Snyder’s Return

Mid-Winter Break - Mistconceptions Podcast Season 2 Episode 1

Snyder's Return / Mistconceptions / DicePopuli Season 2 Episode 31

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Mistconceptions is an Actual Play Podcast based on the Son of Oak created City of Mist TTRPG.

Season 2 Premiere (Great jumping on point for New Listeners).
A month and a half has passed since the fateful encounter at the Golden Flamingo Casino, and the Crew reunites to celebrate the Grand reopening of Morty's.

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(To learn more about City of Mist you can listen to our (Snyder's Return) interview with it's creator Amit Moshe.)

Snyder's Return is working with Content Creators from multiple different Podcasts from multiple different Tabletop Roleplay Game (TTRPG) systems to share our work, love of the hobby and grow the community together.

This Trailer is from Dice Populi - A TTRPG podcast that uses D&D 5E to tell stories in a new way -- with 5 rotating dungeon masters.

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Adam 'Cosy' Powell



MC: David White

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Snyders Return:

Hey everybody, Adam here, just let you know that Snyder's Return is taking a midwinter break. We are working on exciting interviews and projects. However in the meantime, we are going to be showcasing some of the best podcasts from different game systems out there today. But we're also playing promos for exciting podcasts. So stick around to the very end to find out if there is not one, but two possible podcasts for your next listening pleasure.

David White:

Hello, friends and welcome to the season two premiere of misconceptions. I'm your host, your friend, and you're all around comic book aficionado, David white. To all of our returning listeners. Welcome back. We are so happy to see you again. air quotes. But it's it's been a while for you. It's been like a month but for us it's been like two months. So we are glad to have you back. Welcome back. I hope you're excited to get back into the city. And to our new listeners. Welcome. We are an actual play podcast of the city of mist RPG created by Sun evoke studios. City mist is a really cool powered by the apocalypse system. It combines elements from noir film and superhero genres. It's It is a great game. I really love it. It's very narrative based. But I mean, surely you already knew that if you're listening to this, you know what we're about. And new listeners. Don't worry if you haven't listened to season one if misconceptions. Because after our announcements and everything, there's going to be a recap of season one, you will be able to hear the highlights and everything that happened in season one, and it will catch you right up to where you need to be for season two. Now, if you aren't interested in that recap, you can skip ahead a little bit to the 15 minute mark, and jump right into the action. But before we jump back into it, I would like to give a shout out to our listeners who support us on Patreon at the $2 or more level. First up, I would like to thank Heather Barrow. And that's my mom. Thanks, Mom. I would also like to give a shout out to Christopher pulk. Christopher, thank you for listening to our show. And thank you for supporting us on Patreon. And our patrons give us the ability to do some really cool things in season two that we were not able to do in season one, we will have more sound effects, more ambience, our patrons have really helped us improve the quality of the show toe. So to these two new patrons and to all of our patrons that support us in the past. Thank you so much for making season two possible. Thank you so much for making Season Two even better than season one. If you'd like to support us, there's a link down in the show notes. We would love any support you can get so we can keep making the show even better. I would also like to give a iTunes shout out to a listener who left us a very nice review on iTunes. Not their sim pie. Thank you so much for reviewing us. And also thank you for being the first iTunes reviewer outside of the United States. That is really cool. And I also hope that you find your sim pie or whoever is looking for you to be there sim pie finds you I know I don't know. I don't understand the not their sim I understand your username But hey, good luck with it. And that is everything for me. I'm so excited to get back into the city. I'm glad that you are here new and old listeners alike. So let's go ahead and get into it. It all started in a bar. four separate destinies bound together by fate. Bill, an enforcer for the local golden Flamingo casino imbued with weaponized tattoos and forced into employment in return for the souls of his wife and child. Fay, an elementary teacher with a mystical connection to nature and visions of a long lost love. Rin an up and coming software engineer who had suffered a mysterious car accident as he was investigating strange happenings in the city. Esther, a faithful daughter keeps the memory of her father alive by running his bar, but also uses a magical ring to investigate her father's sudden, suspicious


death. They all came to Marty's bar for different reasons that night and found themselves swept up into investigating a mysterious new drug that caused those that took it to turn beastial and violent using their combined wits and might the rest together Alliance found the drug dealer and captured him. He spoke to them of a coming holy war. But before he could be interrogated further he was killed by an unseen sniper Among the dealer's paraphernalia, the crew found a strange insignia and insignia that Esther has seen before in her father's notebook. The crew spoke to Esther's longtime family friend hobby, a detective with the City Police Department and found a list of missing drug dealers and other citizens. Following these leads, the crew made their way to an abandoned dog shelter and found Linda Lockwood, the famous primetime news reporter was also investigating these mysterious disappearances together, they snuck into the dog shelter and found the mafia holding drug dealers and their beastial clients hostage. overseeing the interrogation was Jimmy the butcher, a dangerous and violent mafia capo. After a deadly scuffle, the crew defeated Jimmy and his soldiers just before the police arrived on the scene. Next Esther was approached by her employee, James about his mother being forced out of her apartment at 123 blonko Street. Esther enlisted the help of her newfound allies to investigate the shady landlord Mr. smalls and found he was trying to run his tenants out of the apartment building in order to sell it to an offshore Corporation called Mediterranean enterprises. cross referencing with other properties in the city. That crew found a water treatment plant that was recently bought by the same company. The crew decided to deal with Mr. Small's apartment building before investigating the water treatment plant, Fay and Rin and listed the help of an overworked attorney at the district attorney's office named Deacon Smith, while Esther and Bill ran off Mr. smalls goons from 123 blonko St. Deacon managed to secure James's mother's apartment for a few more days. Using his legal know how to celebrate this small victory. The crew was invited back later that night, but they were all a gas to find Mrs. Williams dead in her apartment. Esther was even more aghast to find the crime scene shockingly similar to her father's murder. Filled with Righteous Fury. The crew tracked down Mr. Small's and dragged him back to Rin small office building. There they interrogated him about Mrs. Williams murder, and found it was connected to Mediterranean enterprises intend to buy the property. The crew decided they needed to find out why the offer Corporation was so focused on buying properties in the city. So they went to the water treatment plant. Waiting for nightfall the crew infiltrated the plant and found a hidden downstairs facility that was collecting mist from an ancient stone well in the middle of the room. being in contact with the Miss had adverse effects on the crew and they pass out. When the crew came to they found themselves bound and held hostage by armed guards. The crew broke free and fought their way past their captors only to find two mysterious figures arrived via magical portal, one with a wolf mask and the other with a demon mask. The one with a wolf mask was left to dispatch the intruders and a last ditch effort to bury them with the rest of the evidence. The wolf activated an explosive charge bringing the roof of the water treatment plant down on all their heads. After digging themselves out of there would be grave phase confidence in the crew and its mission was shaking. That sir talk to fame to not leaving and in return fake and five in Esther her desire to find her soulmate, the reincarnated soul of Robin. Meanwhile, Bill is given an extra duty by his villainous boss at the casino, Jeremiah to work with another employee and investigate the explosion at the water treatment plan, hinting at a possible connection between the crews ongoing investigation and Bill's workplace. All the while ran was tracking of a fledging if not awkward, office romance with his new employee data. As a crew tried to process the events of the past few days Linda Lockwood approached them with information about an incoming shipment to the city that seemed of some importance and mafia and uneasy alliance was struck between the crew and the abrasive Linda, an effort to get to the bottom of the city's conspiracy. Following Linda's Lee the crew went to the harbour to intercept the shipment, but their plans were set askew by the sudden appearance of Jimmy the butcher and his men. a gunfight broke out and the crew had to flee. As a crew laid low for the next few days, they heard reports of grisly murders all across the city. While they formulated their next plan of action. Inside Esther's bar, the crew were suddenly set upon by Jimmy the butcher, and the objects that have been smuggled into the city a horrendous monster. The ensuing fire destroyed Esther's bar and Jim the butcher was revealed have mysterious powers of his own. Bill Nasser managed to subdue Jimmy while Fay use her powers to control the monster and kill Jimmy soldiers. But the victory came at a cost. As soon as bar was destroyed, Jimmy and the monster both escaped and the confusion and faith was shaken by the blood on our hands, wheels were spinning, loose ends were travelling out of sight, the crew decided to split up in order to pursue the different leads. billon when saw the help of Linda Lockwood in tracking down Jimmy the butcher. Well fan Esther went to the city park to hunt down the monster. Desperate to escape the drudgery of the bullpen, Linda led bill and rent to a downtown pizzeria with known mafia connections. There, they found Julie's workshop with Jimmy seemingly tortured and killed people with powers. Linda also found a clue hinting at an assassination attempt involving mayoral candidate and current district attorney PIP Hamill at the upcoming mail debate. On what this information the trio had to shoot their way out of the pizzeria and escape into the night. Meanwhile, fan so use face lingering connection to the monster to check it deep into the heart of the city park. While trekking through the woods, the duo stumbled upon Muhammad, a lawyer who was searching for missing children. They decided to continue on together, hoping the combined efforts would help them find what they were looking for. near the centre of the park, the trio found a mysterious and powerful woman named Lisa. Lisa knew what they sought for and where to find it and offered a trade information for what they sought in return for favour. Lisa needed a concert that was disturbing the peace of her force to be broken up. Then she would answer a question for each of them. After trying to dismantle the music festival in a number of ways and failing. Mohammed finally transformed into a bear and scare the audience out of the forest. With peace restored to her realm. Lisa happily offered up information to the Tria Muhammad found one of the missing children he was seeking, as sir was rewarded with a vision of a woman who was connected to a father before his death and the magical ring she now wore, and Fay was promised that the monster would not hurt anyone ever again and was told that she was now closer to finding her long lost love than she ever had been before. The separate missions complete, the crew came back together to discuss their findings of utmost importance was stopping Jimmy the butcher's assassination of da panel at the May oil debate gala happening in a week. Before time could be dedicated to that the crew had to find the missing Mr. smalls. their investigation led them to agathos halfway house in the city's Old Town district. In this mist shrouded place, the crew met a young man with an extraordinary ability to assume the identity of anyone he touched. Lynn told the crew of a visit from the mysterious figure in a demon mask and how he had been hired to assume Mr. Small's identity in order to sell the property at 123 Blanca Street to Mediterranean enterprises. The crew left the frightened land with a promise of friendship and even more questions than they have come. After a week of preparation than my old debate gala had arrived. The crew enacted their carefully laid plan to keep da PIP Hamill say, but as they bumped shoulders with the elite of the city as to is distracted by the appearance of mafia boss combine Giuseppe Ester boldly stood up to the Sophie's table and requested an audience which she was rewarded after the mob boss learned last night. A brief and cryptic conversation ensued in which Esther learned that karma Giuseppe not only knew the father Morty, but I owed him a debt. The mob boss gave Esther a trinket in the form of an ancient gold coin that he told her would fix the ball when used. At the same time, Fayetteville spotted Bill's boss Jeremiah and attendance as well, sitting at a table with two other fingers. Then tragedy struck. At the height of the debate just as da PIP Hamill was railing against the policies and negligence of the current mafia controlled man. He was shocked by an unseen sniper. The events that followed were a blur with fe working quickly to save Dee's life. As to watching combine Giuseppe slip away into the crowd and Bill and rent chasing after the sniper on an adjacent roof. Rather than finding Jimmy the bicha with a gun, they found the man with the wolf mass from the water treatment plant. As rain and thunder unleashed around them bill and Ren fought the figure in a wolf mask. After pips life was saved fe and has to rush to the rooftop to help the allies in the fight. Combined, the crew bound up the wolf and unmasked him. The face underneath was not Jimmy the butcher or anyone they recognise. Despite the cruise interrogation, the wolf refused to offer up any information. Their interrogation was cut short by a magical portal opening up and the figure with the demon mask appearing on the roof. The crew could not even put up a fight as they were flung from the rooftop into the concrete street below. They scraped themselves off the cement and fled the scene as the police arrived as a crew separated to gather their thoughts and heal from their injuries. Each of them was set upon by enforces sent from the golden Flamingo casino, fake bill and Ren fended off their taxes. But Esther was defeated and drag from a barn in a race against time. There remaining members of the crew enlist the help of hobby and return to the golden Flamingo casino. Inside the casino, a fateful battle went down, with Jeremiah revealing himself as the mind god of death and nearly killing the crew. In the end it was billed at stood against his employer, and the man who had stolen his family and a climactic moment. bilberries tattoo weapon and Jeremiah is just killing him and maybe ruining any chance he had of saving Sam. It's been one month since the showdown at the Golden Flamingo casino. The city of gumbo with the old world

David White:

of the mundane. Mr. Birthday The city is everything and seems city with towering skyscrapers, potholes and never seen the stiff fittings and stiff sun ties and dames and high heels. midnight. The real nature of silicon and night the shift yet Starker becomes a creature of dripping claws and teeth. At night, cars roll down the streets. There's no one in the driver's seat. But one morning comes. Nobody can remember how the night really went. They remember


when more appropriately a mist. No one knows where the mist came from. More its true nature.

David White:

Most everyone in the city doesn't even know the mist exists. The mist doesn't just cover up either. It affects everything and everyone in the city changed. Most of those affected by the mist that take with the mist gives them to turn a profit or pursue selfish gangs. There are some just a few that fight the good fight. They put their necks on the line to protect the city from the nefarious. It's not always easy. In fact, it never is these legends. This is a story of a few of those legends. This story needs to be told. And it needs to be heard. Are you ready? Yep,


let's do it.

David White:

As this episode opens, there's a dark skin man dressed in all black, the skull themed bolo tie around his neck. There's a cavernous hole in his chest, and the ornate carpet beneath him is stained by the inky black blood that flows from the wound. A white sheet is slowly and silently pulled up over his lifeless face by two pairs of hands. A thick heavy liquid drip drops onto the ground. As a droplets fall we see flashing blue and red lights in the background. The camera follows the drops, and we see fingers drenched in black blood. The camera pans past the hands and we see still manacles fastened around tattooed wrists. The man is dressed in dark cowboy clothes and sits in a wooden chair. His bruised face is stained with dried tears. His eyes are puffy and red with irritation. All around him we see police officers escorting people dressed in similar Western outfits and tattoos. Their hands also in handcuffs. Nearby a detective in a bulletproof dress and a woman with a leather jacket are having a heated discussion with some plainclothes detectives. Not too far away from that discussion is a woman with a flower dress and a man with a hoodie having a quiet discussion of their own. As all this happens, the man with a cowboy hat and blood on his hands does not move. He stares into the up close distance. He can still feel the weight of the weapon in his hand. He can feel the bones breaking and the blood pooling around his knuckles. He can see the life fade from the eyes of the man who had stolen his family from him. As he feels this, the woman with a leather jacket appears in his blurry vision, undoing the manacles around his wrist and offering some assurance to him, but he does not hear it. As the manacles fall from his wrists, the man slowly unfurls his fingers to reveal two poker chips. A single tear beats at the corner of his eye and eats down his cheek as his mouth silently forms the words. I'm sorry. The camera cuts out to a wide shot of a lavish casino buttressed up against a glistening lake with the full moon hanging overhead and a range of mountains peeking from behind clouds of midnight missed. A platoon of police cars and emergency vehicles flooded the parking lot. The words golden Flamingo casino are displayed in bright curvy neon lettering. Immediately. There's a different shot of the casino. It is day now. The lights and the neon lettering have faded. The casino is in disrepair. Graffiti of differing styles and colours stain the walls. Dark windows are busted in. green shoots of grass poke out from the cracks and the segment of an empty parking lot. And we see the words one month later appear at the bottom of the screen. The camera pans to the nearby city. The sun is glinting off of windows of skyscrapers as people below swelter in the summer heat. A group of children runs and plays as a fire hydrant sends a torrent of water into the street. As children dance in the spray the water clings to one child's arm like a second skin, never striking the hot semen below. In the city park, a pair of old men sit around the chessboard. As one man moves his rook into position. The other leans back thoughtfully in his chair smoking a cigarette. As he excels, the grey cloud goes out from his lips covering the chessboard. As the smoke fades the pieces are positioned differently around the board. He moves his Bishop in the position and leans back in his chair with a smile. In the window of a neighbourhood grocery store are two posters, one posters peeling and torn at the edges. It features a smirking, balding man with the words reelect Mayor Corallo framing his face. The other poster features a handsome man with a strong jawline combed hair. beneath his face are the words elect PIP Hamill, the hero of the city. There is a sound of a spray can shaking off screen and then a red line of paint is sprayed across Mayor corrals face. As a grocery store owner runs into the street with a baseball bat. a gang of hooded delinquents rushed down the street, ignoring the store owners curses. A Falcon weaves its way around the cityscape, ducking its wings against its body the Falcon dives into the alleyway. Shadows move, and then a man in a business suit steps out into the busy sidewalk brushing a feather from his shoulder as he marches towards legendary solutions Plaza. This is a city a seemingly normal Metropolis where people go to work tired at 8am to go home exhausted at 5pm where parents take their children to the waterpark on the weekends and coeds go to the club after classes lit out. But look closer. There's a metaphysical reality underlying the mundane. The phlebotomist who takes blood donations both for the blood bank and to satisfy his own craving. The house that is set abandoned at the edge of town for years, but it's just a vacant lot on nights with the full moon the casino owner, which is really a villainous kingpin swindling people into service exchange for the souls of their loved ones. This is the city and nothing is as it seems. As we see all those things. We then go to a separate portion of the city. Who are we going to see first?


I can go I have thoughts already. Okay. Okay. You're gonna be in the seat. Okay, um, the camera pans down on an apartment complex as I need to be closer. The camera pans down on an apartment complex as you see two women unloading a moving truck and moving into an apartment complex. One of them has a flowy skirt on and then a T shirt that's tied at the waist. Very Mamma mia style. Current obsession and crap. What does she look like? She has long brown hair. It's been a little while. I'm sorry, guys. Okay, what else her name again. Um, so yeah, so she's got a long flowy skirt and she's got a T shirt tied at her waist and long brown hair. And she is carrying a desk that should be way too heavy for her. But as she's carrying it you if the as you zoom in, you see that it's not really her carrying it. She's got vines coming out of her hands that are holding it up while she pretends to struggle as she walks it into the apartment, and then gently sets it down exactly where she wants it. This is Faye Carver. She turned over to her best friend. says as we still need to get the couch Do you want to help me or do you want to just let my vines handle it? I'll help we don't want to give people too much to look at. Well, I mean, they're gonna be looking at us and they walk into their rolls her eyes and really annoyed by that. They walk out, get the couch and come back in. As I keep unloading. Fay goes back into her bedroom to get things set up and closes the door and takes out this long tube that she had put into one of her suitcases. As she pulls out papers in there she starts pasting them to the wall and you start seeing different aspects with names on it like Pamela shot and Wolf mask and Mohammed and bear and all different things that she's got posts up around, that are clearly some sort of like suspect board or murder board. She's trying to figure out what's going on. And it fills a whole wall with all the details she posts up there. And then you see her not at the wall and vines and flowers. Roll in and cover the wall so that when you come in, it just looks like a wall of beautiful flowers, which are pretty typical. And then you see her set up her pots of plants. You see her set up her potted plants at her window and head back into the living room to get things set up.

David White:

Okay, actually, as you are setting up your potted plants, you take out one it's a small ceramic pot that was given to you and painted by one of your students. However it's cracked. But even with the cracked lettering you can see in very childish handwriting's to miss Carver, best elementary teacher ever. And as you're smiling at that, suddenly you flash you're in a different room, your old apartment, everything is where it should be everything is as it should be. And then we see you flying across the screen. You crash into an entertainment centre sending all these things scattering to the ground. You get up you're panicking you're you're covered in lacerations and cut. We see a girl we see a woman jump over the couch and she has these combat boots and fatigues and this dragon tattoo on her arm. And then you flash out of it


as fate flashes out. She like is hyperventilating and says okay, okay. five senses, five senses. Okay, five things I can see. See. Room flowers, vines. Things I can hear things I can I can touch. Okay, comforter, okay, my hair. I can I can feel my shirt on my skin. Okay, I can do this. And then she walked back.

David White:

Is that actual technique? Yeah.


Okay, cool. Yeah. Actual therapy, I think.

David White:

Okay, the camera leaves. Phase apartment, pulls out goes down the street weaves its way through the busy suburbs and everything. And then we what do we see? You see,


an unassuming house in a neighbourhood. With an old blue car parked outside, it's my car blue.

David White:

We've changed it so many times.


With an old Plymouth parked outside and you make your way through the blinds to see a man sitting down with reading glasses on pouring through pages of interesting looking glyphs. He lifts up a cup that has some hot tea and it slips it and just keeps pouring over the book meticulously. Then you flashback and you're in the same corner of the house. And somebody comes through the door and it's the same man but he is much different. He's crying. He's moping. He just goes straight to his bedroom, lays down and grabs a bottle of something and drinks it. Next day he wakes up and he drink some more and he lays down some more and he drink some more. It just goes back to sleep. This happens for a solid week and then one night the man wakes up in a sweat and something has changed. You can see it in his face, you can see it in his eyes. eyes that were once dead, but are now eager. And almost hopeful. He's giddy and he's smiling and he gets up and in the middle of the night, he begins cleaning his house and, and throwing away empty cans and getting rid of bottles and, and just being productive. And the following day he, he goes out and he comes back. And he has just a bunch of books, very odd books, and he starts reading. Halfway through, he realised he's having a hard time reading comes, comes back with some glasses. And then he continues reading continues reading and then we're back at present day. He's like, what, what does this mean? I don't understand this. He takes off his cowboy hat through to reveal a thick head of black hair, unlike his real life counterpart. And he just he runs his hand back through his hair, kind of massages the back of his neck, it throws his hat down, and frustration, then all of a sudden up. That's it. And he slams the book close and he runs outside. And it looks like a clouds coming towards him. That's the same.

David White:

Alright, and then the the camera zooms away from the suburban area. And where does it take us next.


So it's kind of like a like a month passing. You see Rand go back to his office, actually casino fight. And he goes back and he's just sitting in dazes chair, because it's the one that's facing the entire office space, and it's just like, has his hand or his head in his hands. And he's like, I'm gonna do about this. And you look through the office, and there's tears in the carpet, there's burn marks from his gun, you're looking at the walls, and there's like dents from him being thrown against the wall. There's dents from the two goons being thrown against the wall. And so he just sits there. And he's thinking about what to do next about how he doesn't have the money to pay for this. And so, you know, it flashes forward a few days and you see him excited, he figured out that he could do this on his own rather than paying for it. And he like rips up the old carpets and you know, throws out in the dumpster and then rolls out this new carpet that's you know, flashy. And it's this black and white diagonal pattern or something. And then he's fixing up all of the old walls. And he's looking on YouTube and seeing how to fix them. So you can do it himself. And then he does it and it just doesn't work. So he like looks at YouTube watches a couple of videos for several hours. And both Pablo and Daisy are just bewildered, staring at him while he's researching in his office. And he's you know, fixing all these walls and then it flashes to present day and he's standing on a ladder and is putting up just like cheap decor on the walls to just like

David White:

cover up the birthmark


to cover up the birthmarks because he couldn't fix it. And so he's just putting up decor and just random places to cover up the birthmarks and the holes in the wall. And they're just horrible paintings, but he just put placing them on all the walls and they're all in like random places. Yes, can one of them be that kitten on a branch that's like hanging there? Yes, on his door, because there's a giant like punch hole in the door. There is a kitten thing that says Hang in there. And then in his office, he's actually got a kitten calendar. Where he says where he's got the mark for the day for like today like hanging out with the crew or something written in, go.

David White:

Okay, and as you are as you're adjusting like this final piece in your in your office and up on your step ladder. Your two employees walk in Pablo and dasia. If you've already mentioned Pablo is a manifest Hispanic descent. He has kind of a close shave. He's wearing sweat pants and some sort of plaid shirt. It's a little untucked on one side and then tucked in on the other and then next to him is dasia. She is is a dark skin beautiful girl, she has her. Her hair pulled back. And she, she she is dressed unlike Pablo very professionally. She has a stack of documents in her hand. And she looks around and says, Mr. Pascal, Pablo, and I needed you to look at these documents very quickly. Yes, of course. Welcome to the new office probably looks around and says so I guess you couldn't figure out how to get the birthmarks out. Hmm. What is a popcorn microwave thing?


Yes. There was an after hours party with several friends. And we just the popcorn machine just exploded. And there's burn marks everywhere. My friend Bill got just horribly plastered and just started punching walls for some reason. So

David White:

good. So Pablo, as you're saying that it's like Pablo is kind of like stopped listening. And he's turned and he's looking like at the hang in there poster on your door. And he's just like, expecting like, yeah, yeah. Okay. dasia puts the documents down on your desk for you to look at.


And what are these documents data?

David White:

Well, it's about a contract that we are going to pursue with the business that we talked about last week. And as she is talking her voice kind of drones out. You hear this static noise almost like the static of a TV or something like that. And then you hear a very computerised or robotic voice say ran for


searching Pascal, user unidentified

David White:

cannot find it in more static, you come to with data waving or hand in front of your face. Mr. Pascal, Mr. Rin Hello.


Yes, sir. I'm sorry, you were saying this packet for the business that we had talked about?

David White:

Yes. To resume where I left off before you zoned out and then she goes back into it. And you listen to her she gives you the details but what just happened? Kind of sticks with you. And then the camera leaves this small office building goes down to a place near the docks. And what do we see there?


You see a bar front. Clearly a new sign says mortiz bar. It's all black on the inside. No lights on or anything. And then if you I'm not good at descriptions and things But anyways, um, if you go to the camera goes to the back of the bar. And you see a black SUV pull up. But there was already a vehicle an unassuming vehicle sitting in the whatever the parking space behind the bar. Esther steps out of the vehicle she's in jeans and black t shirt and she knocks on the window of the of the car next to her. The window rolls down and you see hobby. You can't just be here every morning when I get here. You have to go back to normal. I have to go back to normal.

David White:

hobby is a an older gentleman. think maybe late 40s mid 50 somewhere around there but he has his hair combed back as black speckled grey. He is wearing his just a collared t shirt. If you see a badge sticking out of his breast pocket. He is holding a coffee and he tilts down his sunglasses to look up at Esther. Well, she hasn't started yet. So here I am.


Well, you're gonna come in with me to look over everything.

David White:

Sure. He opens up and goes inside the tester.


He steps inside before Esther and he kind of does his thing that he's been doing for several weeks now as she's been preparing the bar. He Does a sweep of everything to make sure that there's nothing out of the ordinary Esther's flipping on lights behind him and everything. They're they're coming through like the kitchen. She goes to the front and she flips on the lights, and she opens a box that's been sitting on the bar and it's got all the prints of the new menus and like table tents and all that kind of stuff. And she begins putting them out. Javi sticks around for a little bit and they make small talk. And then he has to get to a shift. And so she continues getting things ready for the grand reopening,

David White:

as he's as he's leaving, he says, so this is great. You're really making this bar your place. He looks at everything. One last time. Morty would be brown. All right, I'll be back tonight. He puts on the glasses, hugs and kisses and all that goofy stuff me closes the door behind them. And as actually as he is closing the door, you see this old not necessarily jalopy but like an old beat up car, just pull up. There's a licence plate on the back that says Li l j o n. And it's kind of like, almost falling off a little bit. But the door opens up and James your employee gets out. He is dressed for work. He has his black pants, black shirt, an apron on. He's kind of tying it around himself. And he walks around and the window rolls now and we see a Middle Eastern man with a big thick beard. He is built very muscular. And he looks at James says, Hey, you did good today. I'll pick you up tomorrow. And then a James looks at him and says, Yeah, thanks, man. See, see you tomorrow. And he walks in and Muhammad gives Esther a brief wave and then drives off. And James walks in. And finished finishes tying his apron around his waist and says All right. A meeting the good today boss is let's get ready to open tonight.


I'm glad I went well. Let's start getting things ready. I got a couple boxes and in the back if you want to get them and help finish setting up Sure Sure.

David White:

Sure thing walks on through and you kind of satisfactory like put your hands in your pockets and just kind of look at everything. And as you do you feel something, touch your fingers in your pocket. You run your finger along the edge of the misshapen coin. You kind of pull it out and hold it in your fingers. It is not freshly minted. It seems to be some ancient coin. So it's a little misshapen, it's not perfect. It has some sort of Arabic riding Old World riding on it. You hear Carmen just said these words flash in your head. I know your father, I owed him a favour. Then the voice fades away and you look at the coin a little bit further. And then you stick it back in your pocket and move on to get things ready for tonight. So the night rolls around mortiz bar is having its grand reopening about a month and a half after the huge fight happened and everything was torn up and Esther had to begin rebuilding her bar. And she has sent two invitations. I don't knowing Esther will I'll let you describe it. What How were the invitations sent?


I'm assuming that they were actually just sent out to the three. Sure, sure. Yeah. So Faye received hers as a note that was left on the fridge.

David White:

Like a sticky note or something. Okay, yeah.


is a sticky note. She drew up a flower on it

David White:

to draw her attention to because she only pays attention to flowers. Sure. Sure.


Um, Ren got it in an email. Okay. And she actually sent James to hand deliver it, because she knew that that was the only way that it would actually get him because she's assuming that he's not actually stepping outside of his house to check his mail. So, okay.

David White:

Okay, I thought you're just gonna say you texted everybody. Okay, um, alright, so night rolls around. Esther, you are standing ready. James is kind of Standing a few feet behind you. Proud and nervous. You have your thumb on like the little rotating dial that turns on the neon open sign in your window. James gives you the thumbs up. Let's do it boss.


If you're looking closely you can see that Esther has like a flower ring on. That's really out of character for her but Faye insisted that she wear it for the grand reopening.

David White:

And do we see any other rings on her hand?


You do?

David White:

What kind of ring Do you see?


So the flower ring is on her right hand and on her left hand and she has a silver owl ring like an owl head. And then the eyes just kind of glisten in the light. Okay. She pushes the button

David White:

a few minutes fast nothing


happens. Yes. Oh, it doesn't light doesn't light up. date. Is it plugged in

David White:

here like runs up and starts looking at it and you like both follow the wire down. Oh, here it is. And you both plug it in and then the neon lettering open sign comes on. mortiz bar is reopened for business after a month and a half a few minutes pass. Who is the first person to arrive? Okay,


that makes no I would feel like Bill would be last. Bill is changing. Right? Okay, good. So, Bill coat peixes head through the door. yovan is the sign on. All right, that's fair. He just like walks like pushes his way through and he's wearing what he normally wears. He's got his cowboy hat his best. His uh, his button up collared shirt with his poker chips. And that kind of hanging on the necklace between his poker chips or some reading glasses. And he has a like a sari is leaning away. He has like a messenger bag kind of slung over his shoulder. This is a little hefty, but it's what he's rocking. And he says okay, I get like a coffee or something. So there's one cent I'm sure can you make it Irish? Always All right.

David White:

Okay, and as Bill walks in, I assume immediately afterwards.


Ren pushes you see like Faye, she's like practically skipping to the door like she you see like practically skipping to the door. She's so excited. And she like goes to push it open and and then Ren just like scooter right pastor says thank you and just enters right in. It's so good to see you fe get in the building ran. Oh, I thought we were gonna talk out here and then get in the building and then talk in sidewalks. Picture like plants growing. Okay, so Faye, she's past run and skips in. So it looks so good. I mean, I've been coming obviously and seeing it but the neon sign is lit up and she like walks around behind the bar. And like gives you a good Esther. huge hug. Thanks, Jay. He you love me. And she like looks like can I see your hand? Let me see the rain. Look, look, I got her ring. That's very official. I mean, it's 2018. Face the bar and like sits next to bill. Hi. Hello. You've changed bill. You're not here. I'm already in the building. Hey, Bill, you've changed that's such a cyborg thing to do. Yeah, I mean, I'm still bill. We are driving now. I guess. You're drinking coffee. With with some whiskey in it. Yeah. But Lately I've been trying to just drink stuff that keeps me awake instead of stuff that puts me asleep. So a lot of a lot of stuff to do. I'm so proud of you. That's so great. Welcome to the awake club. We have lots of fun. We've all been pretty woke for a while. That's just such a bad joke. There makes her way over to the table. James wanted to know if y'all want anything to eat. I will take a classic fish and chips. No, that's what I was going to actually eat fish and chips. In real life though. You would never eat fish. This isn't about real life. Yes. Can I get some avocado toast? Tell James I said that there was some shrimp on the barbie. Okay. Just Yeah, tell him I'd love one of his burgers. They're usually pretty good. Anybody else? What would you like Fei. Fei looks at Esther, rolls her eyes, and then turns back to bill as if ranas not there.

David White:

So are you sitting? Are you all sitting at the bar? Or are you sending it like your table? The bar? Okay. The bar. Okay. I forget.


That's where you sat first, right?

David White:

Yeah, that's where he said, yeah.


Esther turns back to James who's in the kitchen. I need a burger all the way. And fish and chips.

David White:

Go right up boss. Lee starts getting the work about this time more people start coming in. Not a lot though. Some people that came whenever your dad ran the place. Things like that. Maybe? Maybe a handful. So less than five people are coming in. They go sit at different places. They order their food, they order their drinks, they get to eating. kind of quiet for grand reopening.


Maybe a jerk about it? Yeah, really?

David White:

I'm just describing how the story. Good. Esther year. You said you expected this your little word though, because you had to sink. A lot of the bars money into this. Kevin been open for a month and a half. So funds are really low for you right now. So you're kind of hoping that it would have more.


You know, I could I could roll out a new advertising campaign for you on social media safta hack a couple accounts. It's really so okay. I don't think you need to hack accounts. I mean, yes, I'll take your help with advertisement. I don't think hacking is needed. It shows for fun. I understand. But it's not needed. So if you could just roll out some advertising stuff. That would be great. Okay, I can do that. Yes. Rent if I needed access to the University of the city's library to look at scanned books. Could you get me that access? Since we're talking about your hacking ability? I mean, the university is public. So. Right. But they have scanned documents that are only accessible to students. And I'm not. Oh, yeah. I mean, I could just make you like a dummy account. Yeah. Sweet. All right. I'm sorry, Tulane that. Now, I'm not going back to school. I just need. There's a lot of good research being done at the university. And I would like access to it. And I don't want to pay. Yeah. Esther just looks at him with a question. Although I am interested. What are you doing? I didn't mean to cut you off. Sign. I just I have to do research to figure things out. And it would be really helpful to me, I can explain more later. But right now I just need to I just need you to help me out if you can. I just need to make sure that anything that I'm like giving you access to isn't illegal. You just offered to hack social media profiles for estas Bob. Sure. It's a little it's a little under the table, but I just need access to some some scan PDFs, man. I mean, social media that's just really a technicality. But yeah, I mean, I could do that too. All right. So So when can you take a break and we can sit at our booth and catch up. And Esther takes a look around. She's like, let me make one more. Sweep make sure everybody's taken care of and then I'll meet y'all at the booth.

David White:

Okay, so you make your sweep um everybody seems to be doing well you have James bring out the food. Nobody else seems to be coming right now so you go and sit down at the the rdls at the bar the booth the booth. Okay, you go sit at your reserved booth, as it were all together. Who? who's sitting next to who?


Let's do this.

David White:

So Esther and Faye on a bench and then rennen bill on a bench. Okay.


What do you mean sec you're gonna shoot? And how it's gonna affect you. Just make sure you grab the pepper on your man you are. You are already ready. And tower shield

David White:

is the first episode of season. Just calm down, dude.


So we haven't really talked about what happened. Excuse me what tried to do a podcast? Yeah. What's your mind not pretend shooting each other. Sorry. For those that cannot see what's going on. David and Jaime are shooting each other. We're not any more

Dice Populi:

deep breaths, deep breath.


So we haven't really talked about what happened. So Bill killed a guy. Okay, that was not the proper way to bring that up. You do it subtly, like I just did. So Bill murdered. You gotta be next. But Bill had to make a hard choice. Yes, to save his family. Also to save me, which I want to say thank you for Yes, he saved all of us and ran you should be eternally grateful to him. I am always eternally grateful to Bill, I express that through sarcasm, humour, and the occasional hacking services there reaches over and just like, puts her hand on his face. So I've been carrying around these things that I got that night, and I don't really know what to do with them. But when Jeremiah was dying, he had two things in his hand. One was a poker chip. And one was a domino. And I took both of them. And she like pulls them out of her pocket and puts them on the table.

David White:

Yeah. So you see the poker chip is Bill, you recognise it. In fact, all of you recognise it, because it's very similar to the two that are hanging around Bill's neck. However, in the middle, instead of the Golden Flamingo casino logo. It's a very strange, Mayan Aztec symbol. Bill, you swear you seeing the symbol somewhere, but you cannot place it. The other item is about the same heft and size as a domino is rectangular, although it's not made out of that. I don't know dominoes are made out of but you know that that material


marbley kind of

David White:

Yeah, kind of marbley isn't, but it's not that it's almost a mix between metal and stone, it's hard to place it. But there are not Domino markings on it. Instead, there is this symbol, this insignia that you have seen. Since you all started your time investigating together. It is this spiky Florida Lee or a crown with a spear going through the middle of it, or something like that. But I realised that I've never given you a drawing of this. So this is the symbol that you find on the domino. For listeners, I will post a picture of this on the Facebook page so you can go look at it. But this is a symbol that you see on the domino that you have seen throughout the city, at the water treatment plant on the drugs that Jimmy the butcher had on him or not on him but in his room. The stuff that Marcus Malcolm had his drug paraphernalia on that very first night that you teamed up. So you've seen this symbol before. And it is on this Domino that Jeremiah had.


It's like a dark shadowy fluid. dilys Yeah. So I don't really know what these mean, or what I'm supposed to do with them or if I'm cursed for carrying them around, but here they are. I've also been carrying something around For a while, and I'm not really sure what it is, um, Esther pulls out the coin from her pocket and puts it on the table in the middle.

David White:

She showed this to you the night before everything happened at the Golden Flamingo casino you might have forgotten about it. But renew scan this with your special goggles and things. And it pulled up as having a Arabic script on it some old dialect from the Middle East. But it is like I explained earlier, this rough coin it's not perfectly circle it has like a little bit of edging around the side. But you you have seen this but apparently Esther has held on to it since that night.


Let it be known that Esther does it remember showing it to them before all that happened? Okay. Yeah, so we seen it remember you showed it to us? I don't know that. Not awful. might might before that. I know. In that time. I don't remember showing it to y'all. Oh, that's good. That's good. Speaking of memories, says James still think his mom was alive. We haven't really talked about it. I haven't wanted to bring it up. He's doing well. Right now. He's going to a meetings. He's working with Mohammed. So I haven't wanted to go there. Yeah, that's fair. Anyways, um, okay, so random trinkets? Do you have anything you've been holding on to run? Yes, I've actually got this ball of dust that I've every time that I like dry my clothes I just gathered up and so I've been holding on to something for you. DS, Dell. And Bill rolls and does serious damage. wounded to know nothing of value to the screw. Cool. Well, I'm gonna take a picture of these things. With my cell phone because I'm tech savvy. Has he ever had a cell phone with a camera before?

David White:

He has a flip phone?


Does he still have a flip phone right now? Or it's now something different? Now? Is it something? No, it's still it's still like a Nokia. But it has a camera. It has a week here. megapixel. Are you sure you can see it on that? I can see it. Fine. I've got my readers. You'll read us like glasses. Do you not see that? Oh, I'm reading glasses sign. No, I didn't. Sorry. I needed reading glasses to see them. But I refused to put them on next to run. Because then I'll have to see his ugly mug up close. I'm not ready for it. Wow. Hey, hey, we're doing this. Okay, but that doesn't mean anything to you. I mean, sorry. bad memories, but you worked there. Does that mean anything to me?

David White:

I mean, that's like, just what I what I told you. Insane. Like a five minutes? Yeah, the poker chip. It is familiar to you. But you cannot place the symbol in the middle of this. Design. Yeah, they don't know what that really is. Okay, what else? a domino. Domino you've never seen you've seen that symbol before. But you've never seen this Domino. What other coin. I mean, she showed it to you, but you don't know what it is.


Well, I'm familiar with the poker chips. There used to store souls. Um, what do you mean souls? Not the kind that are on the bottom issues. So like, human souls. Ooh, Pick me Pick me. I know about it. It's really cool. Okay, well, we bill already. So

David White:

I forgot. Rin has seen. Yeah, yes. It may not use to its full effect, but he has seen bill threaten somebody with it.


Yes, human souls. Jeremiah needed people to pay the debts and if they couldn't pay it with money. Well, they gave everything else they had. You have poker chips? Hmm. Like on your necklace suit. You're carrying around people's souls. Yes, it's my wife and son. Fate gets out of the booth pulls run out, goods over and just hugs bill. Meanwhile, Esther was shoved out because Esther was sitting awkwardly leans over to Esther and attempts to hug. And Bill, they'll just going on in that moment. They'll just kind of like, does like the Pat. Like the shoulder Pat. Thank you. Appreciate this. The awkward but he's awkward. Know how my wife would feel I'm just kidding. Okay, I have a long muscle.

David White:

Okay. So as you as you are having this scene, the people that are there kind of leave once their food is done. You keep having your conversations, looking at things. Javi walks in at one point, just off his shift orders a drink, and kind of looks at the scant audience and our audience but like patrons inside the bar, he wrote back of said I'm sorry yesterday, you know, invited some of the boys to come down here. And I mean, it's just a rough neighbourhood. They want to drink where they work, I



David White:

But I'll keep on them. I'll try to get down here. Well, it's fixed. No, tomorrow's a new day. He looks at the three of you. He didn't he doesn't approach the three of you. But he's like standing at the bar and he raises his drink and nods at the three of you. You always back or tip your cowboy hats or what have you. Um, night progresses. Javi eventually leaves he gives Esther a hug. Says he walks out. James cleans up the kitchen, walks out and leaves as well. The four of you are sitting in the bar alone. You still have all your trinkets and things on the table.


After James has left Esther double checks the front door to make sure it's locked and everything it is and goes to the back and goes ahead and locks that as well. And then comes back to the group. Obviously we have a lot of things to talk about. And now that it's after hours, we can talk about it without all those pesky civilians around. So and I also have a newly decorated and furnished apartment. So is that your invite to invite me and Bill over for a partment party? If you want to call it an apartment party you can call it party is a hot party. You know what I was going to say? I have no idea where you're going to actually if you want to come over you can write I guess it's not my apartment anymore. I can't just invite people over mean that's fine. Great. She seems really sure about it being fine. I mean, I just assumed that's what was gonna happen.

David White:

I have a question who who is like, is anyone holding the trinkets or like missing

Dice Populi:

I checked the coin back and put my pocket holding the dominant still.

David White:

Okay. So Bill is your


mind mainly I'm just like as

David White:

your home that Domino just absent mindedly manipulating it. Do you run your thumb across the symbol it is engraved, there's an indent where it is and as you rub your finger across it, he starts to glow. And you don't even notice it but it then it like catches in the corner of your eye and you look down in it and the dominoes glowing.


Bill kind of looks around.

David White:

And as you start to look around, there's a clap


of thunder. Not in my bar

David White:

in the middle of the bar. A portal opens up a very familiar portal. You all jump to your feet you ready your tower shield you pull out your gun. There is a vine in front of Face Face. Esther pulls out her gun. You wait for the man and the demon master step through but no demon mess steps through. No wolf mask steps through. No one steps through. The portal remains open. On the other side of the portal you see murky shadows coiling and drifting across a vacant canvas.


Bill runs towards it. Wait Bill,

David White:

Bill runs he jumps through the portal Bill wait


up for me and Reggie

David White:

Rin rushes through and jumps through.


We're going Fe, okay. fe, loops a vine around something in the bar like a hole or something nearby. It better be something real sturdy. That's also not holding up the entire bar. So alive that sick. I'll rebuild your ball and she grabs Esther and jumps in End of Episode You have a Bordeaux.

David White:

Thanks for listening to this episode of misconceptions. We will be back with our next episode on September 17. We do have a Facebook and a Twitter. So if you are a social media person, why don't you follow us on either one of those sites, you will get up to date information about the show behind the scenes pictures, and you'll also just be able to chat with us and we're friendly people we'd love to chat with you. City of mist is an RPG created by Sun evoke. They just got done with a wonderful Kickstarter to make a whole new line of products. I hope that you kick started them. But if not, you should definitely go over to the city of mist comm store and look at all the great stuff they have there. If you are interested in getting a core rulebook for your desk, use the code misconceptions fan, all one word and all lowercase to get a little bit of a discount off of your purchase. It's from us to you kisses. Also, don't forget to share us with your friends, share us on social media share us word of mouth. We don't pay anything to get the show out there. And it would help us a whole lot if you helped us share the show. And don't forget, we do have a Patreon. And if you pledge to support us there you can get some cool things but you can also help us do some cool things with the show. The music you heard at the beginning of this episode, and we'll hear here in a little bit was composed by Aaron Wharton. You can find more of his music at Aaron Morton dotnet and that is it for this week. While we're back at it again guys. I'm excited and I hope you're excited too. I will see you next time. But until then, keep it nerdy y'all

Dice Populi:

Welcome to the Badlands for prisoners set sail on dicey waters threatened by the sea we're gonna have to get a new boat by the beach. How big are these birds we need to run by each other?


I don't know why they want to put me in jail. He goes through sunk one of their ships they

Dice Populi:

don't know that called lock Edmund and maybe on a journey full of magic tragedy and laughter in a podcast adventure like no. Listen to dice populi on Spotify or at dice

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