Snyder’s Return

Meddlers, Monsters and Madmen - 05 - You Don't Hyde from the Dr. - City of Mist TTRPG

October 14, 2021 Snyder's Return / 19 Hits the Dragon / Dev Makes Things Season 4 Episode 7

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Meddlers, Monsters and Madmen is a Bi-Weekly/Fortnightly City of Mist Actual Play Podcast that pits and conflicted Crew against the Evils in the City, the eponymous Mist and, each other!

Now the fallout, Hyde reports directly to Dr. Edwards and Rafa becomes more entwinned with the Dr's operation and goals?

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Snyder's Return is working with Content Creators from multiple different Podcasts from multiple different Tabletop Roleplay Game (TTRPG) systems to share our work, love of the hobby and grow the community together.

This Trailer is from 19 Hits the Dragon Podcast, who are a Bi-Weekly Dungeons & Dragons/TTRPG Content Discussion Podcast who bring insight with help from guests from the TTRPG Family.

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Adam 'Cosy' Powell



MC: Adam Powell

The Crew:
Chris - Dr. Henry Edwards - Rift of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Ivory - Iona Starling - Rift of a Shadow Dragon
Martin - Rafail Hasapis - Rift of the Minotaur of Ancient Greece

Newsroom: Dev -

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Intro/Outro: Chloe Elliot -
Epidemic Sound -

Cover Art: Jess Lo -
Character Art: Estaban Sanz -


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Hey, this is Rafa and welcome to medlars monsters and

Dr. Henry Edwards:


Snyders Return:

As the blue collar district remains a no go area following exclusion early this evening, the rest of the city begins to return to his normal nightlife routine as we find out what's happening with the who's who and what's hot across the city. Tonight, we joined Maximilian for the entertainment news, Maximilian.

Dev-Dev Makes Things:

Hey, thanks Cole. In what can only be described as the greatest show in town superstar Isabella Aguilar is going to be at the cloudnine nightclub tonight for a special performance by Gabrielle sublime. It is a sold out VIP event with others like media magnate Monty Wolf, heard of him also in attendance. work is underway to prepare for the Chinatown festival. And down on the waterfront. Denny Alyssa is drawing in huge crowds for his performance in the rocky shore. Finally, the blues and jazz club is a washboard is seeing something of a revival, with new acts really bringing the soul out of the venue. And that's all for the entertainment news on these hour goes back over to you.

Snyders Return:

As the darkened van pulls down and into the underground parking underneath helix labs. The team disembark from this van starting to sling their rifles, holster their pistols, adjust their gear as they move. We see Mr. Hyde remove the sort of the night vision or low light vision gear upon his head and his helmet and we see a broad, blond haired blue eyed chisel Jordan, individual striding through shoulder dropping his helmet to his side and carrying it stabilised with his gear. As the team approached the elevator to leave this underground parking area. You see Dr. Adams, awaiting their return, Mr. Hyde turns to Dr. Adams and says we found two that may be of interest to your scouts. We'll give you the details when we're debriefed as the to enter the elevator doors close behind them and and the team ascends. Refer you have been transported through to Trinity art hospital, along with Iona who has raced off to find her brother in the melee of medical staff victims, the walking wounded police officers and sort of other emergency service personnel, what are you doing?


I taking a deep breath and kind of trying to process everything that happened. It was a very uncomfortable surgery situation. Something that I hoped not to have to go through. So early at least. And I do want to take a look at the information that I got. So basically what I did was to copy the computer files onto a USB stick and I do believe that maybe I own okay gave me the papers that she got from the other room.

Snyders Return:

The bill Yeah, rather hardly she would have passed them on to you. As you had mentioned an interest in looking at them. And yeah, so you have the files in your possession and you're able to take them wherever you need to. Yeah, so I owner as you sort of mentioned one to look at her attention is is very much elsewhere looking through this malware people she virtually sort of pushes the paperwork into your midriff and races off into into Trinity arc hospital to find our brother.


What would I see on the paper. It was Think about helix laps or global genetics, right?

Snyders Return:

So you had an email referencing global genetics. And you have a piece of paper that the owner picked up the HUD City High written on the top of it. And what looked like it was going to be a list the word underneath city so also on that page was candidates. But there were no names underneath that part of the paperwork was was damaged or lost or removed and unsure which. So you've a new grabbed the hard drive from the computer. Before you were assailed. Should we say, so? Okay,


I will probably need to go home to take a look at all the data that I got. And as soon as I'm kind of taken care of I will go on.

Snyders Return:

All right, as you are being taken care of new scan, the scene that those people come in with, with a sort of shards of glass sort of wedged in them, not massive, but you can see people have been hit by sort of Windows blown out, there's some burns victims, there's people just in shock, that are being treated. One who appears to be wearing some sort of medical garb, but not belonging to the hospital itself. You catch the mirror glimpse of like a black trace of their forearm. As you sort of make your way out it's milliseconds, you catch this before they moved on into hospital and and sort of beyond your current access should be so. So as you are beginning to make your way back to your place, which isn't far, but it will take some time. Dr. Edwards, what are you? What are you doing? In the aftermath of all of this?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Are Edwards his wedding? His office for Mr. Hyde drive for debriefing?

Snyders Return:

What does your office look like?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

The Office at the headquarters is rather Spartan. There's very little to separate it from any other office of any department head. Aside from the absolute lack of any personal facts. It looks like someone took all the decorations out of anyone else's office.

Snyders Return:

And do you do anything while you wait? Or are you sort of just poised ready for that arrival,

Dr. Henry Edwards:

and it's just waiting impatiently. tapping his fingers on the desk,

Snyders Return:

you hear at the end of of the corridor, or the elevator, ping open, or ping and the doors slide open. You hear the heavy impact of combat and it's sort of moving down that corridor toward you. He offer just a few moments. The silhouette the the outline of this helix labs Black Ops agent, Mr. Hyde, appears to move sort of past the windows of your office and begins to sort of dark in your doorway, as it were, as he moves around and into sight and he stops in the entranceway and looks almost it impassive. Almost at the far wall above your head. I'm here. Dr. Edwards.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

See that with you. looming in the doorway, come set. lacs.

Snyders Return:

I'd rather stand if it's okay with your doctor,

Dr. Henry Edwards:

every other professional, if only every other employee in the department we're liking.

Snyders Return:

There aren't many others like me, Dr. Edwards. Dr. Adams have seen to that

Dr. Henry Edwards:

as well. Dr. Adams likes to imagine that she is more than a simple cog in the machine.

Snyders Return:

I assure you Dr. Edwards, I would not underestimate Dr. Adams abilities. But that is not why I'm here is it? It is to

Dr. Henry Edwards:

a certain extent, but the debriefing first,

Snyders Return:

as you wish Doctor, what would you like to know? What were you able to recover? My team and I were able to eliminate any potential witnesses. We did a full sweep as per our protocol. We stripped out hard drives, destroyed what documents we could find Check for any other, shall we say, compromising information. We did have some issues with the help you encouraged us to take with us, Dr.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Major nerves in my report of the assets, Failure to follow instruction policy, I will be dealing

Snyders Return:

one of your assets shows great promise we were unable to truly see what the other one was capable of. I have also made a note of this in my report,

Dr. Henry Edwards:

and which of the assets do I owe the lesser reprimand to? Hmm,

Snyders Return:

if it was, but not for the younger man, or the young man, we would have found our own way into the building for sure. But his ability to gain access quickly, may be of use to our units in the company in the future. The female, we didn't get to see her true abilities, you seem to be more supportive than proactive,

Dr. Henry Edwards:

they're very generous Wait, this, the boy I have found a reliable and quite gifted The young woman I am still evaluating.

Snyders Return:

They're not the only ones with abilities in the city. As you are aware doctor, it is our job to ensure that these little incidents stay within helix labs control as per your wishes and your instructions.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Although instructions are not entirely fine. And I'm certainly not the only department head who stands the nature of the company's work.

Snyders Return:

I'm not at liberty to discuss company policy, Dr. That is not my role. True

Dr. Henry Edwards:

that I find that when one has assets one can rely upon it is worth bringing them into the loop. After all, it is difficult for my more reliable subordinates to do their jobs when they do not know all of the pertinent measure. With that being said, I'd like to move on to discussing your self styled superior. Dr. Adams.

Snyders Return:

What is it you would like to know? Dr. Edwards?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Very little To be honest, I understand that she is Dr. Leyland's creature, and that suits me just fine. I understand that she has given you a certain degree of augmentation is to suits, both the department and the company and just fine. What does not suit myself, the department or the company is an ability to pursue her ambitions quite quietly. And without making a scene. I'm not sure if you've tried to challenge me and the wisdom of my leading this department in front of the rest of the department. I understand that you ostensively report to Dr. Adams. But Dr. Adams does not seem to understand that while she believes yourself to be an essential part of the company has workings and she certainly is a skilled and knowledgeable asset. She is not dispensable. In fact, very few of us are. I'm sure she imagined one day she will be at the head of this company. However, even I would not consider making such a grandiose claim out loud, much less in front of an entire department or my direct superior. In fact to my directs. It shows a lack of judgement on while I understand that you in essence report to Dr. Adams, I expect you to keep me apprised if she does anything that might jeopardise the goals of this department, or the company at large

Snyders Return:

as you wish Dr. Edwards. We're all somebodies monster at the end of the day. It's your MC Adam here just taking a break from the case momentarily to let you know about our great friends in the tabletop role playing game community and the ttrpg family. So the following is a short trailer for one of our many friends. don't check them out. Follow the links in the description below to go and give the show and listen, engage with them and engage with us. We'd love to have you back as the cases continue to progress. Speaking of which, let's get back to the action.

Dev-Dev Makes Things:

Hi there this is

Mike Daniels:

Mike Daniel from 19 hits the dragon discussion podcast where I sit down with some of my favourite creators in the tabletop RPG space and talk about various aspects of the games we all love to play and be big nerds about stuff in general. Maybe we'll add that out. Who knows? I have chills.

19 Hits Guest:

Do you spend 40 minutes trying to get as much info as you can out of that one guy at the bar? who clearly has nothing to say.

Mike Daniels:

I know how to talk it's something that I do all the time. God Michael, what are you doing

19 Hits Guest:

at face value? That statement sounds really shitty I get that. But man I'm already getting them to think there's a reptilian guy about four and a half feet tall with certainty and a little dagger you know and while the voice sells that a lot yeah like I'm brooding in the corner I won't talk to anyone like well you're getting behind the castle is under attack and if you're not going I'm sorry oh you're finally awake.

Mike Daniels:

Exactly. We don't know anything about going off topic here at 19 minutes the dragon always staying on topic always.

19 Hits Guest:

I sent a lot of bad words when I when you lost me.

Mike Daniels:

So join me and my guests every two weeks for insightful tips, tricks and traps for players and gyms alike. I will see you all there when 19 hits the dragon.

Snyders Return:

But the helix black ops team works for the company. If you wish to have us reports directly to you, then I will ensure that protocol is enforced

Dr. Henry Edwards:

I am quite comfortable with the nature of the hierarchy at the moment that are that your loyalty company first

Snyders Return:

and the individual indeed model you can find no further trace or project vector within the facility. But we will have teams within the various departments keeping an ear out any slippage through the net.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

I would expect no less. There will be a commendation in my an extra load for you and your team you did excellent work in spite of the wrench running work. Bye bye associates. As I said I shall deal with them personally and individually. Although I suspect the young man would take quite an interest in being more involved in the process see understands the nature of our

Snyders Return:

May I recommend you send some scouts to approach this gentleman or this pair for the good of the company. Dr.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Mine my conversation with them. Cos

Snyders Return:

was Dr. Permission stand the men or my men down for 24 hours?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Course. Give them all the time they need Yes. Oh, one last thing yes talk to any casualties during the cleanup effort.

Snyders Return:

There were unfortunate souls within the building who would not have survived their injuries. The team however is very much at full strength.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Excellent. That will be all

Snyders Return:

yes doctor and he spins on his heel. In a very militaristic you can hear his heel sort of clicked together as he sort of almost spins up what spins 182 like an attention, style pose become together and then begins to sort of move out again filling the doorframe and then moving off down the corridor back towards the the elevator Are you doing anything else doctor

Dr. Henry Edwards:

the good doctor Edwards removes his company phone from his coat, where it rests next to the inhaler that serum quickly types out a text message to Rafa instructing him to meet the good doctor at Dr. Edwards brownstone lab

Snyders Return:

as you complete sending that message refer you are making your way big anyway dense enough you are making your way through the what is now sort of moving into the the early hours really given everything that's sort of happened and the time taken to get to the hospital and all that sort of good stuff. The early hours of the morning through the city you can hear saw the lights and the music of various nightclubs and sort of revelry happening as everyone else is carrying out their nightlife routines be its revelry, or some sort of domestic routines, the 24 hour shops the diners and some of the takeaways sort of churning out their wares to the the night owls as it were as you were moving through the city are you doing anything else or going anywhere other than home?


I am I guess I am still a bit concerned with what happened but Rafa is less anxious now. And he's getting a bit of his good mood back especially now seeing all the young people and the music and the lights he's he's getting back into his, his old shell and you could almost say that he is vibing while he's walking home talking to people kind of saying hi to one or the other guy he may know or winking at some beautiful person but he is quite focused on getting home besides that, I probably will text IO not at least once just giving her some news of where I am where I'm headed and asking how she would be up to

Snyders Return:

date and it's it's as you you're giving sort of the the second or third sort of message update as you pull your phone out to sort of type it and send it the the message from Dr. Edwards rings or comes through on your phone. requesting your your meeting at the brownstone,


I will refer look at the message Take a deep breath and send him or I'll just take a shower real quick. And try not to get lost in the ladies here downtown. But I'll be right there. PS Don't forget the wine bottle.

Snyders Return:

Alright, so you send your message. And as that interchange between the pair of you goes goes on and you have kept owner updated as to your whereabouts and your intentions. We sort of fade to black and we find the pair of you stood inside what depends Are you inside or outside of your your home doctor when you meet refer


just before that I refer will kind of rush home and he will at least get some information out of that hard drive before heading to dr Edwards.

Snyders Return:

All right. With that in mind as you get home before we pick up with the two of you Ron debuting What do me an investigate role? Or the information you've you've retained?


I will use the I'm in and breaching device powers for that. And yeah, that will be all that will be to power suite to go and investigate or investigate kormos

Snyders Return:

Alright, right. So with a nine, which gives you a power to get two clues to ask questions about the information you For the information you seek to get,


okay, the first question would be what was being researched in that lab,

Snyders Return:

searching through the notes, there seems to have been blood samples taken by an external company that we're being put through a series of make sure we get the word right in virology. Let's see if that's a word. The word make sure I'm using it in the right context. Yes,


by Robert g is

Snyders Return:

the is the science this the science that deals with the study of viruses check me out. So the there seems to be both the inflammation looking through the inflammation and sort of piecing it together. There are have been blood samples taken by a third party that were going through viral virology studies within this lab that you had found or gained access to as part of what's happened over the last couple of hours. Quite what and how specific the viral ology work is, isn't made clear in just the the snapshots you get initially, as you sort of scan through lots of files, you get you see sort of different reference numbers, folders make make up and, and all that sort of stuff. But it's it's definitely something to do with virology. So that was me. So just so people are aware, the MCU get to ask a question or your investigation. They must give you either a straight answer or a solid lead, and they can choose one of the following exposure to danger which I haven't included, you get our fuzzy, incomplete or part true part false, whoever or whatever you're asking, can ask one question at the same Well, since you're asking yourself and asking me, I'm sure you can work out which of those options I've taken. And your your, your second clue slash question.


My second clue as well, I know now that D we're working with blood and studying some of our logic components of it. I know already that helix labs has something to do with them. Can I maybe know a name a company? scientists, something that I can maybe pin what may be working here going on here.

Snyders Return:

One of the companies that has has brought to your attention is global genetics. Thanks for listening. You can find out more about the show, including our interview episodes via our link tree or at our website at www dot snows please consider leaving us a review. City of mist is a ttrpg by Sun. You can find out more about city mist by going to www dot city of music and sound effects for this episode from epidemic The intro and outro music were composed by Chloe Elliot. You can find her on Twitter at Khloe underscore with the flow. The logo was designed by Jessie Lowe. You can find her artwork on Twitter at akkad Nomi underscore part. We're going to use our help points and be ready to investigate next time on meddlers monsters and madmen

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