Motherhood Aligned


Katy Weade Season 1 Episode 6

In light of what’s going on in the world around us I will not be sharing our regularly scheduled podcast. Instead, I’ll be using this space to share the names of black people slain by police violence or victims of hate crimes. I will also be sharing some resources that I’ve come across and that I am utilizing to educate myself further on racism. I strongly encourage you to do the same. 

These names only represent a very small handful of victims of racism but their names deserve to be known and heard. 

Trayvon Martin Age 17 killed in 2012

Tamir Rice Age 12 killed in 2014

Michael Brown Age 18 killed in 2014

Eric Garner age 43 killed in 2014

Sandra Bland Age 28 killed in 2015

Freddie Gray age 25 killed in 2015

Alton Sterling age 37 killed in 2016

Philando Castile age 32 killed in 2016

Botham Jean age 26 killed in 2018

Atatiana Jefferson age 28 killed in 2019

Ahmaud Arbery age 25 killed in 2020

Doug Lewis age 39 killed in 2020

Breonna Taylor age 26 killed in 2020

George Floyd age 46 killed in 2020


Black Lives Matter. Visit to learn about and support the ongoing fight to end State-sanctioned violence, liberate Black people, and end white supremacy forever.

Visit The Conscious Kid on Instagram for some resources for talking with your children about racism

There’s an article by Corrine Shutack titled 75 Things White People Can do for Racial Justice - it is continually updated to ensure each item is accurate and needed today.

Shared google doc with loads of  anti-racism resources including podcasts to listen to, books to read, important articles, and more

You can contribute to the George Floyd Memorial Fund

Thank you. Let's ALL be a part of the change.