Snyder’s Return

Interview - Rich Oxenham - Inspirisles/Overisles

Adam Powell / Rich Oxenham Season 1 Episode 76

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Today I talk with TTRPG Creator, Developer, Kickstarter and Accessibility Champion - Rich Oxenham

We discuss Inspirisles, Overisles, Kickstarter Projects, Content Creation and much more.

You can find Rich and all of his content via the links below.

Twitter: - Inspirisles Oneshot





Josh’s Etsy:

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Host: Adam Powell

Guest: Rich Oxenham

Sound Design: Adam Powell

Edited by: Adam Powell

Music: Epidemic Sound

Cover Art: Tim Cunningham -



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Snyders Return:

Hello and welcome to snows return a tabletop roleplay podcast. My guest today has borne an idea, the shape of which can not only be seen, but also felt. They have spread their wings and broken beyond barriers and battled through disbelief to bring us a game, which we can learn from and bond through a sign of greater things to come irrespective of which side of a particular pond you're on. And no matter if you have friends in high places, or visiting the cabins of miasma, your questing for the day will inspire you to push on, work together and communicate with one another. If you're not overcome, then my fellow pen dragons, we welcome hatchlings games. Rich Oxenham to the show. Rich, welcome. Thank you for joining me.

Rich - Inspirisles:

Thank you, Adam.

Snyders Return:

It's an absolute pleasure. Before we get into the various subjects and topics that I invited you to talk about, how did you get into tabletop role playing games originally, please?

Rich - Inspirisles:

Much the same way as a lot of people really I'm in the probably the mid 90s. To early to mid 90s. I picked up dungeon dragons. I think it was second edition, then. I used to be obsessed with the monster manual that was like a white hardcover book, it was really I started looking over monsters. I didn't know much about stats and stuff. At that point, I was quite young. But yeah, that was the first time I kind of stepped up and became a DM for my local green group of friends. And it just helps a load with confidence and stuff. And then I went like a lot of people again, I did like a sort of tweet a while ago and said, you know, a lot of people have like a hiatus between like the 90s, and then all the way to like fifth edition. And a great deal of many people had the same experience. So I picked up again, after university. A lot of people there wanted to pick up the game. And my friend, Phoebe started running games. I obviously got involved and started DMing alongside her. And then and that's where the kind of I was wanted to work with children in some to some degree. And we moved house to a local community saying, that's why I set up the sort of hatchlings group for teenagers playing dungeon dragon. And pretty much the rest is history, kind of the inspires and all the future games kind of arose from that group.

Snyders Return:

Okay, so you mentioned that you became a DM and you put a tweet out so before we get too much further so people can sort of engage with you. At this point in the interview or, again later, when we sort of recap your social media. Where can people find you on social media plays?

Rich - Inspirisles:

Well, I'm pretty much exclusively on Twitter at the moment. So I'm hatchling DM on there. Do all my sort of socialising on there really, especially within a role playing community and we've also got our like quite an active Facebook page called in spirals, which is our first release role playing game and, and we've got a discord. So and that's also hatchlings games.

Snyders Return:

Well, I will make sure there are links to those in the description below this podcast. And you mentioned it there your first release. first of many I'm, I'm hoping and I'm sure that someone who has maybe seen it pop up on on air chore through Twitter, or maybe sort of joined the discord or what is inspires, what is it that the people can be inspired by?

Rich - Inspirisles:

I wanted to, well, the thing is like, our day job, my wife and I, we both work for a deaf community, a charity and we've been I've done it for 12 years, and she's been there for seven now. And I was really into the role playing games and producing my own sort of work. And I get just woke up one morning at a sort of epiphany. And thought, let's combine, you know the day job I have passionate about with my hobby, and that's how it's broken out. So it's the first role playing pro playing game of its kind to teach sign language. And when we kick started it, we wanted to just do British Sign Language. But there was such a kind of a kind of, sort of desire from the from the community for it to be as as well the American Sign Language, and obviously that explicitly loaded in terms of our like reach and returns in a live market. So, yeah, would have been sensible to take that on us. Well, we did so in the end. So it's so the game teaches British American Sign Language, all the way from the alphabet to like beginner conversations and Deaf Awareness tips as well. And it doesn't in intuitive and sort of organic way. So it's done through spellcasting. It's done through like etiquette at the table. It's done through your character creation.

Snyders Return:

That's amazing. And so, you know, I'm sure people listening will be will be hooked on this, this chance not only to be able to learn a new, a new skill, a new communic means of communication, to sort of interact with with other people. But you mentioned there, the spells and the arrogant things like that. So what's what's sort of the story in the law that sort of running through in spirals?

Rich - Inspirisles:

It's kind of it's loosely based on all theory and mythology. So you play the descendants of Arthur and Guinevere, pen dragon. And you're currently on earth until you're sort of you sort of feel the core of the inspires, which is like this, faking them as like an alternate British Isles and Ireland. And you go through a portal, and you're transported to this new this alternative setting. And this is where the sign language comes in, is through the the sort of the decode inspire the kind of the, for God's elemental gods of our kingdom. And they kind of gift you this power call shaping, which is our version of sign language. And that's how you kind of like manifest spells and the elements is very much interpretive. You know, it's all it's all about role playing, it's all about how to use your elements, fire, earth, air and water to solve puzzles, and to, and to combat kind of people spreading disbelief, which is kind of our opposing energy. So we've got belief and disbelief, a bit like the Neverending Story, which is quite heavily based on that had the same kind of premise where it's like the kingdom was crumbling, because people didn't believe in it. You know, and, and Peter Pan as well. We're fairies. All these influences,

Snyders Return:

do great influences, and I'm sure many people have a certain agent. And well, I think Peter Pan is probably known by every generation at this point in time, but the Neverending Story is a fantastic watch. And I'd recommend people go and watch that, as well. But that's that's a sidebar from from the amazing work that that you and the team have done. So you mentioned shaping, you mentioned belief in disbelief. And so what's the sort of the mechanical basis for those that like a bit of the dice goblins out there as it well? What are they reaching for when when they make these these rolls for shaping and, and other,

Rich - Inspirisles:

it's quite rules, like you have 3d Six, and you have to roll 11 as a bass role to pass a test or puzzle. That's kind of like our puzzle elements. And because of the cooperative nature of it, is if if you if you work as a team and your other people with the other elements assist you basically, then you add plus one to the dice roll. So potentially, you can, you know, get 15 base. And then as you got levels, you get items which are infused, and they add more bonuses. So it's it's very simple system. With each element of the mechanics, were encouraging sign language, so you'd shape your finger spell fire, for instance, that we use it, if you got levels, you would do the sign for fire and the fingerspelling. And then you would, you know, you sign the numbers from the dice results. So it's all integrated within it. And that's why it's so effective in schools and educational settings, because it's completely organic, the way the mechanics work with the sign language doesn't slow it down for particularly, you know, it's meant to be one this meant to use for casting. So yeah. And the combat is the combative tests are done on rerolls. So you're rolling freely six against each other. If you're fire, and you're against an earth element, you have advantage. So you can reroll one of their dice or if you've got levels, two of their dice, and so on so forth. And it can be the opposite way. And you take turns in rounds to kind of like a dual aspect duelling kind of especially. So yeah, like an element wheel with dominant and passive elements.

Snyders Return:

So shaping these elements, taking them out into the world. You have this Fae world that you've created and is the sort of the basis for this adventure for the ancestors, the descendants of the pen dragons. Were in this world can we can we visit Where's where's somebody that's going to excite the mind and bring to life as we go on on question D

Rich - Inspirisles:

well that we've got so we got what they called friends they're basically they're based like the races of the of the inspires, and they're kind of loosely based on Celtic creatures. So we've got like things like knockers which are kind of like towards for my Cornish mythology, pest pesky people, you know creatures like that and they've reached a location in the world. And altogether there's nine locations and four of those locations where the inspired lives so the gods but they're not they're not your typical kind of like all powerful deities. They're kind of like just your your everyday person walking around the street. So they've all got they've all got businesses, so one of them sort of like a blacksmith. One of them's but one of them owns a bathhouse. A foreman, and they kind of the he'll he'll spirits there and things. And other ones got a sky ship and they kind of hunt pirates. So they're all in a puff puff involved. They're all quite down to earth, kind of kind of characters but but they're kind of they kind of infuse the whole culture of the area. And we recently got our Discord writers we've got quite a lot of people creatives on the discord we sort of commissioned them to put an anthology together so we've got nine question days based on each location. And that's really that's really loved that was a really lovely project, you know, to involve the community and

Snyders Return:

involved in the community in that way is such an inspired forgive the use of people with in support the project. And speaking of people in support the the artwork, both of the cover and an internal to the book. So beautiful, so evocative and the Celtic style is, is amazing. So what's it been like working with those artists and having your vision sort of brought out through through the book in this artwork,

Rich - Inspirisles:

I think that's probably I think that's one of my favourite parts of the whole process that's been it's just having the privilege of having your imagination made real by someone is quite extraordinary. Josh, Josh, sort of principle is really he did that did not cover because I'm a I'm a believer that that's a really good process to work with. So if you've got like an a kind of idea or concept, if you get the kind of like the visualise the cover or visualise the sort of main art for it, just one piece, it can really, like really inspire it really inspired me to like, push on and push on. And also, I'm under no delusion that Josh's art really helped sell the Kickstarter, because we launched with all my crappy, crappy, like other crude illustrations. So it's been amazing. And just talk about Joshua minute Josh Somerville is is one of our artists. You know, I hired I hired him initially for the for the cover. And this is an amazing Celtic knot artists are not acid Gemini, you know, doesn't he doesn't know us not so any sort of not you want really. But then he's so enthusiastic. There was like, you know, Can I can I work on anything else? I said, well, I need I need like creatures been really the best, or you need insurance and creatures being made. But they need to be in a kind of Legend of Zelda style. So like, almost like quite quite, you know, child friendly, and kind of like whimsical. And he just turned his hand to it easily. And then I was like, We need locations, don't we need location. And he's like, Oh, I've got I can do watercolours. So, by the end of the project, he done like, three main areas of the whole book. And it was just, it was such a boom, you know, it's amazing. He's an incredible person to work with as well. And, and we had the similar thing with the call out for the sign language element. So I thought that'd be really difficult. And it is obviously really difficult. Because when we launched the Kickstarter, originally, we thought, we're not going to fund very much. So we'll have to link people to like the British Sign Language Association, say, so get your alphabet here. You know, and play it a lot, you know, use it alongside the game, but thankfully, we raised like 30 grand so it gave us the money and it's my my greatest kind of wish was to have our own bespoke Sign Language material. And that's what ended up happening is absolutely Ashley, Ashley Grace has done our signings material, and made it really diverse, you know, got all different representations on there. It's just, it's just, it's a dream country that that side of things really

Snyders Return:

speaking of dreams and coming through with this project, we've mentioned the artwork we've mentioned, the sign language and bringing the book together with a few of the elements and locations. But what has been what's been potentially your favourite part of the bringing in? Well, we'll move on to how the project continues into the future but as it stands inspiral To live what has been your sort of highlight or favourite part thus far,

Rich - Inspirisles:

I think I think it's kind of, I think, is a culmination of the journey I've taken from from the education really, I think, because I did a creative writing degree and I wanted to be, I had the sort of aspirations of being a novelist. But it is it is 100% The opposite of my personality. Like I'm a massive extrovert. I love chatting to people I love like talking to, you know, about talking people's ears all the time. And yeah, the, the idea of a spin at like a solitary novelist is like hell to me, really. But even when I wrote out University, I always used to go to a cafe and be surrounded by like, noise and like, you know, activity and life. So um, so I think my favourite part of it is finding like, developing a role playing game and working with a team. You know, like team management, all this like, back and forth, getting stuff into my inbox, like organising music, all these amazing things like talking to us, you know, like the, my deaf colleagues and my friends and like, saw another tutorial videos, producing them all these things, I find it absolutely riveting. And I wouldn't exchange it for anything, I think I think I've really found my sort of my sort of like cooling really, with the collaboration aspect of it. It's no coincidence that we're really trying to double down on collaboration within the game. Because I'm a great believer in that sort of passion of mine. So yeah, so I would say it was it was like, fueling my extrovert and pizza really, in a positive way.

Snyders Return:

Yeah. Yeah. No, it's amazing. And, you know, I've seen you on social media reaching out to various people, various people have been sort of reaching out to yourselves trying to get involved. So having that sort of collaboration across the, the TTRPG family as well, the community must, must be a real boon to know that people had sort of taken this project on and taken it seriously.

Rich - Inspirisles:

I love it. Yeah, it's just, it's everyday, it's just, it's just fun, really, you know, even the potential of making a career is just really, really humbling, you know, it's really, it's fantastic, really.

Snyders Return:

And speaking of making it a career, if people go to your website, again, which I will put a link to, or your link tree, or or both, I'll put links down there for people to go to, across the tabs we've got about yourselves, we've got inspire hours, and then there's a there's a cheeky third tab there for overall. So what's been like, moving the, the law of the land, the story and everything forward and taking into the future?

Rich - Inspirisles:

Well, the intention from the start, and it's not, I don't think it's particularly traditional thing to do that I don't receive many role playing trilogies. Because because I've got a history of being a novelist, maybe I'm still thinking that way, I still think like a trilogy of books. So So the intention was to make inspro, then overalls, which would be set in the, like a sky kingdom, it ties very closely to the law from the first game, like quite moving quite smoothly, actually. And then the third game would be undertrial. So it'd be in the, in the region, which is kind of like our version of the underworld. And it's just sort of caverns and your nutritional kind of like, underworld kind of area. And the reason for doing three games is not just having these diverse settings, and this new law and, and a new type of sign language, which will come in, it will still be still be British Sign Language in American Sign Language. But it's called feathering this time around. So whereas the first game was shaping, feathering is about bonding with the birds, you fly the giant sort of herons called Nimbus. And there'll be about communicating while in flight. So if you imagine your, your your flying, like, you know, like 1520 metres from your companion, then you can communicate through sign language or through feathering while you're in the air heading towards these islands. But it's not just that it's to this for the three games to be finished, and then have like, a huge sign language learning element to it. So you have all that material, all those sheets. And then we want to put them into one big kind of book and one set of video tutorials. And if we make enough money, maybe make an app, which be amazing. If you can have an app if you can have instantly, like you know, what's the sign for like, bird, you can go straight to it by typing into the app that that's kind of the dream, that's kind of what we want. And that will 100% be a stretch goal. A very high stretch goal, but we got to aim high for the sky.

Snyders Return:

So definitely got to have them goal set. And you know, building all this out and bringing all this information together and compiling it running the game. So we've mentioned the 3d Six system we've mentioned shaping and how To sign language, either British Sign Language or American Sign Language is going to be not only used in the first game but expanded into the feathering. What advice do you give for the Grail guide, the person that's going to run these questing days for the, for the group,

Rich - Inspirisles:

I think, I think because I think that's one of the elements of the book that's been kind of highlighted by people is the Grail guide, sort of tutorials. So the first half of the first game is for players and the Grail guide, it's got background, it's got like character creation. The second half is dedicated to the G the GM basically is as cool as Grail Gaiden in our case, and because it's such a simple intuitive system, basically, it just basically takes six storytelling archetypes. So you've got sword shield, smarts, survival, social as five actually, the five elements of the archetypes kind of based on like storytelling subtypes is you create a questing Day, which essentially like a mini adventure using those five archetypes or combination of them. So you if you have like a Helm's Deep Lord of the Rings type session, you could have like three sword and two shields, for your for your questing day, and you just write down next to it, what that scenario is, and it organically goes into the other ones. So that could be a puzzle elements with speed and one so that so is six main game speed as well. So that's like a timed puzzle or timed kind of like tests, and they all linked to different things. So sword would be battle shield would be defence speed would be timed. Social would be like, communicative. And then, yeah, survival is the environment working against you, or overcoming. So it's really intuitive. I think people, you know, as young as 10 could probably run a session, you know, if you've got some roleplay experience, then it's very intuitive. It's very quick to pick up. And that's kind of what we wanted, you know, we want we want, we don't want it to be like, so rules like that, that experience role players can't invest in it, or can't get funding from it. Because I didn't want that either. But that's why it's an all ages game. So it can go for anywhere from you know, like, like, say like 13 Plus, all the way up to any experience level. Yeah, absolutely.

Snyders Return:

Under the book itself, the font is is not a not a Times New Roman, shall we say? It seems to? Was that a conscious choice of font to help bring the game to play as?

Rich - Inspirisles:

Yeah, everything. Everything was really about accessibility, really. I mean, we did we looked at we consulted with quite a few dyslexic people on social media, and they gave us some advice about certain fonts to use. And century Gothic came up as one option. And I really liked the way it looks on the page. So we've used that predominately through it. And Anna Urbanek is our book designer. A lot of people would have heard of her because of the herbalist primer that she just kicked started. But she's an incredible job with with the book design and and making it very, very readable. You know, the way it's bullet pointed tables, the colour contrasts, everything works really well, the way that images are set on the page. I couldn't be happier with it really. And yeah, accessibly through it, you know, like the way that this is set up for e readers and stuff as well. You know, if you click on the check on the chapter in the PDF, it goes straight to that chapter. So your chapter headings, you know, it's little things like that little quality of life things. And we want to carry that on for the rest of the games really. Nice. always accessible.

Snyders Return:

And yeah, well speaking of accessibility and and sort of through life and ease of life, if someone wants to go and pick it up now wants to sort of support yourselves and sort of get into into the world and into the signing and things like that. Where can they go and pick the game up?

Rich - Inspirisles:

It's on HBO, mainly the PDF, the hard copies actually arriving in November. So so we're waiting on them to come there'll be stunning there, there'll be like little lovely a five hardcovers with like gold stamp foil covers of Josh's not work. So we'll have a storefront for them on the website. You can get the game on it show the link provided below and we'd love you to follow the overalls. So having an email signup through backer kit. So again, I'll give you Adam the details of that in the doobly doo. And then we can Yeah, sign up for that and get updates on it and you know, I'm going to slowly put updates I've just, I've just shown the the launch video for the Kickstarter off Got a lot of a lot of interest from people, huh?

Snyders Return:

No, not surprised. Not surprised at all. So someone's like, you know what I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go and pick this up. Whether it's the setting, whether it's the sign language or whatever, that's the rules light, but yet narrative gameplay that draws people in? Are there any examples of actual plays that they can maybe sort of have a listen to have a watch of any way you can sort of direct people for, for, you know, getting a little bit of experience and exposure with it?

Rich - Inspirisles:

Yeah, I mean, I mean, the best place to go I mean, there's been a review on YouTube by Dave Thermador. He's got popular YouTube videos, and he did a review on that he tells you a lot there. At dice breaker, actually, magazine, UK media outlet, they've done an article on it, you can find that as well. And we've actually done an actual play. And one point with Luna on her channel, so

Snyders Return:

yeah, I am sure I can put links again, there's, there's gonna be a lot of links down below. But there's, there's so much so much great content coming out from from what you guys, you and the team have put together. There's, there's some great characters mentioned, do you have any favourite characters in the book? The current release? I should say?

Rich - Inspirisles:

Yeah, well, ampion I have, I'd be remiss not to say my, my both my daughters are in the game. So um, so Willow is the ancestor of Merlin. And she put them both in the game and Lucille noir Lisa, another character artists basically painted them as as, like our elder teams. And that was such a bus to see them on there and to show to show my daughters, their pictures, their representations in the game. So yeah, I have to, say, Matilda, and Willow. Because they, they're charming. Anyway, they got charming backstories. Anyway, so yeah, and, but most people can't discuss either the four inspired who's their favourite kind of element, and their personality type, because they got they have those siblings, and they clash in really dynamic ways, really. Volatile ways. And, and the but the most popular of everything we've done is Josh made these little puppies, elemental puppies, called gogs. And they are and we're making pins for the for the overalls, Kickstarter. So we'll stretch goals or something like that. And they're really popular little puppies. And you get you get one if you roll a crit in the game. So instead of instead of getting double damage or something, you get a little bit depending on element, you're sort of like wielding, Hmm,

Snyders Return:

sounds very cute. And yet, I found that he was gonna say inspiring, but I can't keep using that word, even though it's, it's so true. So I mean, you've gone through, you're going through the creative process, again, with overalls put in and and you did so with in spirals. someone that wants to learn from your experience is is revised, you could give somewhere somewhere that you could sort of guide them to just to help support themselves nurture their own creative desire and goals,

Rich - Inspirisles:

I think, I think, because we've just scratched the bar is is my friend on I met through Twitter and intervention. With her she's set up a thing called the bar Commons. So it's like a workshop in kind of platform to provide workshops for people and mentorship. Within the role playing space, I think that's one avenue you can take, I think you can you can you can join, like there's a storytelling collective as well as another one, another big one. So I've joined them before and they've been really, really beneficial. So joining a learning from people have experiences is completely irreplaceable, really. But the thing I found which is which is free, it takes a little bit of imposter syndrome to do but like just asked him for help. That's basically what it comes down to. I think I just reaching out to people all the time. Because, you know, nine out of 10 times people are willing to help you and if they haven't got time, or the inclination or the experience, they'll just tell you, you know, it's not the end of the world. You know, and a lot of times people appreciate that communication, you know, like I need in their life. There's so many things I don't know, I don't know, you know, simple things. I didn't know anything for the beginning really, especially about game design. I've had to do a lot of reading but but mainly I've just learned from other people. For instance, you know, how do you set up a Kickstarter campaign you just read a lot of other people's it's it's as simple as that really, and he's reached out and you know, You know, all the time, basically. So try and put the Kickstarter, you know the imposter syndrome aside, just for it on occasion, and reach out to people even if you think that they, they're too busy to help you. Yeah,

Snyders Return:

great advice. Great advice. So with spirals and overalls, you know, deep one released one in the works to be sort of Kickstarter two brought to us in the lot to near distant future. That's a very strange sentence, I'm probably never use that word again. And your, your work with with the def and things like that? Do you get time to relax? Do you get some downtime to yourself? How do you sort of unwind? Do you? How do you unwind and sort of give yourself some time,

Rich - Inspirisles:

to be honest, like I said, Before, I get a great deal from the from the team element and from, from like, keeping things ticking along organised, I think, I see this as like, like a dream career. And I think it would be for me, I think for some people, it would be like, you know, I've got to promote this, or I've got to, like, talk to these people got sort of the, you know, the business account out there. But for me, it's like, you know, how, although I do love the job, we work in my wife and I, we've been on minimum wage for the best part of 20 years, you know, we've never broken out of that, and I'm not being I'm not being ungrateful, because like, you know, we're fine, you know, we're fine, we're doing fine. And part of that struggle for money and, you know, your livelihood is, is is fine, but it means that you appreciate even more when you have an opportunity like this, and that it can potentially move into something big, and something that you really enjoy day to day. So so, you know, even writing a game like me to have the opportunity to put the kids into school, and then go down to the local cafe and write all morning is unbelievable. Like, like 10 years ago, we never imagined that would have happened.

Snyders Return:

So with all of that, sort of new commitment into into this creative output, you know, your, your work and family life and all that sort of thing. Do get to play many TTRPG is at the moment, or are you more work focused, as the creative juices are flowing, shall we say?

Rich - Inspirisles:

I think it's taken over a lot. I used to play a lot more. I read a lot of role playing games. Because for research mainly because I want to go into different areas of, you know, Sr, different systems and different mechanics. Like for instance, journaling, the journaling RPG really really appeals to me because I've got a writing background. So it's kind of like a natural kind of like, something I can move into. And that's what I'm that's what I'm developing with Josh, we're developing game called load which will be like a journaling, role playing game using tarot cards. So I'm really, really interested. And you can imagine how good that's going to look with Josh's Josh's a heart on everything. So, yeah, it's gonna be pretty extraordinary. So um, so yeah, so as taken over a lot we're still playing. They're still played d&d once a fortnight. I don't run games. I still play with scripts channel with the is there a setting? That's on on Twitch? So yeah, it's just, you know, it's enough. It's enough. Like, essentially, I'm playing once a week and that's, that's enough for me. Really, you know, with all the other commitments I've got. I spend the rest of time with the girls really? Yeah.

Snyders Return:

Not clearly not not a problem now not not a criticism either. So now that's really nice. You know, we've covered through this your creative process your your your products, you know the games you're putting out your inspirations Thank you brain kicking into gear from the Celtic folklore and things like that. Is, is there anything we haven't touched on? Do you want to discuss, I just the

Rich - Inspirisles:

only thing I want to say is that people don't really realise this is that all the sign language material, which we're producing is obviously consulted on by Deaf tutors. But once it's being produced on the page, we then we then make video tutorials to go with it to accompany and they're accessible through the PDF. They got a look at like a password essentially to our website. And you can unlock every single element of site and see how it's before how it's actually signed properly. You know, the mouse shape and the hand, the hand shaping everything fingerspelling so, I really want to point that out to people now you know, like that. If you buy any of the games you're going to have a lot of material to work with. You know, and as what Dave Turnbull pointed out on his review, he said that was like the highlight of it the level accessibility with the actual learning elements. So we're really proud of that, you know, and they're also like produced by my deaf colleagues, Raj and Katie and, and it's really lovely to involve my friends from the job.

Snyders Return:

Yeah, absolutely. So it's, you know, it's accessible. It's accessible, resourceful, enjoyable, educational, there's, there's so many words to throw in, in praise of everything you're putting together and putting out for general lease through your website and itchin and other other locations. You know, rich, it's been such a pleasure. I know we've had this lined up for a while and had to try and change. But it's been, it has been a real pleasure to get you on the show. And I learn about in spirals and everything that's that you've got coming up and moving forward. woad sounds like it could be a future purchase of mine. So I'll be looking out for that in the future. But

Rich - Inspirisles:

thank you. Lovely being on.

Snyders Return:

What just before we go, just in case, people have got to the end of the interview in the like, where do I go? Where do I go? Would you mind reminding everybody where they can find you and your output on social media, please?

Rich - Inspirisles:

Yeah, so come to come to visit me on twitter. I said, let's have a chat on Twitter at hatchling DM and my link trees in the BIOS. So just click on that. And then you get all the all the links to everything, including the overall kind of pre launch Kickstarter page. And we'll be at Dragon meat in December in the UK some before. So if you want to meet my wife and I, that'd be awesome. We like to make friends in real life. We're some role playing colleagues. And and then shortly after that released the pre launch for the Kickstarter for the overalls, and then we actually launched in February first, officially for that month. And, yeah, this time we've got better organisation actually got a fulfilment company helping me this time, instead of that's the one area of role playing development that I don't want to revisit. Leave the ship into others.

Snyders Return:

Hmm, definitely yet. So Well, thank you for that last little bit of insight, which which may catch other creators out who haven't maybe thought about that? Yeah. Definitely wanted to take away as a final thought maybe outreach. I'd love to get you back on once overalls launches, and we'll see how how the story develops. And if we can, we'll get a get a game with that as well. Yes, that'd

Rich - Inspirisles:

be brilliant.

Snyders Return:

Well, thank you so much for coming on. It's been a real pleasure. And I look forward to speaking to you again. Thanks, Alan. Thank you for listening. If you'd like to learn more about the show, then go to www dot Snyder's Alternatively, you can find us over on Twitter. At return Snyder, you have a link tree link in the description of this episode. And if you want to support us, come and join us over on Patreon. And we also have a Discord server. Please leave us a review because we'd love to learn how to improve the channel and provide better content alpha for those who are listening until we until we speak again. Thank you

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