Motherhood Aligned

Introduction To Motherhood Aligned & My Story

Katy Weade Season 1 Episode 1

In this first episode of Motherhood Aligned, Katy Weade shares what to expect from this podcast and how she got here.

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Katy Weade:   0:00
Welcome to Motherhood Aligned. I'm your host, Katy Weade and this podcast is for moms on a mission to bust through the overwhelmed and live life on purpose. If you're ready to feel in alignment with who you're truly meant to be, then you're in the right place. And if you're anything like me, then I know you're a busy mama juggling a 1,000,000 things at once. But we can't just let life happen to us and get lost in the busy-ness. We need to take the reins and live proactively. This show is about real Mom's focused on family, feeling good and finding ways to not just survive but thrive in motherhood and life. Sound good, Awesome. Let's dive in. Hey there, everyone. Thanks so much for tuning in and being a part of the Motherhood Aligned official launch. I'm Katy Weade, and I have been wanting to do this podcast for literally a couple of years, and I'm finally making the space for it. I know we're in an era right now where it seems like everyone has a podcast, but I'm proud to officially add my name to that list. I say the more people sharing positive messages into the world the merrier. So if you're wanting to start a podcast and you haven't done it yet because you're afraid there's already too many out there. Believe me, I've been there and I went through all those fears already. This is your sign. Just go for it, turned those negative thoughts around and do it. I've realized that everyone has a unique message to share. So here I am, sharing mine, and I'm glad you're here for it. So I know when I find a new podcast, I often go back to the very first episode to see what it's all about and who the host is and all that good stuff. I'm gonna take this time to tell you a little bit more about me and what to expect. I started Motherhood Aligned as a way to connect with other women who want to live intentionally and in alignment with who they truly envisioned themselves to be. And I use the word aligned and alignment all the time because I'm all about aligning all of the areas of my life so that they could work cohesively together. It's really about setting yourself up for success in both motherhood and everyday life. So many of us are bogged down with the busy-ness of trying to balance work, family, self-care and just life in general. But when we slow down just a bit to live more purposefully and to align our lives with the things that truly make us happy, life becomes easier, more enjoyable, and you become more in tune with the things that really matter to you. For me, what matters most is my family. So I have intentionally aligned my life and priorities to reflect that I'm also building my business around it, coaching moms and families through parenting and any of the overwhelming things that come with feeling out of alignment in the show you'll literally hear from me. But I've also got some amazing guests lined up who are also navigating motherhood and following their passions. But in the meantime, I wanted to share a bit of my story so you can get a clear picture of the voice behind the mic. My career path is a little less traditional than most people's because I have a couple of twists and turns, but I'll tell you I started in sales and I laugh because my first job out of college was selling postage meters, of all things, not the most glamorous of jobs. But I did it because I knew I needed some real-world experience and they had a great sales training program. I also knew that it would set me up for my next best step, which I talked about a lot to is what's the next best step in your life right now? But for me, at that time, it was the next best step to get me into pharmaceutical sales. And I loved pharma sales because it was like running my own little business. I work from home, and I managed a pretty large territory in northern Illinois and part of Wisconsin. But a few years into that, I had an opportunity to truly start my own business with my two brothers in the arts and crafts industry shortly after launching, that we were acquired by the largest arts and crafts retailer in the world. As part of that deal, I was contacted to go work for them for two years as a director. I found myself thrown into a corporate environment for the first time ever and while I learned a ton, I hated it. One of my biggest takeaways as someone in her mid /upper twenties joining a corporate environment for the first time was that there were so many people who just seemed so unhappy. They were working hard, but just going through the motions and super stressed out and miserable. Luckily, I knew that I only had a two year contract and wouldn't be there forever. But I couldn't understand why so many other people would willingly stay somewhere. They were unhappy, and that sticks with me to this day and fuels me to want to help others who are feeling stuck in any area of their life. In the meantime, while I was slaving away in the corporate world, one of my brothers stayed in Chicago and began setting the groundwork for our next business venture. Eventually, I moved back home and we launched an online craft store and had an awesome community of crafters. We stayed in the arts and crafts industry because we loved it, and none of the big players were selling online yet, which I know it sounds crazy, but it was a very slow industry to adapt which gave us a great opportunity to jump in. We grew that company from zero to a $1,000,000 in less than a year and turned it into a multimillion-dollar business. I loved the products and building the business, but my favorite part was the community we built online. I was able to use that platform to connect with other women and help be a bright spot in their day through giveaways, Facebook lives and, most of all, true connection. Eventually, we did sell that company to one of those bigger players who hadn't made it online yet. And I found myself at a point in my life where I was rapidly approaching 40 years old and not sure what was next. I knew what I really wanted to do was build another community of like-minded women and spread positivity, but I had to figure out how to do that again and in a different industry. All the while, the theme of people I had seen throughout the years unhappy with their circumstances never left the back of my mind. I had all these questions, though How could I help others follow their true desires? What am I doing differently that is working so well in my life. What does the world need more of? What am I passionate about? Well, I know I'm passionate about parenting. I'm passionate about living intentionally. I'm passionate about helping others. I love podcasts, productivity and making life easier so that each day could be full of joy. These are the things that I love, and that will be the backbone of Motherhood Aligned. For the past couple of years, I've been studying working on certifications and life coaching and parenting and laying the foundation for a future that I am so excited about. And I'm so glad you're here to see it unfold. While doing all of my classes and legwork in the background, I found what I thought was going to be an amazing career opportunity to hold me over until I got things really going with Motherhood Aligned. It was director of brand marketing for a very large company that came with great benefits and a healthy six figure salary. But there was one big problem. It was another corporate job. We all know how that 1st 1 went, but I convinced myself that it would be different than my first corporate experience because it was years later, different circumstances. And I thought some structure would actually be good for me after doing my own thing for so many years. They also did a great job convincing me that while they were 100 year old company, they were reorganizing and in a start up mode and in desperate need of innovative ideas, it would be like building a new company, but with tons of brand recognition already built in. Plus it was in the floral industry, so my mission to spread positivity would be fulfilled. So I thought so. I went for it. And you know what? I was miserable. I knew pretty quickly that I couldn't stay there long term and needed to continue down the path of coaching and doing my own thing. But I also still needed to pay the bills. It takes time to build a business from scratch. Well, at this point, I was literally crying almost every night trying to figure out what my next move Waas. How do I get out of his job that I took and still support my family? What if I go out on my own with motherhood? aligned and fail. I know what most people do. They stick it out in the job and suck it up. They cry it out and then put on a brave face the next day because they feel like they have to. Well, not me. I figured out a way to get out of there, found a job with the same salary, and it gave me more time to work on my coaching business and podcast. The only secret to doing that was working hard and taking the next best step every single day to get what I wanted. And here I am now talking to all of you, finding my own way to spread positivity and help others. I'm living in alignment with my purpose more authentically than ever before, and I'm purposely taking steps to get where I want to be day after day. So again, welcome to the official launch of motherhood aligned keep an eye out for weekly episodes and some amazing interviews coming your way. I'm excited to share with you the guests that I've been interviewing because we tackle so many of the topics that we're faced with in parenting and life in general. In the meantime, if you want to connect, you can find me at motherhood align dot com or on Facebook and Instagram @motherhoodaligned.  Thank you so much for tuning in to Episode one and I'll talk to you soon. Hey, real quick before you go. I just wanted to say Thank you so much for listening. If anything you heard in this episode resonated with you, I would be so grateful if you leave a review on iTunes so more people can find us. Also, check out for more resources and be sure to say hi on Facebook and Instagram @motherhoodaligned. I'll talk to you soon.