Snyder’s Return

Fists, Fur and a Mountain of Trouble - Pt_27

Snyder's Return Season 2 Episode 30

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Bron and Hod go in search of some 'Razzle-Dazzle' in the High Hall and recieve help from a trusted friend.

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Snyders Return:

He says, this, he says, Come this way, and he saw the holes, the scroll tubes and people look up under one arm and sort of spin on his heel, and a gallon sort of billows outside as he turns, and he puts his free hand up to hold his wig in place, as he then start striding away with purpose a quite quickly and briskly as he leads lead you through the main gate and into this main courtyard area. He takes you into the bottom, the main entrance of this massive grand opulent structure that has been built here in the middle of the city. Like a like it was built as a celebration to their own success. There's the Parliament and the Council of for the Jukes, the Grand Duke and they would have it no other way. And he leads you in and through, he says, um, I, I have to leave you here. But the, the Grand Duke and the entourage and and those people are up on the second floor if you want to go to their offices and, and it's, it's quite easily find all some signage up on the walls, and you should be okay. And and then from behind you coming in from the doorway. You hear a familiar voice. Brian, what are you doing here? Hello. You Tara C. Brown. Oh, Brad, your colleagues and compete in a pub.


And we're here to try and finance Well, it's a long story, but we're just I'm here to try and find some extravagant clothing. And maybe some like extra razzle dazzle is one of my companions.

Snyders Return:

razzle dazzle


is not the one that said razzle dazzle he is in fact a sensible man. Yet

Snyders Return:

I hadn't picked to choose a rustle does he kind of guy I'm not be fair. Right. I'm


obviously my Thai baht and I'm gonna open my shirt again. When did when we slaughtered 20 men in a massive fight with the cultists?

Snyders Return:

I heard about that. But we're on Borstein busy down at the C Ward but well done. Oh,


it isn't there kind of a big deal that they're doing, isn't it? Well, mostly Coke


is a children's school bus.


Moving on.


Cats 20.


can help a captain with that. Oh, Captain. Oh, my razzle dazzle.


Hi, did you see possible? I need to look like a promoter fighting promoter going on. Yeah, I'm going as a date on a day as a fading promoter.

Snyders Return:

So some valid questions, but I don't think I don't think the questions are fun now. And he turns the clock to the clock you step back a little bit. He's like I'll do with it from now if if you want to carry on and the clerk has already gone by the time he's finished the sentence, you know, back into the sunshine, gone. A little faceless of these sometimes come down headquarters. Try and get a bit of paperwork and then disappear. He's working


on the space case. But man he talks too much. I can just wait for him to stop. But he helped me here so I guess he helped me in it. somewhere.

Snyders Return:

All right, well, let's go and see what the boss has got to offer while he's out of town. I'm sure he, why he's got to have some interesting items up there. Follow me guys. And he leads you up past the front desk. Were there a couple of ones clearly, and often there's a couple of humans there. They seem to just be monitoring and checking people in and offering advice and directions. There's not like a UI here map. But that's effectively what they're there for. And he leaves you up this last one beautiful grand staircase up to the first floor. And beyond the first door for that, you can see signs for the courtroom. And he says, right, we don't need to go in there and start disturbing council business. So let's, let's go to the next floor and start checking some offices. And he leaves you round. And again, the staircase that rotates around, it comes up to a half landing. And it's a huge sort of stained glass window and the light is flooding into this area. And you can see that there are people sort of more clerks, administrative types, and a few like the armoured guard types who are moving through the hallways, and everybody seems to be just disregarding you entirely or courteous to you and caring.




Next a change. Yeah, screen


nice little vibe up here.

Snyders Return:

where everyone's so wrapped up in their own business that nobody cares for anyone else up here. We should be pretty much undisturbed. Fair enough.


Right? Sure. So he wears these clothes.

Snyders Return:

I think I think the changing rooms and let's start at his office, let's go big or go home but preferably, you know lead to go home. And he leads you up and you can see in this sort of 10 foot wide corridor, there are a couple of small offices and a massive set of beautifully carved wooden double dears double doors. This is one side and before the darcel on the other. One of them has the port the name port on the door. One has been on the third and then down towards the foreign the biggest oldest letters end of the corridor dominating the room is Raven guards.


And we go

Snyders Return:

do you try the door? Oh yes. Do you?


Yes. Yes. This one you fumble the handle


put in your mouth What?

Snyders Return:

Your face on the door on what as you're trying to get the handle of this Lancer double doors. The door just puts up resistance as low locked


Hmm It seems to be locked.

Snyders Return:

Do you find this stuff? So hot? Sorry, brown.


Right. Right. Yeah. So I borrowed from gifted for an hour. Face of the end. Oh, right. Who Okay, breeze right. So the door resistance. It's not low balling. It's






Yeah, Brian, do you have a key But why? Why?


I mean, they're my man. My man.


Give me something good.


Good. Close.


Yeah. Let me see if I've got anything. I mean,


are we okay to go in here? I mean, if it's locked, it doesn't want to go in


but yesterday, we don't exactly want to break an entry and the Juke would be making some seriously bad enemies. I think we But we just try somewhere else. I don't really want to piss off a Duke. Only if you're not here that would make sense to ways locked up.


You would never


know. That's also true.


I mean, your buddy bros up here so he must say it's okay to go in. I mean he's not gonna grass on Rosie, would you bring

Snyders Return:

a high grass on you? I just thought Bob this was the best place to start. I mean if groans juke his office is shot then this one here to the left. This is entourage and this is assistance. So you might have a bit more luck in there.


Yeah, that's a good point. Let's try that.

Snyders Return:

You try the door. Yes. It's a mimic. No, no, it's not a mimic. Oh, god you know God that's that was another life sort of imagined like a anyway five fell. It was dry. So as you try the door it resists at first but the handle does it give an underdog just cracks open ever so slightly. All


right. I'm gonna crack a little bit more looking. Anyone

Snyders Return:

do a perception investigation? Check for me. perception.


Like a 14

Snyders Return:

from what you can see in here from this smaller office. And what what your other senses are telling you it appears to be empty and quiet. undisturbed. Okay,


I'm gonna go in. That's supposed to be open. Let's try this one. Hold. Do I see any? Yeah, I'm following

Snyders Return:

what are you looking for?


Like any clothing? Or maybe even like a key? The other office?


Oh, man, okay.

Snyders Return:

Okay, unless you have a good luck doing investigation chair for me, if


you're gonna do it easy. I


can help I can help you. Um,

Snyders Return:

I'm quite good. I can help you. Okay. You can help each other. Depending on what you're doing.


I got 13


I got a 15. Nice.

Snyders Return:

All right, as you two step in, brown sort of turns and backs into them quietly checking down the corridor and brings the door shut behind you and the door, clicks back into place closed and latched into the front. And as you guys can about you can see a couple of well upholstered chairs behind some very lavish tables and desks and that seems to be sort of for them as you look around, and they face in from each corner of the room and there are bookshelves and this used to be for books and documents, other paperwork and there appears to be access to some sort of anti chamber that seems to have a shared will with the next office which which is the Jukes office. There is a window in this room allowing the light to come flooding in small candelabras on a sort of Central table to allow light if they are working beyond the daylight hours. There is a beautiful carpet beautifully woven the there's a rug down there with a Flaming Fist emblem which is in Boston broidered into it the use of this type of the bookcases or was on or the access into the anti chamber have Ryan garish shot of flaring this style motif wallpaper on it and then suspended from the ceiling above us a rather small and understated chandelier, providing light should it be required. Hi there sorry for the interruption. It's Adam here. Just let you know that we will be showcasing some of our friends across the tabletop role playing community. Links to their shows will be in the description below. Enjoy the promos, getting contact, engage with them engage with us. We'd love to hear from you. And I'm sure so would they. So, quick advert and then straight back to the adventure.

Charlene Bayer:

tabletop titties is a new Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition actual play podcast run entirely by people of marginalised genders. Join me Dungeon Master Charlene bear and my four chaos demons as they attempt to survive the wild wild trials in tabletop titties. First homebrew campaign, a fight to the death, a twist of skills and ability, a conspiracy theory or rebellion in the making, but also feel the pain of my fist. If you touch my darling, it just fits your style. Are you a paladin? Don't follow me. I don't know what I'm doing. tabletop cities available live on Twitch and wherever you get your podcasts. For more information, follow us on social media at tabletop tins or visit our website www dot tabletop That's tabletop cities with two DS if you know what I mean.


So any wardrobes?

Snyders Return:

Yeah, you can't see wardrobes as such, but you do. Well, the only thing that looks a bit like a wardrobe is this access to the xante chamber that seems to link into the Dukes.


obviously gonna go in there. I'm gonna tie that actually, could Ashton I forget where to go for? I would expect him to chop his own office. Why would that? Why would that happen? Why would anyone do that? I'd be stupid. I'd


be somebody really, really paranoid.


Yeah, exactly. It'd be doing something naughty. I'm gonna try that. Try the thing. Oh, right. As you explode

Snyders Return:

The Fresh Prince is not making an appearance. So as you depress the handle and the door swings open, and it swings in, outwards and inwards to the room initially, you see just a couple of sets of cloaks. They are nicely be close, but they are just blacking coloration and just hung off a rail. And doesn't seem to be much else. It doesn't seem very deep. And given the shoe say time mentions first presented.


Can I look for any secret doors?

Snyders Return:

No. Do an investigation to help me please. With advantage.


That's good. Because that went from a natural one to 22.

Snyders Return:

Nice. Oh, good effort. So somewhere what actually happens? Well, what can't you try seems to be the panelling at the back of this sort of wardrobe where overlaps and you can see just a small gap and and as you sort of slide your finger in the gap and as you manoeuvre and manipulate sort of both towards and away the both hearts seem to rotate to form a chordal inside which there seems to be several lavishly sort of hung cloaks, and this seems to be official medallions and jewellery. That is hats caps, there's a cane at least two canes of different descriptions. And the far end you see another set of these or double doors that we guess would seem to lead to a new destination


sounds like necklaces like a token like big chunky like and I like what they were

Snyders Return:

like more Yeah, Mayer type chains and necklaces. There aren't smaller bit sort of chains and


Yeah, well I want to grab a couple of more see the chains are there like any there's no emblems on them is saying there's no like signs or like the Flaming Fist or you know shave it away


dupes necklace no like it like really? Oh


yeah, I'll


do that one.


I'm just gonna line my pockets here a bit you know, I'm owed some wages I think get. So I'm just one of those anything there, I can cast my on that I can press Shift later on. That's not going to draw attention if I try and sell it to a particular person.

Snyders Return:

Having a scan about you can see that a few of the chains are there, just bear and close to them are the jewels and the medallions. That would be hung on them or strung onto them to make it a full


chain. Just a plain chain and try and put in most of my pocket.

Snyders Return:

You're playing the gene the chain. Yeah, just to sell only looking chain.


Yeah, nothing to elaborate on Don't draw too much attention.

Snyders Return:

Yeah, yeah, you are able to lift them from its sole pedestal stand is rather amin is well crafted but it is just a Yeah,


this was this was not suitable bronze and then I just like slip in my pocket

Snyders Return:

do a sleight of hand shark


they're gonna be like that this was not suitable Oh Which one is that? God 17

Snyders Return:

oh shit in a sort of swift rotating manoeuvre as you say this one's not available as I'm sort of just turning away from the storage that the pedestal is on your hand sort of slides down as low scratching your leg as this chain just disappears down into a pocket nicely done


yeah so any of this take you fancy


I am going to have a look are there enough that are like I could maybe like gather up to make it look like I'm like an extravagant fighting promoter

Snyders Return:

voice coach of various colours, various materials, there's silk, suede there is below there is. Let me see if you can picture it in GM garment form. Somewhere in this strangely oversized section, this anti chamber walk in wardrobe. And this includes a Isley plain looking fabric


looks a bit odd to pin in this room because it was in it.


See, I'm gonna have a look at that.

Snyders Return:

You notice that the doing investigation check for me.


Okay. Oh 19

Snyders Return:

as who will handle the garment and have a closer look within the thread that forms this fabric. There seems to be like a trace of some sort of arcane energy that just kind of slips down on along the weave the fabric, you know, through the fabric permeating through the fabric it adds, while you're not exactly sure how it's gonna look when you put it on, but there's something more to this garment than just a plain looking arrangement added to pick that up. And


he said razzle dazzle razz Yeah, but


there's something about that. There's something about this. It's quite intriguing. And I mean, I'm only bothered in it, you know?


Yeah, that's okay. That's true. Yeah,


you know,


I can bring it back home one piece.

Snyders Return:

That is also a sort of brass looking joke, as well as sat on a plinth pedestal just one fast


looking jug


dissolve look quite razzle dazzle


it doesn't but it is in here. It's gotta be something good.


I got that as well. Like snack says like shirts and some good just gets weird. Well, there


is a set up there's a set Doors Down there too. Oh,

Snyders Return:

you can hear him brown outside go. I think someone's coming. Shut up. As he tiptoes in, and he starts to close the the access into this office in front of you. The three of you are now inside this wardrobe.


Oh. Double Door Yes, we'll go through to an eau de Salt Lake randomly sitting in a closet.

Snyders Return:

So you are going into the nature Yeah.


Are you doing that? quietly quietly as I can Yeah, here we go.

Snyders Return:

Let's have some stuff text.


Oh my


god inches. Well, that's my


I just realised 18 What's the second one? Oh my god. That's what I say the second one is the seven third

Snyders Return:

smooth. What did you realise? Or can


I think it's gonna happen? I don't want to see a little bit silly. So I think I know exactly what yesterday Wait, I don't know what's going on with


my messages. Yeah, I think I know exactly what's gonna happen if we go through this door but yeah, well, we'll go over doing it.

Snyders Return:

All right. Let's see if your theories are correct. Anyway, as Braun says that and you can hear the latch to the the wardrobe. You guys came in, they sort of comes and he moves in and he sort of pushes the panels back into place and you open the door and it gives out this sort of odd squeak and wine and as you pull the door towards you for some reason they haven't bothered sort of doing it properly and as you probably you can hear it's scraping across the ground and you're not quick enough to cushion it and slow it down and the sound reverberates down through brown looks over his shoulder as if say doing he quickly saw moves to be with you regroup on what you see beyond you is another another set of clips that are hanging down as a do perception check for me please.


Hearing or smell hear hearing cool. I get a vantage on that. That's a 19


I got 16


and 19 Oh shit,

Snyders Return:

you hear just just the noise in the door for for son at the doors cracked open just enough for you to see into the office at the other end of the corridor. You can hear the latch for the wardrobe toward the outer door sort of come open. What are you doing?


Kick don't get caught Do you want to get caught?


But so we're not through the other side of doors. We've closed those now for Joe's doors, and are about to come through into this while they could come into the into this room could do right? I think we just simply I mean, we're in and out. We can't leave any of us by now we look towards the front door, the front door have a lock on the side.

Snyders Return:

There appears to be no locks and


it does appear to be any kind of like key on the top of the desk. I don't know why they would lock the door and leave a key inside of the room. That seems pretty stupid.


You never know. So well. So we've gone through the double door and there's another room with quotes in it. Yeah,

Snyders Return:

so it's like reflection of


wardrobe wardrobe into like the


secret wardrobe through a double set of doors into another wardrobe. Essentially. Okay, so we now in the wardrobe of the Jukes office. Yes, you could

Snyders Return:

guess of that. But at the moment you're in a


question is does the guy say this isn't made out thing of that? Do they know about the secret doorway? Or is it something that someone's impasse on so if we stay quiet stay in here. Okay.


Yes, I think we should just do that.


Which is Tonka danis be really quiet.

Snyders Return:

Romi fresh stuff.


I'm not moving. I'm not moving. Oh, wait, I got 32nd one. Oh, is it 10 that's not bad. That's nice, right.

Snyders Return:

You can hear at the far end. What sounds like cloaks being sled and slid along a rail. And just as you think you hear the outdoor start to latch back into place. HOD What is it? You do guys always




I can't like tangled up in one or like the clothes and like I spin around. And I just like collapse on the floor.


Oh, no. Sorry. You can do preparation but it opened on my show sounds

Snyders Return:

like ready to flash. You can hear what sounds like a hand or some sort of imprint against that back wall of the passageway that forms the door from your side. Trying to find joy finding test the solidity of the one is beyond a series of bangs. And then you hear the Clank the sliding of the close move again. And you hear the wardrobe door doors closed and latched back into position. And the last thing you just about here is for moving away from the end of the wardrobe and to chamber


back out that way. Okay,


how are we to stay here that's a setup will live here will be fine.

Snyders Return:

Thank you for listening. If you'd like to learn more about the show, then go to WWW dot Snyder's Alternatively, you can find us Over on Twitter at Return Snyder. We have a link tree link in the description of this episode. And if you want to support us, come and join us over on Patreon and we also have a Discord server. Please leave us a review because we'd love to learn how to improve the channel and provide better content alpha for those who are listening until we until we speak again. Thank you

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