whose he hanging out with?

Tom Laird:

Oh, good question. Um, probably some other half work kids will go with his friends.

Russ D. More:

Davey, and Raquel, you're hanging around with Davey and Raquel. And you guys are talking you know, you're you're doing what? You know, young half works do and you're just kind of having a conversation about some some things that you heard the night prior. You heard primarily a loud explosion that ran through the forest. Do you

Tom Laird:

guys Did you guys hear that last night?

Snyders Return:

Yeah, the the rumbling rumbling thing. Yeah. What was that?

Tom Laird:

I don't know. My my mom said it was an explosion.


Wow. Who'd be exploring things here?

Tom Laird:

I don't know. I mean, it's pretty pretty quiet place. Really?

Russ D. More:

Yeah, no. It's probably like, I don't know. People try to mind trees. People don't mind trees, Davey,


but you talk I mean, people don't mind trees.

Tom Laird:

Cut them down. They don't mind them.

Russ D. More:

But my dad said that that's how they make wood. I mean, I

Tom Laird:

don't really know about that Davy, but I don't I still don't think you mind tree


and you're kind of a fucking idiot. Oh, geez, why do we keep him around?

Tom Laird:

He's fun. So that's some. Yeah. Yeah,

Russ D. More:

I'm fun, right. I think that's good. Don't know. Sorry, explosive. Did you hear anything else about what it but it

Tom Laird:

might have been? timing? I don't know why. My parents seem pretty concerned about it. But just I mean, they didn't really say too much else in front of me. So it was it's hard to say.

Russ D. More:

My folks are saying there's some some weird stuff happening, like outside of the forest like big cults or something like that. You're thinking about

Tom Laird:

that. Oh, shit. No, that that doesn't sound good, though.

Russ D. More:

They seem pretty cagey about it. Like they didn't want to tell us. Like, maybe they were trying to hide something. But it didn't seem very good. If there's like, people mining for wood

Tom Laird:

over there. I mean, JB Yeah, it's at hopefully they they leave the forest alone. I mean, that's our home. Yeah,

Russ D. More:

exactly. So I'm saying. Oh, O Well, hey, maybe we go check and see with the with the old man. What's his nuts over there?

Tom Laird:

You know, old man Barkley.

Russ D. More:

Yeah, man, Barkley. See if he knows anything.

Tom Laird:

Yeah, I guess we could go. Go check with him. Let's, uh, let's head over there. Oh, man. Barkley doesn't know

Russ D. More:

anything. You probably tell us they can't mind would.

Tom Laird:

I mean, we've been telling you we can't mine would.

Russ D. More:

Okay. Well, if he tells me then I'll believe it. Okay, Davey. You guys carry on to old man Barclays, which is just a rickety old shack at the edge of town. You see him sitting out in his in his front front yard just kind of enjoying a cup of moonshine.

Tom Laird:

Hey, hey, Barkley deep. Do you know anything about what happened last night? We heard a big big rumble and my mom said was an

Russ D. More:

explosion. Move. You gotta say hello. First. That's gonna cause

Tom Laird:

a Sorry. Sorry. They Hey, Berkeley.


Hey, mood, Davey.

Russ D. More:

Raquel. Sorry. been drinking the cup even even hitting the shine today? Well, you know when they tell you to stay at the edge of town what else you're gonna do? Anyways, what was your question?

Tom Laird:

Did you see what happened last night? We there's some have been an explosion nearby. Do you have any idea what's going on?

Russ D. More:

Yeah, I did hear it. It did wake me up from my super dream. My dream You know, it's it's probably nothing to worry about. You know, they're they've been they've been like mining. Yeah, wood. Wood. Right. No. tv. They


don't mine wood.

Russ D. More:

They don't. I've been telling you for four weeks, Davey. Oh, right. Anyway, there's some new mining things going up. Not too far from here and probably just that. Oh,


okay. Well, yeah, that takes a load off. Thanks. probably know about the Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. What do you know about the cope situation? things happening that? Yeah,

Tom Laird:

I just kind of I just kind of heard about this from Raquel. I don't, I don't really know too much.

Russ D. More:

Oh, well. There's some there's some folks passing through here that said there's some cold things happening where there's like there's there's people trying to bring like dragons back or something. Ah, dragons are cool. Oh, yeah. Yeah, dragons are sweet, dude. Sweet. But I think what they're doing is, you know, not not the most good things. Oh, that's what they say. Anyways, there was just one group. I mean, they were probably just trying to swindle me from a shine. Yeah,

Tom Laird:

you got to watch out for that. Hey.

Russ D. More:

Right. Right. So what do you kids up to today?

Tom Laird:

I mean, I don't know. We're just kind of hanging out. You know, walking around in the forest. You should get a job. I mean, I don't I don't know. Like my, my dad's always looking for help at the mill. But, you know, he says I'm kind of too young still. How old are you? now about to turn 17 Ah,

Russ D. More:

when I was 17. I was I was working. I was really I mean, I really

Tom Laird:

thought there was gonna read more to that?

Russ D. More:

Nope. Nope. No more. I was working. I was earning a living. I had 16 kids of my own probably.

Tom Laird:

Wow, that's a lot of kids for that young in life.

Russ D. More:

Well, that's what they called me. The man with too many kids for his age. Anyway, I'll probably let you kids get back to doing what you do and good things.

Tom Laird:

Yeah, I guess we should we should head back. Sia, sia Barkley.

Russ D. More:

Yeah, come back. Anytime. I'll tell you stories.

Tom Laird:

I mean, we probably won't.

Russ D. More:

You head back to town and you spend the rest of the day you know, doing what kids do. Nighttime comes, your friends all kind of rush back to their houses and what does what does he do?

Tom Laird:

Heads home for dinner as well. He usually helps out, you know, with setting the table, that sort of thing.

Russ D. More:

Yeah, you get back home just as just as your mother's kind of finishing up the meal. You smell it as you walk through. It's one of your favourites too. When you smell

Tom Laird:

Yeah, obviously smelling cutlets of some sort. Maybe pork

Russ D. More:

pork cutlets. You walk through the door and smell those delicious pork cutlets and your mom call somebody come set the table. knob on it. Oh, good. Good. Good. What? What do you what do you been up to today?

Tom Laird:

Oh, we're in the in the forest. And then we ran across Barkley and he was

Russ D. More:

told you not to go by old Barclays.

Tom Laird:

I know. But he's harmless. harmless.


The man had 16 kids by

Tom Laird:

the time he was 17. Yeah, he was telling us about that. What a weird choice.


What were you going out there for?

Tom Laird:

Well, we were talking about that explosion last night. And then Raquel mentioned some about a cult or something. And then Barkley was talking about a cult. I don't know. It was all really weird. Do you know anything about this cult codes?

Russ D. More:

I heard something. But it didn't sound like anything too serious. You know, just you know what coats coats is called? Does?

Tom Laird:

I mean I don't but okay. I

Russ D. More:

mean, they were probably just mine entries. I really don't

Tom Laird:

think that's a thing. Why does everybody keep saying that?

Russ D. More:

I hear it's a new way to do it anyways. It's gonna put the mills out of the business. Your father's not gonna be too happy about it. Keep that between you and me. Okay.



Russ D. More:

Speaking of which, your father walks through the door and he sees you setting the table says Oh, good job. You have a good day.

Tom Laird:

Yeah, it was pretty good. How was the mill?


When are you gonna come work with me?

Tom Laird:

I mean, you've been telling me I'm too young. So I've been waiting for you to say this exact thing to me. Well, today's the day boy.

Russ D. More:

Okay, maybe not today, cuz it's the end of the day in the middle is actually close.


But tomorrow's day boy. Awesome. I

Russ D. More:

can't wait. I can't believe I didn't say this sooner. That means I get to work less. Well, you do more work? Because I'm training. Yeah.

Tom Laird:

Yeah, that's usually how training works. Yeah, it's not twice as much work for the person training the new person at all. That's what

Russ D. More:

I'm hoping for. Easy couple of weeks for me. Your brothers and sisters, those that are around they come in and everybody sits down to a big meal. You go through the evening and it's about time for bed. Everybody goes and climbs in den. yells out to us. Thank you get some good rest. Tonight. Tomorrow. Get some rest tonight. That's that's the sentence I was looking for. Were you were you

Tom Laird:

into the shine with Barkley earlier?

Russ D. More:

No, don't go see Barkley. He's not he's not good news. Anyways, what I'm saying is big day work tomorrow.

Tom Laird:

Okay, great. I'll I'll go hop into bed.

Russ D. More:

You drift off to sleep. And not sure how much time passes, but it's, it's a late sunset and it's pitch black when you wake up. You wake up to the sound of screams coming from the streets. I

Tom Laird:

hop out of bed and run into my parents room to see what's happening.

Russ D. More:

Your mother and some of your brothers and sisters. They're in the room and your Father is not in your mother says he's he's out. He's out by you went to go see what's going on.

Tom Laird:

told us to stay here. Stay here we we got to go help him.

Russ D. More:

You and your two brothers are okay. let's uh let's let's go. Let's go see what we can help them with. you head out and the front doors open and you see people running and screaming and there's there's lanterns and you look across and down the streets and you see someone throw one into what you know as rebels house. The house goes up quickly in flames and you hear screaming from inside the house and you see a couple people dressed in black robes and cloaks, and they are running around some of them carrying bags, some of them carry weapons.


What do you do?

Tom Laird:

Yeah, I yell into my mom I say like they're they're burning people's houses we have to get out of here. she

Russ D. More:

yells back and begins bringing out your your sisters who are in there as well. And it looks out the window and two of these people come and stand in front of you and your brothers. And they say look if you don't put up a fight we're not gonna hurt ya. Yeah, yeah. What he said yeah,

Tom Laird:

I mean, please don't please don't hurt us it Why? Why are you burning people's houses

Russ D. More:

you kind of hear from behind you three more people begin to move into your house.

Tom Laird:

What there's there's nothing in there just what's happening?

Russ D. More:

Just don't worry about it. Okay, there's, there's things above you kid that you're just you're not ready to understand yet now give us everything you've got in the house and nobody else gets hurt. You hear screams from inside your house. I mean, a bolt for the house. dexterity jump. Okay. That's a 13 you managed to run one of the people behind you. And you get in and you see one of the men with his arm raised towards your daughter's mother and your sister with a sword.

Tom Laird:

I kind of shoot like the arm out like no. But while I'm doing this a like beam of white light like streaks out of my hand. And, and towards the the man with his arm raised,



Russ D. More:

temperature of the room drops several degrees. And this white light hits this man and he seems frozen in the place where he was your mother and your sisters scream even louder as they see what you have done. And I kind of looked down at my hand like what the fuck just happened. They run back into the house and into their room. And two men come behind you and move to grab you and the same thing happens this blue white light emanates from your hand from your bodies and it freezes these people in place. And a rift seems to open up in front of you. And you see a deep purple, black energy and you feel it begin to course through something you've never experienced before. And the men frozen in place shatter to the ground.

Tom Laird:

And I'm just kind of staring at both my hands like dumbfounded your brothers are standing watching from behind you and say what?


What happened?

Tom Laird:

I don't know. I I just speechless.

Russ D. More:

You hear an explosion out in the towel. And you look out the window and you see a lot of these these men that you didn't recognise dressed in the dark robes they run away. They have bags full over their shoulders screaming is still happening, but they look like they're fleeing the town. You go out into the streets and there are many more houses on fire

Tom Laird:

as there any sort of like water stations or anything that I can like, try to help try to put these fires out. Yeah,

Russ D. More:

there's, there's a there's a well, in this in town centre. You see people running back and forth as quickly as they can too little to no avail that the city itself is by morning,


half destroy.

Russ D. More:

And news spreads quickly about what happened with moot despite the fact that you, you did what is deemed as is totally good because you save your your family, and people begin to look warily upon you.

Tom Laird:

That's chiney but kind of fair.

Russ D. More:

Magic. And those types of things is more or less frowned upon. And you're sitting at the table the next day. And your dad sits down with you, he was out fighting the fires. And he sits down with you and says, Well, well, we're gonna boy, I don't think we're gonna be going into work today. Now, just because the places burned down, but because we've been asked to leave


all of us. Well,

Russ D. More:

most specifically, you but to me, we can't. We can't leave, leave, leave. Leave you.

Tom Laird:

But I mean, everyone's life is here. You can't You can't leave. I mean, the town needs to be rebuilt and people need homes. And there's there's so much to do here.

Russ D. More:

Yeah, you're not wrong. But what are we to do? Let our let our that our shining star our lovely moot go out on the world on his own.


I mean, I

Tom Laird:

can't, I can't ask everybody to come with me. That's that's not fair, either. I mean, I know the the villagers are, are wary, and they're worried. This is I'm worried too, is I don't know what's happening. But what if, what if I left for a while and, and went to go find some sort of teacher who could make me help me? harness whatever this is that I've got going on? And then I can come back?

Russ D. More:

Teachers who Where are you going to find a teacher? Well, I mean, even teaches these things?

Tom Laird:

I don't I don't know. But there's got to be somebody in like, Neverwinter there's all sorts of magicians and things.

Russ D. More:

Sure, sure. Yeah. Neverwinter. All right. Yeah, okay. Sure. Yeah. How about we think the day on it, and then we'll decide whether your magician teachers are real. And then or if we're going to go be realistic about life and go find somewhere else to live and then just maybe be just, I don't know, put gloves on you. So you don't freeze anybody?

Tom Laird:

I mean, I guess that's it. I guess that's an option. But this is I, I'm worried. What



Tom Laird:

what if this happens again, and it's, it's someone that that's not trying to kill us that I heard what like, I don't, I don't know what to do here.

Russ D. More:

That's just thank God that they've given us the day. We can sort it out and sleep on it. Figure out what we're gonna do in the morning. Okay. You go through the day. I don't know how much going out you do.

Tom Laird:

Not a lot. Doesn't seem like everyone's too fucking happy. See me.

Russ D. More:

But night comes everybody kind of Nestle's in and goes to sleep. You're lying awake.

Tom Laird:

I pack a few belongings in like, knapsack sort of thing. Write out a brief note that says you know, like, I'll come back when I can. Gone to get some answers. Yeah, all the best sort of thing. And I sneak off into the night.

Russ D. More:

So the Ric seus achra glim? Yes.

Amy More:

Where is she? From? Her clan. He lives in the misty forest on the edge of the misty forest

Russ D. More:

and she lives with a large clan or his family. All dragon born there.

Amy More:

I think she lives with, gosh, let's say. I mean quite a small clan. I think there are sort of several clan enclaves in the same area that sort of all like, you know, trade together and intermarry. And all of that she's not, you know, totally isolated growing up, like my girl knew Laura was, but her clan itself is probably like 60 people. And that's all basically like, her family, right, her family and kind of extended family.

Russ D. More:

dealings with outside, like you live in pretty pretty much like a community solely based on drinking water.



Russ D. More:

probably a little bit more. Show up maybe not sheltered, but there's probably only like passer throughs of other races.

Amy More:

Yeah, definitely. So that is predominantly like the people. She has been around the people she has grown up with, you know, like Barb's come through every once in a while. So that's how they of course, like get their news. And so she sees different races that way, and they're always kind of, you know, like, adventurers and whatnot. That kind of roll through, but otherwise, yeah, I mean, she's grown up in with dragonborns.

Russ D. More:

Your family, they send you off somewhere, not because of it for any reason, just to kind of go get resources, which say, perhaps glim is a good hunter gatherer or perhaps she might actually be not so much.

Carla Maxted:

Not so much, I think think glim. Um, she has thus far in her life, she's only 25 has sort of been like, almost literally the golden child like she has been glimmer, she gets she has a lot. I'm not necessarily her looks, but because she and her clan and the surrounding enclaves like all sort of believe that she is destined for something great and have since she was very small. Not necessarily something great, but they believe she is, you know, a million generations later a descendant of bomet. So she is like, kind of spoiled. She is like a good person. But, um, yeah, is hasn't faced a lot of struggle in her life. Let's say.

Russ D. More:

Let's take that a different way that there's a bard that's come through an orc long tusks. And he comes through and he's telling tales of battles going on in favour. You watch his songs and you watch his you listen to his stories. And you come to learn through them, that there is perhaps something that you might have been shielded from, or just not told by some of your elders is that there is a cult of the dragon and they are trying to rise TMS. Who is the polar opposite to the hump? The Bard is is singing in the centre of your, your village. Everybody's kind of crowded around him listening to the story, some look a little more shocked than others. Others look like this is, you know, they might have heard of these tails. But you you come in and you catch you catch the majority of one of these last Songs, singing tales of what he calls the decimator of dragons. And as he wraps up, everybody kind of claps and gives him some change in food, and begins going about their day. So he's tidying up his stuff up at the front. What does pull him do?


Well, I'm gonna go talk to him. Um, excuse me, sir. Yeah, yes, yes. Um,

Amy More:

what do you eat? Surely, please don't take this the wrong way. But surely you must be exaggerating. A little bit about the state of the world. I mean, to me, I couldn't be rising. That's crazy.

Russ D. More:

Oh, no, my dear. Yeah, yes. There's a world beyond your village here is how do I say going to the shit? Oh, but,


I mean,

Amy More:

surely the followers and vomiter are fighting against I mean, our God is so kind and powerful and wise and strong. There's so how can you? What's? I guess I'm just confused. I understand

Russ D. More:

your confusion, my dear. You live in a very central junior and


how do I put this?

Russ D. More:

So you you you are shining dragon. Mm hmm. There's there's the notch shiny dragons and then there's the shiny dragons. You know that right? Yes. Okay. Yeah. But they're not shiny dragons, they they, they want to take over the world. And



Russ D. More:

and in the China dragons are there, I think, okay, they're around and I think they tried to stop.

Snyders Return:

Oh no.


What about just the normal people aren't? How?

Amy More:

How can there be so many followers of TMS that they can overwhelm all the other people in the world?

Russ D. More:

Oh, um, yeah, they, um, well, they have lots of things where they take in all these people, and they destroy their villages, and they steal all their stuff. And


Oh, boy.

Russ D. More:

They make it very difficult for people to be around. So lots of people have been fleeing from them because there's not a lot of warriors, but some some warriors, the decimeters of dragons, as you heard, they are standing up for what is good and what is right. And they are they are the ones who are leading. Leading the battle. To try to stay must


be very brave and smart warriors.

Russ D. More:

Yes, Yes, they are. They are the bravest. And the smartest, I think I met them once. You know, they were okay.

Amy More:

Um, well, sir. Thank you, thank you for coming in and seeing us and telling us the news. And I give him some, you know, coins and food and stuff. And then I go to try and find my parents.


Thank you. Thank you.

Russ D. More:

And you, you head off to where do you think you'll find them? Where is that? Exactly?

Amy More:

Probably. Well, I guess. I mean, they were everybody was just kind of there, you know, watching them bars. So I think they're probably just like walking back to our domicile. So their names are my parents Spark. And been

Russ D. More:

gonna have to help me with mother and father here or mother and father and father.

Amy More:

Oh, I like that. Okay. Yes. Mother and mother spark environment.

Russ D. More:

Yeah, you you catch up to them as as they get back to your home. And they're kind of just entering the door and they see you coming in there. Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. Come in, come in Glen, and they open the door for you as they see you running up?

Amy More:

Mom, Mama. Because they have to have different names because they're both moms. Did you? Did you know that? That's happening in the world that this call is trying to rise to


man. Oh, you you heard that, did you?

Carla Maxted:

I did. And then I talked to the orc Bard. And he told me I mean things. Things are really terrible.

Russ D. More:

Yes, yes. They things seem to be we've heard from more than more than more than just that bark. that things are not well. In fact, some of our own have gone out to see if they can help. And it appears that dragons and dragon type are trying to do things that would hurt others right now. Well,

Amy More:

don't you think it's our duty to stop them from doing that? Surely we can just stay here and do nothing if TMS might be rising. I mean, that is for the love of bond that we couldn't possibly just let that happen. We have to go do something.

Russ D. More:

You see them kind of look between each other and one of will say being set mama or mom. Yeah,

Snyders Return:

that's Mama.

Russ D. More:

Your your mama beam. She kind of rolls her eyes a little bit at spark your mom. And your mum says glim we've been we've been trying to keep you from from what has happened and I feel like how feel like you are old enough now


that you, you can know

Snyders Return:

the world

Russ D. More:

is not a great place for our kind right now. There are many people who look to either recruit us

Snyders Return:


Russ D. More:

to make us slaves to larger dragons, or to harm us because they don't understand who we are. You have a special place in this and being your mama she she kind of crosses her arms and walks into the next room.


We were

Russ D. More:

it sounds crazy, but it came to us in a dream that you would rise to be a great protector, a great warrior. Someone who people could turn to but our elders and and your and your mama she didn't want to tell you that she they they want to protect I want to protect you but it might be time for you to see the elders and to go off on your own. I

Amy More:

i think that i have to I mean, surely I'm not so worth protecting we can let to mat rise. I mean, that's that's, that's crazy. I have to help. We should all help even if it's hard even if it means leaving here. I think it's the right thing to do.

Russ D. More:

Your mama she comes back in and she says I will take her she picks a bag up off the floor that she was clearly packing in the next room and hands it to says we have people to see.


Okay, Mama, let's go.

Russ D. More:

She hands you the bag and you head out and you begin heading off down a path you probably haven't. But you might have gone down but you travelled for quite a ways until you get to a building you haven't been to before and on the on the the wall is a symbol that you recognise it's the symbol of the home. Well hello fans of Snyder's return I'm your Dungeon Master Rushmore. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Dungeons and Dragons. today. It is an introduction to our season two characters mood glim and Sally, which we ran towards the end of season one. There are a couple onboarding points. You can come start with us at season one, episode one and come right on through as we tried to stop the rise of Tiamat and then Season Two with these new characters and old telling stories of comedic heroism and blunders We hope that you enjoyed and we hope to see you over on Dungeons and Dragons. You can find us wherever you download podcasts or at dumb But until then, we hope you have a wonderful week and we hope to see you on the adventure. Bye for now Dungeons and Dragons is a dumb dragons production.

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