Snyder’s Return

Happy Halloween - The Raven - Edgar Allan Poe

Adam Powell Season 3 Episode 60

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Happy Halloween Everyone.

A short reading of the iconic poem The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe.
This take was inspired by the haunting James Earl Jones read of the poem.


Reader: Adam Powell

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Epidemic Sound -

Cover Art: Jess Lo -


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Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary over many acquainting curious volume of forgotten law, while I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly they came at tapping, as if someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door to some visitor, I muttered, tapping into my chamber door. Only this nothing more distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December, and each separate dying Ember wrote its ghost upon the floor. Eagerly I wished the morrow Vini I had sought to borrow from the books decrease of sorrow, sorrow for the last law, for the rare and radium medium, who the angels name Lenore, nameless here, forevermore. And the silken said, on certain rustling of each purple curtain through me, filled me with fantastic terrorists never felt before. So that now to still my beating of my heart, I stood repeating to some visitor in treating entrance at my chamber door, some lead visit entreating entrance at my chamber door. This is It's nothing more, sir, I said. All madam, truly your forgiveness I implore but the fact I was napping and so gently you came rapping. And so phone you came tapping, tapping in my chamber door, that I scarce for sure I heard you. You're open wide the door. Darkness there are nothing more deep into darkness peering along I stood there wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before? That the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token, and the only word there spoken was the whispered word. No, this I whispered in an echo moment back the word. Oh, really? This? And nothing more. Back into the chamber turning always saw within me burning. Soon again I heard a tapping someone louder than before. Surely, I said, Surely that that is something of my window lattice. Let me see then. What there it is. And this mystery explore my hobby still a moment and this mystery explore? Is the wind and nothing more. Open here I flung the shutter when would mini a flutter flutter? instead? Distinctly Raven have the singly days of yore of least obviousness made he not a minute stopped or steady but with mine of Lord or Lady perched above my chamber door, touched upon a buster Palace just above my chamber door perched and satin nothing more than the 70 Burr beguiling my fancy into smiling by the grievances and decorum of the countenance it wore, though like crispy, shoreland shaven, though I said, hard Sure. No craving ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering in from nightly Sure. Tell me what they lordly name is on the nice Plutonian shore, crafter even never more. Much I marvel this ungainly founder here discourse so plainly. Though it sounds a little meaning a little relevancy born, for we cannot help agreeing that no living human being ever yet was blessed with seeing above his chamber door, bone or beast upon sculpted bust above his chamber door was such a name is never more. But the Ravens sitting lonely on the placid bust broke only that one word as if his soul in that one word he did outpour nothing further than he uttered not a filler then he flooded, till I scarcely more than muttered other friends have flown before. On the morrow he will leave me as my hopes have flown before me. Then the bird said, Never more started by the stone is broken by replacer appy spoken. Doubtless I said, what he does his own only stuck in store caught from someone happy master whose unmerciful disaster follow faster followed faster till his songs One burden bore to the dirties of his hope that melancholy burden bore of never, never more. But the Ravens still beguiling on my fancy into smiling street Oh wielder cushion seat in front of burden Bustan door, then upon the velvet sinking overtook my softer linking fancy on to fancier thinking what this ominous bird of your what this grooming gangly, ghastly gaunt, an ominous bird of your menting croaking Nevermore. This is Sat engaged in guessing but most syllable expressing to the foul who's 5g is now burned into my bosoms call. This a more I sat defining, with my head at ease reclining on a Christmas film in lining that the lamp like gluto but whose velvet violet learn lining with the lamp like Lloyd over? She shall press never more than we thought the air grew denser perfume from an unseen sensor spun by Sarah Finn, whose footfalls tinkered on the tufted floor. Rich, I cried, like God has led the by these angels he has sent the respite, respite and the path from my memories of Lenore, cough, aquatic tiny path and forget this loss Lenore. Cough The Raven, Nevermore. Profit, I said, think of evil profit still, if bird or devil with attempt to centre whether tempest tossed the here assure, desolate yet all undaunted on this desert land in chanted on his home by horror haunted. Tell me truly I implore Is there is there barn in Gilead? Tell me tell me I implore cost the Raven, Nevermore. Profit I said, think evil profit still if bird or devil by that heaven the bends above us by the God we both adore till the soul is so laden if within the distance in it show class presented maiden who the angels named the law class were rare and redone I mean who's the angels name? Lenore, cough The Raven, Nevermore be that word or sign up partying bird or Fiend. A shrieked up starting get the back into the tempest in the nudge Plutonian shore lead no black plume as a token of that light the haze soul has spoken. Leave my loneliness on broken crypto bust above my door. Take the big owl my heart and by form off my door. Cough The Raven, Nevermore and the Raven, never flitting still is sitting still is sitting on the palate Buster Palace just above my chamber door and his eyes have all the seeming of a demons that is dreaming and the limelight olan streaming throws his shadow on the floor of my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor. Show me lifted never more

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