MOJO Maker for Womxn in Tech

Episode #11: Paying it Forward in Infosec with Gaylynn Fassler

Karen Freeman Worstell Season 1 Episode 11

Episode 11: Show Notes.

This week we explore the challenges of landing an entry-level position in the cyber-security discipline and how tough that is for one woman — even with a Master’s degree in criminology, with a focus on cyber-crime. On today’s episode of MOJO Maker, we welcome Gaylynn Fassler, an information security professional, based in Raleigh, NC. Gaylynn works as an information security analyst focusing on security education and awareness. She is passionate about security and enjoys being able to share her knowledge with others to help them understand how to be more secure. During our conversation, Gaylynn shares with us the path that finally landed her a role as a cyber-security professional, how paying it forward paid off, and what she would change in our industry if she had a magic wand. She turns the tables and asks me, your host Karen Worstell, a great interview question as well! So stay tuned for the show to hear Gaylynns’ candid and refreshing perspective as one of the up and coming cyber-security professionals in our community.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Gaylynn shares her education pathway to information security.
  • How Gaylynn uses her experience to break down barriers and help women get into cyber-security.
  • How she would change the industry if she had a magic wand: How we hire people.
  • The problem with the lack of diversity in the cyber-security industry.
  • Gaylynn shares the best thing about the industry she’s discovered thus far.
  • The distinction between a mentor and a sponsor and how they are beneficial.
  • Gaylynn asks our host a great interview question.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Create Your Leading Edge Challenge

Karen Worstell

MOJO Maker

Gaylynn Fassler on LinkedIn

Gaylynn Fassler on Twitter