Snyder’s Return

Fists, Fur and a Mountain of Trouble - Pt_25

Snyder's Return Season 2 Episode 28

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The Party have rested and morning now upon them cruise through for a hearty breakfast before Revan and Aukan descend into the Undercellar, located under The Wide. There they search for a Weapon for Aukan's new persona and are attracted to the sounds of cheering deeper in the complex.

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This Trailer is from Legends: A Superhero Story who are an Actual Play using the Legends RPG System

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Adam 'Cosy' Powell



DM: Adam Powell

James Craddock - Hod_Half-Orc_Blood Hunter
Kern Lasocki - Bron Brickborn_Dwarf_Life Cleric of Helm
Nathan McKechnie - Revan_Half-Elf (Drow)_College of Eloquence Bard
Chris Rea - Aukan_Goliath_Battle Master Fighter

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Music: Epidemic Sound

Cover Art: Tim Cunningham -



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Snyders Return:

As you guys awaken and you get yourselves ready you make your way down the corridor to the saloon bar where food is being served. As you move down the corridor you get that sort of cooked meat spiced meat smoke could be bacon or it could be sort of something else black pudding something like that. And wafting in your direction you also get the the smell the fragrance of pastries being cooked is a strange sort of layered smell. And the smell sort of greets you as you make your way down towards the sort of the front of the three or kegs towards the reception desk and into the saloon bar. And once inside, you can hear the sounds of food, meat being cooked in skillets and pans and other sort of pots and pans being moved around in the kitchen. Now you're here now you can smell the eggs now you can smell the bacon now you can smell those pastries coming through from the kitchen you can hear spatulas being moved around at lightning pace out through there out in the kitchen area. Another you stood in the saloon bar. The pastries smell like those at harbours that he tried to get yourselves before but obviously that didn't quite go to plan. And you can really start getting overwhelmed by these cooking smells that are coming through from the kitchen. You see a male human member of the bar staff he sort of gives you a tired slightly weary where you and uses his arm to steer you towards a table that is suitable to accommodate all of you in the past. Please,


I'm not sure they do it in sizes like that. Ask us


ask for records.


Once an hour to see the response.


Just never been around someone this big. He's a


big lot.


So what's your mother said?


You leave my mother out of this. She's a saint.


I love her. Do you drop the glass?


I doubt my morning beer. That's a goddamn good roleplay Sir, I appreciate that.


I just get my finger just like put it over a ravens lips list. Gosh. What Oh big news.

Snyders Return:

The barman comes over having heard your requests for a whole pig and other types of food and meats. And he hands you a menu which is sort of printed on a small piece of parchment and he says A Good morning. Morning to all of you. Welcome to the three oatcakes if you have not stayed here before we do offer three breakfasts. They are. The first is unbelief breakfast. It is seafood based so there's kippers kedgeree there's all the fresh produce we get from down the dock. There is also Helms


God shake man, for God's sake. We're in a rush this morning, please. For God's sake. Do you do a pig? Yes.

Snyders Return:

We do. Pig the majority of the pig in several different ways. I will bring out wood. Would you like eggs?


I'd like all seven bits of pig on the plate.

Snyders Return:

Ah yes. Um and you seem right. Why you seem write something down. And for us regions breakfast. Oh, well. Yes. That's the the borders gate special.


I love a borders gate special please.


That sounds fantastic. Please. Okay, get three and just a jug of water for the table. So might


think that to two jugs of water. Two jugs of water, please.

Snyders Return:

Yes, of course. And he writes that down as well. May I take your menus Please, and he reaches out to sort of try and collect them. I thought they're yours anyway.


We're gonna keep it that's why he was asking.

Snyders Return:

I'd like the opinion. Just thank you. I will go and get your food put through the kitchen and the water of course. And he saw a half druggies, half soul dances and skips away towards the kitchen. All can fresh stration from organ and he disappears off on the side of the barn. You hear the the saloon door styles swing slightly, and a very muffled magma wrap the Schiff cornerback and then disappears off behind the bar following him around, he gets two jugs down off the shelf, and he fills them up and he brings them across and place them down carefully under the table. Your meals will be about five minutes if if you're okay to be patient, of course.


Yes, yes.


Really Be patient. I like that. You've obviously made quite the the impact. Okay.


Well, it's good to be assertive, I find. I mean, I'm actually surprised they had the whole pig. I was just drive I look.


It'll be interesting to see how this goes.


gonna cost us a fortune.


It's gonna be great. If the head comes up taken, I mean, good


luck. This there's no selfie sticks in this universe.


Is it a fact up again.

Snyders Return:

Alright, so as you guys sit and wait and start drinking your water, you can hear the kitchen call out to the bar staff. And he then disappears off around the side and you can hear sort of it. And there's plenty other people eating and they're just ignoring and carrying on with their day. Pretty much the clattering of cutlery crockery, people getting cloaks on sitting up sitting down and as you wait a couple of minutes. Some people you know, drift off and other people come and replace. And they sit at the table with the dirty stuff. And they're not too fussed though, come and sit down and get comfortable. And as this way to returns. He sort of has two trays one expertly balanced on the inside of his arm. And he places down the three borders, case specials, a couple of beers, a couple of sausages. beans have some say form description


are crazy spans.

Snyders Return:

And then it's got some toasted, it's got some toast. Please enjoy. Yes, your meal is requested. And this shoot serving pattern gets placed on for the walkout and as you scan across it


wasn't put in front of us just want to make a point that my eyes are so vague and I haven't actually looked as happy as I have right now at this moment. Another thing to take a mental image of yep


I told you this is gonna be good. Yeah,


I hope we can move after this thing.


Well, I do not say that he will not only devour this but it'd be absolutely fit unable to fight after this. This is gonna be great.


How can anything consume this amount of meat


isn't in the mountains we don't have potions.


I only live off the oceans but a whole pig. A whole one

Snyders Return:

on it's not a whole one is not just a pig place down the plate and all colours you scan this service flutter there is eggs. There is some beans. Couple of triangles of toast but dominating this entire area of this platter. There was a small amount of sausages. There was a small pile of bacon there was a small stack of ham hot that's been sliced, been laid is a pig's ear. There is a broomstick Trotter with the meat and so scooped out and put into a bowl there is black pudding that that's close to the beans. And this is all sort of derived from pig's blood and all that sort of good stuff. And there was also sort of knotted, swirling mass of lb fried sort of pig's brain, which is placed upon the platter. So and as it's sort of slid down in front of you and placed. Enjoy, gentlemen, please. And he backs away and moves to the next table. You can see him starting clean, clean that up and speaking engaging with them and carries on.


What do you call it again when you go to a fancy restaurant and the food's really good make small amounts of food was supposed to get Oh, this is raw the goal isn't it? And I just kind of get my knife and just stick in the meeting to start chopping down on it.


I don't have a heart attack now. We don't chew we don't talk a mouthful either. Okay, just concentrate on one thing. We'll get through this together. Right. So I think there's a decent


I'm trying to think of all the weapons Smith's if you're trying to find a weapon or cash


How do we know going into ground pool or going underground?


Oh, be quiet? Please don't say the whole bloody world. We're going


after that. But anyway, did he get some sort of


Yeah, not look like yourself out


like flaming this dude, you're like I'm not gonna knock. Um,


you need to portray that image. You need to be lash. You need to like loosen up a little


so serious all the time. I can tell you don't try to do it. There's nothing like making a physical EBIT attempt to actually loosen off.


Have you heard of the female fighting promoter from waterdeep today Her name is Don queen.


I know myself but


she she's very lavish. She has a very big hair and lots of big shiny rings on her finger. And she showered. So if you can kind of you know raise yourself up a little bit.


razzle dazzle?


Yeah, bear with razzle dazzle. Okay, okay Okay, that's it


Hello bear panache you know.


Now from this point onwards, I have a bit of a call on the proposal sort of what is it game on where you you stay late No matter if Yeah, no know from this point onwards after this pig has been eaten. I will be doing some method acting to get into the zone. So from this point onwards until we have the sword or we're in trouble I will be very difficult right okay,


let's see if I should do better than that. I think this could work I will while you guys go to your weapon location I will find a suitable tailor and maybe a shop to find some like lavish not expensive little rings different costume maybe


yeah we'll meet back here for around midday have everything ready to go okay good enough time What do you want to do you want to come with us you know have a look around the market you want to go get some new clothes or go okay oh yeah brought forgot brought up All right, guys. Let's do this. Man. I had so much


I can't remember everything when we left the bar to pretty much this morning. So


go plan go. Yep. Right let's do this.


As I eat like the last bit of pigs to throw my throw my knife though. I kind of turned a rebound to go. Okay, well, let's leave where we are. Now.


I've got a you attack. I'm a


does this all kind of look healthy? Yeah. Inside check.

Snyders Return:

Do me a medicine check. Oh


my god. Natural thought

Snyders Return:



Oh oh

Snyders Return:

oh can give me a constitution saving throw


is a big portion fine


yeah got 1414

Snyders Return:

okay are you getting a little bit reflux but you're right managed to keep it from looking at you seems a little bit white he's got an open pasty for skin complexion raised so he's holding character might well still think he's gonna hold it down Hi there sorry for the interruption it's Adam here. Just let you know that we will be showcasing some of our friends across the tabletop role playing community. Links to their shows will be in the description below. Enjoy the promos, getting contact, engage with them engage with us. We'd love to hear from you. I'm sure so with a so quick advert straight back to the adventure


Have you ever dreamt of being a superhero legends a superhero story is a new actual play podcast using the legend superhero role playing game system available on all podcast platforms. this exciting new superhero tabletop RPG follows our game master jack and our fledgling heroes played by Chad, Emily, Amanda and Daniel as they work their way through their origin story and beyond. Listen in as they discover their powers and abilities. Let's hope they learn to work together as a team and time to save the world and truly become legend. Legends a superhero story is available on all podcast platforms. For more information follow us on social media at the legends cast or visit our website www. dot Matchplay forward slash the legends cast.


I like to read on the display. I think this is going to be going very well. But I you guys hit the off. We'll go to the shops and we'll


be back here. Yep, yep, let's go. Right. All car I'll be B What's your name again? Sir. I look at all calm


down as we walk around the square I would like


browse. Okay. Yep. Okay, browse mode. Follow me. Okay. You can. What are you saying? Right. brazza. Run, rise. rasm. Rasmus asked moose. Raz moose.


Yes. rasma was I was taking for my Yes, that's correct. I was taking my tribe, but a young age, I load it. And then I trained with his men, and I was a grown adult life where I be taught in a way of the matter, dude.


I mean, I believe every minute of that, I believe every second of that, that isn't gonna get you out of the White will. Right, let's go not Rasmus please, great. Oh, that's so it's as good as I was. But I will head and lead a new Rasmus to the underground entry point to the back alley bit.

Snyders Return:

Alright, so Raven, you get up and you get up an accent nearly behind you the smell of all the cooked meats, the cinnamon pastries and all those good things and the light of the new day hits rise and you squint just a little bit as you move out from within sight inside the three oh kegs and and into the stream. And you know, there is easy access to the undersell there's the access that you took yesterday under the wide and you know there's another one that's not too far from where you are. But it all depends on which way you want to go down to the Ansel but you know there is easy access unobserved from the main street. I


want to go back well the one that we that I took last time, wherever that was. I was trying to hide away from the bailiff. All right.

Snyders Return:

Yes, yeah. So it was just the other side of the wide the mountain you know the market place the market square. So you're able to find we need to get to and you can easily find your way back into that area. And as you guys head you win organ and the purview move through this small section of the upper city, you can see that the traders are starting to set up in earnest that they're sort of setting the stores the, the wide isn't set up yet, but there are still traders setting up and moving into position, and you reckon is probably two thirds full at this point in time. So not all the stores are set up, but you are able to avoid the gaze of most interested parties, and the bailiff of the wide. And so far as you're aware, you're able to slip across the wide and gain access by descending down towards the set of gates that you even remember from yesterday and protecting the underside


aurasma no monkeying about hair, these guys are serious. Okay. absolutely wonderful. Add go.

Snyders Return:

Alright, as you descend down, and you move out of the light of the new day sun, you can feel the temperature shift as you move into the shadow. And there's moisture that starts to collating, quote some of the surfaces around you. And as you move through you, like yesterday, you sort of skip through the gates. So you unlock them, open them swing open, closing in behind or can and you move through and the centuries allow you through some of them, you recognise him yesterday, even and they acknowledge you and they give Rasmus a curious look. And they seem to consider him longer, but they seem to look at you a little bit sideways but allow you to move through almost unimpeded. And not taking too long at all, you're able to get into that main trade hub in the middle that you saw before. Down here in the underserved under the wide and as you look around you can see the table with them Maya fled now you can see you can also see the bear kanku who you had dealings with and a no who has a table of various items, some weapons other bits and pieces, may some other traders they're sort of human or humanoid. And beyond that you're aware that it goes down to a few different locations. One being ribbons is office which is obviously under here in the underside.


Well, that was the only really here for weapons. So I know there was that marketplace. So I might take forgot your name already.




rasma right. That's right. Raz moose?

Snyders Return:

Yeah, I've already read.


Rasmus. Rasmus, if you want to follow me, I'm sure we'll find the gentleman that has the items you seek. Hopefully.


Come on. It takes too long.


Patience. Good things come to those who wait.


Once again. That is not what your mother said.


Wow. Who are you? Some animal? Right? Yeah, I'm taking it to the shop.

Snyders Return:

Alright, so as you approach the table, you can see a variety of weapons in different states and conditions. So some are reasonably fancy, but demeanors? vestigation check. either of you, okay.


I look with a natural 17 so 1718

Snyders Return:

Ah, dad. Nice. So as you scan the table, you can see that it's sort of a great axe that looks slightly damaged, needs to be repaired maybe. But you know, it wouldn't be on the table. If it wasn't for some use or something property. There are finely crafted long bows and short bows, a beautifully made woven sort of slingshot and a couple of shots that go into that. And that is a couple of swords, short sword different stuff. Dollar rapier weavin and just a few more mundane items really. Though it's a very eclectic I mean, some good some bad some


as hell. And if any of them like really stand out, obviously like I get this all great weapons. So great solid great xe and like really stands out to me like more than the others.

Snyders Return:

So as you scan across the table with that investigation role, the only thing that really stands out about the greater weapons on display, and on this particular table, at least is the grey tank, which seems to be useful but it's it's darlin slay rusted maybe pitted in certain places. It doesn't really draw the eye outside of being unusual because it's kinda conditional.


I look across the table at what sort of person selling it. It's been said no, sorry. Did you say yes? Or no? But you there bill? At the great act? How much? Huh?


Nothing is

Snyders Return:

it's 500 gold.


Okay, tell me its story. If it's 500 Gold,

Snyders Return:

it was covered. It was recovered by my contact contacts from a red cow to see it seems that that this, so how can the tickets shipped down? And he thought this was not a much value? Sorry, it was brought to me. And now it is for you. If you pay the press.


Everything you say?

Snyders Return:

Oh, yes.


you flick into the spell. As you must be as the price of this weapon is ridiculous. Please, God upon near that, paste that up. Now? Do we do wet rentals?

Snyders Return:

That's the funniest thing I've heard. That's a funniest thing today and it's only the morning. No, I mean,


Surely there's some wiggle room on that price? Or perhaps you know, we could do it for favour of some kind of

Snyders Return:

trade, maybe a trade? What have you read?


I have a buy position and some dice that always vote directly on what you need. Such as, and I pull the day so


tell me another

Snyders Return:

lucky number seven.


And then I just roll the dice.

Snyders Return:

Alright, as you roll the dice, they do indeed seem to skip and track and the baton land on a different number but then take another unusual bounce or twist and turn or they land and they indicate the seven as requested. Now


do you think that such a dice can make you more than a 500 measly go kart? isolated? And it has been you know, that has played out very well for me in the past, but I seem to be in a situation where money is Hey, I'm in town city that I knew nothing about. And I need this axe for the job. So what about street trees? I dice


for your app.

Snyders Return:

No dice


gets freed us.

Snyders Return:

You will treat interest me but think of it. I will keep the x here and consider your offer. Come by before you will be


okay. pique my interest cover? What's the best brace with the dice? add something else?

Snyders Return:

Something else yes empty pockets I wanted to Oh,


and I kind of look at saying I have 25 goes, Well,

Snyders Return:

your offer is probably terrible. I'm afraid. We have probably no deal.


Nervous laughter irritates me,


as most maybe we can acquire the correct amount of gold. By tomorrow. You know what I mean?


And I can hire you almost I


know. Well, we don't have the money right now.


Just to name drop your very famous little friend. Could we not maybe ask him for a bit of assistance?


But the guy mean, I hang on, I'll go down and ask him. I want to go down to his face ribbons. ribbon, Jess. Is he there?

Snyders Return:

Do a perception check bone?


Wow, that's a natural one

Snyders Return:

is there's quite a lot of activity going on. All around you really there are other people moving around. In these tunnels, there's trades and under him business elicit items. And other recreational activities. You can hear some way off down to one side there is shouting a crowd and sort of mixed both in unison and tour all over the place as well. And it's very excitable, and it is volume and feel and chart and the way it's sort of travelling down the tunnel interior. And that's what's taking your attention away from this now for ribbons and what's going on his office. So that's the sort of the sensory input you're getting.


Go back to nine here but there's something happening over there. Maybe go check it out. Leave this guy this guy's a smukke doesn't know a good deal when it's staring right in the face.


Yes. Let's listen to the audio


has begun. All right. So

Snyders Return:

what are you doing towards a note?


What Yeah, what's that commotion II stuff.

Snyders Return:

Thank you for listening. If you'd like to learn more about the show, then go to www dot smanos Alternatively, you can find us over on Twitter at Return Snyder. We have a link tree link in the description of this episode. And if you want to support us, come and join us over on Patreon. And we also have a Discord server. Please leave us a review because we'd love to learn how to improve the channel and provide better content alpha for those who are listening until we until we speak again. Thank you

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