Snyder’s Return

Meddlers, Monsters and Madmen - 06 - Going in new Angles - City of Mist TTRPG

Snyder's Return / Negative Modifier / Panic Season 4 Episode 8

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Meddlers, Monsters and Madmen is a Bi-Weekly/Fortnightly City of Mist Actual Play Podcast that pits and conflicted Crew against the Evils in the City, the eponymous Mist and, each other!

Now the fallout! Hyde reports directly to Dr. Edwards and Rafa becomes more entwinned with the Dr's operation and goals?

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Snyder's Return is working with Content Creators from multiple different Podcasts from multiple different Tabletop Roleplay Game (TTRPG) systems to share our work, love of the hobby and grow the community together.

This Trailer is from Negative Modifier Podcast, who are a Delta Green (and other TTRPG) Actual Play Podcast with a view of the darker side to adventures.

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Adam 'Cosy' Powell



MC: Adam Powell

The Crew:
Chris - Dr. Henry Edwards - Rift of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Ivory - Iona Starling - Rift of a Shadow Dragon
Martin - Rafail Hasapis - Rift of the Minotaur of Ancient Greece

Newsroom: Panic -

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Intro/Outro: Chloe Elliot -
Epidemic Sound -

Cover Art: Jess Lo -
Character Art: Estaban Sanz -


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Dr. Henry Edwards:

My name is Chris and I play Dr. Henry Edwards a rift of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Snyders Return:

With the blue collar instant recently, along with the decline in the fridge burger, Monique suburbs of the market saying Chuck, are we entering a property crisis here in the city.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

As you pointed out, john, the Facebook and Wildlife Service along with a few other districts have seen some movement in the property market with REITs has been the real winner here. This has been offset However, by the redevelopment project promised by facets and local conglomerates. Although little action development is taking place. There's a real hunger in these areas to reignite the local economy. We reached out to us, but they declined to comment at this time. So for now, 14 will have faith in the situation. So the silver lining homes assume you'll put down some roots.

Snyders Return:

Thanks, Chuck. Next up in this hour is the sports news.

Aoki Cho:

As well, I know now that they were working with blood and studying some virologic components out of it on I know already that helix labs has something to do with them. Can I maybe know a name a company scientists something that I can maybe pin what was maybe working here going on here.

Snyders Return:

One of the companies that has has been brought to your attention is a global genetics.

Aoki Cho:

Okay. I think now RAF has also heard about global genetics. Okay. I think I have like that the Japanese friends who makes good sushi and and it's kind of fast as the wind somewhere in the sea, can I hit him up?

Snyders Return:

Just I'm sure you can find somebody.

Aoki Cho:

No, okay. If that is what I'm going through, I could maybe use my network of agents to get some dirt on global genetics and maybe link it with City High but I don't think I'll have the time to do that. Or technically I could kind of throw it in my chat and wait to eventually get some information back.

Snyders Return:

We can do that in a montage. Okay.

Aoki Cho:

But as soon as I get the information, I will play my part and go meet

Dr. Henry Edwards:

the doctor.

Snyders Return:

Alright, so as you sort of tidy up your gear and make your way out. We fade to black and we find the pair of you together again Are we inside your your home doctor or are we

Dr. Henry Edwards:

exterior? The good doctor is waiting at the front door for reference for

Aoki Cho:

you. We'll see how Rafa will kind of emerge from the closet door or bathroom behind you.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

You always have to be exactly

Aoki Cho:

Well, it's always a surprise when I come isn't it? It's I have to be the heart of the party. I can't just walk in from the front door. There'll be too many people waiting for me I don't like

Dr. Henry Edwards:

it's a priority. Discussion are very important.

Aoki Cho:

Oh, it's not well I brought chips and I show you a bag of chips.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Have you understand those? If you learn so useful, I would probably never speak.

Aoki Cho:

I am well aware of that.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Good. Now that we have that way. What happened?

Aoki Cho:

Well, I opened my bag of chips. Alright. Grab one start munching away. I'm sure a building blew up. Then I met with Iona. Then we found some interesting looking guys. I don't know which cosplay convention they went to, but happened to be friends of yours. Hey, you called in the height was it? Cool? Yeah, I think I've heard it somewhere. But cool guy cool guy a bit on the bright side of things. I didn't get to meet the other guys, but they kind of went with matching outfits. I think they were all cool. The Yeah. Then I helped them get into the burning building looked like shit. Quite literally was pretty messed up. I don't know what happened in the Yeah, your friends looked around. I tried looking around, didn't find anything. I you know, tried looking around, didn't find anything. Then hide got mad for some reason. Then he tried dragging us in that was really, really impolite. And I you know, didn't take that very well. You know, young people, they cheat she wasn't in her little circle of, of comfort zone and comfort. And then she just wanted to bail because kind of gold old. And yeah, we left. Her friends stayed behind. They had some other stuff to do. But we likes exchanged numbers. Maybe we'll meet soon there. Like I said they were cool, guys. That's not what happens. Or what happened?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

More or less? Well, I

Aoki Cho:

do want to know, good doctor. What happened in there? Because there was blood everywhere.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Oh, So would I I would be happy to let you in. I know about the situation. But before I do I need your assurances that there will be no more childish this.

Aoki Cho:

Are you saying that you have nothing to do with the incident? Or whatever happened under?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

I did not blow up the building?

Aoki Cho:

Do you know what happened in there? Or what was being worked on? in there? Are you going to tell me? Exactly.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Yeah, I'll tell you exactly what was going on. can tell you is that one of several department heads at helix labs, that building was the responsibility of another department head who is currently missing. I would prefer zoom until further information is required current that one of this department heads off the books experiments went horribly wrong resulting in catastrophe. You and the woman went to inspect.

Aoki Cho:

We've known her name is Ayana. Right?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Yes, but I don't really care, especially since she alienated Mr. Hyde, who I might have had. I was insistent that neither of you should be included in any of this.

Aoki Cho:

Well, he's just such a great guy, isn't it? If you weren't pushy, maybe we would have Crete. Since he wasn't, here we are.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

As well as the only person after three of us. Any business being involved in this tuition at all. All or really knows anything about it beyond building. I feel I have a certain responsibility to see that things are handled in an effective way that get other people, especially since I seem to be the only motor well

Aoki Cho:

as someone and he bites on, go ahead. Well, he I'll take another bite off a chip. And well, as someone who has had to deal with a lot of stuff related to mysticism, the mist powers freakish people and things blowing up, things being sucked into oblivion. God's evil people, it is my full responsibility to look into the stuff. And I don't care if it's your corpus bullshit, or if it's some evil Gods thing doing. I will see this true, I will see that people don't get hurt, and things stopped blowing up. So good doctor, I am happy to help you. But I do know a couple of things, and how to deal with a couple of things. So let's play a fair and nice game show. I will tell you what I found, or at least a couple of things that I know. You will tell me what you know. And I will trust you so far to see that you're trying to clean up other people's things, because the experiences I have with you aren't that you are indeed worthy of a title of good doctor. But please don't show me another face.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Yes, well, if and I do mean if you can handle yourself with a modicum of I would like to have you in volved. In this, your ability is make you quite useful. You have a number of non mystical skills that are likewise. And aside from your parent inability to take this seriously. I believe he could be quite the asset. And part of being an asset is to get rooted in how these things happen. Thankfully, you did not alienates Mr. Hyde, he also believes, potentially useful. However, Mr. Hyde is something of a blunt instrument. So the way he would see you used is somewhat less pleasant than the way I look. Well, first of all,

Aoki Cho:

I am not an asset to be used. Doctor, I am an ally, I am not the thing that you can own, I am a thing that you can rely on. And I can very well see how Mr. Hyde would like to use me probably as a battering ram, especially if my powers stop working. But I think I will deal with it. Or at least we will get on the same page. Eventually.

Snyders Return:

It's your MC Adam here just taking a break from the case momentarily to let you know about our great friends in the tabletop role playing game community and the ttrpg family. So the following is a short trailer for one of our many friends. Go and check them out. Follow the links in the description below to go and give the show. Listen, engage with them and engage with us. We'd love to have you back as the cases continue to progress. Speaking of which, let's get back to the action.


Are you the kind of person or unspeakable nightmare horror who likes actual play podcasts but occasionally wants to breed from all the high fantasy robots?

Negative Modifier:

If they should check out negative modifier and actual play podcast specialises in darker, more mature games? If I saw on YouTube, twitch or most anywhere else podcasts can be found.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

The challenge is in Miss Ayana. She does not seem to take much of this very seriously. Perhaps even less so than yourself. She is

Aoki Cho:

she's a young girl, but I assure you that she is quite capable and reliable. Actually. She was the one who got me out before hide could attempt anything so

Dr. Henry Edwards:

and what else did she accomplish while you We're inside the lab.

Aoki Cho:

Well, while I got this, and I take out a hard drive, give it like, kind of give it in to your hand kind of like hold this place. She got where does that come second? I look in my bags. I'm like, Oh, yeah, here, this and I'll show him the papers, most of that information that I found, or what you found to be exact because it was kind of a teamwork. Like I said, she's she's young, but she's, she's good. I like most of the things we found weren't really helpful besides that. Something something blood samples, something sampling global genetics, something something I got here at City Hall, students, Canada, it's a I am a little bit out of my bed. I've heard about global genetics before. And likewise to the company that you work in. Doctor, it doesn't have the best track record in being nice. Or at least

Dr. Henry Edwards:

good. You know, generally in corporate interests. Well, description, nice, good is in corporate interest to profitable and, in our case, produce useful research. Unfortunately, I think Miss Iona may have burned her bridge with the company. Well, I'm not sure what exactly happened with you, too, and as to hide, but it did not reflect well.

Aoki Cho:

Well, considering that they were going to gases, baggers and tros in here, a bit of sand or shadow and Ei isn't that bad, I guess.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

And you're placed on? What exactly? Do you suppose that was to do?

Aoki Cho:

Well, considering that they were getting pretty touchy and and taking out their equipment after saying that they would? How is it that they put it bring in?

Dr. Henry Edwards:

I personally instructed Mr. Hyde. Bring you with him. As far as getting touchy. I have it on good authority from people's reports that it was in fact, not. They who, quote unquote, got touchy first.

Aoki Cho:

Well, how could I argue with a beautifully written report from your man? But let's just say that we wanted to come on our own two fates are well, we did at least before I went rushing to her brother. But well, it's it's like the sad it's water under the bridge, right? nobody got hurt too much. I guess

Dr. Henry Edwards:

that's fair, you're wrong. See, the original stand undermined my position the company?

Aoki Cho:

Well, let's just say that I'll never do it again. And like, and

Dr. Henry Edwards:

I assure you, you won't ever happen again. Neither you or I will have the opportunity to be a problem.

Aoki Cho:

Again, okay. I know how I'm pretty interested in how high you regard Mr. Hyde, but let's just put it like this. I will help you out. I will look into that. I owner will be well behaved. She is young, after all, but she does have a lot of potential. And with a bit of pushing in the right direction and a bit of creativity, she will be an amazing partner. And help and print. She has her heart and the good sight at least. And yeah, that's more or less what I can promise for you right now.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

I'm using as your clarifies. This is not a Hardy Boys detectives club. I understand that you're both very young and idealistic. But some of us worked very hard. wherever we are. Some of us have jobs and professional reputation to uphold some of us. Don't simply run into whatever burning building we feel like for the lols. As your generation saw, to say, I understand that you want to know what's going on and I can, to a certain extent, assist you in that regard. But I cannot abide this attitude that you are entitled to act in whatever way you see fit. When frankly, you are dealing with

Aoki Cho:

adults, adults are such a pain in the ass. Oh my god, well, I'm just getting for the record, who wanted to go into the burning building were sharp man. Not me, but

Dr. Henry Edwards:

man had every right to go into that burning building. They're employed by the company that owns that building, and they were doing their jobs. The only reason you were allowed to look at all the ways that I vouch for you. And then You embarrassed me. Okay.

Aoki Cho:

I'll just say I'm very sorry about that about your honourable reputation being shattered by a third party like me. But let's try again. Try let's get on the same page. And

Dr. Henry Edwards:

we'll see we'll give the hard drive and the documents and Diana recovered to my employees go over and see what details surmise obviously we have more of an understanding of the company and we know other things to look for them much. You might I will of course, share whatever useful information I find, so long as we can agree to cooperate and not have the next incident to work on together go quite so catastrophic. This sound agreeable to you.

Aoki Cho:

Boss brass on heart, I will try to not blow anything up, even if it's not really my fault, but yes,

Dr. Henry Edwards:

excellent. And with that, Dr. Edwards brings a buzzer on the wall and a helix lab scientist emerges from a stairwell in the atrium that appears to go downstairs takes the papers and the hard drive hence the scientist says examinees for any pertinent details as to what our current department we're working on them see particular if you find anything about the project vector

Snyders Return:

yes doctor Am I to put this research on the network? Or is it to be presented to yourself

Aoki Cho:

and in in when you say the name, I will take my phone out look at the message that I got in the beginning of the day and say no well to the world really is very very tiny, isn't it? Do you want to start or newfound relationship and tell me about project director

Dr. Henry Edwards:

I've told you everything I know that the name of an off the books project by the department had spoke of and it seems to be because of Prime Minister helix I am eager to find out as I can as soon as I can. Who control

Aoki Cho:

situation well. Then we have something called dear doctor. And I'll try to put my hand out for a Hendrik

Dr. Henry Edwards:

Edwards looks at the hand for a second and then reaches out and picks it Julie and then he turns to the scientist who is not holding the papers. The Odd references out you're still here. Why are you still here? Go

Snyders Return:

Yes What do I put on the disappear?

Aoki Cho:

Oh and by the way,

Dr. Henry Edwards:

and with that I would like to do and Yes.

Aoki Cho:

Have you thought about a bottle of wine.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

I don't think we have enough information at this point. Celebrate yet but it we can resolve this without further missing. I promise you I will get you a bottle like nothing you have had before.


I'll be looking forward then.

Snyders Return:

Alright, so you guys sorry.

Dr. Henry Edwards:

I would like to get my own investigates in for montage.

Snyders Return:

Yes, I was gonna say so as your meeting draws to a close the sun begins to cross the horizon and you retire your separate ways we move into the following day as it were so good all montage montage. What would each of you like to do? With your montage? downtime? You can give attention, you can work the case you can explore your mythos, you can prepare for your next activity if you know what that is, you can recover from your last activity. So what are you doing and and how are you achieving it? I think

Dr. Henry Edwards:

the good doctor is going to prepare for the next activity, which will be his investigation of recovered hard drive and notes is going to take the option gained three juice method based on my description. So I'm going to create the story tags recover recovered hard drive. Yep, notes and I am going to make both of those tags ongoing. Okay. That will be my month.

Snyders Return:

So you spend time taking information and working through it. Preparing to dig deeper into the information provided by both your own company and recovered as you have so eloquently put on by your colleagues and yourself refer What are you doing with your downtime time or montage?

Aoki Cho:

I believe that ice mic parts are still burned right from the top stop holding back. Yes, I will prepare for my next activity. So I will first that means basically getting back home reading a couple of texts. I will text Iona about our my meeting with Dr. Edwards. Maybe I'll actually send her a text later. And I will sit down on my bed try to focus a bit internally and sense the Minotaur inside me then tried to calm down. So that's my connection to the minor Minotaur weakens a little bit and everything falls back into Armani t because it was a very intense day. And as soon as all this anxiety has gone down a little bit, I will start trying opening and closing a couple of doors, a couple of cabinets, trying to get a grasp again on my powers and eventually it will just pass out from exhaustion and hopefully have a good night's sleep.

Snyders Return:

Thanks for listening. You can find out more about the show, including our interview episodes via our link tree or at our website at www dot Snow's please consider leaving us a review. City of misters ttrpg by son of you can find out more about city mist by going to www dot city of music and sound effects for this episode from epidemic sound dotcom. The intro and outro music were composed by Chloe Elliot. You can find her on Twitter at Khloe underscore with the flow. The logo was designed by Jesse Lowe. You can find her artwork on Twitter at akkad Naomi underscore art, we're going to use our help points and be ready to investigate next time on meddlers, monsters and madmen

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